//------------------------------// // THE PONK HAS BEEN DOUBLED!!! // Story: I Think I Summoned a Ponk. // by TheMajorTechie //------------------------------// I silently chewed on the cupcake, deep in debate with myself on whether or not said cupcake was really made from other ponies. Pinkie wouldn't do that, would she? I mean, yeah, she's crazy and all, but murderous? That's just taking it over the top. Pinkie stifled a giggle as she watched my half chewed cupcake oozing from my mouth. "What?" I snapped angrily, slurping the oozing trail of crumbs back into my mouth, "What's so funny?" Pinkie couldn't hold it in an longer. She burst out in laughter, tears trailing down her cheeks as she rolled across the floor. Finally, she sobered up, and said in a surprisingly calm face, "You'll see..." I am horribly, horribly afraid right now. Ok, not as bad as I thought it would be, but still; WHY THE F-- KID FRIENDLY! Fine. WHY ARE THERE TWO PINKIES NOW?!