The Prince of Storms

by Sweetmiss2121

Chapter 16: another kind of "Homework"

The prince of storms Chapter 16: Another Kind of "Homework".

Canterlot Royal Castle – corridors -

It was a quiet morning and Celestia, for once managing to do the impossible and get five minutes of free time to spend doing what she wanted, was calmly walking towards the small room her beloved sister had committed as classroom for her lessons to both Trixie and her nephew.

"I cannot see why I can't help in teaching them, Twilight is a wonderful example of the fact that I know how to be a Teacher/Tutor...Workaholic tendencies notwithstanding. Nor can be said that I never tried curbing them, she is just very stubborn." she admitted to herself as if feeling the need to justify her innocence when talking about Twilight's attitude towards studying or books in general.

"I get it that Luna is using the lessons as a practical excuse to reconnect with her beloved son, but such oppressing (for we others) possessiveness is annoying...There, I said it!" Celestia added blushing a little.

"OOOOH!" A long moan of pleasure echoed in the corridor making the Alicorn stumble a little.

"...Oh please tell me Luna is not making Maelly and Trixie mate in front of her so to give suggestions or correct Trixie's mistakes!" Celestia muttered in horror as she neared the closed door.

"Oooh, Maelly! HARDER! HARDER!" the voice said between loud howl of ecstasy.

"That is Miss Applejack...SHE IS USING HER AS A MODEL FOR PROPER MATING?!" the Sun Princess said shocked as she carefully opened the door enough to peek inside.

...She had not the strength for barging inside and really interrupt her nephew mid-coitus, okay?

"As you can see," Luna was saying calmly as the GIANT projection of her son mercilessly plowing AJ from behind stopped momentarily so that the laser pointer she was holding up magically could circle around the point of connection between the stallion and the mare, doing so to underline the obscene bulging of the Element of Honesty's stomach enlarging and shrinking in slow-motion whenever the Wind Alicorn was thrusting forward or backwards.

"The matter is not only managing to take him, but doing so without losing consciousness as Miss AJ's expression..."

( At that the Image zoomed on the mare's face showing blank eyes and drooling mouth)

"...Clearly states the obvious intense feeling of pleasure he can provide. I am not saying this just because, frankly, mating an unresponsive mare lowers the pleasure both physical and mental (As it has been demonstrated that listening the partner vocal appreciations spurs the other to do better and makes them feel better with themselves), it also means that the mare, in our case YOU, can actually enjoy it instead of fainting after the fifth Climax and so 'missing' the following six." Luna explained calmly, between her tone and her dressing like a school teacher it didn't even seem like she was talking about sex.

"E-E-ELEVEN?!" Celestia mentally gasped in awe.

"E-E-Eleven?" Trixie asked weakly, and since she had a first-row seat directly under the several-meters-long for several-meters-wide giant video of a stallion sexually demolishing a mare the Sun Princess could not fault her anxiety.

"Uhm? Ah, yes! Yes! I guess it does sound a little intimidating hearing this for the first time." Luna answered distractedly.

"More than a little, that sounds lethal!" both mares thought at the same time.

"Truth be told, it is one of those little things the Shinobi from the world Maelstrom was raised in had always lamented; by nature of their call in life as mercenaries they are trained ever since they were mere colts and fillies to reach the peak of Stamina and Power, with the strongest of them having been documented as able to battle non-stop for seven days and seven nights against whole armies, and so it is not hard to imagine how this could reduce the list of possible mates down to other shinobi as 'Civilians' couldn't obviously match them in Endurance. This not considering my baby boy's special case and the Beast that he had been forced to carry inside, of course...It will be already a difficult task helping you with his being an Alicorn only, the added extra of his training MIGHT pose a further obstacle...But I am sure we will be able to do this...He is not selfish so I am sure that should you manage to last for at least six to seven times he won't mind." Luna answered.

"But still...The Very Worried Trixie finds eleven times to be...Disconcerting..." Trixie admitted, both she and her teacher missing Celestia's nod.

"It is?" Luna asked dumbfounded.

"Yes, Teacher."

"Oh! I have been missing for a thousand years so I guess the standards must have lowered considerably; my beloved Storm had a standard of seven times whenever we were intimate with a peak of nine when he was REALLY in the mood...And from what I could gather Eleven is the Shinobi equivalent of a...of a...What is the modern term for a very quick intercourse done when both parties have to hurry-up?"

"A Quickie?" Trixie offered shocked.

"Yes, that. Miss Sakura has been very helpful in my data gathering when I asked for Medical details about Maelstrom." Luna said nodding.

It had been a very mortifying talk for Sakura Haruno that one, especially since it was the mother of one of her dearest friends asking those questions, in detail and with added charts she had brought with herself; and of course Sasuke too didn't appreciate the Alicorn's questions about the probable number of times a Jinchuuriki could possibly reach when mating.

And as a result now both still couldn't look at their blond friend in the eyes whenever he paid them a visit without blushing.

"This is why I am doing this, I find unfair that nor you OR my baby can fully appreciate your moments of intimacy by leaving the bedroom unsatisfied, we will work on a sure-fire strategy to resolve this issue." Luna finished saying with a defeated sigh.

"With all due respect, Teacher...But Trixie believes that AJ seems awfully satisfied..." the former Showmare said unsure.

"Really?" the Moon Alicorn said unsure as the recording returned to run at normal speed.

"Come on, AJ! Scream for me!" the recording of Maelstrom said as he gave a strong bite to AJ's mane to pull her head back.

"AH! AH! AH! AH! COMING! COMING! OH GOODNEEEEEEEESS!" AJ bellowed as the squishy sounds of his wet privates entering her womanhood filled the room.

Celestia could not fathom how the farm mare was actually...taking him...without being split in half, it wasn't a matter of personal dimensions either, but Celestia herself by sizes alone could be said to be 'towering' over Twilight and her friends while her nephew was slightly taller and broader than even her, so even if more than half of his thing kept remaining outside when going as deep as possible, the girth alone should have been an issue...unless unholy amounts of filly-oil and Perseverance had been used.

But considered the sizes of that particular specimen, she felt very few mares would have objected trying being ruined by it.


"What?" Luna asked while still studying AJ's performance as now the mare was being hosted in the air with her back legs wide open with their hooves at the sides of her head as the now Sage Cloak-ed Alicorn kept ramming it upwards, making her body shake like a rag-doll and her head rest on his shoulder to let-out helpless guttural moans.

"How he does T-T-That...Is the video speeding-up? Why is she not dead?" Trixie asked with unblinking eye.

"No, it's at normal speed and from what I could gather, Rainbow Dash explained the need of using lubricant to her friends, but let's move to the next point...And please stop panting."

"Trixie is not panting," the young mare answered confused.

"...Oh! And yet I could swear...Whatever. Next point, Oral Ministrations." Luna said shrugging and speeding-up the video until the two lovers switched again position to return to him taking AJ from behind.

"Calm down...Calm down...It has been a thousand years since last time you had a stud-NO! STOP!" Celestia thought while covering her mouth with both hooves.

"As you can see now, Human Mating also adds oral ministrations to the equation for both partners, I can also tell you that he posses a specific Spell (Or Jutsu, if we have to be technical) helping him with this," the Moon Alicorn explained as the video of AJ stopped momentarily to make room to one where Dash had her face buried between the Prince legs and viceversa.

"The maximum length his tongue can reach is between ten to eleven inches with girth also growing in scale," she explained as the thick appendage was showed elongating to penetrate hungrily either snatch or plucked butthole at random intervals.

"Analingus is the term for the Flank-licking while Cunnilingus is for the marehood, please remember the difference if you feel the need to ask him in detail."

"But what we will focus on today will be the 'Female Version' of this," she added as the camera moved to show Dash give long, worshipful licks from top to bottom to the rock-hard rod and alternating each lick with either kisses to the tip or rounds of deep-throat.

"Luckily only Miss Dash and Miss Twilight can at the moment properly take him all the way down without gagging, but since Miss Pie is making leaps and bounds in her progresses to do that herself it means that we also have a tight schedule...Luckily I have found a cucumber roughly matching Maelly's sizes so you'll be able to practice in private, as I can guess doing that in front of your target's mother would seem awkward...even if I am your teacher." Luna said taking from her desk said vegetable to move it on Trixie's desk.

"This true scale penis Prince?" the overwhelmed mare asked without moving her eyes from Dash and the way her throat bulged at each mouthful she greedily gulped down.

"I will ignore your lack of proper grammar or manners this time in virtue of teen hormones, but yes, this is in scale 1:1 if you really need to know."

"Oh, Goodness! I have asked the Chef for cucumber salad for lunch! You can't do this to me, Luna!" Celestia mentally whined.

"Now, the last thing we will analyze today to close our lesson...Dirty Talking."

"Dirty Talking?" Trixie asked in a daze, whining in displeasure as the Video returned to AJ before she could see why there were three clones of Maelstrom together with the Original surrounding Dash while pointing their 'thing' directly at her face and her drooling open mouth.

"Sorry the cliffhanger but this is more important. Dirty Talking is the role-playing where debasing insults are exchanged between lovers mostly at the peak of the Pleasure few instants before the climax; my son discovered a side of him liking it so whenever possible he likes to use it, don't feel insulted if he does it with you, he doesn't really think what he says in those moments." the Moon Alicorn explained.

"Think what?"

"Come on, Slut! SUCK IT! SUCK MY DICK!" the image of Maelstrom ordered bucking his hips back and forth with brutal power and literally raping AJ's mouth and throat.

"HOLY HARMONY!" Trixie yelled as the obscene slurping noises blared from the video showing AJ's face reduced to a mess of sweat and pre-cum, her mane (surprisingly well-kept normally) rumpled by the vulgar treatment and her hat missing as it had flew away as soon as he started.

"GRRRRAAAAAAAAAH!" the Prince howled as he took it out to shower the farm-mare face with violent spurts of white soon covering the panting girl's face completely.

"Aaah! Aaah! Ahha!" as soon as it was finally over the Element of Honesty was left fall in a quite sizable puddle of sticky white with both mouth and back holes continuously pouring out the excesses of white, each pant accompanied by strong convulsion-like shivers.

"That was time number four, curiously the quantity of release doesn't change much until he reaches six. He is not heartless so he understood she reached her limit this time and stopped and so once helped her cleaning-up he took her home to rest...I have to admit it, their sleeping together cuddling was almost cute to watch. This concludes today's lesson, any questions?" Luna asked making the video she took in secret disappear completely.


"You were the one openly asking me if you could date Maelly and even suggest the possibility of intimacy, I just found necessary take the matter in my hooves to help you."

"Y-Y-Yes, Teacher...The humble Trixie is very grateful for your help..." the mare answered once recovered enough control over herself.

"Huhuhu! I can tell this was honestly overwhelming as I am not blind, but I am really trying to help you, even if my methods are unorthodox. So I won't get angry for your small climax at seeing all this.

"But...But Trixie didn't had one from watching...even if she went darn close at doing that, Teacher Luna." Trixie admitted ashamed.

"As I said, there is no problem with this. But if you didn't then what is this smell?" Luna asked curious while moving towards the door to slam it open.

"Who's there?!" the Alicorn barked walking out only to feel her hoof step on something wet and sticky, looking down she found a very small puddle of clear liquid under her and once took a sniff she returned to look around with narrowed eyes.

"We had a peeping-tom...A pervert!" she muttered with a furious growl.

"You have your homework but feel free to do side-researches, tomorrow you'll show me the results. You are dismissed as I have a personal investigation to do now." Luna said as she marched outside to find the mysterious pony that dared spy on her lessons.

Meanwhile - with Celestia – Bedroom -

The panting Sun Alicorn had just ran inside her room slamming the door closed, leaning against it for support and finally slumping down panting heavily with her face dark-red and her body trembling slightly.

"Aha! Aha! Aha!" she was still trying to regain her breath before looking down to see a new puddle there rapidly growing in size as she kept sitting on the floor.

"TAKE IT, SLUT!" A voice rang in her head.

"Nonono!" she chanted as she hurried towards her bathroom.


"Fill up! Fill up! Fill up!" she begged as she waited for her bathtub to get fill by ice-cold water.


"W-WATER!" Celestia moaned as she dived head-first and resurfacing few seconds later with a gasp.


"Aaah! That's better!" at the lack of voices she relaxed and leaned her head back on the tub's side enjoying the refreshing cold calming her down.

"...I am just saying that we both know you are missing a good fucking...It has been 1000 years, there is no shame in needing some few hours of Drunk-monkey sex, you know he would love to ram that monster dick up your legendary plump ass and break it. Do not deny it." The same voice said conversationally.


It took maybe an instant, but her blush simply got so fierce that the whole content of the bathtub evaporated in a second, leaving her sitting inside the empty thing and surrounded by hot steam.

"That is not helping!" the Sun Alicorn hissed while glaring at her crotch.

And somehow she could swear she heard her marehood whine in answer to that.

Later that evening – Ponyville – Library -

At the moment Twilight was calmly enjoying one of her short pauses to re-read one of the many tomes she had the option to put her hooves on while reclining on a puff she had moved in a secluded corner; Spike was outside and the other Elements were all going through her own businesses, so without troubles and/or Bad Guys planning mischief, she had the whole selection of printed paper all for herself. And she loved it.

"Pure bliss..." she muttered pleased as she inhaled the scent of the book she was reading with a beatific expression soon followed by a sigh of pure pleasure.

Knock! Knock!

"Darn it!" the young mare cursed lowly as she forced herself up to open the door.

Knock! Knock! "Ah! You are here, perfect!" Trixie said elated as soon as the door opened, and without waiting for an invitation she entered to take a seat on the same puff Twilight had just vacated.

"Please...Do enter and make yourself comfortable..." the purple Unicorn said in sarcasm while closing the door.

"Do not worry, Trixie will make it quick so to not disturb." the showmare answered nonplussed while looking around.


"I need to borrow a copy of your notes for her lessons, Teacher Luna suggested asking you, she even teleported Trixie here herself."

"What kind of notes?"

"Ah! The Princess gave me a list...Hem-Hem!" she answered unfolding a piece of paper to read it aloud with a straight (albeit blushing) face.

"I need: 'Anal Mating: Hows and Hows not', the two volumes of 'Pros and cons of Hooves-jobs', a copy of 'Five useful tricks for taking a BIG one in every hole' and if possible 'Gagging Reflex and Kegel exercises: how to master them in 10 steps'..."

"AND I AM SUPPOSED TO HAVE NOTES ABOUT THAT?! WHY?!" the mare shrieked with a horrified expression.

"..." Trixie merely looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"...Let me guess: 'You are Twilight Sparkle, you have notes about EVERYTHING.'...Am I right?" Twilight asked groaning while massaging her temples.

"Yep! So? Will you help Trixie?" the mare asked smirking.

"...Follow me." the Element of Magic answered in defeat as both walked towards a small, hidden room.

"Nopony must know about this." Twilight said sighing as she flipped a hidden switch making the walls spin of 180 to show shelves after shelves of nameless books.

Near her Trixie left out a stricken whistle of awe at the sheer number of books.

"How do you know I have those notes?" she asked shaking her head while collecting the requested books.

"Teacher Luna saw you take notes just like she was doing for my lessons at the opposite side of the clearing where Maelstrom and Dash were having fun, you never noticed her while you both kept recording every sordid detail of the Prince's escapades." Trixie admitted.

"I see..."

"Is this all stuff you did with him?"

"No, I am still virgin, completely." Twilight admitted with a red face.

"Then why are you..."

"I am not a shy cutie like Fluttershy, a free spirit like Pinkie nor I have the bravery of AJ or Dash to walk up to him and...get down to business...What I can do though is research and learning, so when the time comes I won't appear lacking but I will already have an idea of what I am doing." Twilight answered while looking at the room in apprehension.

"Shy cutie?" Trixie asked snorting.

"You know, the innocent girl every boy would love to make 'Dirtier' and-"

"Innocent? Fluttershy? PFT-HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"What's so funny?" the purple Unicorn asked offended.

"Nothing, nothing! It's just that there is more to your friend than what you imagine!"


"Still...All those books...Wouldn't somepony say you are debasing yourself? You even have a manual on becoming a s-s-sperm-dump!" Trixie asked with crimson cheeks while showing her said book.

"That is a book I got from a Human of Konoha so do not ruin it as it is a Loan, I still have to finish to translate and copying it. And as for your doubts, Mares Objectification is a plague, yes, and I guess somepony would say that I am doing just that to myself, but I know it will be my own choice to do all this or not as I won't be forced (and I know my coltfriend won't force me). As long as me and him act properly when in public, what me and Maelly will do in the privacy of our bedroom will only be our business and nopony else...It's my life we are talking about, nopony has any right to dictate me on how to live it." she answered shrugging while putting the book back to its place.

"If you are okay with this, so? These notes?"

"Here, here...WAIT!"

"What?" Trixie asked confused at the outburst.

"You aren't going to use this knowledge on my coltfriend, right?" Twilight asked with a growling tone and narrowed eyes.


"I see. I am sorry but I can't share my notes," the other answered while pushing the other towards the door.

"WAIT! WAIT! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO TRIXIE!" the showmare said trying to resist the shoving.

"Yes I can, as the original author and owner of the notes I have every right, now please kindly remove yourself." Twilight answered nonplussed.

"I was told to take those from Princess Luna!"the other said as she planted her four hooves on the door-frame to not be kicked out.

"And I will keep denying possessing them, at worst I'll ask Princess Celestia for help, she won't be happy to hear about those 'Lessons' centered around her nephew."


"Love and War share similar ideals and sharing my trump card is a very bad strategy,"


"Then take notes yourself, like when back in school. Stop copying and start doing your own homework!" Twilight answered closing the door on the mare's face.



"It won't work!" the purple mare said from behind the door.

Sniffle! Sniffle! Sob!

"Told you already...It's not working…" Twilight answered with a strained tone.

Sniffle! Sob! Sob! Sniffle! "Waaaaah!"

"OKAY! FINE! I WILL HELP YOU!" the Unicorn roared opening the door to find a perfectly-fine Trixie already cleaning away her fake tears.

"Trixie thanks you!" the showmare said happily as she trotted back inside.

"Darn it. Come with me, let's see what you need." the other muttered grumbling.

Meanwhile – With Fluttershy – Shy Mare's Home -

"PLEASE NO! DON'T DO IT!" the Element of Kindness was pleading with wide scared eyes while cowering at Discord's feet.

"I am tired of this! You either tell him yourself or I'll do it!" the Draconequus answered angrily, the dark bags under his eyes accentuating even more his wrathful expression.

"Nononono! I can't! YOU Can't!" the mare blabbered hysterical.

"Every. Night! EVERY DARN NIGHT! I can't sleep at all with all the noise you make! If you have to play your fetishes then use a Ball-Gag too! Humans at least are considerate enough to come-up with something to lower the noise level!" Discord answered snarling.


"Every Night…"Master!" here! "Use me!" There! Have you any idea how hard it is to sleep if from the near room all that ruckus comes out to fill the house? You are free to enjoy every kinky game that gives you the jollies, but at least I ask for you to keep quiet!"

"I'll do it! I'll be quiet! Just don't tell Maelstrom yet! I am not mentally ready!" Fluttershy pleaded.

"Mentally ready for what?" the Prince asked as he peeked in from the open window.


"Oh, nothing much!" Discord answered normally.

"Please! Please no! Nononononononono!" Shy muttered while shaking her head wildly.

"Shy? You okay?" the Wind Alicorn asked worried as he hurried inside.

"It's all okay! Everything is perfectly normal!" the mare answered immediately.

"You...You are shaking..." Maelstrom said while hugging her to try calm her down.

"I-It's nothing! It's nothing, It's nothing, It's nothing, It's nothing, It's nothing!" she repeated with a trembling voice.

"H-Hoy?!" the Alicorn said unnerved while the girl buried her face on his wing to keep repeating those words again and again.

Sigh! "That's pathetic...She has a deep BDSM Fetish and she lacks the spine to admit it, you should be the Master of course," Discord said annoyed as he lied down on the couch.

At that the Pegasus simply went 'undone' and collapsed limp in the Alicorn embrace in a dead faint.

"FLUTTERSHY!" Maelstrom yelled in shock.

One hour later – bedroom -

Fluttershy felt like hell, she had the worst nightmare and just wanted to spend the whole day under her covers, she refused to face her friends until the memories of that horrid dream…

"You are awake! thank God!" Maelstrom said sighing elated from his sitting next to her bed.

"It was not a dream..." Fluttershy muttered in abject horror before burying her head under her pillow and silently praying to die that very instant.

"How's she?" Discord asked peeking inside to check on her.

"How could you!?" the mare answered with a broken voice filled in betrayal, so much that even the Draconequus recoiled slightly.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." the mismatched creature said shrugging and leaving the two alone.

"Jerk. Come on, Shy...Come out." the Prince pleaded while gently nudging the bundle of covers hiding the shy Pegasus.

"Please don't hate me..." she said weakly.

"Play along," Kurama suggested.

"Eh?" the Wind Alicorn asked confused.

"She has BDSM fetishes? Then play along, let her see that it doesn't change a thin between you two, she needs to understand that you don't find her strange." the Biju explained.

"Well, it IS a little strange."

"Your hormones tell a different story, just come out of the closet and admit it: The Toad Pervert managed to corrupt you in those three years." Kurama answered smirking.

"It-It didn't happen! I-I am not like Ero-Sennin!" the other answered vehemently shaking his head.



"Come on! Say it!"


"I wanna hear it!" Kurama sing-sang in great amusement.

"I c-c-can't!"

"Come on! No-one is here...No-one will know!"

"...I have a hair fetish, the longer the better and I like giving and receiving Oral Sex, and tall girls and short girls and watching them squirm and coming on their face and-" he said gaining more speed at every "and"

"Okay...That's enough..."

"And I love to lick their neck and when they beg me for more and using Clones to Gang-Bang them and-"

"You can stop now..." Kurama said turning a little unnerved.

"And I love when I manage to give them multiple screaming orgasms and...and...AND I AM HAVING FANTASIES AS OF LATE WHERE I BEND AUNT CELESTIA OVER THE DINNER TABLE TO PLOW HER ASS HARD UNTIL SHE SCREAMS!" he admitted before burying his face in his hooves in shame.

"...Wow...I didn't know about the last one." the Biju admitted with a low whistle.

Up in Heaven -

"YOU CORRUPTED MY BABY! DIEEEEEE!" Kushina bellowed as she assaulted the dead Toad Sannin.

"Well...Technically he is not exactly your son?" Jiraiya tried saying while backing away.

"Bad answer, Human." Fierce Storm answered as he and Minato moved to keep him still.

"All yours, honey!" the former Fourth Hokage said as he and the pony shoved the Sannin towards the woman.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" with a hellish roar Kushina pounced, making the agonizing screams of pain of Jiraiya echo everywhere.

"...You are not really angry about this, right?" Storm asked.

"Nope! And you?" Minato answered while barely concealing his smirk.

"Me neither, I share the same fetishes in fact,"

"Ditto!" at that human and Pony exchanged a stealth fist-bump of male camaraderie.

Back on Equestria -

In the deep silence that was elongating between the two Fluttershy finally gave-in and started sniffling hard when the first tears made their appearance, also snapping the Prince from his mental dialogue with Kurama; it was then that a small box moved-out from under the bed by itself to poke him on the leg.

"What the..." he muttered before turning to look at the door to see Discord's tail disappear as he silently moved away.

Opening the lid, the Wind Alicorn saw a small black collar with a dog tag, a short leash and a riding crop along a blindfold and handcuffs.

"Why would a world of horses have riding crops?" Kurama asked dumbfounded.

"Made in Grass Village, she took it during our last visit in our world. She must have sneaked away when in Konoha with em and the others to visit one of the Leaf's Adult Stores." he answered.

"I see, now move before she does something stupid, like running away as soon as she remain alone."

Nodding at the Biju's words the Prince yanked the covers away making Fluttershy shriek and try to move away, without saying a word and with his gentlest smile the Alicorn simply fastened the collar around her neck making her go wide-eyed.

"It's pretty, it does really suit you," he said kissing her cheek.

"+$%%£..." muttering something incomprehensible the Pegasus turned beet-red and looked down.

"Speak louder." Maelstrom said sharply.

"I-I-It's not strange?" she asked again still with her head held low.

"I like you and you like this sort of things...So I like them too now, is it okay?" he answered nudging her face up with a hoof.

"Y-You sure?" she asked again, this time with a bit more strength returning to her voice.

"You'll need to teach me how to properly do that, but I'll manage...And to be honest, Seeing you wear a 'Property of Prince Maelstrom' dog-tag is surprisingly hot, I guess I just learned something new about myself." he answered chuckling.

"Okay," she answered with a tiny smile finally surfacing.

"What now?" he asked.




"I am the one doing demands, right?" the Alicorn answered smirking.

"Right," Shy said.


"You are right, M-M-Master..." she answered returning to be unhealthily flushed.

Sigh! "We need help with this, come with me." Maelstrom said moving towards the door.

"You are right, where are we going?" Fluttershy admitted sighing herself.

"To meet an expert...and...If it is not a problem..." he answered before looking away.


"Can you...Can you keep the collar? Just this time…"

"Oh! O-O-Okay."

"God, this is Super Pathetic." Kurama muttered face-palming.

Few Minutes later – Carousel Boutique -

"RARITY IS THE EXPERT?!" Fluttershy yelled with wide eyes.

"Yep! Discovered this by chance." Maelstrom answered shaking his head as both entered the shop.

"Expert in what, dear?" the Unicorn asked curious.

"In BDSM, and we both need lessons in that." the Prince answered.

Luckily the boutique was empty, otherwise someone else would have seen the infamous perfectionist 'Fashionista' shred the dress she was working on in a flare of uncontrolled Magic.

"I-I-I-I don't know what you are talking about, Mael." she stammered in panic and refusing to look at them.

Sigh! "We won't talk, Rare! But Fluttershy wants me to be her...Master...and I can't do this if I have troubles even saying the term, same going with her shyness in being the Submissive one for real instead of her fantasies," he answered in defeat.

"I-I-I still don't understand...I am a proper lady...I am not into that sort of sordid things!" the Unicorn answered rapidly walking away.

"Then I'll ask Twilight if she knows where Spike runs to every day," he said with narrowed eyes making her stop abruptly.

"Spikey?" Fluttershy asked confused.

"N-N-No...Please don't tell her!"

"He is in your Dungeon, right? Like the proper 'Pet' he is? What are you punishing him for, this time?" Maelstrom asked.

"D-Dungeon? OH MY GOODNESS!" Shy gasped in shock.

Sigh! "You promised, Meally!" Rarity said whining.

"We are on the same boat, Rare! So help us, please? I don't want to exaggerate and we need to see if we would really enjoy this or not. I don't want to go overboard or step back and lose Fluttershy." the Alicorn said pleadingly and making the Pegasus near him smile happily at his admission.

"Ookay! I'll see what I can do to help you two, but just because we are friends and share common interests. But NOPONY will know about us, okay?! NOPONY!" the Fashionista answered.

"Of Course!" the other two answered at the same time.

"Good! Let's go to my 'Office' and...Is that a collar? You got her to wear one in public?! REALLY?!" Rarity said going wide-eyed in shock.

"I-I thought it was normal..." Shy answered timidly.

"NO WAY! I never got Spike to wear one openly like that! How did you do that!?" Rarity asked Maelstrom with clear jealousy ringing in her tone.

"You tried? You know Twilight will skin you alive if that happens, she still is a little miffed for what happened with that mane-stilist." Maelstrom answered snorting.

"Those are minor details! Come on! You HAVE TO tell me the details, so I'll know from where to start! Spanking? Blind-folds? Bites? Anything yet?" she asked curious.

"T-T-This is our first day in this, Rarity." Fluttershy answered while hiding behind the Alicorn.

"Goodness, you two are hopeless in this. Good thing I am a patient mare, come with me."

Meanwhile – right outside the window -

"So the Fashion Maniac will teach them? Surprising, but only good for blackmail, Luckily Trixie will have a first row seat on the lessons...Even if Teacher Luna is not going to enjoy these notes I will take..." Trixie muttered grimacing as she tried to keep track of the trio to take her notes.

Later that night – Canterlot Royal Castle – Maelstrom's bedroom -

The prince was soundly asleep, still blushing from time to time as his dreams had been influenced by the 'Lessons' Rarity gave him and Fluttershy and the knowledge that more will come at a later time, and unknown to him Kurama instead was greatly enjoying his 'movie night' and even adding a detail or two here and there from his own repertoire of knowledge.

Good thing the Biju could hide those dreams from Luna's eyes should she come checking, otherwise even he doubted half Equestria (the planet) would remain standing after her first bout of maternal fury.

So engrossed both were, that neither of them noticed the bedroom door silently opening and a long shadow loom above the Alicorn, nor did they notice the covers slowly getting peeled away and the Prince's...tool coerced into coming out without waking him up.

"Uuuuhm!" no guards heard the guttural noises of bliss coming from the bedroom nor the heavy, satisfied gulps of hunger following few minutes later.

And it was not the first time this happened either.

Once again, the next morning, Maelstrom could not understand why his aunt's smile seemed to become a little amorous towards the end of her 'Good Morning!' nor why he had the improvise instinct of looking down in shyness or to follow every movement of her tail whenever she walked by him. Or his new-found attraction to her for that matter.

"You okay, sister?" Luna asked curious.

"Oh, yes! I feel perfect, thank you. Even better than usual." the Sun Alicorn answered simply, and no-one seemed to notice the strange gleam that had passed through her eyes as she said that.

"I have a bad feeling, even worse than when that Nightmare Bitch had come back a second time..." Kurama muttered with narrowed eyes as his 'Danger Instinct' started stirring awake.