My Little Pokemon: Rings of Darkness

by Napalm monster

Chapter 16: Bless The Gamers Around The World.

The battle outside Ponyville seemed to shake all of Equestria. While Yveltal and his new followers seemed to be busy searching for Omega and the Prison bottle, an epic battle between Twilight and Tirek seemed to be taking place currently. As some of Yveltals followers couldn't help but peek at the fight between the powerful magic users, and who could blame them, they kept getting distracted by the constant shaking of the ground from each impact created by either Twilight or Tirek. Neither Yveltal or his followers seemed interested in disrupting the magical dispute between the centaur and the powerful alicorn, both headlocked in an epic test of magic and might. To which it seemed both being were of equal prowess.

"Holy horse feathers." Applejack said, glancing as Twilight got thrown into the side of the mountain, "Those two are really fixin' on winning."

"You know," the corrupted Rarity replied, "If I had an ounce of generosity left in me I'd be concerned about this whole debacle between Twilight and that Tirek menace. Unfortunately I'm sated just watching them kill each other."

"Oh yes!" Discord said popping between them, "I love a brutal fight to the death, well recently, not always. But this is fun, who else is hoping for a chance of a severed limb? Hmm? Anypony?"

"I got ten bits on Twilight breaking her wings." Rainbow said, joining them.

The four corrupted beings were instantly interrupted by a massive flurry of wind approaching.

'Enjoying yourselves fools?' Yveltal asked sarcastically.

"Oh sorry master." Applejack apologized, "Just couldn't help but notice how intense things are getting out there."

'Forget those idiots, let them kill each other for all I care. You all still have a job to do.'

"Oh poo!" Discord waved his paw, "All work and no play makes Discord a dull magical creature."

Yveltal snarled, though he was successful in bending their will and morality, he couldn't do much for their individuality, 'YOU WONT BE DOING MUCH OF ANYTHING UNTIL YOU FIND THAT BOTTLE.'

Yveltals minions flinched at the volume of their masters voice until Rainbow spoke up, "Ok Mr. Big, Loud, and Evil, chill, we'll find your stupid bottle thing."

'It isn't stupid, it's the key to conquest. The key to Ultra Space.'

Sitting around a campfire inside the weird chapel like evnviorment felt weird. The sharp bright, holy light from before had suddenly disappeared and the atmosphere turned a bit dark and ominous almost at Arceus's command, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, he is Poke-God after all. We all gathered around the fire. There was me, Arceus, Kyogre, Dialga, Zekrom and finally Victini.

We all sat in silence, I was watching the fire burn the wood, I soon felt immensely uncomfortable with all the staring, every Pokémon was just gazing at me like I committed a felony or murdered someone, it was very unsettling. After telling them my story, from Comic Con to Yveltal and Xerneas, they all remained silent. I would've been the first to speak up after the story, but I was too nervous to be the first one to break the ice. So I just stared at the fire feeling my anxiety and the awkward tension pile high. I stole a quick glance up and they kept staring at me, almost waiting for me be the first to speak.

The tension became to much for me to handle.

"Okay! What!?" I half yelled, "Why are you staring at me like that."

'T'aint it be obvious lad?' Kyogre said.

"No." I simply said with a blank face

'You are a displaced.' Zekrom said

"A what?" I said with a degree of confusion

Arceus stood up on all four to announce something important,

'Sometime ago I've noticed an alarming number of Pokémon and humans disappearing across the multiverse. Both Pokémon and people, they all lead to this particular multiverse. It's not just our world but from your multiverse as well.'

"Wait, my world has a multiverse?" I asked in surprise.

'Of course lad, all worlds have der own set of multiverse's.'

'Ooo tell them about the one with the funny man with the funny haircut becoming president.' Victini smiled.

'And not just your multiverse but other multiverses as well.'

'And they're all being teleported to this one multiverse filled with creatures called ponies. Each world has a human or creature from a different realm. This is the only multiverse where they are being dropped off. You are not the first, nor will you be the last to land in the Pony multiverse.'

"Why that multiverse?" I shrugged

'No idea, some of these displaced all have been brought by purchase of an item by a mysterious merchant.' Zekrom informed.

"Hmm." I peeked up, "I bought something from a guy before appearing in that world full of ponies. A golden 3DS."

'Then he's probably gone from you universe and headed to find another victim across the multiverse. With no trace of him ever exsisting in your previous world.'

'Wait, this item you bought, where is it?'

"Oh," I suddenly wondered, "Yeah where is that darn thing? Wait I got an idea."

I suddenly got up and headed to the door, "Hoopa can you please come in here please."

A ring materializes as Hoopa suddenly appeared out of it on my request.

'Omegakan! You needed Hoopa?'


Me and Hoopa suddenly jolted as Kyogre roared, we turned to him apprehensively as he narrowed his eyes and directed his glare at Hoopa fiercely.

'You!? Don't think I haven't fergotten how ye mindcontrolled me in'ta fightin dat boy in Kalos.'

Dialga shook its head, 'Kyogre that was a different Hoopa.'

'Wat? Dey look da same ta me,' Kyogre then turned to Arceus with an annoyed scowl, 'Arceus ya blasted Pokémon whyd'ya make all Pokémon look da same?'

'They are my creatures I'll make them however I see fit, I can easily replace you with a less annoying Kyogre if I desired.'

'Fine, whatever.'

I quickly turned to Hoopa, "Hoopa you think you can teleport a gold 3DS from my world here, about 'yay big." I said putting an ample amount of space between my hands.

Hoopa nodded, smirking 'Mmm-hmm.'

'Ali-Hoopa-ring!' Hoopa chanted before a ring appeared infront of me, I reached my hand to the other side and pulled out the same golden 3DS that began my adventure in Equestria.

'Let me see that item human.' Arceus ordered.

I nodded obediently and walked towards him with the 3DS, "What are you gonna do with it?"

'For the longest of time, your multiverse has made a habit of playing games invloving my children and creations. Today that changes, atleast for you human.' Arceus said, lifting the golden 3DS with a golden, bright aura.

Arceus proceeded to open his mouth and form a ball of golden energy, at first I thought he would destroy the 3DS but when he fired, a heavenly light shined through my 3DS. I covered my eyes with my arm as a flash of light followed nearly blinding me. After it was done and the light faded I turned to see Arceus holding my 3DS unscathed, no change, except a lot of smoke drifting from it.

'Here.' Arceus said softly, levitating my 3DS back to me.

"What was that all about?" I accepted the 3DS and put it in my bottomless backpack.

'Let's just say I have given it an upgrade, you'll certainly notice when you see it.' Arceus smirked, mischievously.

"O.....kay?" I raised a brow in confusion, "Well can we atleast get down to business to why I came here? Can any of you tell me what's so special about this bottle Yveltal is hunting me for?"

'We should tell him the truth, it's only a matter of TIME.' Dialga said, a subtle gleam flashed across its diamond, forewarning something.

Zekrom growled annoyed, 'You and fucking time puns.'

'Very well.' Arceus nodded and approached me, 'You human, hold the power of Hoopa and Hoopa unbound within that bottle. His power instantly teleports anything and anyone, which make it incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands.'

'Wrong hands, wings, or talons, all those would be Yveltal's.' Victini added.

Arceus nodded, 'Indeed, as you already have been informed, Yveltal is the personification of death in the Pokémon multiverse, his power alone is devastating on its own. The only one who can stop or counterbalance him is his sister. Xerneas.'

"Yeah," I quickly interrupted already aware of this, "Thanks for the info but this isn't news to me. I know all of this."

'Ahh, but have you heard of Ultra Space?'

I stayed silent as me and Hoopa exchanged a quick glance with each other, "The what?"

Arceus walked to the stain glass window depicting himself, Giratina and the legendary Sinnoh duo, 'It is a world between the Pokémon multiverse, older than me if you can believe it. Like the distortion word ruled by Giratina, its utter chaos there. The only imhabintants are creature like Pokémon, called Ultra Beast.'

'Theres only three being with the capability to acess Ultra Space' Dialga informed, 'The Alolan duo, and Hoopa.'

"Alolan duo?" I repeated, clearly confused, "I never heard of that region."

'Without a doubt it's the weirdest.' Zekrom remarked, 'Arceus went to your multiverse's Hawaii before finishing building the Pokeverse and he got the idea of making Hawaii themed Pokémon.'

'Dont forget the Alolan version of generation 1 Pokémon.'

"Hang on, Alolan form? what is that, like mega evolution?" I asked.

'Hardly lad,' Kyogre remarked, 'Ye know how most outt'a place creatures have ta adapt ta der environment 'er die?'

I nodded, squeakingly.

'Now whenever I see an alolan Pokémon, I'm like: 'What the fuck have you guys done to my Pokémon', giving Dugtrio blonde hair making them look like Norwegian tourists and making Exeggutor a dragon type? I'm mean wasn't there some kind of round faced Persian today? I didn't make that shit, I loved the previous normal face Persian, always have. That shit looked magestic, now they made it look like a secondary Garfield character! Who the fuck do these humans think they are!?'

'Aaaaaanyway...' Dialga drawled, quickly switching subjects, 'Since, you and Hoopa are easier targets, Yveltal has followed you from the Pokéverse, and he won't rest until he has that bottle.'

"What are you crazy!? That doesn't make any sense! Why would Yveltal do that? That doesn't make any sense."

'Uh, cause whenever Yveltal absorbs someone's life force he gains their power through Oblivion Wing' Arceus stated, 'He'll be able to manifest anywhere, including Ultra Space.'

"But what does Yveltal want in Ultra Space?" I asked.

'He plans to use the rings from Hoopa and the mind altering magic to make an army out of every Ultra Beast.'

'Fuck yeah he will, it's dope.' Zekrom mention.

'It happened ta me and Groudon in Kalos a year ago, along wit other legendaries.'

"Then can't you guys just team up and kill his ass or something?!" I replied alarmed.

'Our magic prevents us from leaving the Pokeverse.'

'Unless we got captured by some stupid human.'

"But then how did Yveltal follow me to Equestria?" I replied.

'The instant second the Merchants magic enveloped you, you left a dimensional riftway that was temporarily opened, and Yveltal probably ceased that moment.'

"Yeaaaah." I muttered irately, "That's a stupid plothole."

'Maybe human, but it's your responsibility now to ensure Yveltal doesn't gain that power. For all our sakes.' Dialga responded.

"Wait! So you can't do anything?" I asked feeling scared.

'The only two ways to leave the Pokeverse is to either be captured or a dimensional rip. And I don't know about you human, but I'm way too important to be stuck in a pokeball. Even if it is for the sake of the Pokeverse.'

'Same here.'


'Sorry lad.'

'I don't have enough time.'

My mouth was agape as fear rode my spine, "So you expect me to do this on my own!?"

'Relax, from what I've seen, stupid, black haired children alway seem to triumph over evil. Atleast in my multiverse. Therefore we have the uttermost faith in you human.'

I stared blankly at the so called 'God' as he was basically sending me back into the fray and my plans were going down the fucking shitter and I was back to square one, as the only thing gained from visiting these 'blessed' jackasses was my 3DS. And I highly doubted Yveltal would accept a one on one match for the sake of the multiverse and my life. So my ideas were now dwindling.

I took a deep inhale as my breath was steady at the moment. Hoopa seemed to expect the worst, but I simply turned around and began walking towards the door in a calm and diginified manner-


Hoopa quickly grabbed Omegas arms and surprisingly for a little guy, he was strong at holding him back while he had his outburst.

'Good luck warriors, the fate of the multiverse now lies on your shoulder'


As Omega kept struggling and continued his temper tantrum, Hoopa turned to the reader and said in a quiet tone, 'Calm and dignified.'

"Oh... MAMA..." Omega moaned as he was dragged outside