My Little Mages: Erisomachy

by Foxhelm

Apokatástasi και I Anástasi Tis Armonías

Twilight walked into her room and levitated a suitcase onto the bed. “Spike, pack your things we are leaving,” she said as in a depression. She started to place the tiara in the case when she heard Spike groan. She turned from her bed to the little bed for Spike and next to it was a fair number of scrolls. Spike then buffed up another scroll and continued to groan. She walked over and picked up one of the scrolls. “These are the letters I sent to Princess Celestia since I mo…” Twilight then levitated all of the scrolls unrolling them as she read through them. “All the letters my friends sent as well…” Twilight was confused “Why would…”

Spike clearly in pain crawled out of this bed and picked up a scroll Twilight did not levitate. “Dear Twilight [groan], Discord might have posed [groan] limits on you, but [groan], his chaotic mind prevents him from thinking through plans [groan]. These are lessons you and your friends have learned, it’s time to see if you actually understand them [groan]. Princess Celestia.” Spike held his stomach “PS, Spike I am so sorry.” He moaned as he rolled onto his back.

Twilight picked him up and placed him on her bed. “I get it, Discord knows my friendship is stronger than him and he’s afraid of it so he’s tried to get us to break it because he can’t break it. Thank you, Spike. You rest, I am off to fight for my friendship.” Twilight then kissed his forehead much like an older sister who functions like the mother for the younger sibling. She then left Spike, leaving the door open. Spike moaned but he was at least in a more comfortable place.

Applejack sat on the ground with her back on the barn of Sweet Apple Temple eating an apple, but while normally her bites would take chunks out of the apple, this time around she’s returning pieces of the apple back. The sky was still full of cotton candy as chocolate milk rained down as the corn continued to pop, “And so Ah tried to defeat Discord, but none of mah so-called "friends" would lift a hand to help mah.” Applejack lied to Granny Smith.

“Hello, my baby,
Hello, my honey,
Hello my ragtime gal,” Granny Smith sang off-key as she tap-danced away from the scene.

“Applejack!” Applejack heard as she turned and there was Twilight standing there with her focus gem glowing brightly. “I'm here to fight for our friendship.” she continued to speak as the paladin rose to her feet to confront the arcane mage. Unbeknownst to Applejack, there was a magic circle at Twilight’s feet and it was expanding.

As Applejack dusted off her armor, “Oh, so now yah want to fight. W’ere yah went w’en Ah was battlin' Discord?” the paladin asked, she seemed to believe that statement and the other ones she had been making and was about to walk away.

Twilight took out a needle and throw it at Applejack, as it flew “HOLD!” Twilight shouted and her spell met its target. Applejack tried to struggle free but much like when they fought The Tantabus she could not. “Snap out of it.” Twilight continued as took Applejack by her upper-arms “This isn't you! You're not a liar.” She proclaimed as she placed the tip of her focusing crystal on Applejack’s forehead where Discord placed his talon. “REMEMBER!”

Applejack froze as everything that happened since concerning her since Twilight moved to Magiville, last fall when her distant cousins ‘helped’ with the cider season, how she helped mend the relationship between Sweetie Belle and Rarity, how she fostered the chance for Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo to become sisters in all but blood, just to list a few. As the memories came back her skin, hair, eyes, clothes, etc returned to their proper shade. She shook her head when she recovered “Wh-what happened?” She asked confused. “Twilight!” she exclaimed as the Hold spell ended. Her eyes started to tear. “Ah had a vision of us feudin' and fightin'. Ah couldn't face the truth, so Ah started tellin' lies. Ah failed as a paladin, as a friend, can yah ever forgive mah?” Applejack said as she hugged Twilight in sorrow.

“ATONEMENT!” Twilight called as the magical circle finished expanding and glowed with a granny smith green light. The circle then started to shrink and closed around Applejack. As it vanished it sent the light into Applejack and after a second it was gone. Twilight caught the paladin as she lowered herself to the ground. “I already have, Applejack.”

Applejack looked at Twilight, “Did yah just cast…” Twilight nodded. Applejack hugged Twilight tight. “Thank yah so much, Sugarcube,” she said through tears of relief.

Twilight ended the hug, “Come on, I need your help with everyone else!” Applejack nodded and the two headed towards Fluttershy’s cottage.

Fluttershy was alone in her cottage, all the animals were cowering in fear outside. She didn’t need them, she didn’t need anyone. She was all she needed, “Maybe I should look up Iron Will.” She said to herself. There was a rapid knock at her door. “Get lost!” she shouted. Just then she realized that her door was not locked and it swung open with a fair amount of force. There Applejack and Twilight stood. “What do you two losers want?” She asked as she turned away from.

“We’re here to fight for our friendship!” Twilight exclaimed pointing at Fluttershy. Applejack face-palmed herself as she walked past Twilight and grabbed Fluttershy by her upper arms holding her. “Applejack what are you…”

Fluttershy then started to trash around grunting and growling like a raging bull. “GET OFF ME! I WON’T GO BACK!” Fluttershy shouted, however, she could not break free from Applejack’s hold.

“Anytime, Sugarcube,” Applejack stated.

Twilight then concentrated her magic to her focusing gem like when she confronted Applejack. “REMEMBER!” She shouted as her focusing gem made contact with the center of Fluttershy’s head.

Fluttershy’s eyes flashed as she started to remember everything since Twilight moved to Magiville, like when she was able to overcome her agoraphobia and saved Rainbow Dash’s reputation during the water gathering, when she stared down a cockatrice defending the CMC and the time she acknowledged she did not want to be a model to list a few, “Oh no! Twilight, Applejack, I just had the worst dream…” She then remembered everything that happened since Discord placed his paw on her forehead as her hair, skin, clothes, etc returned to their normal shade. “It wasn’t a dream. Oh, I am so sorry.” Fluttershy said as Applejack turned around her and hugged her petting her.

Twilight walked over and hugged the two, “It’s okay. Now got to get Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said as she ended the hug and started to head out Applejack and Fluttershy followed her.

It took the three about half an hour to get to Rarity’s boutique, Applejack gave a cough to clear her throat, “Excuse me, I am in need of a new dress.” Applejack said as if she was a Manahatten debutante as she opened the door.

“I’ll be right...wait...what…” Rarity asked as she noticed Applejack. Applejack rapidly closed the distance and took hold of Rarity much like how the paladin held Fluttershy. Twilight began to repeat what she did for Applejack and Fluttershy.  As she reached Rarity and Applejack she started to dip her head. “What do you think you're doing? Get away from me! Get away--!”

“REMEMBER!” Twilight said as her focusing gem touched Rarity’s forehead as she grunted. Rarity's eyes shot open as she started to remember everything she, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Twilight had experienced since Twilight arrived, such as when she reconciled with her sister, when she attempted she was jealous of Fluttershy of her brief modeling career, and when she tried to sell herself as greater than she was among a few of the Chantalot elite. As the spell was complete Rarity's skin, hair and gown returned to their normal shade. She looked around seeing the boulder. Applejack then released the enchantress.

Rarity used her magic to open her door as wide as possible and then levitate the boulder and sent it flying it out of the shop as she dusted off her hands, “Let us never speak of this again.” Rarity requested. “I am so sorry, Darlings. Let’s see, Fluttershy, Applejack… We need Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.”

“Where do we find Pinkie Pie?” Twilight asked, not entirely sure where to go.

“Big hint, Sugarcubes, Ah call yah all it,” Applejack said as she pointed out one of the windows towards a grumpy Pinkie Pie that was eating a cupcake outside Sugarcube Corner.

Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity gave an “Oh.”

“Pinkie Pie still has her sweet tooth,” Applejack said as she headed out.

Discord was making a throne when he got hit in the back of his head forcing him to shatter like glass. “Ow,” he said as he pulled himself back together and looked to see that the boulder he tricked Rarity to take was used to strike him. He scratched his head with his talon but then shrugged his shoulders and went back to making his throne.

Pinkie Pie looked bored at the cupcake she was eating. She felt a tap on her right shoulder, “What do yo...” Twilight placed her focusing crystal on Pinkie Pie’s forehead cutting the jester off mid-sentence.

“REMEMBER!” Twilight said as the light entered the jester. Pinkie Pie then started to remember the last year, such as when she came on too strong welcoming Cranky to Magiville, when she tried to spend time with everyone at the same time and when she tried to change the attitude of Rainbow Dash’s friend, Gilda, among other events. Pinkie Pie then jumped into the air as her hair, skin, clothes, etc with a song in her heart. As Pinkie Pie landed she looked at Twilight and then started to cry. Twilight hugged her, “It’s okay Pinkie, I understand.” Twilight then ended the hug. “I am just glad to have you back.”

Pinkie Pie gave a sniffle ending her crying, “This will make an interesting joke, just have to think of a punch line.” Pinkie said as she was starting to return to her typical cheer.

“Well, we were all gray for a time.” Rarity offered in an attempt to help the jester.

Pinkie Pie took the position of the Thinker and stuck her tongue out as everyone heard a tick-tick-tick of Pinkie Pie trying to come up with a joke. She then stopped. “I got nothing, maybe after we take care of Discord. Come on let’s get Dashie.” Pinkie took to her feet and started skipping towards a Cumula style cloud house with-in the greater Magiville area but technically outside of Magiville proper. The others followed her.

Fluttershy exited from Rainbow Dash’s cloud house just outside of Magiville proper after half an hour of looking. “I have bad news, she's not here,” she informed the others. They all gave a sigh of frustration over this.

Twilight voiced her concern as Fluttershy floated to the ground, “Without Rainbow Dash, we can't use the Elements.” Applejack patted her on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

“She could be anywhere by now! We're never going to find her.” Rarity said clearly concerned and fainted being caught by Applejack. In any other situation this would have been considered over the top, but given how desperate the situation was it was actually appropriate. But within seconds she smelt Pinkie Pie’s unique smelling salt. “Oh… Darling, please don’t use that again.” Rarity said not happy with what she smelt.

Pinkie Pie then pointed to a lone cloud, “She's right there!” she exclaimed as Rainbow Dash was lying on the nearby cloud like it was beach blanket. Pinkie Pie then pulled out a trampoline from one of her pockets. She then placed it under the cloud and began bouncing up. “Dashie.” Rainbow Dash turned to see Pinkie Pie bouncing. “Hey, Dashie.”

Rainbow Dash looked at awed as Pinkie Pie bounced again. “Pinkie, you’re so random.” She said shaking her head. Pinkie continued changing her face to make it goofy in different ways making Rainbow Dash laughed.

On the ground, Applejack took out a rope she had in her pack. “Um, what are you doing?” Rarity asked in a whisper.

“Exploitin’ Pinkie Pie’s distraction, Sugarcube.” the paladin answered as she tied one end to what Rainbow Dash has secured her cloud house with and then made the other end so that the rope was made into a lasso. She looked to Rarity and Twilight, “Yah two better get something to help keep her from getting away.”

Rainbow Dash was rolling on the cloud as she continued to laugh as Pinkie Pie continued to bounce and employ more gags; such as bizarre glasses, wigs, hats and face paints. As she was completely unaware of the lasso Applejack employed until she felt it tighten around her waist. “HEY!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she felt herself being pulled through the cloud towards the ground. “Ah heck no!” The elementalist shouted in defiance. Rainbow Dash then started to pull the rope.

“Don’t fight mah, Sugarcube!” Applejack said holding tight onto the rope. “Ya’ll hurt yourself! Now just come down willingly!” Applejack grunted as she started to slowly overpower Rainbow Dash.

“BUCK NO!” Rainbow Dash shouted straining against the rope and was starting to equal Applejack's pull on her.

“Ah can’t pull her down on mah own, some help would be nice!” Applejack strained as she started to feel the rope slip between her gloves. Pinkie Pie bounced up and gave Rainbow Dash a small kiss on her check. This caused Rainbow’s wings to stop moving resulting in the elementalist falling to the ground as her face started to blush. Before she could get off the ground Applejack managed to tackle her and had her pinned to the ground.

“Get off me! Lemme go! I don't need you guys! Leave me alone!” Rainbow Dash said as she struggled and failed to get out of Applejack’s hold.

“Anytime,” Applejack said as she struggled to keep Rainbow down.

Twilight repeated what she did before with the other four and as she placed her glowing focusing gem on Rainbow Dash’s forehead. “REMEMBER!” Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash froze as she started to remember everything from since she met Twilight. Most notably when the others taught why she do the right thing for the right reasons, when she learned that she can enjoy reading and that she can both do what others considered impossible despite her own past failures and what she never entertained in the past. As the memories returned her hair, skin, clothes, etc returned to their normal shade. As she shook her head, “Wh-what happened?” Rainbow asked confused looking at each of her friends as Applejack got off her, “How's Magiville? Where are the Elements?! Did we stop Discord?”

Twilight did not answer any as she embraced Rainbow Dash gesturing for the others to join. Twilight felt right, felt whole again as the six hugged. However, she looked up and saw some bisons in ballet dresses, dancing on their rear legs. Everyone else joined her as they looked at the sight. They all gave a subdued laugh. “Maybe it's a little early for a group hug,” Twilight stated as they ended the group hug as Rarity gave everyone back their Elements. They were ready for the final round.

Discord sat on his completed throne, making sure it was fit for a ruler of a globe-spanning empire, right in the center of Magiville. He looked around him and was pleased with the chaos he has seeded thus far. The enlarged rabbits with cloven feet started to run around the town. Also in the town, three bisons dressed as ballerinas, were on their hind legs dancing like in a ballet. Laughing at everything in Magiville and his chaos slowly spreading towards the rest of Mystica. “Oh, how wonderful a thing chaos is.” Discord then leaned back into throne closing his eyes.

“It doesn’t rival friendship.” Discord heard. He opened his eyes and looked ahead to see Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. They were all wearing back in their normal skin tone and everything they wore was its original shade. They also wore their elements, save Twilight who held the Element of Magic.

Discord seemed to not notice the change of the group, save the present of Rainbow Dash as he held a glass of chocolate milk. Discord gave a laugh, “Oh not this again.” and drank the actual glass holding the chocolate milk as a solid. He then threw it over his left shoulder which caused an explosion when it made contact with the ground.

Twilight was unphased, she was resolved and she was resolute, “Yeah this again, because I have learned something. Friendship might be hard, it can  be crippling, but it’s always worth fighting for!”  

“You failed twice, Twilight, you really think you can succeed with the third time? But if you are so desperate, try to use the Elements on me again, go ahead ‘friend’ me.” Discord said expressing that he wanted to gag on this. “Just get this over with. There is so much chaos I really need to get back to.” Discord he shut his eyes and yawned.

The six shared a smile, “Let’s do it,” Rainbow Dash said, “It’s time for him to taste the rainbow.”

Twilight shut her eyes along with everyone else as she lowered the tiara on to her head. A second later she and everyone else opened their eyes being white fields. “DISCORD!” the seventh voice was heard as the six spoke in unison. “TIME TO GO BACK TO STONE!” as the elements carried by Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy sent lights the color of the elements into the Element of Magic.

Discord opened his eyes in shock as if he recognized the voice, it sounded like the third voice of Celestia and Luna when they used the Elements on him the first time, “Wait… you’re still… Oh…”, Discord’s jaw hung open in fear. He started to get out of his throne in a panic, but too late as from the Element of Magic a traditional rainbow jettisoned toward the Erisadies. As it made contact with him, he tried to cover himself, but all he could do was shout “NNNOOO!!!” as he turned to stone starting with his tail and feet and ending with his face frozen in utter disbelief that he was bested and that the six young women had played his game and won, that they were entitled to their one request.

Everyone shut their eyes as they each took off their Element. They opened their eyes and looked at each other and smiled as everything returned to what it was before Discord was set free. “Let’s get him back to Chantalot. But first that group hug.” Twilight commented as the group huddled. “It’s so great to have you all back,” Twilight said in a soft whisper as everyone gave an aww, reaffirming their unity.

The next day, while Discord, in his new petrified state, was stored, Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack were waiting outside the throne room. “I can’t believe we’re standing right here about to held as heroes, this is so awesome.” Rainbow Dash said having a hard time containing herself.

“Easy t’ere, Sugarcube. Deep breath, deep breath.” Applejack said trying to calm Rainbow Dash down. Soon the doors opened and hearing trumpets the six started into the throne room. As the six walked they were greeted by some owed, some awed, and a lot of confusion over how these six young women bested a being able to warp and rewrite existence for his own ends.

In the crowd were Rainbow Dash’s father and Scootaloo, Fluttershy’s parents, Rarity’s parents and Sweetie Belle, The entire Apple Clan, Pinkie Pie’s parents and three sisters and Twilight’s parents. The absence of Shining Armor in the room was noted by Twilight but she understood he had more duties keeping the security of the castle and everyone in it as the Captain of the Royal Guard with this massive ceremony. But everyone was showing pride for the six heroes.

At the end of the walkway Celestia and Luna, in their full regalia, stood. As the six walked Twilight noticed that there was a new stained-glass window depicting their victory over Discord. As they reached the end, all six knelled. “Today we celebrate the heroic actions of these six young women. For the second time since the last Summer Sun Celebration, these six have saved Mystica against a great foe.” Celestia started, handing off to Luna.

“Rise Fluttershy of the Everfree, Bearer of the Element of Kindness, We wish to return this to you,” Luna said as she presented the Element of Kindness to Fluttershy as the druid rose. Turning to Rarity, “Rise Rarity of Magiville, Bearer of the Element of Generosity, We return on to you, what is yours.” As Luna spoke Rarity received the Element of Generosity as she stood. Luna then turned to Rainbow Dash. “Rise Rainbow Dash, Bearer of the Element of Loyalty, this belongs to you.” Rainbow Dash rose as she accepted her element. “Pinkamena Diane ‘Pinkie’ Pie, Bearer of the Element of Laughter, please stand and claim what is rightfully yours.” Pinkie Pie complied as she received her element with a grin that would be impossible on anyone else’s face. Luna then looked on to Applejack, “Paladin of Sweet Apple Temples, Bearer of the Element of Honesty, Applejack Apple, We implore that you rise and accept that which is yours.” Applejack rose as her Element was placed around her neck. Luna stopped and turned to Celestia.

“Twilight Sparkle, my dearest apprentice, the Bearer of the Element of Magic, I return to you that you yourself have made,” Celestia said as she placed the Element of Magic on Twilight’s head. “Rise.” Twilight rose and all six heroes turned to face the assembly. “Behold our subjects, your heroes!” Celestia proclaimed and the room erupted in cheers and applause. The six looked at each other and shared smiles.

Epilogue: Taking A Chance

It was hours later as the day ended and the sun had set, Twilight and company were back in Magiville, while Celestia was on one of the balconies of the Chantalot castle sitting at a table with tea set for two with Sun and Moon themed cups and pot watching Luna guide the moon to its path for the night, “Tis a shame Cadance was not at the ceremony, but someone had to manage the day to day things, such as the paperwork and the…” Luna started but stopped as she did not hear anything from Celestia. She turned, “Is something bothering you, Sister?” Luna asked noticing Celestia’s state of being lost in thought.

It took Celestia a second to snap back to the present. “Sorry, Luna. It’s about Discord and the Elements of Harmony.”

Luna took the open seat on the other side of the table, “Go on.” Luna then poured herself some of the tea.

Celestia sighed, “Discord was able to break free within a year after the Elements of Harmony acquired new bearers, what will happen when they all die, will there be another group able to take on the Elements? Will he break free again? Will the Elements re-attune themselves with us?” Celestia stopped and took a sip of her tea. “I think I made my point.” Luna only nodded twice as she continued to drink her tea, knowing that Celestia barely scratched the surface of all the things that could happen in the long term. Celestia looked at the moon again. “In the long term, it might not be the best thing to try to keep Discord in his current state. We might have to roll the die.”

Luna spat out her tea as she started to cough. After she regained her breath, “You must be pulling Our leg, setting Discord free, and people consider Us insane.”

Celestia only dipped her head, “After I banished… you, I had to make many difficult choices. Let’s just say that there areas in the world that Nightmare Moon is not the one of us people count as a demon.” Celestia said clearly regretting the past as she looked away.

Luna looked at her sister, she knew Celestia already made the choice to set Discord free, without consulting her or Cadance, not that Luna could blame Celestia, she forced Celestia’s hand to be a monarch for a thousand years and Cadance was a relatively recent addition to Celestia's reign. “So how do you plan to make Discord an ally?” Luna asked. “Surely neither you nor Us could reform him and our niece Cadance is out of the question. We doubt any could, he is too erratic for any forms or reformation known to either of us to have any sort of lasting effect.”

Celestia thought and she leaned back, “There is one person that Discord could not use his tricks on, someone that forced Discord to cross a line that he imposed on himself because she is more like him than even he realized.” Celestia finally answered.

“The jester Pinkamina Diana Pie?” Luna asked, remembering the fun-loving trickster who seemed to just ignore the laws of physics left and right, “But didn’t Discord…”

“No, Luna. I was referring to Fluttershy.” Celestia answered. Luna was clearly not convinced. “You trusted me when we tried the Elements of Harmony, you trusted me concerning Scorpan, please let us try?” Celestia asked as she reached her left hand and placed it on Luna’s right.

Luna gave a sigh, “If you think it is the right thing.” Luna answered. “But not until after the Gala, we all could use a break.”

Deep inside the royal vaults Discord, in his new effigial prison, was placed and as the door shut, “Oh this is precious. Looks like the last laugh is still on you after all.” Nightmare Moon laughed at her new cellmate. A muffled remark, possibly an insult, came from the statue as Nightmare Moon continued to laugh.