//------------------------------// // Forked Road // Story: Tear the Sky Asunder // by Ice Star //------------------------------// The unicorns hold nothing without their magic they still raised the sun and moon at the cost of thousands of lives when gods who could do so easily were not far away but they were now when the proud pony race had its hooves in the mud like the very neighbors that they so casually cheated for food that could not survive in the mountain and neither would they soon the sun and moon would fall if no attempt to save this wasteland was made as they sat in the dirt cold chilling them and robbing of them of breath soon the kingdom of the unicorns would just be a tomb for Platinum to inherit a mass grave of the bitterest cold if no moves were made to rescue the figureheads they worshiped and the gilded fools that shepherded them so a messenger from this northern mountain to seek out the only unicorn left with their magic intact the heroes of the unicorns while to the southeast earth ponies cower at the magic of the sirens three and ready a messenger of their own with pleas for help and money to do the talking for the heroes of ponykind both travel different lands with tales of terror and one destination, shared like the misery that binds them all