Star Trek: Equestria Rising

by Sentinel053

Readers Opinion

Hello everbody, I hope you've been having a wonderful. It's been brought to me attention, by a certain Ahuras Wrath that Star Trek: Equestria rising is complete garbage namely to punctuation errors, which I do look out for when writing new chapters and because it doesn't follow any of the canon Star trek lore. Which getting back to the before mentioned issue it never was supposed to follow any on the lore, its based off of a free to play MMO.

My point is do you think he is right or wrong? Should I continue writing this story, or do what he is describing as putting a gun this story's head and killing it. so please give your honest opinion. if you wish to know more of what he said read his comment on the previous chapter.

other than that thank you and continue each and everyone of you who has enjoyed this story so far