(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XVIII - Just Following Orders, Ma'am

Act XVIII - Just Following Orders, Ma'am

David woke slowly, feeling a tingle in the base of his spine near his head. He looked over at the clock on the dresser; it was almost six in the morning.

“I see you are awake, my love. It seems you too feel the call of the moon,” Luna said softly.

“Good morning, Luna. What do you mean, ‘the call of the moon?’ ”

“Every day, at the two times we sisters make the change of our celestial wards, we feel the pull of magic from them, asking for our help in moving the heavens. I saw your brow twitch soon after I awoke. It seems that you too, now feel the moon’s request to sleep as the dawn comes. For this, I am sorry.”

“Why are you sorry?”

“This magical bond we share—I had hoped and prayed that it was for the better, but now I feel it may harm you.”

“Oh. Luna, don’t worry. I’m sure things will work out. Let’s try to keep positive. Maybe Twilight will know what’s going on.”

“Yes, and in that, we must hurry to meet my sister. The sun must be allowed to rise, and before that we must meet with Tia and Twilight to make sure you are not harmed by it. But to do that, we must be clean.”

Luna pried herself away from David’s side and stepped hesitantly out of bed. She stretched, trying to remove the fatigue she felt, then looked back at David as he similarly rolled out of bed, still naked. Together, they slowly moved to the bathroom.

“David, if we are to get ready quickly, I will need your assistance in the shower. Please help where you can,” she said.

David smiled. “Of course.”

He walked over to the shelves of toiletries and linens and quickly gathered a brush, washcloth and various soaps and shampoo. He then rejoined his mare at the shower, placing each item on a small shower bench nearby before starting the water.

They worked in concert together, Luna doing what she could with her hooves, like washing her face and mane, and David working over her back with the brush, scrubbing her clean. Then they switched, David taking care of his body, while Luna worked over her wings. With David mostly clean, he turned back to Luna, who was having difficulty reaching her hindquarters.

“Let me help” David lathered up the brush again.

Luna stood and walked over to David, relinquishing control to him.

David scrubbed her thighs and hips, moving down to her hind hooves and did an expert job of washing her. He then went back up to her tail, and shampooed it, then lifted it gently, to clean her backside.

Luna hissed and winced as David worked a lather over her nethers with his bare hand, cleaning them gently.

“Sorry, are you alright?”

“Just a bit tender. A testament to your strength, no doubt.” She grinned.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“No, I am fine. Are you not sore?”

“Oh, I am. Stiff and tender, just the same,” he replied.

“I would gladly pay this price for last night,” she said reaching up for a kiss.

David kissed her warmly then continued to wash her.

“Did I miss anything?”

“No. Thank you, dear.”

They rinsed off, David passed Luna a towel, then started to dry himself off. Finishing first, he tried to help Luna the best he could, working on her back, legs, and tail.

Now dry, David went back to the bedroom to find his change of clothes he brought last night. While dressing, he watched Luna spend a bit of time preening herself manually with her mouth, trying her best to get ready.

The two met at the lavatory, and finished their final preparations to go out, then walked back into the bedroom. Luna headed for her dresser and put on her raiment, then turned to David.

“Ready?” she asked.

“Yes, let’s go.”

David opened the mighty ebony doors for her, then closed them behind and noticed the shadow guards had resumed their posts, as usual. Luna nodded to them, then proceeded down the halls toward her sister’s chambers with David beside her.


Luna and David approached the golden doors of Celestia’s chambers, flanked by her royal guard.

“Good morning, Princess Luna, Sir David. Are you here to see the princess?” one asked.

“Yes, she is expecting us. Please, step away and allow Sir David to open the door,” Luna replied.

“As you wish, Princess.”

The guards separated and allow David to approach. He did so, and opened one of the doors, allowing Luna to pass through first, then followed behind her and closed the doors.

Now inside, Luna led David to the opened balcony doors where the elder princess lay waiting on a pillow, overlooking the city and countryside.

‘She looks a bit… sad? I hope this isn’t getting to her,’ David thought.

Celestia wore a soft expression this morning, and it was obvious to all around that her normally bright eyes seemed a bit dull. She simply wasn’t as radiant as she usually was. As Luna approached, Celestia’s head fell a bit, she then sighed gently before she lifted it again to greet her younger sibling with a smile.

“Good morning, Lulu, David. I hope you are well,” Celestia said chipperly.

“Good morning, Celestia,” David said.

“Sister, are you alright?”

“Yes. I am fine. Twilight should be here soon to examine David.”

Luna turned to David and spoke in a whisper, “Dear, please give us a moment. I need to speak to her alone. Wait in the room, Twilight should be here any moment now.”

David nodded. “Of course. Excuse me.” He put on a smile and left the two sisters on the balcony to chat while he waited in the room.

Now having some privacy, Luna turned back to her ailing sibling. “Sister, is something wrong? Please talk to me,” she said quietly.

“I am sorry, I cannot hide it from you. It is just… last night, Luna… you and David…”

“Yes, we became one.”

Celestia paused. “…Yes. Your emotions were so strong I could feel them; they reverberated through the aether. I dare say Cadance might have been aware, even from the Empire. And then there was the disturbance…“

“What disturbance?” Luna asked.

“I know you were not using your magic for David’s sake, but without your protections, you shook the castle, the guards became restless and I—everypony could not help but hear your passionate cries! Even when they finally ceased and the walls no longer quaked, I could not help but hear them in my mind. It was not a restful night.”

Luna frowned and hung her head. “I am so sorry, Tia. I did not mean to cause you such discomfort.”

“No, it is I that am wrong. I should not have mentioned this to you, only shared in your joy and celebrated with you. I am so pleased that you have found someone to be close with.”

“Thank you, sister. I am happy—”

The sisters’ moment was broken by the sound of the main doors closing, announcing Twilight’s arrival.

“Come, Lulu. Twilight has arrived. Let us join her and David, as we must act quickly.”

Celestia rose from her seat and the two mares reentered the main room to greet the young princess.

“What is wrong, Celestia? You said David is ill?” Twilight asked, skipping formalities.

Celestia shook her head. “Not exactly ill, but he is feeling some negative effects when either Luna or I use magic.”

“What do you mean?”

David spoke up. “I can feel whenever Celestia or Luna use magic around me, in different degrees of sensation, and when they make the solar and lunar exchange, my head hurts.”

“And this morning, he also felt the celestial prompting that Sister and I feel before the time of the exchange. It was strong enough to wake him,” Luna added.

“Oh, my,” Celestia gasped.

“Does he respond to anypony else’s magic?” Twilight asked.

“We have limited his exposure, so we do not know yet. We were hoping you would find out,” Celestia replied.

“So you want me to do something and see if David reacts? What do you think David?”

“That sounds good to me. I can easily feel if something is levitated or if Celestia or Luna prepare to teleport.”

“So, the sensation increases when stronger magic is used?”

“It seems so,“ he replied.

“Okay. I’ll start small. How about I pick up this pillow?” Twilight asked, motioning to a small throw pillow on a nearby chaise lounge.

“Sure, go ahead.”

Twilight focused, trying to use as little magic as possible. David concentrated in return, looking for the sensation in his body.

Everyone looked as the pillow was lifted and hung in the air between Twilight and David.

“Nothing. Can you try something else?” David asked.


Twilight put more magic into her horn and levitated several objects around the room.


“No. I don’t think so. Could you try teleporting a short distance?” he asked.

“Are you sure that is wise, David?” Luna asked, looking worried.

“I’ll be fine. Twilight?”

Twilight set the random objects down and looked at David.

“Okay. Just from here to the balcony,” Twilight said.

David furrowed his brow and closed his eyes.

A bright flash later, and Twilight had moved effortlessly to the balcony.

David opened his eyes. “I didn’t feel anything. Maybe it’s gone? Luna, try something.”

Luna looked at David with hesitation in her eyes, then turned to the pillow Twilight used. She powered her horn and—

“No, it’s still there,” David said, causing Luna to drop the pillow unceremoniously.

“What’s wrong? How does it feel?” Twilight asked.

“No so much wrong as it tingles in my back.”

“Hmm. I need more information. I’m going to cast the detection spell now, as it seems David isn’t affected by my magic. You said that his magic pool looked different to you?”

“Yes. It was restless, not still as before when since I saw it last,” Celestia said.

“David, would it be okay for me to examine you?” Twilight asked.

“Yes. Please do.”

Twilight quickly lit her horn and cast the detection spell, revealing the magical connections to all.

Luna’s cord of many fibers was present, slowly dancing between them. Celestia’s thickened band of golden honey was present as well, flowing endlessly from Celestia’s chest into David’s. Now visible in the center of David’s chest, was the circular pool of yellow and blue magic, swirling around.

“Hmm. The connections have gotten stronger, but we’ve seen that before. The pool of magic has changed a bit; it now visibly shows both what I assume to be Luna and Celestia’s magic. Both are there, separated from each other, and not mixing,” Twilight said, then turned to Luna. “Luna, please pick up the pillow again.”

Picking up the pillow, the pool of magic in David’s chest throbbed, the blue portion shining brightly.

“Ohh,” Twilight said. “You can put it down now.”

Upon putting down the pillow, the shining light from the pool faded.

“Celestia, please do the same.”

Celestia followed the instruction, and the same reaction was shown, only with the golden part shining in turn.

“Okay. Now Luna, please pick up a pillow as well,” Twilight instructed.

Luna looked around the room, and finding a comparable pillow, levitated it in the air.

“Ugh, that doesn’t feel great,” David said with a groan.

“Try to hold on, just a moment more,” Twilight said.

The pool in his chest had lit up like fireworks. Both the blue and golden halves of his magical reserves were pulsing and throbbing, almost as if they were fighting for dominance.

“Okay, down,” Twilight directed, and the two princesses dropped their pillows as requested.

Twilight cleared her throat. “Ahem. What we are seeing here is a conflict in magic. David can feel either of you using magic but doesn’t seem to be negatively affected until both of you use it at the same time. I think that he may be okay as long as you don’t use magic together. Also, distance may or may not play a part, but we can experiment more with that later.”

“I suppose that makes sense,” David said.

“Yes, but will he be alright?” Luna asked.

“I don’t know. It’s simply too early to tell, and I’ll need to do more tests.”

“What about the exchange?” Celestia asked.

“It will most definitely put a strain on him,” Twilight said.

“What if it is done by only one of us?” Luna asked.

“I don’t know. That should be better,” Twilight said.

Luna turned to her sister. “Celestia, the day must start. Will you please take control of both the moon and the sun today?”

“Oh, Lulu, are you sure?”

“I am, worry not. I will relinquish the moon to you during the exchange if it helps David.”

David spoke up. “Luna…”

“It will be alright, my love. Do you think you can withstand my sister moving the sun and the moon together?”

“I will try.”

Twilight stepped in. “Okay, let’s do it while the detection spell is still active. Celestia, is it time?”

“Yes, it is actually a few minutes late, but it will not matter.”

David looked to all around. “I’m ready.”

Celestia walked back out to the balcony and closed her eyes. She reached deep into her magic, looking for both moon and sun.

David looked down at his chest as the golden magic surged through him. “Wow, it doesn’t hurt, but I can feel it strongly across my whole body.”

Luna stood, her eyes closed as well, and whimpered softly.

“Luna, are you okay?” David asked.

Luna’s mane and tail faded and lost their stars, and her colors seemed awash, as if her whole body paled in response to Celestia’s magic.

“I am alright. I will return to normal when my sister finishes.”

David wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, feeling both Luna’s heartbeat and the magic of her sister during the ritual. Soon, the magic faded, and both Luna and David let out a sigh of relief.

Just as she said, Luna’s mane and tail slowly returned to their vibrant blue and began to shimmer in the ethereal breeze again, which improved her overall mood as well.

Celestia rejoined the group and looked to Luna.

“I am sorry Lulu, that is not fair to you.”

“It is alright. I can bear it for him.”

Twilight coughed, interrupting, and began her report. “While you were performing the exchange, David’s chest glowed a bright yellow, as I expected, and did not pulse or thrash as before. David, did you feel any pain?” she asked.

“No, not at all. It was very tingly all over, but didn’t hurt at all.”

“So it is the conflict then?” Luna asked.

“It would seem so,” Twilight replied.

“Will I be able to go on the outing?” David asked, looking worried.

Twilight looked at Celestia, then to Luna.

“If you feel up to it,” Celestia started, then turned to Twilight. “Twilight, would it be possible for you to teleport us all to the location? I think it would be best for Luna and me to continue suppressing our use of magic around David.”

“Yes, I can do that, and that all sounds like a good idea. First, I’ll go with the others as planned, then teleport back to the station, then here. I’ll have to rest about a half-hour, then I’ll be okay to teleport us and the rest of the preparations directly to the picnic area.”

“I’m quite impressed. It takes a lot of control and power to be able to teleport that far,” Celestia commented.

“Actually, I’ve been working on long-range teleports for a while. I can teleport directly from Ponyville to Canterlot, but it takes a lot out of me. It’s just much more efficient to do several shorter jumps.”

David approached the short mare. “Thank you, Twilight, this means a lot to me,” he said, giving her a big hug.

Twilight blushed hard as she returned the hug. “Oh, that’s alright, what are friends for?”

“Yes, thank you, Twilight. Now that this is settled, would you care to join us for breakfast?” Luna asked.

“That sounds great!” she replied.

“I am sorry, but I will not be joining you,” Celestia said. “I believe I will sleep a bit longer and will rejoin you all for the picnic. Please forgive me.”

“Celestia, are you alright?” Twilight asked, concerned.

“Yes, just going to take this day off to catch up on some sleep.”

Luna watched the two exchange words, looking worried, but tried to put on a good face.

“Sister, would you like us to have Cherry save something for you?” Luna asked.

“No, thank you, Lulu. I will be fine.”

“As you wish. David, Twilight, come. Let us leave sister to rest.”


Twilight, David, and Luna were seated at the table in the royal dining room. However, Twilight sat somewhat uncomfortably in Luna’s chair, while next to her both Luna and David sat on the bench.

“Luna, why am I sitting in your place again?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, simply because it is easier for David and me to eat this way. I have found that it is quite difficult to eat properly without using my magic, and if I were to sit in my chair, it would only provide more difficulty for him as well” Luna cast a bright smile at David.

Twilight, responded with a slightly grumpy frown.

“What?” Luna asked, surprised. “When is the last meal you partook without using magic?”

“I don’t…” Twilight rubbed her head with a hoof. “Can we just start breakfast? I’ve got to get going soon.”

David reached over to the bell and started the meal. Unusually, Cherry came out alone and walked to the table.

“I’m so sorry, it’s still a bit early, and the full meal is not yet ready. Is there something we can get you?” Cherry asked the table.

Luna spoke up, addressing the chef, “Pay it no mind, Cherry, we know we have intruded earlier than usual, but we desired for Twilight to enjoy a meal with us before she returned to Ponyville. Is there anything simple that can be made quickly so that we can eat and allow her to leave on time?”

“Oh, yes. I didn’t mean to imply that we didn’t have anything available to eat. Might I suggest pancakes or waffles with fruit and juice?

“Yes!” Twilight answered emphatically. Causing the rest of the heads to snap in her direction.

“I believe what she is trying to say is, would it be possible to have both?” David added.

“Sure, we have both griddles and the irons already hot. Let me go give the word, and we’ll be right out,” Cherry said, then bowed and returned to the kitchen.

“Sorry,” Twilight said as she shrunk in her seat.

“That is quite alright, Twilight,” Luna offered, “I believe we all will enjoy the meal.”

“I know I will,” David said with a smile.

A few moments later, and the kitchen door popped open again, this time with the familiar complement of chefs and sous, followed dutifully by Cherry at the end. They dropped off delicious plates filled with piles of pancakes, towering stacks of waffles, cut fruit, and sides of syrup, honey, nuts and fresh whipped cream. Cherry followed it all up with carafes of juice, milk, and water.

“Is there anything else I can get you?” Cherry said, bowing before the table.

“Cherry, we are very grateful,” Luna said, then looked around the table. “No, I believe this is sufficient.”

Cherry nodded, wearing her trademark grin. “Glad I could help. If that’s all...”

“Cherry, one moment,” David said. “How is the preparation going for this afternoon?”

“Oh, I’ve already started, and everything should be ready around eleven,” she replied.

“Okay. Thank you. Our plans have changed just a bit, and Princess Twilight will be coming back here to Canterlot to help the rest of the party move to the picnic location. We’ll still be leaving around noon, so it shouldn’t affect anything on your end,” David said, then turned to Twilight, who was already hoof-deep in pancakes in syrup. “Is there anything Cherry can do to make it easier for you?” he asked Twilight.

“No, I think it’ll be alright. Will the food and other supplies be packaged in any way?” Twilight asked.

“The current plan was to have them placed on temporary tables for ease of transport,” Cherry replied.

“Oh, that’s great then. No changes are needed. Thank you!”

“Great! Please let me know if you need anything,” Cherry said, then bowed to the princesses and returned to the kitchen.

“Well, now that the discussion is over, let us eat!” Luna said energetically.

“I’ve taken the liberty of making you a plate,” David said, placing a short stack of waffles between them drizzled in honey with nuts and blueberries on top. “Is this alright or would you like something different?” he asked.

“It looks wonderful, dearest. Would you be so kind as to give me a bite?” Luna said, blushing lightly.

“Of course.”

As he carefully carved a morsel of the meal and swabbed it in honey, a particular, purple princess eyed the two carefully from the chair next to them, with her own bite held precariously in the air by her magic.

Twilight was a little off-put at the show before her, but it also intrigued her. She watched as David hoof-fed her the meal, bite after bite. Each portion was as lovingly crafted as the others. Sometimes he fed himself, and others the fork seemed to be intended for him, only to detour toward the dark blue princess. Every time he fed her, Luna smiled brightly, still wearing the pink blush she wore before even the first bite of the meal.

Twilight’s concentration, however, left her behind in her own meal. She looked down at her pancakes and felt a little deflated. Yes, they were one of her favorite treats, but her heart didn’t feel into it. She carved another fork-full, and lifted it to her muzzle, only to stop and turn as she heard the giggling of the regal mare next to her.

‘They’re just so… so mushy. I mean, David’s nice and all, but it feels so weird watching them like this. I feel, odd somehow. Maybe I should talk to Cadance about this. Oh… that’s what it is, this feels like Cadance and Shining. I was happy for them too, but it still felt weird looking at Shiny making such a display over Cadance, and now David…’

Twilight shook her head, clearing her thoughts.

“Twilight, are you alright?” Luna asked, both she and David looking in Twilight’s direction.

“Oh, yes! I’m fine! Just thinking about the magic stuff. Ohh, mmm. These pancakes are good, did you try them?”

“I am sure they are fine, but I prefer the firmness of the waffles myself,” Luna replied.

“I tried them, Twilight. They were really good and super fluffy,” David added, smiling.

“I know, right!? I wish I could make them that way.”

“You should ask Cherry, I’m sure she’d teach you a trick or so. I find it’s important to have a thick griddle that is hot enough. If it’s thin, when you cook them, it loses too much heat, and they don’t fluff up when you flip them.”

“Wow, David. I didn’t know you liked to cook!” Twilight said, then shoved another piece of pancake in her mouth.

“You do not know the half of his talents,” Luna said. “I believe he has a secret in store for later as well.”

“Now, Luna. Don’t go and spoil the surprise,” he gently chided his lover.

The couple continued to giggle and eat their meal as Twilight tried to feign ignorance and finish her own plate.

‘Hmm, what time is—oh, pony feathers! I’ve got to go!’ Twilight thought.

“Sorry, Luna, David, but I’ve got to go now, or I risk missing the train and having to teleport home. And I’d rather not, as I’ve got plenty of that coming this afternoon. I hope you understand,” Twilight said apologetically.

“Oh, of course, Twilight. Go, do not be late on our account,” Luna said.

“Thanks, sorry. See you later, Luna, David!”

The purple mare wiped her face with her napkin, then quickly turned back and took one more bite of pancake before hopping off the chair. She hurriedly trotted to the main doors of the castle, looking back once as she reached them. “Bye!” she yelled, then proceeded to trot on out, closing the doors behind her with her magic.

“Well, I have been sufficiently fed. How about you, my dear David?” Luna asked.

“I’m good. But, did Twilight seem a bit off to you today?”

“I think that is perhaps normal for her. It is also a bit earlier than her usual schedule allows. Either way, I think she is fine. Think nothing of it,” Luna said.


“Let us go, we can take a few moments of peace to ourselves before the rest of the day begins.”

“I like that idea. Lead the way, my princess.”


Now with fresh linens, David and Luna lay in Luna’s bed, resting with Luna snuggled up to her man, her back pressed into his chest while David stroked her coat. They stayed like this, passing the time until it was necessary for them to rise and prepare for the outing.

“Luna, are you okay?” David asked, breaking the silence.

“Why do you ask?” Luna replied.

“Ever since we returned from talking to Celestia and Twilight I feel like something is bothering you.”

“Hmm. It is nothing, I was just concerned with how my sister appeared this morning when we first greeted her.”

“Oh. I hate to pry, but is something wrong?”

“No, I believe it will pass.”

“Is… there anything I can do?”

Luna lay pensively, looking at the far wall, then rolled over to face David.

“Perhaps there is. I think you should go see her.”

“Oh. I was wondering if there is something I could do for you.”

Luna chuckled. “Thank you. However, this would benefit me in a way. …I need you to go wake Sister up. It is better that you go than I. Also, it is almost ten o’clock. Miss Rarity will arrive soon, and Twilight again soon after. It is time that Celestia arose and prepared, and I know her guards and attendants will not do the job.”

“Uh, okay. What should I do?”

“Do not be afraid,” Luna said, wearing a stern expression, “that is the most important thing.”


“Show no fear and grant her no quarter. Make sure Sister arises from the bed, or she will not truly awaken.”

“Oh, I can do that, if that’s all.”

Luna smirked. “We will see, my dear. Now go, be off and be of good cheer. Today we will have fun!”

Her piece said, Luna leaned in quickly and pecked David on the lips, bringing a bright smile to his face.

“Now don’t go to sleep on me too, okay?” David ribbed.

“I will not. I promise, love.”


David once again approached the grand doors of Princess Celestia’s chambers and the two unicorn guards flanking the entrance.

“Excuse me, is Princess Celestia awake? Princess Luna has sent me as it is almost time for our friends to arrive.”

The guards studied the man for a moment, then the left one spoke up, “No. Princess Celestia is still asleep, but we were told to let whoever comes to wake her.”

“What, me?” David asked.

“Princess Celestia has told us that you specifically do have permission to enter. So, yes. You.”

With that the guards stepped aside in sync, leaving David’s path unimpeded.

“Thank you,” David said, approaching the doors tentatively.

David pushed open one of the large double doors enough to peek in, then proceeded to enter. After clearing the doorway, he heard the doors close behind him, shut with the unicorn guards’ magic. He paused as he looked around the dimly lit room, letting his eyes adjust.

The room had a warm glow about it as the daylight filtered in through the curtains with the gas lamps turned down low. There, on the bed, David could see the princess, covered up to her neck in her royal linens, still asleep with her head resting peacefully on a pillow.

“Excuse me, Princess Celestia?” David said softly, standing by the door.


“Celestia, Luna has sent me to wake you. I’m sorry, but it’s time to get up,” he spoke with a bit more volume.

David heard some sheets rustle, then more stillness. Just before speaking again, a small voice came from the bed.

“David… is that you?” Celestia asked from her bed.

“Yes. Luna has sent me to wake you. It is almost ten now,” David said quietly.

“I am sorry, could you come closer?”

David walked over to the bedside, where he could see Celestia still resting on her pillow. Her body was covered with a purple comforter, drawn up to her shoulders, with only her neck visible outside. As he approached, she opened one eye to see around her and met David’s gaze, only for David to turn away.

“David, why do you turn away?” she asked softly, sounding a bit hurt.

“I’m sorry, Celestia, it’s just… you’re not wearing your crown.”


“I don’t know, it just feels wrong.”

“I am the same pony, with or without my crown.”

“I’m not sure the rest of the citizens feel that way.”

“This again,” she huffed quietly. “They may not see me like this, but that does not mean you have to feel differently.”

“I know, it’s just different. You look… naked.”

This gained a soft chuckle from the grand ruler.

“David, we ponies are always naked. Did you not notice?”

“I guess not.”

“So you have not thought of peeking?”

“No! I don’t—”

“I know you have not. I was only playing with you,” Celestia interrupted, still gently laughing to herself.

David’s face heated up in embarrassment. He turned around to face Celestia, now sporting both a slight blush and a grin.

“You got me, Celestia.”

His acceptance of her joke made her smile, though she made no movement from the bed.

Silence filled the air.

“Is something bothering you?” Celestia asked.

“Not really. And you, is there something bothering you?”

Celestia paused and slid her head up her pillow, effectively breaking their stare.

“No. I am fine,” she responded plainly.

“Forgive me, but both you and Luna wear the same face today. If it's private, that’s okay. But if I can help, please let me do so.”

“It is, but do not worry; Lulu and I are not at odds, and I am sure we will both be feeling fine by this afternoon’s activities. You, David, are perhaps a bit too good at reading us.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.”

“No, do not be sorry. I am grateful for your concern,” Celestia said, finally looking down to meet his gaze again.

What Celestia saw then was a crestfallen David. His head hung low, and he cast his eyes at the floor. The sight brought a pain to Celestia, one she did not expect.

“David, please look at me,” Celestia said softly.

David raised his head and blinked, finally reconnecting with the royal. Celestia had picked up her head from the pillow and now looked him in the eyes.

“You, David, are important. Not only to Luna but now to me, as a friend. You have shown admirable qualities, one of which is your care for others. I will not hold that against you, I am deeply grateful for it. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Celestia. Thank you.”

“No, thank you. You have warmed this old mare’s heart this morn. Come here,” Celestia said, as she righted herself on the bed.

David took a tentative step forward, unsure of what to do. Celestia looked up at him from the bed, waiting.

“Would you…” she started, “give us a hug? It is what friends do to cheer each other up, correct?” she asked.

David looked a bit surprised.

‘This is the first time Celestia has asked me to… oh, whatever.’

David bent down to her level and approached slowly. As soon as he was at her cheek, she closed her eyes and pressed lightly into him, rubbing her face and neck along his as he continued to get closer. He finally seated his neck against hers, and she placed her head on his shoulder, letting him take some of her weight. David reached around with his arms and softly pulled her neck close, both of them leaning into each other.

‘He is warm like my sun and gentle like a field of grass. Thank the heavens for his friendship and kindness. If we or my sister and I were at odds, this would never be. Now pull away, Celestia, it is time to let go.’

David let his grip slacken, feeling too much time had passed, but Celestia did not move immediately. A fraction of time later, Celestia shifted against his neck and began to withdraw.

“Forgive me there, David. I almost went back to sleep,” she fibbed.

“That’s okay, Celestia.” David grinned.

Celestia smiled. “Thank you for waking me up. Please tell the others I will prepare and be out soon.”

“I’m sorry, Celestia, but could you get out of bed first?”

Celestia cocked her head. “Whatever for?”

“I'm just following orders, you see. Also, didn’t you just say you almost fell back asleep?”

“Oh. Rest assured, you have done a fine job, and I am awake enough to start the day.”

“I don’t doubt you, but please humor me, for my sake,” David said.

“David, I commend you on your dutiful nature, but I—”

“Celestia,” David said sternly, reaching out a hand to the princess, “come.”

She looked at him, surprise written on her face. Unseen by David, her hoof twitched under the covers as it unconsciously looked to meet his hand.

‘I… I don’t know what to do! Never have I been commanded in such a way, and yet felt compelled to comply.’

David continued to hold his hand out to her; on his face was a stern look, but one that somehow showed comfort. Celestia sat on her bed, brow furrowed, staring him in the eyes, unmoving.

Surprisingly, David was the first to give. With a sigh, he dropped his hand and closed his eyes.

“Fine,” he said.

Seeing his defeat, she smirked a little and closed her eyes as well. “Do not take offense, David. I am old and a bit stubborn, but I assure you, I can—”

During her speech, David had recollected himself and was now at the bedside. He reached down and grabbed the top of the comforter from around Celestia’s shoulders, breaking her concentration and stopping her words.

“David, what are you doing?”

David did not speak, he had only waited for her to recognize he was there before taking further action. Now that she was aware of his grip on the sheets, he started pulling them back, unsheathing the mare from her comfortable, downy prison.

She shivered slightly, both at his touch and the chill of the room that she was now exposed to.

David continued to peel her sheets away while she carefully studied his every move.

David was watching her too. Her foreleg uncovered, she pulled it close to her body to retain the warmth. Now her sides were bared, and she lifted and ruffled her wings. Finally, the sheets were all but removed from the regal mare, and he stopped, leaving her flank and hindquarters covered.

“Okay, I’ll get up,” Celestia said resolutely.

“Sorry. I was ordered to give no quarter.”

“I see,” she said, slowly rising from the bed.

David backed away, giving her room to move. Celestia stood up, finally out of bed and stretched her grand wings to the sky. She shook her head and mane, clearing out both her fatigue and sleepiness.

Having finally done as he asked, Celestia once again looked David in the eye.

“It seems both of us can be a bit stubborn,” she said with a grin.

“Yes. It seems so,” David said, returning her grin.

“Bygones?” she asked, her face softening.

“Of course!” David replied happily.

Celestia approached the man and lay her head on his shoulder. “Thank you, I do feel a bit better now.”

David wrapped her up in another big hug and pulled her close, strongly this time.

“Oomph,” she uttered, feeling his strength.

“Thank you, Celestia, for not holding this against me,” David said as he released her from his grip. “I will see you soon.”

David then turned to the door, opened it and quietly left, never looking back as the doors closed behind him.

“Strange—that man.” ‘Sometimes, even with my ages of experience, I cannot determine what he is thinking. I recognize that this excites me, and makes me want to know more, but I must be careful not to disturb the delicate balance I have with my sister, lest I ruin everything I hold dear.’


David sighed as he closed the door behind him.

“Did you succeed?” a guard asked.


“Nothing. While you were gone, word came that your friend, Miss Rarity, has arrived. Princess Luna has requested you meet them in the solarium.

“Oh, okay. Thanks.”

David walked slowly to the solarium, somewhat lost in his thoughts.

‘I’m not quite sure what happened back there. She wouldn’t get up, she seemed shocked at what I did, possibly even upset, then thanked me with a hug. I can’t figure it out, I’m so confused.’

Reaching the solarium door, David gave it a little knock.

“Come in,” Luna called from beyond the door.

Inside the solarium, Rarity and Luna sat across from each other, sitting on large pillows.

“Hello, David,” Rarity chimed.

“Yes, hello,” Luna parroted.

“Hello, Rarity, Princess Luna,” David said, mindful of the company present.

As David made his way over a separate pillow, Luna began to fill him in on their conversation.

“Rarity was just sharing with me some of the juicy gossip she has heard while traveling around Ponyville and Canterlot. I miss quite a bit of news being in the castle most of the time, and love to hear about the goings-on outside,” Luna said.

“Oh, it’s not anything too salacious, I assure you,“ Rarity said with a smile.

“Quite true, we have not gotten to the good parts, yet. But let that wait until we have more mare-time, we have a man present among us now.”

“True. I’m sure David would not care for such talk,” Rarity agreed.

“Speaking of… Rarity, you’ve designed quite a few outfits for him. I must say, I do appreciate the style,” Luna said.

“Oh, thank you, Princess. How, specifically did you find them enjoyable?”

“The rich blues, the dark expanses, it was as if you mimicked the night’s sky in some of them.”

“I was told those were David’s preferences, then I just embellished them with my own style,” Rarity said with a smile. “I’m glad you liked them.”

“Oh,” Luna replied. “I can tell you put a lot of care into their design and fabrication.”

“Well, although I had not yet met David,” Rarity said, blushing slightly while gazing at the man, “from what Twilight described, he seemed like a work of art. I simply could not resist using him as a canvas for my own. After we met, though, I’ve only become more intrigued. He is always so nice and polite.”

“Yes, I agree. That is why I have taken such an interest in him as well,” Luna said.

“Oh, you too?” Rarity asked.

David sat, watching the two mares speak about him as if he wasn’t there. A bit of tension grew in the air and started to make him sweat.

“Yes. David and I are enjoying quite the relationship,” Luna said with a slight grin.

“Relationship?” Rarity asked, looking puzzled.

“Yes. David is an officially recognized suitor of mine. It is quite serious.”

“Umm, but I…” Rarity stammered. “Uh, Congratulations, Princess Luna!” Rarity said, bowing her head lightly.

“Oh, come now. Don’t be formal. You too, David.” Luna said, then turned back to Rarity, “You did not know while dressing my man?” Luna questioned.

“No, your highness. I had no idea!”

“Well, it was to be a secret but to prevent any confusion I will trust you with it. Keep it private, understood?” Luna asked somewhat sternly.

“Oh, but of course!” Rarity said.

“Good. Now I hear you have something new for him to wear today?”

“Yes, if it pleases you,” Rarity said while offering a white box to Luna.

Luna nodded to David, and he reached over and took the box from Rarity.

“Thank you, Rarity. Sorry about all the secrecy,” David said, to which Rarity just smiled and nodded.

David opened the box and took out the first article, a light-blue polo shirt with very short sleeves. This one was a much brighter color than his others and sported a light cotton knit. The design was mostly solid, with a white stripe down each side along the seams and each sleeve was white as well. It felt very lightweight and breathable to the touch.

“Thank you, Rarity. This looks wonderful.”

“You’re welcome. Keep going, there’s more inside.”

David set his new shirt on his leg, then went further into the box. At the bottom, he found the second article of clothing, a pair of black twill (chino) shorts. They were almost knee-length and sported pockets like his own khaki pants.

“Very nice,” David commented.

“Try them on, would you, dear?” Luna suggested.

“But… “ David stammered.

“I can leave if you’d like,” Rarity offered.

“Oh, no. Do not be silly, Rarity. Would you just close your eyes for a moment?” Luna asked.

“I suppose.”

“Okay. Sorry, Rarity. It’ll be just a moment.”

“It’s no problem, David,” Rarity said as she closed her eyes.


Luna sat quietly, staring at Rarity, watching and waiting.

David stood up, and not to waste any time, quickly took off his shirt.

Rarity sat still, but her ears twitched at the sound of fabric being pulled off of the man.

David continued to undress, easily slipping off his pants and letting them drop to the floor. He stepped out of both his pant legs and shoes, one at a time.

Luna, however, was done watching Rarity. She silently stood up from her pillow and started circling David, stopping behind him.

“Sorry, are you done?” Rarity asked.

“No, just a moment,” David replied.

Luna continued her approach, drawing near to his bare back and then gave it a playful lick and a kiss.

David looked behind at Luna, puzzled at her actions. She answered the look with a smirk, then walked around to his front and craned her neck upward for a kiss.

David returned the smirk with a smug look of his own, then bent down to grant his princess’s wish.

The kiss was chaste at first, but Luna pressed into him and took it deeper, making a satisfied smack as she broke the embrace.

Now it was David’s turn to watch Rarity. She still had her eyes closed, but now her brow was furrowed, and her tail flicked ever so slightly as she heard the two lovers gasp for breath.

David started to dress himself, first pulling the shirt over his head, and Luna continued to assault him. This time, Luna reached out with a foreleg, and gently stroked her hoof over his bulging boxers, once, twice, then finally let her hoof fall back to the floor. She then nuzzled his package forcefully and sniffed him loudly, taking in his manly scent.

The sounds of Luna’s actions and rustling fabric reached Rarity’s ears, and she tilted her head in recognition, listening for more, but Luna was done, and now sat back down to watch the other mare, rapt in fascination.

David reached down and finally pulled on his new shorts. He buttoned them and sat down.

“Okay, sorry. I’m good now,” David said.

Rarity opened one eye, then both. “Quite alright. How do you feel, darling?” she asked.

“Fantastic,” Luna answered.

Rarity shifted her gaze from David to Luna, catching her gaze, then back to David again.

“I think they fit great. Thanks, Rarity,” David said.

“It was my pleasure.”

David turned to Luna. “So, now what’s the plan?”

“Twilight will be here shortly after transporting the others to the picnic location, then she will need to rest. After that, we will leave for the party. That is unless you have heard differently from her, Rarity.”

“No, that sounds quite right.”

“I can’t wait to meet everyone. I hope I make a good impression.”

“You will do fine, darling. I’m sure of it,” Rarity said.

“Indeed. You have made such an impression on all of us so far. If somepony were to find you disagreeable, it would be their loss.”

“Okay. I guess I’m a little nervous, that’s all.”

Knock, knock.

“Come in,” Luna directed.

The door opened, and Twilight came inside, wearing her usual smile.

“Hi, David, Luna, Rarity! I’m back!”

“Twilight, please come in and have a seat, you’ve done quite a bit of work and need to rest,” Luna said.

“Thanks,” she said as she plopped down on one of the large pillows next to Rarity.

“Sister will be along soon. Rest, then we can go.”

“That sounds good. Oh, David. I forgot to tell you this morning, but I received word from Cadance that she and Shiny will not be able to attend this time. She’s terribly sorry,” Twilight said.

“Oh, that’s okay. I’m sorry I couldn’t meet your brother, though. Maybe next time.”


The group continued their idle chit-chat for a while, reminiscing about this and that or asking David obscure questions about his life until quite a bit of time had passed.

Knock, Knock.

“Come in,” Luna chimed.

Again the door opened, and the regal Princess Celestia strode through.

“Good day, everypony,” she said with a warm smile. “Twilight, Rarity, I am sorry I was not here to greet you when you arrived. Are you both doing well?”

“Yes, Your Highness. I had a wonderful time with Princess Luna, and then David came and joined us as well,” Rarity said.

“Twilight, have you been here long? Are you rested?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, Celestia. I’ve rested enough now to teleport us all to the picnic site. Everyone else is already there preparing.”

“That is good to hear. At your leisure, we will get ready to go, then,” Celestia said.

Taking to her hooves, Twilight replied, “I’m ready, let’s get going!”

The group rose and left the solarium, then made their way down to the royal dining hall, where Cherry had organized the catered food and supplies.

There, the normally open floor was filled with portable tables, all stacked high with food and treats for the party. One of the tables was mysteriously covered with a white cloth, shielding its contents from view.

Cherry was busy arranging the last table with a tiered stand of different sandwiches.

“Hi, Cherry,” David called out.

“Oh, hello, David, Your Highnesses, Miss Rarity. I’m almost done setting up here, then you’ll be ready to go.”

David approached the chef-mare, “Anything I can do to help?”

“No. You’ve done enough,” she said, then leaned in to whisper. “That cake was awesome. Just like you said, it was a little denser than a regular angel food, which I kinda liked. Sometimes they are just too soft.”

David leaned in too, “I’m glad you think so. Let’s hope the others do as well,” he whispered back.

Luna walked over to the two, curious of what was going on.

“Anything I can assist with?” Luna asked.

“Oh! Yes, Princess. Since I will not be there, could I give you the explanation of what has been prepared so you can tell everypony?” Cherry said.

“Of course, I would be more than happy to help.”

Luna and Cherry walked off, and David rejoined the group.

“Looks like it will be just a few more minutes,” he said.

“Quite alright. It looks as though Cherry has really put in extra effort on this occasion. I am quite grateful, considering I skipped breakfast,” Celestia said while eyeing the treats.

“We’ll eat soon, Celestia,” Twilight encouraged. “I just have to get us all there and introduced, then we can have lunch.”

Luna walked over, talking a bit to herself, then turned to the group. “Cherry is finished, and everything is ready. Does anypony need anything before we go?” Luna asked.

The group took a moment to think over their preparations and each signified that they are indeed ready to depart.

“Well then,” Celestia started, “Twilight, we are in your care.”

“Right. Hold on everypony, this is a longer teleport than most of you are used to, so feel free to close your eyes,” Twilight said as she began to collect energy in her horn.

The brightness of her aura continued to grow until it was somewhat painful to look at, and David closed his eyes in anticipation. Twilight formed a magenta bubble around the group and their supplies, then concentrated on the place where they were going. A short moment later, she fired the spell, causing a bright flash that was easily visible through shut eyelids, and they all disappeared.
