(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XVII - Where No Man Has Gone Before*

Act XVII - Where No Man Has Gone Before*

As the night drew long, David looked over to his small clock sitting on Luna’s dresser. Almost three hours had passed since his princess had left for court, and she would be coming back at any moment.

David was especially pensive this night. He didn’t want to show it, but he was worried about the strange sensations he started getting when magic was being used around him. He lay on the princess’s bed, thinking and waiting patiently for her return.

‘I hope she’s okay with all of this. I know this whole magical sensory thing I’ve got going on has put her on edge, but I think it’ll be fine. Maybe I can give her a stress free night and we can have a good day tomorrow.’

The giant doors creaked as they were slowly pushed open. The noise startled David from his musing, his heartbeat quickened, and he bolted to the door.

Luna, sitting on the other side, pushed at her grand doors with both hooves. The strain was obvious and she wore a slightly pained expression on her face.

She mused to herself. ‘I bet my sister does not have these problems. Her guards would open and close her doors before she ever got close enough to lift a hoof! It does stand to wonder if I have been lacking in discipline though. Perhaps I should return to my training regimen and rebuild my strength. Yes, I shall do it! I was once strong and battle-hardened, respected by my guards and ponies for both my stealth and stren—’ “Ooph!” Luna uttered, falling back to her hooves as the mighty doors swung inward.

David stood on the other side, looking at the slightly deflated mare.

“Good evening, my love,” he said.

Luna raised her head and recovered from her defeat quickly, a new smile replacing her frown of internal contemplation.

“Hello, my David,” she said to her now approaching paramour.

David bent down to receive her gaze at eye-level.

“I missed you,” he whispered, staring lovingly into her eyes.

Luna would’ve melted if she could.

“And I, you,” she replied.

David reached out with his arms, looking for her to do the same. In response, she leaned back on her haunches and stretched her forehooves out to meet him, then wrapped them around his neck and pulled him close. Now pressed together, they kissed passionately, warming each other's souls.

David’s body, showing some fatigue from the position, shuddered at bit as they stayed in their embrace near the floor. Looking to rectify this, he wrapped his arms around Luna’s back and pulled her closer, causing Luna to gasp lightly at his tightened grip. David then put his long legs to work, and lifted the mare from her seated position to a standing one and beyond, her platinum shoes barely scraping the floor as she was lifted into the air.

“Oh, David! What are you—”

David kissed her lovingly, silencing her lips and taking away her breath. He stood with Luna still held aloft in his arms and twirled her around, much to her enjoyment. As they turned in place during their impromptu dance, Luna felt a gentle breeze; it reminded her of a relaxing flight amongst the clouds and made her smile. David stared into her clear, blue eyes and smiled back, then finally slowed and allowed her back hooves to regain purchase with the floor.

“Sorry about that,” David said sheepishly.

“Do not say so. I was surprised, but thoroughly enjoyed it.”

Luna moved to break their standing embrace, and David allowed her to gently regain her footing on all fours.

“Are you tired, Luna?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I wish to be near you. Shall we cuddle a bit?”

“I would like nothing more.”

David walked over to the massive doors and pushed them close with relative ease. He then walked over to her bedside, where Luna was beginning to remove her shoes.

“Allow me,” he requested.

Luna moved aside, allowing David some room. He knelt on the floor in front of her and reached forward with his hands open, staring up into her eyes.

Luna sat on her haunches and looked at the man. There she saw the love in his eyes burning brightly as he wished to serve her, and not wanting to disappoint, she lifted her left forehoof gently in the air and held it there for him.

David took the proffered hoof, brought his face lower and kissed it, then deftly removed the shoe from behind and slipped it off. He took her now, unshod hoof and rubbed it lightly, massaging the tender sole and working his way northward. He gently stroked the coronet band and kissed the hoof again as his fingers continued to move up her leg. David moved up as high as her fetlock before he paused, then slowly allowed the limb to return to the floor.

“You would do well as my personal masseuse. Perhaps you are better suited for a life of service to the crown?” Luna said mockingly.

Sensing her jibe, David played along, “I am already bonded to serve you, my princess,” he said before reaching for the next hoof.

She smiled at his response and lifted her right leg. “You to me, and I to you. Would any have thought that I would ever choose to serve somepony.”

“Or some man,” David corrected as he ministered to her other hoof.

Her forehooves taken care of, he moved to kneel by her rear. Seeing his movement, Luna stood, so she could properly lift her back legs.

David watched her strong, lithe muscles flex as she stood up from her seated position. Her crescent moon rose in front of his eyes, and he couldn’t help but reach out and stroke it lightly.

Luna’s thigh twitched and shuddered under the light contact as the tickling sensation rippled through her body. The shiver reached her brain and she shook her head and mane to relieve herself of the feeling.

David, however had moved down to her hooves and was now lightly stroking her leg as he waited for her to lift it. She complied shortly, and David once again found himself farrier and masseuse to his princess.

David completed the task more quickly this time, as he thought it might be uncomfortable for her to stand as such. He was not incorrect, but Luna secretly wished it had taken longer.

‘His touch… so patient and caring. Only when sister tended my wounds from battle have I ever experienced such care before, and that was so very long ago. I somewhat feel for my older sibling, that she does not have somepony that cares for her the same.’

“Luna?” David spoke, now waiting patiently at her other side.

“Oh. I am sorry, I was lost in thought,” Luna said as she lifted her last hoof. “Your touch is so wonderful, it might entrance me if I am not careful,” she said bashfully.

David didn’t respond, he just continued to provide love and relaxation to his mate. Finally finishing, he stood and walked back to face her.

He bent over and Luna looked up to join him in a kiss. The kiss showed not only their love, but their growing passion, as Luna parted her lips and invited him inside.

David accepted the invitation and entered slowly. His tongue first found her lips, and he stroked the point at which the two lovers first joined together. He then proceeded further, as he was teased to do so by her own muscle, and both began to twist and pull on each other. They performed in a slow, wet wrestling match, sending small waves of pleasure through each of them as they fought.

David was the first to pull back, and soon their embrace was broken. A testament to their love was pulled between them when they parted; a thin line of liquid had joined the two, then it shattered into nothingness in the air.

David looked to her and continued to undress her. He reached upwards toward her head, and sensing his intention, she bowed slightly. He carefully removed her obsidian tiara and held it in his hands. She looked at him as he studied the ornament, trying to figure out what interested him so.

‘He holds my crown, my symbol of sovereignty. I wonder what he thinks of it. I only know it to be a thing, something I’ve worn for ages. Yes, it is important, but though time has made it a part of me, when I remove it for him, I feel quite different.’

David finished his inspection and carefully placed the tiara on Luna’s bedside table where it rested on a velvet pillow, designated for just that purpose. He then turned back to Luna, and went to remove the last of her vestments.

‘I have to say, this is more thrilling than I had imagined. Ooh, he is coming to take my peytral! This man, the one I have pledged my heart to, has stripped me bare with his own hands. No attendant or servant has ever touched me with such familiarity before. I feel his fingers under the rim as they run through my coat; I hope he can’t tell that I sweat a little under that huge lump of metal. Ahh, it’s such a relief to take it off! And he’s studying it like the crown, running his fingers along the backside of it. Oh, has he noticed a bit of moisture? No, perhaps not. He sets it down with such care on the dresser, like it is part of me, as if it could feel.’

Now undressed, Luna looked at David. She gestured at him, giving him the signal that it is time he shared her level of familiarity.

David didn’t miss the sign, and swiftly pulled off his shirt. Unlike Luna’s ornaments, he cast the shirt aside, throwing it casually over a nearby chair. He then unfastened his pants and threw them at the chair in a similar manner.

Luna looked on as he stood there in his boxers, blushing slightly at the view of her man. Though he was not completely undressed, she was secretly glad he was not fully on display.

David turned back to his lover, then to the bed. He ushered her up onto the velveteen sheets, then followed her movements to join her.

Luna settled in bed on her side, watching her man as he crawled up to her.

As David neared, he did not stop aside Luna, instead, he crawled over her and towered over the princess who now lay pinned below him. He leaned down and kissed her softly, which brought a brighter smile to her lips.

She opened her body to him, legs splayed as he grew closer, not yet fully laying on top of her.

David, arms and legs straddled around Luna, reached below her and enveloped her in an embrace, then placed his chin into the crook of her neck and nuzzled her deeply, breathing in her familiar scent. Having finally snared his prey, he pulled her close and then rolled both of them as he turned to lay on his back.

Now perched on top of his chest, Luna laid her head on his shoulders. Feeling frisky, she nuzzled his neck, licking his cheek and nibbling his ears, causing David to gasp and giggle at the unfamiliar sensation.

As he chuckled lightly, he returned the affection by rubbing her exposed sides with his hands.

“You, did not enjoy that?” Luna questioned with a pained expression.

“No, I did. I just am not used to the sensation. It just caught me off guard,” David said before placing a kiss on her nose.

Seeing her smile return, he decided it was time to show her some love. He worked over the mare slowly with his hands. Starting at the top, he combed through her beautiful, magical mane. He brushed her long bangs out of her face, and went to kiss her lips, only turning away from them at the last moment, teasingly, and planted a chaste kiss on her cheek. Continuing down her mane, he stroked her long neck, feeling Luna push into his hands as he traveled. Reaching her withers, he let both hands travel down her legs, giving a massaging touch as he went. As he approached a hoof, he brought it up to his face, kissing and licking it tenderly.

Luna cooed at the love he offered; it made her head swim with passion and she desired more of it.

David would not disappoint her. He continued to pepper her hooves with kisses and licks to all the vulnerable points where her hoof wall met flesh and fur, carefully studying the reactions Luna was displaying, but soon, he was urged internally to move onward. Slowly, he moved back up her frame, working over her chest and up to her wings.

Using the knowledge he learned earlier in their preening lesson, he teased the underside of her wing joints and massaged her flight muscles. It had the expected effect, and Luna could not hold back her body’s desire to splay her wings in arousal.

Now having unfettered access, he continued his assault on her feathery appendages, teasing and tickling her from her body to the tips of her primaries. This new tactic caused her to squirm against him and she gently pressed her hips down into David’s legs—shifting slightly to provide the desired stimulation. Feeling the new pressure on his extremities, David stopped his ministrations.

This broke Luna out of her pleasurable trance and she opened her eyes to look into David’s.

“My David, you shower me with your loving touch, bringing me pleasure and comfort. It would give me great peace to simply curl up at your side and feel you next to me, but you have awakened desire in me, and should you agree, I would like us both to enjoy this time as lovers… Do you… want to be with me as well?”

“I feel the same and would love nothing more. If you would have me, that is…” David replied.

Luna smiled bashfully. “Wait here. I must go and freshen up. I will not be gone long.”

Luna leaned into David and kissed him forcefully, almost prying open his mouth with her tongue. She swirled it around languidly, teasing and tasting him before finally pulling apart with an audible pop! Luna then arose to stand above him, her legs shaking slightly as she did so.

David felt a cool breeze on his leg. Looking down, he found a bit of dampness there, and following it up, saw the source—a patch of slightly matted fur on the inside of her back-right leg. Luna caught his eyes wandering and quickly hopped off the bed, then looked back at David with a blush on her features as she smiled at him. She then walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

‘I’d better get ready too. I don’t think she’ll be too long.’

David hopped up out of the bed as soon as he heard the door shut. He moved quickly around the room. Finding what he desired, he quickly put his plan into motion.


A few moments passed, and the handle on Luna’s bathroom door began to turn. Slowly, the door opened and the princess strolled through. She had barely passed the threshold when she stopped suddenly—surprised by what she saw.

David had gathered every candle he could find and placed them around her bed. They were on shelves, the dresser, encircled the perimeter of the bed itself. Somehow, he had lit them all without magic and turned the rest of the lights down low, leaving only the flickering candlelight for illumination.

‘Oh my stars! I feel about to swoon at even this one display of his love. I can never be ready if he continues to surprise me like this.’

David was similarly lost to a new sight before him. Luna stood there, mesmerized by the sight, but it was herself that had ensnared David as he sat on the edge of the bed. She stood amongst the candles, the light cascading over her features, highlighting her luscious curves and firm muscles. What really caught David’s eye was two new additions.

Luna’s normally flowing mane had taken a new shape. It still billowed and flowed in spots, but it was now partially restrained by a dark blue ribbon. While away, Luna had bound her mane in a ponytail, tying it around the base and then threading the ribbon through the rest of her mane, making pockets of nebulous stars as it weaved through. Similarly, she had tied another ribbon in her tail, wrapping it around her dock and tying it off in a small bow.

‘She doesn’t know it yet, but she has found one of my greatest weaknesses in that—those ponytails of hers. I can’t believe she’s gone this far to entice me.’

David stood, wearing a bright blush as he stared at Luna.

“You look lovely, Luna,” he said simply.

Luna raised a hoof to cover her own blush.

“I wanted to do more, but I could not manage without magic,” she replied.

“No, it’s wonderful. You have no idea how… how sexy you look.”

Luna slinked over to her man and nuzzled the flesh of his chest, rubbing her face against his smooth skin.

“Join me in the bed,” she said simply as she passed him.

With a strong beat of her wings, she took flight for a moment, then alighted on the bed, still standing.

David was not far behind. He started to crawl back onto the bed, his eyes locked with hers, both of them beaming as they smiled to each other.

“Stop—” she commanded. “Take them off.”

David stopped, the prey was now the hunter. He slid off the bed and stood before her. Reaching down, he grabbed the band of his boxers with one hand, and reached inside them with the other. He readjusted himself slightly, then using both hands, slid the fabric down and allowed it to fall to the floor.

There he stood, as nature intended and on full display to Princess Luna. She stared into his eyes, but struggled. She wanted to look him over, to devour him with her gaze. David’s member twitched as he recognized her internal battle. Luna’s eyes shifted lower, then back up as she regained control. It moved him, spurred his hormones onward, and caused his manhood to rise.

No longer able to look away, she tilted her head downward to see his stiffening rod. It twitched again under her gaze and she wondered if she had power over it.

‘He is long and thick, just as I remember, but though I have held it directly, it feels like I am viewing it for the first time. Its shape is not that unfamiliar, but even so, it does lack certain equine features. He has no medial ring, and the head is much smoother. The coloration matches the rest of his skin and there is much detail in the shaft—his veins pulsing, carrying with it the blood needed to feed his mighty erection, ready to skewer its target. Oh my, what am I thinking!?’

Luna broke away her gaze and turned her head upwards, reestablishing communication with her man. She realized that she had left him there at the edge of the bed while she ogled him, and thought to correct that promptly.

“Come to me. Lie close so that we may feel our bodies pressed together,” she directed.

“Yes, my princess.”

David entered the bed, and they lay down together on their sides.

Luna kissed his body as he drew closer and ran her hooves over his frame. The soft touch of her fur tickled him and fueled his growing erection.

They lay entwined in each other’s embrace. Hooves and hands, arms and legs all moved to grab and caress the other partner as much as possible.

Luna made a bold move, and wrapped her back legs around one of David’s and ground her flesh into his. He could feel her fire growing down below and it stoked his own.

David reached up and under her head and moved to grab her horn. He had secretly applied some saliva to his hand and he now moved to use the slickened appendage to rub her keratinized protrusion. He wrapped his hand and fingers around her horn, gripping it tightly, then moved it slowly up and down, twisting his hands with the grooves he felt below.

Luna moaned deeply as the pleasure fed into her system. David’s previous attempts at horn play were wonderful, but did not compare to the intensity she felt now. This new addition caused her to redouble her efforts in attempting to quench the heat she felt growing in her nethers, and she squeezed David’s leg tightly between her own, causing her to whimper as well.

Unknown to Luna, her movements were causing David’s own pleasure center to be triggered, as her soft body slid up and down against his now fully-erect penis. The sensation was almost too great, but he fought through it as he passionately kissed his mare while administering to her horn.

Luna was soon reaching a peak from David’s expert manipulations. With a fleeting moment of clarity she decided it was too soon for her to come and instead, she stilled all her movement.

David looked to her, worried something was wrong as she picked herself up off the bed and broke all contact with him.

“On your back, please,” was all she said.

David complied and rolled on his back, his member flagging in the air.

Luna stood over him, and began to kiss his body, starting with his lips. She broke the kiss there, and traveled around his head and shoulders, kissing and nipping him in places, sending sharp signals through his nerves as she played with him.

She soon reached his pectorals and stared for a moment as his vestigial nipples. She hesitated, then proceeded to lick and tease them. From the generous treatment, they soon stiffened under her tongue and she smiled in appreciation. Though they were small, she suckled on them, eliciting short moans and twitches from the man beneath her.

While Luna worked below, David stroked her head and mane, playing with her new ponytail style as he watched her have fun with his body. He winced hard as she teasingly bit down on one of his sensitive nipples, pulling her head sharply to his chest in response. Acquiescing to his request, she let go, and gently pressed her muzzle into the injured nub, letting the pain subside  before she continued.

“My turn,” he said, causing his mate to look up at him.

She complied, and lay down next to him on her back with her legs and hooves drawn tightly against her body.

David moved to stand over her and began to mimic her previous actions. He kissed her lightly, then moved to nuzzle her neck, licking and nibbling as he went. He explored under her chin and licked the soft fur he found there, causing her to shudder at his light touch. Venturing lower, he massaged her chest and tickled under her wings as they lay outstretched on the bed below her. All of this was doing the job, but David had a goal to reach, one much lower.

David rose up to his maximum height as he stood on his knees below the mare. Looking down at her, she blushed and tried to cover her face in her forehooves.

‘He is looking at me. He wants me, and I love it.’

David looked lower, spying the soft underbelly he has barely graced with his hands. He softly pushed his hands between her crossed legs, and parted them. Now displayed to him, he surveyed her belly and her two small teats. Still holding her legs at bay, he lowered his head to the new area and pressed his cheeks into the soft fur.

“Ohhhh,” Luna moaned.

David did not expect for this touch to cause such a vocal response, but it made him happy it did. As he lay his head there, Luna gently stroked his hair, praising him, but also urging him onward.

Not wanting to disappoint, he turned his head, still engulfed in the soft landscape and kissed her gently, earning him a coo in return. He moved around the area, teasing her groin where her legs met and then back to the center. Seeing a small, blue teat, he licked it tentatively, causing Luna to shudder. Liking the response, he latched on the best he could, licking, sucking and nipping at it gently. Luna’s legs stretched ever wider, giving David as much room as he needed, practically begging for more.

This brought something new to David’s senses, something he was surprised he hadn’t noticed until now—scent. David could now smell Luna’s lust as it was building, and her natural, animalistic odor permeated his nostrils and sent unstoppable signals to his brain.

With this new information, David’s passion exploded, and he moved from her sensitive belly, up to her inner thigh, lapping away as he unconsciously pulled her closer to his groin. Soon there was no space between them and he rubbed his penis over the now wet fur he had licked at previously, thrusting against her lightly.

Luna felt the new intruder’s presence and wanted to greet it properly. She pawed at the bed, squirming to get loose from David’s grip on her leg, yet failed miserably.

“David…” she pleaded. “David, please, come here to me,” she said with outstretched forelegs.

David snapped himself out of his lust and released the leg he was feasting upon. He crawled up to meet his lover’s lips and they joined together in a wild, passionate kiss.

Pulling away, Luna pushed him down on his back again and rose up. This time, there was no going back. She turned around and lay down on the man’s chest. Her muzzle next to his groin and her backside to his face.

David saw a glimpse of what was coming as she sat down on his chest and then it was all displayed before him as her tail flagged high and to the side, revealing her most intimate parts.

From top to bottom, it was not something he had experience with and he took a moment to study. Her tail stood high, tied with a blue ribbon, giving it an extra-sexy look. Below her dock, her dark blue tailhole sat puckered, twitching slightly as her tail unconsciously swished side to side. His eyes continued to travel downward to her honeypot, where a set of blue, puffy, and perky lips sat below her tailhole. They glistened with the moisture coming from her tight slit, which was tinged slightly in pink, a meer clue of what lie beyond. Below her slit, her mound disappeared into her underbelly; he had been so close to his goal, yet failed to reach it earlier. What he did not see in his view was her clitoris. This puzzled him, as he remembered the firm nub being readily available to him in their other session.

David’s head shot up as he felt his own area being tended to. Luna had wasted no time in her new position, and was now lavishing her lover’s member with licks and kisses as she teased him to further heights of pleasure.

Not wanting to be undone, but with still more to explore, David grabbed both cheeks of Luna’s rear and parted them, causing her to “eep” a bit into his groin. The expansion of her buttocks caused her labia to part slightly, exposing her pink flesh to the man. There he saw her love button, still tucked away, waiting for her arousal to grow before it made itself known.

David brought his face close to her vulva and gave it a tentative lick, to which Luna moaned directly into his erect member as she serviced him. Her taste was salty and somewhat bitter, but with a hint of fruit at the end. Deciding it was nothing that was going to deter him, he pressed forward into her nethers and lapped away at the nectar he found there.

He traced her insides with his tongue, stimulating her to quiver and spasm around him. Pulling back slightly, he sucked on her puffy nether lips, kneading the flesh with his mouth and tongue. Luna was doing the same—she engulfed his member in her own mouth and slathered it with her saliva as she began to piston away.

David then shifted his attention, grabbing her ribbon-laced dock with one hand and pulled her rump down to him. Using his other hand, he gently inserted a finger into her warm, wet vagina and pulled her muscular cave open to give his tongue better access. Surprised, Luna bit down slightly on his penis, causing David to jump and hiss with the sharp pain.

David was not going to let that stop him. Still holding her pussy open, he licked it from bottom to top, playfully nipping it with lip-covered teeth so as not to hurt her. This must have pleased her, as she quickly pulled herself off his dick and squealed loudly in delight.

Now fingering her steadily, David’s tongue played a secondary role in his lovemaking. Fluid leaked out of her gaping hole and David had to work tirelessly to lap it all up, but ultimately failed, letting his chin and neck be slathered in her juices. As he continued to work, Luna winked incessantly at his constant assault, making it somewhat difficult for him to keep his grip.

Finally, his efforts were rewarded, as his mare had warmed up enough for a bright pink nub of flesh to make itself known to the world. Her emerged clitoris throbbed and glistened in the candlelight and David knew the time had come.

He removed his fingers from her innermost walls and grasped both sides of her hips. Steadying himself for the inevitable consequences, he took a few deep breaths, breathing out teasingly against her blood-engorged trigger. After taking one last breath, he leaned in, and with puckered lips, engulfed her clit, kissing and sucking it lightly.

Luna rose up as if she was shocked, and pushed back against the man. He found himself surrounded by her flesh as Luna sat on David’s face, grinding her back half into his lips.

David’s nose was buried in the folds of her marehood as he held on to her clit with his lips. In response, Luna’s tail thrashed around violently under the intense shocks that David administered to her most sensitive area. She whimpered and whinnied as she fought to keep control. Not yet deterred, David held fast to his actions, licking, sucking, and rubbing her for all he could muster and finally, she came.

The flood of her juices was immense, covering his face in an inadvertent attempt to drown him. He did not give up though, and he held his breath through her shudders and tried to prolong her pleasure.

Luna cried out in agony and pleasure shouting at the top of her lungs in the ‘Royal Canterlot Voice,’ with the words of her emotions often being interrupted by grunts and cries and every utterance made shook the walls and reverberated through the stones of the castle, letting her pleasure be known to all in the vicinity.

Her magic fired off uncontrollably, sending tingles up David’s spine with every spark from her horn, and causing the castle to shake from her grand powers overrunning her faculties.

Later, with her spasms subsiding and magic controlled, David finally emerged from the pile of twitching blue flesh.

Luna, though she felt weak, turned to her lover. “You… I love you, David,” was all she could muster.

David licked his lips and met her gaze. “I love you too,” he replied.

Luna scooted around to face him, barely able to move in the aftermath of her intense orgasm. She curled up next to him and let the endorphins play across her body, still giving her tingles and filling her eyes with stars.

They lay like this for a few moments until Luna pulled back her head to look at her man.

“David, I want you,” she said as she stared into his eyes.

The abruptness of the statement caused his emotions to swell and his rod to come back to life.

“Are you sure? You just finished. I’m okay if you need to rest.”

“Do not mistake one orgasm as the end of our night together. I want you. Now.”

David leaned into his stern-faced mare, and begged for a kiss. Her face softened a bit at his request and she moved to close the gap, kissing him with renewed passion.

Luna then broke away, and jumped up on all fours, with all of her strength on display.

“If you are to have me, you must catch me!” she chided, then leapt off the bed, landing just outside of the ring of candles.

David was stunned. Adrenaline pumped in his veins and his face became flushed. He too leapt off the bed, his penis standing tall as he confronted the mare that teased him onward.

A new, bestial fire in his mind spurred him on. He lunged forward, but Luna was quicker. She pushed off the floor with ease and dodged his clumsy attack. Coming to stop a few feet beyond the bed, she stuck out her tongue and laughed at him.

David surveyed her surroundings, there was no escape for her unless she was to jump out onto the balcony or double-back onto the bed from the other side. He smiled, knowing this farce would not last either way, as it was both of their desires that he catch her.

He moved slowly toward her position and Luna backed away, head held low, as she matched him step for step.

Finally, with her rear almost pressed against the wall, he lunged forward again.

Luna must have seen his attack coming, as she bent down and jumped into the air. Unfurling her grand wings, she was able to clear the man as he landed on the floor in her previous spot and she, instead, glided to safety on the opposite side.

“You cannot catch me like that,” she joked, as she waved her ass, shaking her ribbon-bound tail at him.

David grunted as he rose slowly to his feet. He was not deterred, nor was he done playing, but now, he would go for the win. A new plan formed in his mind and he turned toward Luna and pressed forward slowly. Now, there were few obstacles behind Luna and fewer options for her to escape. Her trump card of flight was already played and he knew it.

Standing tall and playing it safe, he barricaded her flight and left her no choice but to choose land. He continued to creep up on the mare, and she lowered herself in preparation to spring into action.

David did not want her to be hurt, so her purposely left a larger gap on his left side for her to escape. As he pressed forward, eyes locked on his prey, he twitched ever so slightly, and his right leg buckled under him.

Sensing her opening, she bolted forward to his left, dashing to make it through. David, however, had only feigned his injury, and moved to intercept. He caught her around her flank and wrapped her up in both arms, tackling her to the floor.

Luna laughed in mirth at her capture, but David was more serious. He straddled her hindquarters and held her tightly.

Feeling his intensity, she turned to him. “David, let me up,” she commanded, but with love in her eyes.

He acquiesced, allowing his mare to stand, and shook out the unbridled desire clouding his mind.

Luna walked over to the foot of the bed, stretching her legs lightly, then unfurled her wings and with a large flap, blew out all of the candles at her feet. She refolded her wings, and then reared up, placing her forelegs and chest on the bed. She then turned back to her man, still sitting on the floor and locked into his gaze.

“Take me, my love. Make love to me. Show me just how strong you really are,” she said, holding her tail high, showing off her winking marehood.

David stood up and brushed off his legs. He walked over to her rear and stared at it, then reached out with a hand and stroked it lovingly.

Luna teased him further, swishing her tail and allowing it to wrap around his arm. It clung to him, wet with her juices and he grabbed it lightly at the dock and stroked its length, pulling at it slightly.

“Oooh, yes,” she cooed in response.

David sidled up closer, feeling her warmth as he drew near with his groin. Luna pushed back and teased his sensitive flesh as she shook her rear. The sensation caused it to twitch and his penis and slapped her belly with its length, announcing its presence. Feeling it so close, she rubbed it against her inner thighs squeezing it as much as she could.

David could wait no longer. He looked down at her dripping marehood and raised his hips, pointing his spear directly at her winking hole. Now lined up, he pressed forward a bit, securing his position against her.

He took his right hand, with her tail still wrapped around his arm, and gripped her thigh. He then took his free left hand, and similarly grasped her other side.

His heartbeat was pulsing through her, she could feel the tip of his member pressing into her folds and the waiting was ripping away at her patience, driving her mad.

David took a deep breath and steeled himself against the upcoming onslaught. Now prepared, he leaned forward and pushed firmly, parting her lips with his penis as he drove it inside her molten interior.

The invasion caused a loud gasp from the mare. She had never been with a male before David, and while she had sought to pleasure herself, nothing would have ever prepared her for this.

David’s spear drove into her at an agonizingly slow pace. It was hot against her skin and pulled her apart from within. She could feel every morsel of his penis as he remade her inner walls in his image, and she loved it.

David was in a similar state of euphoria. Her wet cave was tight, much tighter than he expected and he experienced a similar sensation to when he suffered the pleasure of Luna’s extreme blowjob.

He was not even half-way in though, and proceeded to buck lightly at her hips, attempting to gain access into her deepest parts.

Luna arched her back and placed her head on her forehooves as he drilled into her. It was the most pleasure she would experience that night, and she revelled in it, pushing back ever so slightly with every thrust David made.

David would have nothing of it though, this was his job, and he aimed to please. He let go of her hips and put both hands on her back, pressing down to hold her still.

“Yes, yes! You filthy man, drive deeper into my marehood, make it your own. Rut me and give it your all!”

David pulled back a bit for the first time, causing a loud whimper from Luna and she thrashed her head back and forth uncontrollably from the pleasure. He rewarded her with a sharp thrust, regaining what he had lost and burying himself an inch or so further, almost completely hilting himself in his mare.

Feeling the tension and difficulty of his penetration, David looked down to his right. He shifted his weight to his left and picked up his right foot, placing it just inside of Luna’s hoof. Then, leaning right, he scooted the foot outward, knocking Luna’s hoof aside and splaying her hips wider.

“What are you—” was as far as Luna got in her question before the answer came.

David pulled back, and then thrust forward with all the strength in his thighs and drove his dick deep inside of her, finally hilted to his balls.

Luna gasped, and panted at the depth he had reached. Her tummy felt the pressure of his manhood as he throbbed within. Finally, another person’s life force was deep, deep down inside her. The sensation caused her to shudder and she leaked a bit of marecum around his base which trickled slowly down his balls before dripping on the floor.

David paused to feel the sensation and to prevent him from losing the battle and coming too soon. He felt her muscles grip him, twitching at the invading presence as she winked incessantly. They tried to pull him deeper, as if they were beckoning him to come in. Finally, David regained his composure, and took in a deep breath, ready for the ride that lie ahead.

Luna recovered as well, and with the stars from her vision clearing, she did not even look back at her man, but instead yelled forward to the bed, “RUT ME, DAVID! GIVE IT ALL… GIVE IT ALL TO ME!”

David was ready to do just that. He pulled out his member quickly, causing Luna to whinny loudly at the feeling of vacancy he left behind. He returned with gusto, piercing her to her deepest parts, slapping his balls loudly against her exposed clit. He did not relent though, and he pulled partially out again, only to push back agonizingly slow, making both of them tremble.

Now, the teasing was over, and David began to piston in and out at a medium pace, building his rhythm as the smell of their sex permeated the air. He varied his strokes, sometimes driving deep and other times shallow, all in the attempt to prolong their lovemaking and please his princess.

She shivered at his touch, her coat rippling at the intense sensations. David felt this, and gave her side a light smack, eliciting a gasp from the mare.

David leaned over her back and grabbed her wings at the joints. He humped her with a steady pace, each thrust causing Luna to groan. He rocked his pelvis into her, stimulating her whole rear from top to bottom as his belly pinned her tail to her back.

At this point, Luna had lost her breath. She panted wildly, trying to get ahold of herself through the euphoric experience. Her peak built quickly, and she readied herself for another mammoth climax.

David, however, had done too good of a job of holding back, and was now far behind his lover in pace. He sensed her upcoming release and leaned back after letting go of her wings. Instead, he grabbed her tail and yanked it as he plunged deep within her, feeling her tighten around him.

It was all Luna could stand. With his last thrust, his testicles slapped her clit roughly and sent her over the edge again. She convulsed from head to hoof, shaking her mane and grinding back into her man’s dick as hard as she could. Her yell was hoarse and shrill this time, having screamed too loud in their earlier session.

David stood as his penis was gripped tightly by her walls. The flood of her marecum came shortly after her screams of delight and it painted them both in her essence. David wrapped his arms around her belly as he rode her through her spasms.

With her cum splattered on the floor, David accidentally lost his footing and slipped. His penis was pulled out with a soft pop as he fell to the floor.

Luna, still shaking, felt her strength fail without her man to support her. She also began to fall as she slid off the bed, somewhat groggy from her intense experience.

David acted quickly and caught her. Carefully, he heaved her up in his arms and princess-carried her to the bed.

Laying her on the mattress, he looked over her to assess her condition. Her eyes were still closed and she mumbled sweet words as she nestled into the fabric. David glanced down at her still-wet slit, her marecum oozing forth as if he had bred her, and it made him happy.

Finally recovering, she raised her head a bit and looked at him, a warm smile on her lips. No longer the virginal princess that she was before they met, but now a mature mare, with a partner she could share her intimacy with.

As David stood before her, she saw something that brought a frown to her face.

“You… you did not orgasm?” she asked tentatively.

“No, but don’t worry about it. I think the position was just a bit too awkward for me this time,” he answered.

She shuffled toward him, and licked the head of his penis, causing him to shudder.

“Please,” she said, “I want to feel your seed inside me. I want you to breed me as your mare.”

“But, you’re tired, Luna. I can’t just do it alone.”

“You underestimate me, my love. I may not be able to stand your powerful thrusts, but I will match your intensity as you show me your desire. You may take me in any way which will provide you pleasure.”

Her eyes told David everything he needed to know. She was not going to take “no” for an answer. She wanted him inside her, wanted his essence. He knew what to do, what would give him his moment of release, and so he climbed back up into bed with her.

David scooped her up into his arms and lay her on her back again. He propped her up with pillows at her back and sides so she did not have to expend her strength for what was to come. Taking one last pillow, he propped up her rear and positioned himself behind her, kneeling before her wet snatch.

Locked in each other’s eyes, their silent link was established. She nodded to him to proceed, and in turn he made his approach.

David split her rear legs in two, holding each leg firmly in a hand. The strength he put into his grip reignited Luna’s lust as she felt her agency being taken away.

David looked down at her slit, still drenched in marecum but with her nub slowly receding.

“You’re so wet. Your lips are shining, glazed in your cum and your pussy is still winking and throbbing, waiting for me to fill you up,” he said.

Luna blushed hard at David’s dirty talk, but didn’t look away.

“I can’t wait to feel you again, to drive my dick deep inside and fill you up with my seed. I’m going to cum inside you, Princess.”

Her tail twitched at the word, at the filthy way he besmirched the crown, and she loved it.

David pulled her legs close to his face and kissed them. He tongued the tender soles of her hooves, all while staring at her, driving his unspoken lust into her mind. He teased her, continuing to lap away at her legs.

His member was strong again, and it lay across her belly. He pushed his hips down and into her flesh, thrusting lightly against her fur, prodding her teats and inner thighs with his manhood.

Feeling his warm rod against her she tried to buck into him, but had neither strength nor position to do so.

David sensed her urges and finally left her hooves, then split her legs apart again. He then repositioned himself as he knelt behind her, his legs spread wide as he sat on his heels.

Making a small adjustment, he pulled back quickly and lined up with her entrance, then driving forward, he hilted himself in one great thrust.

Luna gasped and moaned as her partner stabbed down into her depths again. She felt the tingle of pain and pleasure as his length split her open and filled her to the brim.

She hissed, “Make me yours,” between staggered breaths.

David tightened his grip on her back legs and began to pound into her mercilessly, using them for the leverage he needed. The actions caused the pleasurable sensations to grow rapidly in his groin as his mind swam, bathed in hormones.

Luna’s gasps and the constant wet slaps of their crotches meeting repeatedly filled the once silent room.

David pulled her legs together, creating a tightness in her pussy that made him struggle and fight to keep going. The pressure caused David to gasp at the newfound pleasure.

Luna looked at him, lost in his movements, hoping to catch his eye. He finally blinked and caught her stare.

“I’m close,” she mouthed silently. “Come with me.”

David wrapped her back legs in one arm, freeing up one to move lower. He rubbed her ass over her cutie mark and then moved it behind. He leaned forward on her legs, forcing them to her chest, all while pounding away at her swollen marehood. He then reached down with his free hand and flicked her nub, throwing her over the edge.

Luna came again for the third time that night, and no less spectacularly. Her horn sparked to life unwillingly and gave off a private fireworks show for the two lovers. Marecum gushed once again from her nethers as her insides spasmed in response. She tried to hold back her screams and instead bit her lips as the waves of pleasure washed over her.

But this time, she was not alone. David came as his lover rippled beneath him, his pelvis twitched as he hilted the mare and poured his semen deep within her. He gasped, trying to breathe, even as he continued to spew ropes of his sticky cum against the walls of her cervix, begging for the liquid to gain entry.

“Luunnaaaa!” he yelled, continuing to pump into her with his eyes screwed tightly shut.

He had never come like this. He knew then, that for this purpose—to plant his seed— was what this loving act was designed for and it opened his eyes to dreams and fantasies of the future.

Finally spent, he collapsed on top of his marefriend, sweaty and tired.

Though she was still recovering, she looked down at him lovingly and brushed his hair out of his face and stroked his head and shoulders.

“I love you, David Marshall,” she whispered to her unconscious mate.


David regained consciousness a few moments later. He was still lying on top of Luna, who was pinned beneath him.

“Good morning,” she chimed, though it was still late in the night.

“Oh. Hello, Luna. I was having the most wonderful dream,” he replied sleepily.

“I could feel your happiness as well.”

David pushed himself up to release Luna from her confines. He could feel that he was still inside her and he withdrew his limp penis from her nethers.

The sensation made them both twitch, and Luna gasped at the feeling of David’s semen leaking out and clenched her hips together, crossing her legs.

David helped her reposition on her side, removing pillows and guiding her legs and hips as she rolled over into a more comfortable position. He then crawled up behind her and spooned her lovingly with his whole body, wrapping an arm around her chest and pulling her back into him.

Luna reciprocated, nudging whatever part of her body that was not in contact back into the man’s warm embrace and finally laying her tail over his legs.

Now as close as they could be, David reached down and pulled the covers over them, securing them in the bed.

“This love we share is incredible,” she started.

“I agree.”

“To think, two strangers, completely unknown to each other before, meet under rare circumstances and fall for each other. It is a miracle.”

“I think so, too. It’s our miracle.” David kissed her ear.

“I have met ponies in many generations. Many were interesting, few were worthy, and yet none hold a place in my heart as you have. Is it because I was their princess? Was I at fault?”

“I don’t know. I could ask similar questions but I won’t. I don’t have a good answer to why I fell for you, Luna. I’m just glad we were not blinded by our differences, that we gave our feelings a chance. I’ve been very guarded before when faced with relationships, and I’m glad that didn’t happen this time. I love you, Luna, and I’m so happy you love me too.”

“I do, I really do,” she said, nuzzling back into his neck. “I would have your foals, if it were possible. They would be strong and healthy, I am sure of it.”

Is that possible?” he asked.

“No,” she said calmly, “we are too different. Not even magic can make life in this situation. Besides, I am not even in estrus.”

“So you have to be in estrus to conceive?”

“Yes. We mares, all of us, are not fertile unless in heat. My sister and I, though, are different from the rest. We do not go into heat regularly, nor can we be stimulated to do so. Our cycles may take many years, sometimes decades or longer before we become fertile again. We have determined it is due to our connection to the celestial bodies. Their energy gives us power and keeps us safe, but it also changes our biological timing.”

“Oh. So Cadance and Twilight?”

“They are as normal as they can be. They are still young as alicorns, but as they are now attuned to powerful elements, their cycles too will change as time passes. The most immediate effect comes from the influx of new magic and how that will affect their estrus.”

“So,” David began, “have you ever thought about having foals of your own? You said you are fertile at times, just that it is rare.”

“Let us not talk of that for now. It is something we have almost given up on completely, both as mares and as the reigning princesses of this land. There are just too many complications to consider.”

“I understand. But I would like to hear your thoughts and worries on it in the future, should you feel willing to discuss them with me.”

“In time, my David, you will know all I have to share and more. Just give me time.”

With that, Luna fell silent. She let her consciousness fade away and sleep take hold. David looked around the room, seeing candles burnt down to their holders, some already snuffing themselves out as they drowned in their own wax. He buried his nose in the side of Luna’s neck and breathed deeply of her heavenly scent, letting it lull him off to sleep.
