(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XVI-B - Like a Kid Again

Act XVI-B - Like a Kid Again

Cuddling with David the time passed swiftly, and soon Luna felt the familiar feeling that the twilight was drawing near and she would need to raise the moon.

Luna nuzzled David gently, shaking him awake. “I am sorry, my dear. I must break our embrace to start the night with my sister. It will only be a moment.”

“That’s okay, Luna. You never have to say ‘sorry’ for that.”

Luna kissed his head, then unwrapped herself from around David. After putting on her royal vestments, she headed toward the balcony, opening the doors as she approached.

Luna looked out to her sister’s balcony just at the moment when Celestia, herself, emerged.

The two sisters reached deep into the cosmos to find their celestial charges and wrapped their magic around them.

“Ugh,” David mumbled quietly, as he felt a small pang in his head.

The alicorns proceeded with their duty, lowering the sun to its resting place and allowing the moon to watch over the land. With their work done, they nodded to each other, then returned to their rooms.

Luna came back to find David sitting up in bed, rubbing his temples.

“David, are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Just a little headache.”

“Are you quite sure? Should we call a doctor?” Luna asked.

“I’m sure. It’s just…” David paused, hesitant, but not wanting to lie to his mate. “I’ve started to be able to feel when you use magic. Sometimes it’s a little tingle; sometimes it’s a bit more than that. I can’t say for sure, but when you raised the moon, it may have given me a small headache. But don’t worry, it’s gone now.”

“While I am glad it is gone, it does sound like something we should have checked out. Perhaps we should cancel tomorrow’s party and ask Twilight to come examine you.”

“No, no. I think getting outside may do me some good. It might even be that keeping me cooped up in here is making it worse,” David said.

Luna wore a serious expression and studied his face with genuine concern. ‘I sense his words are not completely honest; he must be so eager to reach the outside world. We must be careful here, magical issues deserve special consideration,’ Luna thought. “Okay. I will acquiesce to your request, but you must cooperate as well. Let us tell Tia and have her examine you at dinner. I will refrain from using magic in the meantime.”

David nodded. “I’m sure everything will be fine. It’s almost time for dinner. Let’s get prepared, and we’ll talk it over with Celestia there.”


“Good evening, Lulu, David. I hope you are both hungry, I hear Cherry has prepared an excellent feast, as usual,” Celestia said cheerfully as Luna walked into the dining room with David shortly behind her.

“Good evening, Sister. Though we are hungry, we have more pressing matters to discuss if you have a moment.”

“Of course, Lulu. Is something wrong?” Celestia asked, her face painted with concern.

Luna sighed. “I am worried that David is sick.”

“Now, Luna,” David jumped in, “I told you I’m not sick. And while I think it’s worthwhile to get checked out, I doubt it’s anything to be concerned about,” he said, looking quite calm as he and Luna took their seats.

“We will let my sister be the judge of that,” Luna countered.

“David, what seems to be the problem?” Celestia asked, face now painted with worry.

“Since, well, since this morning, I’ve been able to feel when Luna uses magic,” David said plainly.

Luna’s ears twitched. ‘Still, he hides…’ she thought. “Aaaand?”

“And once, just once, my head hurt,” David continued.

“Yes, well while David is being difficult, I do not mind going into detail,” Luna said.

“He first let me know of the condition after the exchange this evening. When I returned to him, I found him rubbing his head and complaining of a headache. He then told me that whenever I use magic, he can feel it being used. He has further elaborated that sometimes it is a small tingle, nothing unpleasant, but sometimes it affects different parts of his body, making him shiver or react in other ways. I am concerned it is due to his magical connection to myself. Until I know more, I am refraining from using magic. Sister, could you please use Twilight’s spell and see if there is something amiss with the flow of magic?”

“Of course, Luna. David, would it be alright if I examined you?” Celestia asked.

“Please do. I trust you, Celestia.”

Celestia’s countenance brightened a bit when David accepted her help, obviously putting her a bit more at ease.

“David, please stand in front of the table so that we may take a good look,” Celestia requested.

David did as she asked, and stood patiently by the table. When he was in position, Celestia concentrated on her magic, forming the spell that Twilight had taught them for this purpose.

David squinted a bit as the feeling of Celestia’s magic grew stronger and shivered visibly.

“Sister, stop!” Luna called out, but it was too late, and Celestia finished casting the spell.

“What is it?” Celestia asked, turning to her sister.

“It seems my David has not been completely forthright. He also is affected by your magic as well.”

“Oh my,” Celestia said.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to lie, it’s just when Celestia uses her magic, I feel it much less than with you, Luna,” David finally admitted.

“The spell has been cast, do you feel anything more now, David?” Celestia asked.

“No. It was a little tingly down my spine, like a piece of ice being run down my back, and then it was gone,” David replied. “No pain at all, and no headache.”

“Okay,” Celestia said. “Now let us evaluate your magical connections.”

The two alicorn princesses stood there and studied David and his magical aura. Both the golden and indigo conduits were present, with no new ones to be seen. The golden connection was now more developed, looking like a band of honey flowing between Celestia and David. Luna’s connection, however, was even more pronounced, and no longer represented a ribbon, but was a small cord of several fibers, having a certain thickness, much unlike its previous incarnation.

The two sisters gasped at the changes before them.

“Sister, what does this mean? I do not sense much difference in the flow of magic to David, even though my connection has advanced to such a level,” Luna said.

“I concur. My connection has strengthened as well, but there is not an increase of magic flowing through it. If I had to estimate, it is about the amount it takes anypony to lift a small object,” Celestia said. “The connections are not where we should focus our attention, though. Look at his chest,” Celestia directed.

David’s chest had previously shown a small pool of magic, one that was assumed to be his newly-formed, natural store. This pool of magical potential had undergone a change. When it happened, nopony or man would know. Though similar in size and shape, what they saw now was not a small, quiet pool, but a pulsing, swirling sphere of yellow and blue. It was well-contained as far as the resident magic users could see, but even with their expertise, this was new and uncharted territory.

“David, you have collected a bit more magic, but the vessel is no longer calm as it was before,” Celestia said. “I am not sure what this means, but we should have Twilight take another look at you.”

“Okay. I agree with that. But I don’t want this to affect our outing tomorrow. It’s very important to me. Please, Celestia. I even think that it might help me.”

“Lulu, what do you think? I know you are concerned,” Celestia asked.

Again, Luna stared at David. ‘Truth.’ She paused a moment. “I want David to be okay, but if this outing means so much to him, I want him to be able to go. We will all be there to support him, so if anything were to happen, I believe he would be safe. However, we must prepare so that no more harm comes to him.”

“Thank you,” David said as the magic faded and his body returned to normal.

Celestia shook her head. “Do not thank us yet. We must be very cautious with our use of magic for the meantime to avoid causing you any further discomfort. I will send a letter to Twilight and Cadance, letting them know of the situation. I will also ask Twilight to come here tomorrow, before dawn, and we will see if her magic affects you as well. If it does, this might be more severe than we think and our plan may necessitate a change.”

“I think this is a wise plan. David, rest assured we will do what we can to alleviate the situation,” Luna backed her sister. “Until then, let us dine and rest easy for the moment.”

David carefully weighed the advice of the sisters, then sighed in resignation. “Thank you both for your concern, and I agree with your plan. I’m sure everything will be fine, so let’s eat,” David said as he retook his seat next to Luna.

Celestia nodded, then went to pick up the bell. She stopped short and instead turned to David.

“I am sorry, David. I almost used my magic. Would you please do us the honors?” Celestia asked.

“Sure.” ‘Oh man, don’t tell me they are going to baby me through this the whole way,’ he thought.

David took the bell and rang it to signify the start of dinner to the staff.

As usual, Cherry’s crew came out to deliver their carefully prepared dishes. They did so promptly, bowed slightly, then returned. Cherry pulled up the rear and approached the table, performed a deep bow but did not raise her head.

“Cherry,” Celestia addressed the chef, “raise your head. We are all friends here.”

“Yes, Your Highness. I am pleased to serve you all this evening,” Cherry said warmly.

“Are you alright, Miss Topping?” Luna asked with a smirk on her face.

“I am fine, thank you for asking, Princess Luna,” Cherry replied.

“Something seems to be bothering you, Cherry,” Celestia said. “If there is anything you wish to discuss, feel free to come visit me in my chambers at any time.”

Cherry smiled sheepishly. “I’m fine, everything is fine!” she said, looking around the table. “More than me, is everything alright here? It took quite a while for you to call me tonight.”

“Yes, Cherry. We are okay, thank you for asking,” David answered, with the two alicorns looking at him questioningly.

Cherry caught David’s gaze, then turned away. “Okaay. Please let me know if there is anything I can bring you.”

“Thank you, we will,” David answered again.

At that, Cherry bowed slightly, then left the party to return to the kitchen.

David sighed yet again. “Well, let’s eat up! We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.”

Dinner started, but it was set to be a comedy of errors. Apparently, it had been quite a while since either of the princesses had attempted to do anything without using magic.

Luna committed the first foul. Desiring some salad, she casually motioned for David to pass the salad bowl. Instead, David brought it to her and served her a portion, for which she was very grateful. That is when things went wrong. Luna looked to her utensils and tried to grab her salad fork with her hooves. Though her aim was true, her coordination was off, and she also put much more strength into the task than was required. Needless to say, the fork went flying. It flipped end-over-end as it soared through the air, only for it to land on the tile floor and clatter loudly.

Celestia apparently was brought out of her dour mood by the antics, and she struggled to keep back a giggle. Luna, however, fumed as she stared at the fork on the floor as if it had betrayed her trust.

“Please, Luna. Let me get that for you.” David smiled as he got up and retrieved her fork, placing it in the middle of the table, out of her reach. “Celestia, would you also like some salad?” he offered.

“Yes, please,” she answered.

David took the salad bowl and moved to Celestia’s side to serve her as well.

“Would you care for anything special?” he asked.

“Just a few extra tomatoes and olives please,” Celestia answered.

David did his best to serve her as she requested, placing her portion on her plate.

Celestia thanked him, then looked at the meal before her, as if to determine the best method of attack. She looked up at her sister at the opposite end, who had apparently forgone civility and was busy pushing a cherry tomato around her plate with her nose.

When Luna noticed her new audience, she looked up from her plate to her lover and sister.

“What? I know I am not the only one here who is hungry,” Luna replied.

David turned to Celestia who was looking longingly at her plate. As he did, she stopped, and David caught her gaze.

“Celestia, would you feel better if I fed you?” David asked.

“What?” Luna said, surprised, a piece of lettuce hanging off her chin. “You would feed her, but not me?”

“I would be glad to feed you as well, but you have already started eating,” David said.

“David, though I appreciate your kind offer, I can manage. Do not worry about me,” Celestia said to him.

“Okay. Luna?” David asked his mate.

“I too, am fine. Thank you.”

“As you wish,” David said as he retook his seat.

David and Luna started eating their meal in silence as Celestia looked on.

A moment later a strange, low, guttural sound was heard in the room.

“What, pray tell, was that?!” Luna bellowed, surprised.

David looked around the table, and his gaze locked with a pleading Celestia.

“I’m sorry, Luna. I told you I was hungry,” he said with a smile on his face.

“Oh. Hahahaha,” Luna laughed heartily.

As the commotion passed, all members of the party chowed down on their meals with gusto.

Perhaps a bit overenthusiastically in Celestia’s case, as she choked slightly on a bit of her salad.

David saw her distress as she looked to her empty teacup and then smiled at him. He stood up quickly and walked to her side, then picked up the nearby teapot.

“Allow me,” he said, pouring her a cup.

She nodded in thanks and picked the cup up with her lips, spilling tea around her mouth as she drank sloppily.

Setting it down with a clank, she looked at David warmly as she picked up her napkin with her hoof. “Thank you, David, I was quite parched.”

‘You’re welcome, Celestia. Allow me to refill your cup,” he said, gently refilling the vessel.

“Oh, David,” Luna called in an uncharacteristically sing-song voice.

“Yes, my dear,” David answered as he moved to her side.

“David, I would like to try some of those roasted portabella mushrooms. Would you be so kind as to cut one for me?” she asked.

“Of course,” David answered as he reached for the platter.

He chose a portion from the dish, then served it to Luna. He then took his own knife and fork, and cut it into smaller bites for the princess to eat.

“Would you like to try some of the Marsala reduction with that?” he asked.

“Oh, that would be wonderful,” Luna said to David, but secretly her gaze was fixed with her sister, Celestia.

David ladled a small portion of the wine reduction over the bites of mushroom, then returned the sauce to the center of the table.

“I do hope that I do not make a mess,” Luna said playfully. “I know it is terribly foalish of me, but would you please feed me a few bites?”

David smiled at Luna with all the love in his heart. He picked up his fork, and gathered a bit of mushroom, then swirled it in the sauce and held it out for her to eat.

Luna took it greedily, with a giant smile on her face, all the while staring at Celestia. She broke her sister’s gaze as she swallowed, then turned to David.

“Thank you so much, David. Please, come here for a moment,” Luna requested.

“Yes, can I get you something?” He asked as he approached the table.

“No, I just wanted to thank you,” Luna said as she reached around him with her wing and pulled him close. When he could not escape her, she planted a big kiss on his lips to show her ‘thanks,’ then let him go.

“You’re welcome, dear. But let’s keep our composure. It wouldn’t be polite to Celestia.”

“That is kind of you to consider me, David. But I understand you two are in love, and sometimes spontaneity is a natural thing in a new relationship. I do not mind in this case,” Celestia said calmly. “But if you are available, I would also like to try the mushrooms. If Luna’s reaction is anything to go by, they seem to be quite delicious.”

“Of course, Princ—I’m sorry—Celestia. I’ll be right there.”

David walked over and served her in a similar manner as he did Luna, with the exception of feeding her by hand.

“Thank you, David. That will do for now,” Celestia said, and David returned to his seat.

Celestia then grabbed one of the long, thin baguettes with both hooves and pulled it to her place setting. She held it down while she gripped one end with her mouth and pulled the bread apart, breaking it into smaller portions.

Her antics caused both David and Luna to take notice. They watched Celestia portion out several bites of bread, laying each on her saucer as she went. She then used her hooves to place one small piece of bread onto her plate and pushed it around, soaking up the wine sauce as she did so. Luna watched in wonder as her sister daintily pushed a portion of mushroom to the edge of her plate, then picked it up gingerly with her lips.

Deftly maneuvering the morsel, Celestia gobbled up the fungi, chewing it thoroughly, but politely. After swallowing the bite, she then picked up the now soaked piece of bread and ate it similarly, not allowing a single drip to fall.

Luna was awestruck with the performance. Though both princesses were made to eat in a manner unlike they were used to, Celestia was able to do it with both poise and grace. Compared to her, Luna was feeding at the trough. She looked back at David, who also was watching Celestia in interest. Her heart sank a little at the attention he gave her big sister, but then David turned to her with the biggest smile and grabbed her hoof. The warmth of his hand made her heart swell with joy, and she no longer cared how she appeared. She wasn’t going for elegance; she didn’t need that or to impress anyone.

Facing her plate once again, she also took a loaf of bread to eat. Instead of mimicking her sister’s movements, though, she placed the long baguette under a foreleg to hold it down, then placed her muzzle directly into her food, grabbing a portion of mushroom and wolfing it down.

As she did so, she looked up at the table to find David still smiling at her and holding her hoof, while Celestia looked on in her own amazement.

Luna followed up the bite by tearing off a hunk of bread as she kept it pinned down, then swabbed the plate for some sauce. She didn’t make any effort to be tidy, she simply gobbled the bread down and smiled as the wonderful flavor filled her mouth.

David ate his portion as well, though he opted to use his silverware.

‘I wonder if it would be more polite to eat with my hands, or without them, at this point,’ he thought.

The meal continued on like this for a while, until all had taken their fill.

“Well, anyone for dessert?” David asked, earning him some odd looks from around the table.

“No, I think that will do for me tonight. What about you, Lulu?” Celestia asked.

“I believe I will abstain.”

“Then I see no reason to call Cherry out again,” Celestia replied. “Lulu, will you be going directly to your court session from here?”

“Yes, almost directly. I wish to see David off to sleep, as it would do well to fortify my emotions. We all have a big day tomorrow,” Luna answered.

“Then I will bid you all a good night from here,” Celestia said as she arose from her chair.

“Goodnight, Celestia,” David said.

“Yes, sweet dreams, Sister,” Luna added.

Celestia nodded in thanks and left through the doors to the royal apartments. After she had left, David turned to Luna.

“Luna, were you goading her back there?”

Luna smiled mischievously. “Perhaps a little bit, yes. I wanted to test her limits on how much of our affection she could handle. She is doing quite well!”

“Well, don’t push her too much, okay?”

Luna huffed. “As you wish.”

“Now, about Cherry. She seemed quite shaken up tonight. What do you think?” he asked.

“Yes. It seems we had a lasting effect on the poor mare. I think we should speak to her.”

“Okay.” David reached for the silver bell.

David rang the small bell, and the door popped open as usual. Cherry strolled out with a small tray of fruits and what seemed to be ice cream. When she saw that only Luna and David were still around, she stopped in her tracks.

“Will Princess Celestia not be joining you for dessert?” Cherry asked.

“No, she has retired for the evening,” Luna informed her.

“Oh,” Cherry said simply as she started walking towards the table.

“Sorry, Cherry. We actually weren’t calling for dessert either,” David said as the mare reached the table.

“You aren’t!? Am I still in trouble!?” she asked, shaking a little.

“No, no, my sweet Cherry,” Luna addressed her. “I did not want you to feel punished so by my earlier actions. I intended only to be a bit mischievous, but instead, I have caused harm. Though I used my power over you to place you at a disadvantage, know that I meant every word I spoke after lunch when I said I liked you and that we: David, myself, and you, Cherry, should be friends. I just happen to be the pony who gets to call the shots!” Luna said sincerely, but with a wide grin on her face.

Cherry thought for a moment, then visibly relaxed. “Again, you are far too kind, Princess.” She smiled and bowed.

“I am glad we understand each other,” Luna said. “Is that why were you so disturbed at dinner? Please do tell us, as it will bother both David and myself if you do not.”

“Well, when I walked out I was fine, but when I saw Princess Celestia, I was worried that you had told her what had happened between David and me or even what you and David did this afternoon. I couldn’t even bear to look at her, thinking that she might have known!” Cherry said, somewhat in a panic.

“Cherry, my dear, I would not have told her about you and David— as I said, there was little to no impropriety there, and I have forgiven you for as much. Now, for what David and I did in the kitchen, that was an extremely private exchange that you just so happened to be a witness of. I certainly do not share my private moments with my sister, no matter how close we are.”

‘I’m not too sure about that,’ David thought to himself. ‘I’m pretty sure you’d recount every sordid detail to Celestia just to gauge her reaction if you thought you could get away with it.’

“Yes, Cherry. I’m sure Luna would not do that,” David lied, earning another ear twitch and a smirk from Luna.

“Okay. That makes me feel much better, thank you. I’m sorry I even thought about it,” Cherry said as her smile returned. “So, would either of you like some ice cream?” she asked.

“I think I’m not up for dessert, Cherry,” David replied.

“I am not as well, unfortunately,” Luna added.

“Oh, that’s okay. I should also let you know that I’ve gotten everything ready for tomorrow with the exception of cutting the cake. I’ve prepared lots of goodies for everyone to try; I do hope all of you enjoy them.”

“I am sure we all will,” Luna said, “but first I must see David off to bed, as he is not feeling his best, then go and tend to court.”

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. David, I hope you feel better soon! If you need a snack, just send word to a guard or staff member, and I’ll come running!”

“Thanks, Cherry, but it isn’t as serious as all that. I’ll be fine soon enough, just gotta get out and stretch my legs!” David said with a chortle.

“Yes, so if you would excuse us, Cherry, we must be off.” Luna stood from her chair.

“Of course. Thank you for talking with me, Princess Luna. I really appreciate it.” Cherry said, bowing slightly.

“You are most welcome,” Luna said while looking back as she and David approached the doors to the royal wing. Then David stepped in front and held the door open for Luna as she passed through, leaving the chef-mare behind.


Walking the halls, David and Luna discussed the plans for the evening.

“David, I want you to stay in my bedchambers tonight. There, after court,  I can keep an eye on you, and we can enjoy the rest of our date together. Would that be acceptable?”

“Of course, Luna. I’m glad that you are willing to have me over,” David said with a big smile.

“You are very important to me, which you know. I simply will not be able to rest if I do not have you by my side tonight.”

“Don’t worry. I will stay there and wait for you to return. Please wake me if I am asleep.”

Luna nodded. “As you say. Court will not be long, only three hours time. Do you require anything from your quarters before we go to mine?”

David paused. “Yes, let’s stop by. I’ll pick them up, then we can go.”

The two walked languidly through the halls, collected a few belongings of David’s, then proceeded to Luna’s room. Unusually, there were no shadows in the halls leading to the grand ebony doors.

“Luna, where did all the shadow guards go?”

“Oh, you figured out that much, did you?”

“Yes. It didn’t seem to just be for ambiance.”

“I dismissed them for the evening when we left for dinner. After you told me of your condition I did not want them around. I am sure they still lurk in the main halls, though, hiding behind armor or in a corner as much as they can. Loyalty can have several costs, you see. One of them is a lack of complete privacy at times.”

“Hmm. I’ve heard of there being a ‘price of loyalty’ but never ‘costs.’ What do you mean?”

“As far as I am concerned, a price is paid willingly, but a cost is what one is expected to pay. They expect me to be willing to part with my privacy at times, but that is too much— hence a cost. Worry not, the ledger will balance in time.”

“I think I understand,” David said as opened one of the massive doors for her and waited for to pass.

Luna approached him. “Do you need anything else while I am here?”

“No, Luna. Go to court, I will see you soon.”

Luna smiled and craned her neck upwards. David, sensing her desire, bent down and embraced her neck and head with his hands, then took her lips in an impassioned kiss. They stood there in the doorway for a moment, enjoying the feeling and taste of each other as their tongues danced playfully together. Finally, they broke apart, and with stars still in their eyes, they professed their love for each other.

Luna then pushed David with her body, guiding him over to the bed, then had him sit down upon it. It was a symbolic gesture if anything, as he was not going anywhere until she returned. She drew close and kissed his forehead, now that it was in reach, smiled, then turned to go.

As she made her exit, Luna looked back at David one last time and smiled brightly. She then attempted to close the grand doors, sealing her David inside. Luna maneuvered the open door from the inside, pushing it almost closed, then left through the gap. Once outside, though, she had some trouble as she fumbled with door pulls, and was eventually forced to leave the doorway slightly parted. This seemed to irk her, and she snorted to show her disapproval, then went on her way.

David laughed a little to himself. ‘Wow, that was a good kiss, but a bit sticky. She tasted just like the marsala we had for dinner— it must be all over her face!’ David licked his lips clean, wearing a goofy grin. ‘I hope she doesn’t worry too much about this magic thing; everything’s going to be just fine.’

Seeing his silly mare leave, he got up and pushed the solid doors shut, then settled in for a nap.
