Sonic Boom To Sonic Rainboom

by Mat the Brawler

Lazy Days in Paradise

Lazy Days in Paradise

“‘Cause I know I can go where no one’s ever gone and I’m not lookin’ back.” I awoke to Sonic’s voice. Soon my vision cleared up. I was in the familiar location of a hospital bed. Next to my bed was Sonic’s. In his hand was a small black box. Strings covered in white rubber led to his ears. In his ears were white stubs. He bobbed his head in a rhythm, mumbling what sounded like lyrics to a song, with his eyes closed. Soon his eyes came open and he saw I was looking at him.
“Oh, ‘afternoon Dash good to see you’re alright.” He took the things off his ears. Glancing at the box, which lit up, he pressed his finger to it. It went blank again.
“Same to you.” I smiled. “How long have I been out?”
“I woke up about an hour ago, but Tails and Amy told me it’s been about three days.”
"What there days! How!?"
"I guess you got a bit tired out."
"Still, I've lost so much time." I paused. "Well anyways where are the super emeralds?"
"They turned back into the Chaos Emeralds and Elements of harmony. The emeralds scattered like they normally do but the elements or with Twilight."
“Oh that's good. I guess I should contact my friends now.”
“Yeah, want me to do that for you?”
“Sure, when do you get out?”
“In ‘bout an hour or two.”
“Then I’ll just tell a nurse.”
“If you want, but Tails is in town. I can just send him a message on this.” He held the box up.
“What is that?”
“Just something Tails made, he’s a genius, and basically it’s a simplified version of his handheld. It can play music, send messages, and lots of other things. He dropped it off when he visited about thirty minutes ago.”
“Wow, how many ponies have those?”
“Well maybe he gave a few to our other friends, but lots of the people from my world have them; he makes a living off this stuff.”  He fiddled with the device. “Well this and our adventures. And there you go, it’s sent.”
Sure enough the gadget worked. A few minutes Tails and the others, along with a nurse, came into our room. The nurse ran some exams and told me to take it easy and that I could leave with Sonic, then she let my friends talk to me.
“We haven’t been properly introduced, I’m Miles Prower, but everyone calls me Tails.” The twin tailed fox introduced himself.
“I’m Rainbow Dash, nice to meet you.” I smiled.
“It’s super-duper great to see that you’re okay Dashie!” Pinkie cut in front of tails sending him reeling. “Opp, sorry Tails.”
“It’s alright.” He sighed. Sonic chuckled. Tails shot Sonic a dirty look sending. Sonic whistled casually.
“Any ways it’s nice to see you too Pinkie.” I turned to the others. “It’s good to see all you guys.”
“Likewise.” Twilight responded.
“Same tuh you.” Applejack answered.
“Indeed.” Rarity followed.
“Thank Celestia that you’re okay.” Fluttershy added.

…………………………………………………..An hour later………………………………………………….

“So what do we do next?” I asked as we walked out of the hospital.
“Well Tails decided to move here and I think I’ll settle here too, so I need to get that taken care of.”
“The girls and I can help.” I offered.
“That would be nice.” He turned to me as we walked. “But I hope you like adventure, ‘cause when I’m around its more or less inevitable.”
“That should be fun!” I retorted. With that we walked to town hall to get Sonic a house.
It’s been a few months since then and we’ve already had some pretty awesome adventures. Sonic’s friends are all pretty nice and we get along well. Life here in Ponyville is more or less a whirl-wind of excitement, but with the original elements of harmony and the fastest thing alive it’s no problem.

The End!

[Sonic Heroes starts playing as the credits roll by]

[Authors note: If you're raging at me 'cause "Sonic can't have a phone!" play the demo of the mobile version of Sonic 4 Ep.1 and let Sonic do his idol animation.]