
by Sapphire Rose 12

Chapter 8: The Dance

"Soarin!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Soarin glanced over at Pinkie Pie.

"Come on, follow me!" Pinkie Pie urged. "We've got a surprise for you!"

Soarin smiled, eagerly and followed Pinkie Pie.

Knowing Pinkie Pie, she had something big in mind. What kind of games would there be? He wondered if there would be gifts included. Would there be refreshments? Would there be pie?! Soarin sighed, happily at the thought. He loved pie.

Pinkie Pie looked back at Soarin thinking. She smiled knowingly. I wonder if Twilight has picked up Rainbow Dash yet, she thought.

"Rainbow Dash, slow down," Twilight giggled. "You're making me fall behind."

"What is the surprise?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"You'll see when we get there," Twilight replied with a smile.

"It feels like an eternity since we left," Rainbow Dash groaned. "Are we almost there?"

"Almost," Twilight said.

"Whew!" Rainbow Dash said in relief.

"Alright, Rainbow Dash," Twilight said. "A surprise is about to come your way."

"Uncover your eyes," Pinkie Pie and Twilight said to Rainbow Dash and Soarin.

They uncovered their eyes slowly and gasped in awe.

A beautiful landscape was before their very eyes. Flowers bloomed from every area and brightened the land. A platform sat in the middle of it all, vines snaking around the sides. Butterflies and birds flew around the garden. Rainbow Dash and Soarin stared agape.

"This... is... wow," Rainbow Dash breathed. It was all she could manage.

Soarin could manage less. He was speechless.

"Do you like it?" Twilight asked them.

"We love it!" Rainbow Dash and Soarin exclaimed in unison.

Rainbow Dash and Soarin joined each other on the platform.

"Now, let's dance!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Twilight began to sing the songs for Soarin and Rainbow Dash to dance to. Rainbow Dash and Soarin laughed in joy. They were having so much fun that the others wanted to come join them. So, Soarin and Rainbow Dash invited them up. They all danced together not a single memory of pain to be seen. Now was the time for happiness and friendship. Any trace of the girls hating each other vanished into thin air. There was only smiles and laughter to be found.

After they danced to upbeat songs, Twilight began to sing a slower song. The others slowly walked away and left Rainbow Dash and Soarin alone on the platform. Rainbow Dash looked reluctant.

"I can't dance," Rainbow Dash said.

"You were just dancing moments ago," Soarin said full of confusion.

"I can," Rainbow Dash said. "I..." She looked at him.

"You don't trust me?" Soarin asked her.

"I trust you," Rainbow Dash said. "I just promised myself not to fall in love. How can I be sure you won't leave me too?"

"I won't," Soarin promised. "Don't let your past heartbreak ever stop you from healing."

Rainbow Dash looked hesitant, but then attempted to position herself for a slow dance.

Soarin laughed and corrected her position. "No, one hoof holds my hoof."

"What do I do with the other one?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"That's easy," Soarin replied. "Your other hoof goes over my shoulder."

Rainbow Dash put her hoof over Soarin's shoulder and smiled at him. As they began to slow dance, Rainbow Dash began to think about him. Soarin had arrived and started her friendship with the ponies she had hated. He would risk his life for all of them. He had words of advice that made her think twice about her past decisions. Why did she feel so... different around him?

The slow dance ended all too quick. Rainbow Dash and Soarin wished it could go on forever.

"You two are amazing at slow dancing!" Pinkie Pie complimented.

"Thank you, Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow Dash said.

Soarin smiled. But he couldn't help but think back to the rose. How much time did he have left?

Rainbow Dash and Soarin looked at each other.

"It's getting late," Twilight announced. "Maybe we should get going."

Rainbow Dash and Soarin didn't want to leave the garden. But they followed their friends.

"Soarin?" Rainbow Dash said.


"Why did you care so much about us when you first arrived?" Rainbow Dash asked him. "Nopony ever does anything for us."

Soarin smiled at Rainbow Dash. She was still trying to get past her broken heart and finally heal.

"Maybe I was truly sent here," Soarin said. "To change that."

Rainbow Dash paced around her room. Soarin's words played over and over in her head. Maybe I was truly sent here to change that. What did he mean by the words he said? He was acting as if he was from another world. Was he? Rainbow Dash didn't know if she had feelings for the stallion that had arrived. Or maybe she just didn't want to admit them.