(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XV - Gettin' Dirty*

Act XV - Gettin' Dirty*

After their lunch, David and Luna strolled to Luna’s quarters, chatting along the way. To the casual observer, it was obvious they were a couple in love. As such, they were extremely lucky to be in the royal apartment wing as the guards and staff there knew to be especially discrete.

As they walked and talked, the two exchanged affectionate touches. Luna would occasionally bump into the side of David or lean her head on his arm as they went. Likewise, David would stroke her mane or rest his hand on her withers. Through casual experimentation they worked to discover what the little things were that would make them feel more like a couple. It truly was a special time for both of them, and they enjoyed it to the utmost.

Arriving at Luna’s room, David moved ahead of Luna and pushed the door open for her. She blushed a little at the show of chivalry and nodded as she entered. David moved to follow but stopped when he heard something odd.

“Psst!” the shadows called.

David turned to address the interruption.

“Yes?” David whispered quietly.

“Watch yourself when you are here. I and the rest of Her Majesty’s Night Guard will always be watching you,” the guard said from the shadows.

“I don’t know what you mean,” David said.

“It seems you make yourself out to be a suitor. Not many of those last very long, and I’ve never heard of one being allowed access to Her Highness’s quarters. What I’m saying is to be careful. I’d hate to clean up after you.”

“You and me both. I’ll be fine, I’m in good hooves,” David replied.

“Don’t you mean she’s in good… whatever you call those?”

“Hands. And no, I take care of her, but she takes care of me as well. That’s how I know I’ll be alright.”

“Well, I’ll be. Guess I’ve lost the bet then. Look out for her, though, when she’s with you, she seems to forget things.”


“Well, that spell of silence is only good for the room you’re in. She needs to cast it anywhere you go, like in the bathroom…”

“Crap. I got it.”

“Go on. Don’t keep my princess waiting.”

David nodded to the shadows and then entered Luna’s quarters, shutting the door behind him.

“What took you so long?” Luna asked.

“Oh nothing, I just had a little chat with your guard.”

“One of my guards spoke to you? How odd.”

“What makes you say that?”

“They are given a mission of stealth and are ordered only to reveal themselves to the royal family. I assumed you met one with Twilight, but when I ordered them to let you pass, I never thought they would confront you at my doorstep.”

“Oh. I’ve seen one before, he came out and talked to me this morning.”

“Did he now? I may have to investigate this later,” Luna said, looking pensive. “Well, did the guard have anything useful to say?”

David paused. ‘Only that he could hear us in the bathroom… but I don’t think you want to know that. I’ll just pay more attention to when you cast that spell of silence.’

“Nope. Just making sure I act appropriately,” David replied.

“Very well,” Luna said, then prepared to cast a spell.

David closed his eyes. ‘Hmm, I do think I feel something.’

Luna released her spell and then walked over to the bed. Once there, she began to disrobe, as usual, then crawled back onto the mattress and leaned up against a large body pillow.

“Come, my David. Nopony will disturb us now. I will instruct you in the basics of preening.”

David removed his shoes and crawled up on the bed next to her. Luna motioned for him to draw closer and patted her hindquarters, offering him to use her own body as a pillow, which he did. There they spent some quality time together while Luna offered her intimate lesson.

Throughout her instruction, David was excited. Being an adept student, even this mostly menial instruction was fascinating to him, and as he learned about a wing’s anatomy, he was genuinely in awe. For David, being taught by Luna was a treasure, as it showed him more of her life and how he could be a part of it.


Though the instructions and examples ran long, and he did not get to practice himself, David was satisfied with this part of his date. Luna was as well and beamed with pride as David recited the finer points of the lesson in an attempt to commit them to memory.

After their time was up, Luna embraced David with her newly-preened wings and peppered him with kisses. David did not attempt to return them, though, choosing only to settle into Luna’s embrace and enjoy the moment.

Finally, the time had come to meet Cherry. So, reluctantly, the two separated from their embrace and left the bed.

As they walked the halls, they joined together time and again, still looking to find that perfect way they could stay in contact as they moved from place to place.


Arriving at the prep room door, David offered up a knock, opting not to use the service bell.

Cherry answered from the other side with a simple, “Come in!”

Holding the door open for his mate, David and Luna proceeded into the prep room.

“Hi, Cherry, where will be working today?” David asked.

“Let’s work in the main kitchen. There’s much more room in there. Princess, I’ve had the staff set up a lounge corner if you want to rest.”

“That is most kind of you, but I wish to observe as closely as possible without interfering.”

Cherry nodded. “Of course, Princess!”

With that, Cherry turned to the large double doors that led to the kitchen. She pushed through them, then held the door open for the others to follow.

David was the first to enter, and he couldn’t help but quicken his pace as the room opened up around him.

To David, the kitchen was a grand room. It was easily three times the size of the royal dining room, and that made it the largest single room David had seen in the castle. The ceilings were domed and high, completely different from the adjacent prep room, and stations lined the perimeter, each with a special purpose.

As he traveled the room, he saw two large wood-burning hearths built into the walls for baking rustic breads and, he hoped, pizza, and nearby there were more modern-looking ovens for more specific needs. On the next wall were several stoves and griddle stations. David’s mind raced to calculate just how many pancakes you could make at once, and as that number got higher and higher, he lost track and shook his head before he moved on to look at something else.

Closer to the center, stovetops were traded for prep stations, where most of the work was done, and they took a large portion of the room’s interior space. Finally, as he made it to the opposite side, he saw sinks, refrigerators, cold rooms and freezers. That’s when David started to wonder how all these appliances worked but he soon concluded that in a land of magic, he shouldn’t try to think about it too much.

“Done with the tour?” Cherry beamed proudly.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry,” David replied sheepishly.

Cherry laughed. “No problem. I’ve set you up at this island station over here.” Cherry walked to a table near the ovens.

The other two followed her and gathered around the table.

“So, David, do you want to just get right into it or do you have questions?”

“I’m pretty ready to go. I just need to check things and then wash my hands again,” David said.

“Feel free to use the basin over there,” Cherry replied.

“Thanks.” David studied the table. “Let’s see… eggs, cake flour, salt, sugar, cream of tartar, and a pitcher of water. Measuring spoons and cups, ah the scale I requested, some mixing bowls, a whisk, spatula, sifter, an egg separator, towels, and… a mixer. Looks like we’ve got everything. Is this the vanilla sugar you suggested?”

“Yes, I hope it’s strong enough.”

David opened the sealed container and took a sniff. “Oh, yeah. That’s great!”

“What is… ‘vanilla sugar?’ ” Luna asked.

“Here, take a sniff,” David said and held the container out to her. “It’s plain sugar, infused with vanilla beans.”

Luna took a whiff of the unassuming substance and her eyes shot open. She then took another, bigger lungful of the sweet aroma, a pleasant smile gracing her lips.

“You shall never tell my sister of this wonderful abomination, are we clear?” Luna joked with Cherry.

“I take great care to keep it a secret already, but I am thankful that somepony else shares my concern,” Cherry said with a smile.

David went over to the sink and washed his hands. As he returned, he addressed the party. “Okay, you two. It’s time to get to work. Actually, one last thing. Cherry, do you have a mill or grinder I could use to get this sugar into a finer state?”

Cherry grinned. “Oh, somepony is trying to play at being a baker. Sure, I have one, let me get it.”


“What would that be for, my David?” Luna asked.

“Ahh, today I’ll be making angel food cake. It is a very delicate cake, and it’s better to have finer ingredients.”

“Oh, carry on then.”

“Here’s the grinder, I’ve also brought a couple of tube pans.”

“Thanks, Cherry. Could you preheat the ovens to three hundred fifty degrees please?”

“Already have,” Cherry replied.

“Ok, great!”

David started to work at the table as the two mares looked on. He moved with surprisingly accurate and practiced movements as if the kitchen was his own. After double-checking his ingredients, he weighed the bowls he would use, checking to see if they had the same weight, then he tared out the scale.

With the bowls set, he carefully measured out the dry ingredients. Having done that, he took the manual grinder supplied for the sugar and processed the sugar until it was superfine, then checked the weight once again. He then set aside his dry ingredients and moved over to the wet.

David took a moment to himself. ‘Once you start the wet, everything has to keep moving, so make sure you’re ready.’

“What is he doing?” Luna whispered to Cherry.

“I think he’s checking over it again. I’m surprised, he really seems to know what he’s doing. Once you start mixing the dry and wet ingredients, there’s no going back,” Cherry answered.

David arranged four bowls in front of him. Looking to the eggs, he grabbed one and cracked it against the edge of the bowl, then split the shell in half. Deftly, he manually separated the yolk from the white, allowing the white to flow into the first bowl below, then placed the yolk in a second bowl and the shell into the third. Having completed this one egg, he transferred the white from the first bowl into the fourth.

“Why, pray tell, does he move it from one bowl, only to dirty another?” Luna asked Cherry again.

Cherry nodded. “He’s making sure that he only has egg whites in his final bowl. Angel food cake has no fat or oil in it, and a speck of yolk could ruin the cake. He’s just being careful. I’m also a little jealous that he can do that so easily; he completely ignored the special egg separator that I provided for him.”

“Oh… I see. He is very skilled with his hands indeed.”

David continued to process eggs, one after another, gently transferring each successful egg white into the final bowl. After he had separated half of the eggs, he stopped and moved on.

“Why did he stop?” Luna asked again.

“Actually, I’m not sure,” Cherry answered. “David, why did you stop? You only have enough egg whites for one cake, aren’t you making two?”

“I am, but it’s so much harder for me to whip a double batch of whites, I figured I’d do them in separate bowls.”

“Oh!” Cherry remarked. “Could I help then? You don’t want the first bowl to sit while you whip the second, right?”

David smiled. “That would be great, Cherry! Thank you.”

With that problem resolved, David took another clean bowl and started separating the rest of the egg whites into it. After finishing, he cleaned up a bit, and Cherry helped by removing the shells and taking the yolks back to the refrigerator.

David now started the arduous task of whipping his egg whites. He took his bowl of whites, added the cream of tartar and began to mix with the whisk. After combining the two, he picked up the bowl and held it firmly under his arm and began to whip the whites with a fast, steady rhythm, his arm muscles flexing and rippling as he did so.

“Oh, I did not think there would be such a show,” Luna said.

“Yes. Baking can be a very physical activity,” Cherry replied as she picked up the second bowl after adding her own dash of cream of tartar. She sat back on her haunches and cradled the bowl in her foreleg. On her other hoof, she sported a whisk of her own, this one attached neatly to a hoof cup that allowed her to use it without difficulty.

The two began to whip the whites into a frenzy. It seemed to be a difficult task, and Luna was secretly happy that she was not on the working end of the table. They kept it up for a while until a proper foam was started.

“I think that will do to start it,” David said. “If we didn’t have this mixer, we’d have to whip it all the way to medium peaks by hand.”

“Yes. Thank goodness for modern marvels. I’d have one huge foreleg if not for it!” Cherry remarked.

They took their frothy concoction and poured it into the large bowl of the mixer.

“So, how does this work?” David asked.

“It can be hoof-powered or magic-powered. We set the gear speed and then either turn the crank by hoof or we’d need a unicorn to do it.”

“Or an alicorn,” David corrected, looking over at Luna.

“You want me to power the machine?” Luna asked.

“You don’t have to. I just didn’t want to leave you out if you wanted to help,” David replied.

“This cake will be white when it is finished, correct?” Luna asked.

“Yes,” David answered.

“The angel cake is then meant for my sister, is it not?” Luna asked in a haughty tone.

David frowned. “It is as much for her as it is for you and the other guests,” David replied. “But I do have something in mind that is a bit darker for your enjoyment.”

Luna pawed at the floor. “Fine. I suppose I can lend a bit of help, just let me know what to do.”

David smiled. “Thanks.”

David instructed Luna on how to crank the mixer. He explained that it needed to be slow while he added the sugar, but otherwise, it required a faster pace, then reassured Luna that she would not be doing it for very long.

Luna focused on her horn, causing David to shiver for a moment as a chill ran down his spine. She then carefully turned the crank until it reached the slow speed David had demonstrated, then David slowly added half of the sugar to the mix. She then increased the speed to the appropriate level and tuned out everything else around her, keeping her focus on the bowl and her task.

David and Cherry prepared the rest of the ingredients and cleaned up while Luna was beating the whites. They smiled at each other and whispered bits of chatter back and forth as they watched their princess lost in her work, her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth slightly in concentration.

“Okay, Luna, that’s enough,” David said, but she did not hear him.

He walked up next to his mare and spoke softly into her ear. “Luuunaa, that’s good now, you can stop.”

Surprised, her ear twitched and she pulled her head up quickly, causing the mixer to do a little jump as she still held it in her magical grasp.

“Oh, are we done?” Luna asked, stopping the mixer.

“Yes, you’ve done great,” David said, leaning down and giving her a small peck on the cheek.

Luna smiled at her compliment and then moved to nuzzle him. Cherry watched the interactions of the two lovers with eager eyes. She didn’t bat an eyelid while watching David kiss the royal mare and continued to stare from afar while the princess pressed her flesh into David lovingly. The two then broke away, as more work was left to do.

Now with the hard part completed, David expertly sifted the rest of the dry ingredients over the whites a little at a time, then folded them into the forming batter. Soon, it was all incorporated, and the sponge was holding well. He moved the batter bowl over to the two ungreased tube pans and carefully spooned the light batter out of the mixing bowl and into the pans, taking care not to cause the bubbles to burst.

Having filled the two pans, he walked over to the ovens and donned a mitt. He looked a little surprised. The oven mitts did not fit his hands, as they were cylindrical in shape and intended for a hoof. He was able to adapt quickly, though, and formed a fist with each hand so he could use the mitts without difficulty.

David opened the ovens and placed the two pans inside. Luckily, Cherry had already made space for the tall cookware by configuring the oven’s racks appropriately, something David had actually forgotten to do. Cakes placed inside, he shut the doors and turned back to the mares.

“Cherry, please set a timer for half an hour. I’ll check them after that until they are done.”

“Set!” she replied.

“Great, and we’ve already cleaned up most of the mess as well,” David said.

“So now what are we supposed to do? Are we to just stand and wait?” Luna asked.

“Nope! David has more cooking to do, something special he thought you might like,” Cherry responded.

“Oh, I can’t wait to see,” Luna said.

“David, Princess, come over here to the stove, I’ve already got it partially started.”

“Thanks, Cherry,” David said as he walked over. “Where are we at?”

“I’ve just started heating the milk. The rest is up to you.”

David looked at the setup. He assessed the ingredients on the counter, noting they were already measured.

“We still need the egg yolks,” David said, but as he turned he saw Cherry walking back over with the chilled bowl of yolks in her grasp. “Or, not. Thanks, Cherry.”

Now he looked to the chocolate. There were three bowls of nibs, each a slightly different chocolate. He tasted each one, noting that they were ordered increasingly in their darkness.

“Luna, I am going to make some dark chocolate pudding for the party. I heard that you might enjoy that, but I want you to pick the chocolate we use.”

“I will enjoy whatever you choose. Chocolate pudding would be a delight, no matter what kind, unless you feel white is the appropriate choice,” she said.

David chuckled. “No, white chocolate isn’t even chocolate to me. Today, we’re going dark, though.”

Luna snorted. “Well said.”

Even Cherry seemed to agree with the sentiment and nodded in approval.

David placed the darkest nibs into the hot milk but sweetened the flavor just a bit with some of the next-lighter bowl and some sugar. After it had melted and mixed, he ladled out a small taste into a cup and tried it.

“I think this would be good,” he said, refilling the cup slightly and passing it to Luna.

Luna tasted the mixture, though some of it coated her lips as she did. “Yes, this is wonderful.” She passed the cup to Cherry.

Cherry took a sip. “I have to agree. I think it will pair well with the fruit and other accompaniments we’ve got.”

“Good,” David said. “Time to mix and temper the eggs then.”

David combined the rest of the cold ingredients into the egg bowl and whisked it into a smooth mixture. He then took the ladle and slowly poured a bit of the hot chocolate milk into the eggs, stirring it quickly as he did so.

“Why not pour the eggs into the pot?” Luna asked Cherry.

“If he did that, the eggs would cook immediately, making scrambled eggs in a chocolate milk soup. To have them mix properly, he has to slowly bring the eggs up to a similar temperature before completely mixing the two.”


As if he overheard them, David proceeded to pour the now-tempered eggs into the pot and blended the new custard together. He then raised the heat of the stove, brought it to a boil, then reduced it to a slow simmer, whisking the custard all the while. Shortly, the cooking was finished, and he turned off the stove.

“How do you plan to chill it, Cherry?” he asked.

“We’ll put it in this large bowl here,” she said, indicating an oversized container on a nearby cart. “I’ll portion it out before it goes to the party, though. It makes it much easier to transport.”

David poured the still-steaming mixture into the bowl and Cherry pushed the cart to the cold-room. She covered it with a cloth, placed it in a corner, then shut the door.

Cherry came back with her eyes shining and a broad smile. “You did an amazing job, David. I’m thoroughly impressed.”

“Indeed. I could not tell all that you were doing, but in my opinion, you showed a mastery of these particular recipes, at least to my untrained eyes,” Luna added. “That reminds me, are the cakes almost done?”

Cherry looked to the ovens. “Yes, almost. The timer is just about ready to go off. David, do you want to go take a look through the window?” She suggested.

David nodded. “Sure. Come on, Luna, let’s see how the cakes are turning out.”

The three of them walked back over to the in-wall ovens and looked through the window. Inside, the cakes had risen in their pans and were beginning to turn a luscious brown on the top. As they watched, the timer went off and was quickly silenced by Cherry.

“Just a few more minutes, I guess,” David said.

The trio waited impatiently as David constantly watched the ovens. Cherry brought over a few wooden skewers for David, to which he nodded to her in thanks.

Finally, the time had come. David donned his mitts again with balled-up hands and opened the oven doors. The smell of freshly baked cake filled the air and made everyone’s mouth water. David extracted the cake pans from the oven and placed them on the table. After closing the doors, he carefully tested each one for doneness with a skewer.

“Just right. We’ll let them set for a few minutes, then invert them on the cooling racks,” he said.

“You don’t invert them right away?” Cherry asked.

“Nope. My grandmother always let it settle just a bit. It may make it a bit denser, but I like it that way,” he replied.

“Oh, I never thought about that.”

The time passed quickly, and David inverted the cakes just as he said. Now that the work was done, and the kitchen was filled with sweet smells, the group was looking a bit hungry.

“I assume our work is finished here,” Luna said.

“Yes. Cherry, let’s take a seat while we wait for the cakes to cool,” David suggested.

“Good idea. Princess, would you like to use the cushions over here I prepared?”

“I believe I will,” Luna started as she sidled up to her man, “But all of this has left me a bit peckish for something sweet. Cherry, would you be so kind as to fetch me some whipped cream and berries?”

“Of course!”

Luna went to the corner that Cherry had prepared for the princess to rest in. She then curled up on the cushions and lay on her side as she waited for her snack to arrive. David came over as well and sat on a stool that was nearby. Soon, Cherry reappeared from the prep room with a small bowl of sweet whipped cream and another of assorted berries. She offered them to Luna who took them in her magical grasp.

“Thank you, dear Cherry. How long until the cakes have sufficiently cooled?” she asked, dipping a small strawberry in the cream and then popping it into her mouth.

“About an hour. They will actually come out the pans themselves as they cool, and then they would be ready to eat. Unfortunately for us, we’ll have to wait until tomorrow before they are carved and eaten. That way they will not dry out,” Cherry explained.

“Indeed a pity. I cannot wait to try it,” Luna said.

“Me too,” David added. “When you carve it, please take a section for yourself, Cherry. You deserve it.”

“I agree,” Luna said. “But better not to leave you wanting now. Please, have a few berries while we wait,” Luna offered, passing the bowls around in her magic.

Cherry sat and took a few berries, dipped them in the cream then ate them happily. David was glad for the treat as well and took a few more than the rest.

“Good,” Luna said as she pulled the bowls back to her.

Then David felt her magic again; this time, it seemed to fade out.

Just as he thought, the bowls fell from the air with no magic supporting them.

“Ahhh!!” Luna cried out as the cold cream splattered against her side and mottled her with the spilled berries. The bowls clanged loudly against the floor, as luckily, they were metal, not glass or stoneware.

“Are you alright?” David said with concern as he rushed to her side.

“I am unharmed if you discount the mess I have made,” Luna said.

“Thank goodness,” Cherry said. “ I’m so sorry, Princess. I should’ve gotten a table for you instead of making you hold them.”

Luna shook her head. “It is of no issue. No damage has been done, just a mess to clean,” she reassured her.

Cherry smiled weakly. “I’ll go get something—”

“Wait!” Luna commanded, interrupting Cherry. “That will not be necessary, I believe we can handle it as-is,” she said calmly.

David and Cherry looked to her, a bit confused.

“You, Cherry, will stay where you are. David…” Luna turned to the confused man. “My dear, your plate has been made, and it is quite fresh. Please be sure to not waste it,” she said with a sly grin.

David looked at Luna, and his eyes widened with understanding. He glanced a bit to the side at Cherry, who trembled slightly as she stared down at the floor in front of Luna.

‘Oh man, she’s really doing this. Sorry Cherry, I’ve got to clean up the mess I’ve caused. I hope you’re okay with this.’

David sighed and knelt down on the floor before Luna. “Yes, my princess.” His eyes wandered across her beautiful flank and hindquarters, now covered with the white cream, completely obscuring her spots and cutie mark. David was soon overwhelmed by the display and unconsciously licked his lips in preparation for the meal he was to consume.

“Raise your eyes,” Luna directed Cherry. “This is not something you have not seen before.”

Cherry raised her head slowly and looked at the princess. She watched, unblinking, as David crawled forward to the regal mare, then reached out with his hands and traced around the mess with his fingers, causing a soft coo to escape from Luna’s lips.

Cherry, too, was taken by the sight and unknowingly smacked her lips as she watched David pull the first dollop of cream with blueberries to his mouth, then licked his fingers clean as he ate the treat, smiling to himself.

Luna grinned as she watched her lover meticulously clean around the mess. She reveled in both her man’s actions and the earth mare’s reaction.

“David, I will not have you dirty your clothes. Take off thy shirt,” Luna directed.

Both David and Cherry turned to look at her again, somewhat unbelieving in what they had heard. David was quick to dismiss the feeling, though, and moved to disrobe.

His compliance caused Cherry’s mouth to gape open in shock. Here she was, stuck in the middle of this little power play, and Luna was going to milk it for every drop of cream that was in the bowl.

“Now, Cherry dear, I told you to watch, not gawk,” Luna said playfully.

Cherry shook her head to clear her mind, then nodded submissively and closed her mouth.

David, now fully topless, had surrendered his shirt to the princess’s magic, and Luna laid it carefully over the nearby stool. He then went back to the task of cleaning her side.

Carefully scooping up more of the cream he made a clear line in her fur from top to bottom along her thigh, revealing a portion of her crescent moon beneath.

The action caused both a moan and a shiver to come from Luna, clearly showing how much she was enjoying the attention. David seemed to be enjoying it now too, as he noisily slurped the delicious morsel from his fingers.

“David,” Luna cooed, drawing his attention. “This is making me awfully cold. It taking far too long, just go ahead and eat it. Please,” she said with a whimper.

David did not object. He nodded, then scooted closer to his mare. He knelt over her and paused as he assessed the situation. Finally, he reached down with his hand and boldly grabbed her leg at the hock and raised it slightly, causing Luna to reflexively kick at his actions.

David waited for Luna to become still, then stared at his leg-platter. Suddenly, he dove forward, planting his lips on her fur and nibbled at anything he could reach.

Luna squealed in delight and threw her head back. Cherry, somewhat broken, sat and shifted uncomfortably on the floor as she watched the man she was interested in lap away at his lover’s hind leg, right in front of her, completely oblivious to her and the rest of the world.

Soon, David got into a rhythm of consuming berries, slurping cream, followed up quickly with a tongue bath to clean the area. Now working in earnest, he made considerable progress from the earlier attempts when he only used his hands.

As he nearly finished her thigh, he pulled away to see what was left. Luna’s cutie mark was restored to full display, and there was nary a speck of white around it. Her flank though still sported a bit of cream and needed to be tended to.

David pushed his plate of leg away, exposing more of Luna’s soft flank and underbelly. This made even the naughty Luna blush fiercely at the exposure she now displayed. He bent down, putting pressure on Luna’s leg to keep her open to him, and licked the soft, short fur of her belly up to the top of the mess on her flank.

Luna moaned and stretched at the intense sensation she felt as David licked away. Looking back at him, she called out, “Dear...”

David surfaced from his licking, giving her a short respite.

“...forgive me,” Luna finished, then pushed David’s face against her side using her magic, smearing the leftover cream across his face, neck, and chest.

Luna released him from her magical hold and David pulled back, a sticky slurp resounding as he broke the suction from where their two bodies were pressed together. David then sat there on his legs with arms outstretched and looked at her as if to ask ‘now why did you do that?’

Luna answered the silent question quickly, as she rolled over and planted her muzzle on his chest.

Luna licked and sucked away at David’s flesh, spreading the cream more than she was cleaning it. She stopped playing with the canvas, then worked to devour it, painstakingly clearing any bit of her mess that she had just made.

David now had his own feelings to deal with at this moment, and he closed his eyes and let his face go slack with pleasure. He wrapped his arms around Luna’s neck and held her close to him, preventing her escape with one hand as he lovingly stroked her mane with the other.

Cherry could barely stand it. Luna had definitely defeated her in this game, so she sat there, fruitlessly grinding her backside into the tile floor while biting her lip. Cherry only hoped that this little show wouldn’t go on for much longer, or she’d definitely be in some trouble that she could never recover from.

Luckily, Luna soon finished and stopped her ministrations, causing David to let go and look down into his lover’s beautiful, blue eyes. Luna leaned up a bit and met him in a sloppy kiss, both of their mouths still covered in cream. They shortly broke apart, gasping for air.

Luna turned to the squirming pony in front of David. “That, my dear Cherry, is the extent of your informal punishment. Let it be a lesson to you.”

Luna then stood and walked toward the exit, beckoning for David to follow.

“Sorry, Cherry,” David said in passing.

“Uh. I. Later,” she mumbled.


As soon as the door closed behind David in the prep room, Luna turned to him, excitedly.

“I did not fire her, I only showed her what is mine,” she said with a grin.

David sighed. “I know. But it felt a bit cruel don’t you think?”

“A bit perhaps, but she is strong. She may even find it to be a useful gift when she is alone,” Luna said, smirking.

David shook his head. “You’re terrible.”

“Do you dislike me for it?”

“Absolutely not. I think you’re great. Cherry will be fine too, I bet.”

“Indeed, now let us go back to my chambers to get cleaned up, I do not want to be all sticky.”

Luna prepared a teleportation spell, and David closed his eyes in response. They then blinked out of the prep room as soon as Luna’s spell was released.


Cherry sat on the floor of the kitchen, still shuddering and panting as the adrenaline slowly left her bloodstream.

“Just one more second, one more lick and I’d be in trouble,” she said to herself. “I don’t want to think of what the princess would do to me if I had jumped them both.” She sighed.

Cherry looked down at her soaked forehoof and brought it to her muzzle. It was stained with her shame, and she gave it a forlorn look. Putting the tip in her mouth, she proceeded to suckle her juices off of it as her other hoof took its place down below.

“Oh, David… Princess…” she moaned quietly around the tip of her hoof as she sought to finish what she was so near to accomplishing before.

‘That man is nothing but trouble. I hope he never leaves.’
