(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XIV - Good, Clean Fun*

Act XIV - Good, Clean Fun

David had a restless night. He tossed and turned, waking every few hours. The absence of his marefriend didn’t help either, and guilt and worry piled up on him whenever he was conscious. Finally, the alarm clock rang, and he knew it was time for the exchange at dawn, the only time he was sure he could find Luna awake.

He didn’t bother to shower. He didn’t even use fresh clothes. After putting on the attire he wore yesterday and slipping his shoes on his bare feet, he barely cared to run his fingers through his hair before he went for the door.

‘I have to get this over with. I have to tell her.’

He left his room, carelessly closing the door behind him. Walking down the halls was painful as his mind still swirled with anxiety. But before he could wrangle his thoughts he was already standing before the giant ebony doors of Luna’s chambers.

“You again,” the shadows spoke. “I’ve been told you have special access, but I still require a reason for you being here,” the night guard said as he materialized from nothingness.

“Yes. Excuse me. I have to discuss something with Princess Luna. She has told me to come when I am ready.”

“Are you?” the guard asked.

“Am I what?”

“Ready. Are you ready? You look as if you might fall dead at any moment.”

David paused. “I… I don’t know. I am, but I also think I’ll never be.”

“Good. This isn’t a battle, you can still take a moment if you need it.”

“Okay.” David closed his eyes. He stood there at the doors saying nothing, just taking in slow, deep breaths trying to compose himself.

A moment passed, and David seemed to calm down a bit, his body visibly relaxed as if a weight was lifted.

“I’m ready,” David said.

“No you aren’t, but nopony ever is when meeting with the Princess of the Night. You may enter, she is awake.”


David approached the doors. He reached out and pushed one of the doors inward. It was heavy. He should’ve expected that, with how big they were, but he remembered Twilight opening them so easily with her magic.

He continued to push until there was enough space to pass through.

Upon entering, he noticed that the room was quite a bit brighter than the last time as fresh beams of sunlight poured in through the open balcony doors. Looking to the bed, though, there was no alicorn princess to be found.

He pushed the door shut behind him. As he did so, he heard an odd sound, which he realized was a quiet snicker from the guard as he faded back into his post. This rattled David a bit, but he tried to shrug it off.

“Good morning to you, my David. What has brought you to my chambers? I expected you to be sleeping,” Luna said, causing David to almost jump out of his skin.

“Good morning, Luna. I need to talk to you, it’s… important.”

“Oh,” she said, then cast a small spell. “Was it the cause of your restless sleep?”

“Ah, yes. Yes, it was.”

“Come then, sit with me in bed. The morning has just started, and I want to spend it with you.”


The elegant princess walked over to her bedside, removed her peytral and shoes and then slipped in, pushing aside the covers and lying on her side, beckoning to David with her hoof.

David came over to the bed, removed his shoes and then lay down next to her, staring blankly at the ceiling.

“What troubles you so?”

“I’m sorry Luna, I made a mistake.”

“Oh? You did?”

“Yes. And I’m so worried it will hurt you, hurt us.”

Luna’s eyes widened at his words. “Did you kiss her? Pleasure her? Renounce me for her?”

“What!? No! I…”

“We are talking about Cherry, are we not?”

“Yes. I didn’t do any of that, but I did do something inappropriate. I’m so sorry,” David said as he struggled with his emotions and turned away from her.

“Though we have not yet discussed the details, you feel it is a terrible offense against me?”

“I do.”

“Then tell me the whole of it, do not spare the details.”

David retold the story of his evening and how Cherry fell and was splattered with the tiramisu. He cringed as he described how he held her down and traced around the sweet, then licked his fingers. He mentioned every detail, right up until how Cherry consumed her dessert from his hand and licked it clean.

“So you held her down and assaulted her?” Luna asked.

“It does feel like that, yes.”

“And how did she feel about that?”

“Uh, she was upset. We yelled at each other a bit, but she said she still wants to be friends, if possible.”

“So you resolved your dispute with Cherry?”


“And now, you must resolve this bit of infidelity with me…”

David swallowed roughly and audibly, the tension forming a knot in his throat. He rolled over to face her. “Yes,” he said solemnly.

Luna backed away from him and sat up in the bed. “Something is not right. You said you both yelled at each other. Why did you yell at Cherry? Was I wrong in understanding it was you who committed the injustice?”


“Oh?” Luna looked on, confused.

David turned away. “I kinda left that part out. After I ‘assaulted’ her, she, well, kinda…”

“Yes?” Luna prodded.

“She had me pick up the dessert off her flank and then she ate it… and my hand… and licked it a bit.”

“SHE TONGUED THY HAND!?” Luna yelled as her wings snapped out.

“Wait, no! It wasn’t like that!”

“Hahahaha. Ahh, hahahaha!” Luna bellowed.

“You’re laughing?”

“Indeed. She got thee good!”

“I’m sorry, Luna. I don’t understand.”

Luna gestured with a hoof. “Just continue. This time, do not hold back,” she said sternly.

“Well, that’s when we started yelling. Me about what she did, she about what I did…”

David took a moment to fill in the rest of the details to Luna, who did her best to choke back both her tears and laughter, all while struggling to keep a straight face.

“Again, I understand that this has hurt your trust in me, but I want to work to regain it, however long it takes, no matter what it takes,” David said.

“I am sorry, David,” Luna said solemnly.

“What? No, please wait—” Luna silenced his lips with her hoof.

“I do not think you will have to try too hard to make it up to me. I already knew that Cherry had desired you and that she has made an effort for her feelings to be platonic. Even now she tries to remain a friend with you because she fears to pursue the alternative would be too costly. She also wants to be loyal to me, to the crown, but it is not easy to delude the heart.”

“So, are you angry?”

Luna shook her head. “I am not. Nor am I jealous, as you are here and not with her. You know of my mistakes with jealousy in my past, but as we are now one, I no longer see it as an avenue I can afford to travel—our little incident with my sister has made that all too clear. So instead, I will choose not to be jealous, especially in situations such as these. If wronged, I can always gain the upper hoof, and I plan to do so. It is my right as ruler, and as the mare you are courting, after all.”

David looked confused. “No punishment for me?”

“Not a punishment, but perhaps a task. No, let me rephrase—a loving request.”


“Lay here with me, my love. Give me your attention that I so missed last night. That is how you can repay me.”

David sighed. “Oh Luna, you are too kind with me.”

“As you are with me. You feared for such a trifle as if you had pledged your loyalty and your future foals away to another mare.”

David shook his head. “Never.”

“A bold word. One nopony can ever be held to. Your intent is noted and appreciated, though. Now, what was it you said before, yes—‘kiss me, silly.’ ”

And that he did. David snuggled up into her waiting embrace, letting their love heal his wounds. She nuzzled him as the larger spoon and cooed loving words into his ears, enjoying their closeness.

“You will have it easy, yes. Cherry might not think the same, though,” Luna whispered to him.

David reflexively tightened his grip around Luna’s barrel. “Please don’t fire her, it wasn’t her fault.”

“No; you did initiate it. I will not terminate her, but she will have to endure my requests. Fret not, she is strong and I like her. Nothing bad will come of it.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

They lay there peacefully and slept away the morning; David was finally at peace. Luna sensed his tranquility as she observed him in the dreamscape and then allowed herself a nap as well.


The two woke up a little more than an hour before lunch, still wrapped in a bundle of arms and legs.

“Do you feel better?” Luna asked.

“I do. But you didn’t say you’ve forgiven me yet.”

“That is because you did not ask.”

“Luna, please forgive me,” David said sincerely.

“You are forgiven,” she said with a smile.

“Thank you, my love.” David then kissed her passionately.

“Thanks be to you, who truly loves me,” Luna whispered. “So, it is the day before your adventure. What have you planned for today? If possible, I wish to stay by your side as much as I can. Would that be acceptable?”

“Of course; we can make a date of it,” David replied. “Let’s see, it’s almost lunch, and I skipped breakfast, so I’d really prefer not to miss another meal.”

“As would I.”

“After lunch, though, I had kinda planned to do some special things in the kitchen…”

“With Cherry, no doubt. Are these special things a secret?” Luna asked.

“It doesn’t have to be, and after last night I could use a chaperone.”

“A wonderful idea. Please, do tell of this secret.”

“Well, I am planning to make some desserts for the picnic.”

“You? You will make our desserts?”

“Yes, me. I liked cooking and baking at home.”

“This I must see. Cooking is a bit of a mystery to me. I have never taken the opportunity to try my hoof at it.”


Luna paused. “There was one time I ventured into the kitchens boldly, but came out with the most pitiful sandwich that could be defined as one.”

“That’s not too bad. Most sandwiches that are made by amateurs are mediocre at best. I think it takes training, a good recipe, or a special talent to make a good sandwich. I’m sure I would make horrible ones for you if I tried.”

“Why would that be?”

“Well, another part of making a good sandwich is knowing the tastes of the recipient. I don’t know what ponies like to eat; I only know what humans like.”


“So, what do you think… we can grab lunch, then after the staff cleans up, we can go to the kitchen, and you can watch me do a little baking and such.”

Luna smiled. “It is, as you said, ‘a date.’ ”

“Well then, I really need to go take a shower and get changed. What about you?” David asked.

“I could go as I am, but I would not say no to a shower.”

“Do you wanna…” David shot her a suggestive glare.

“Hmmm, that does sound very enticing, and we are on a date, yes?. We would not play, though, I do not think we have much time for that.”

David nodded excitedly. “I can accept that.”

“Let us not waste time then. Follow,” she said with sincerity.

With that, Luna quickly disentangled herself from David and slipped out of bed. She deftly took off her crown and laid it next to her peytral on her bedside dresser, leaving her completely naked. Then Luna walked toward a large ivory-colored door, only to stop short of it and look back at David.

“Are you not coming?” she said as her tail swished side-to-side in anticipation.

David swiftly hopped out of bed and to his feet. Luna, her heart racing, moved to match his enthusiasm. She grabbed the door in her magic, flung it open and raced inside.

David was hot on Luna’s hooves, trying to catch her. He reached the doorway only moments after she made it through. And with Luna narrowly escaping his clutches, David instead embraced the intricately carved wood of the doorframe with his face.

After recomposing himself, he stood at the door and looked at the vast landscape of natural stone tiles that was Luna’s private bathroom. It was a beautiful sight with the muted colors of slate and dark granite used throughout and it was designed in such a way that it felt more natural even though it was obviously constructed. This set David’s pace back a bit, as he was in awe of it all, being used to much less grand and artistic bathrooms.

As he looked around the amenities, he searched for his royal-blue coated princess but did not see her anywhere. This little game of hide-and-seek would not last long, though, as most of the area was open to him except for a far corner which had a mid-sized wall that blocked his view. A corner lined with showerheads.

‘There you are!’

David sensed his impending victory and crept up to the wall. As he neared it, he could hear Luna’s hooves as they shuffled quietly beyond the barrier. He crept around the side with as much stealth as he could muster, not knowing if he would be lucky enough to surprise his prey.

As he neared the edge, it seemed luck was on his side, as a large, blue ethereal tail lie just beyond. He smiled devilishly as he raised his hands and prepared to strike.

Now, his target was within reach, and he could hold back no longer. David lunged and seized his prize as he wrapped both of his hands around the dock of Luna’s tail, causing her to ‘eep’ loudly. His victory was short-lived, however, as the regal mare grabbed him in her magic and threw him carelessly to the floor.


Luna straddled the man and checked for signs of life, genuine care and distraught on her face.

“Oh, my David, I am so sorry. I was just surprised, I did not mean to throw you!”

“Ugh, it’s okay, Luna,” David said as he stood up. “I’m made of tougher stuff than that. At least you didn’t kick me.”

“Are you sure? Should we call for a doctor?”

“No,” he said, cupping her face. “I don’t want anyone else but you.”

The two kissed, then stared into each other’s eyes for a moment.

“David, we must not dally, we will lose the time,” Luna said as she looked away bashfully.

“Oh, right. One moment.”

David walked around the wall again and took off his shirt.

‘Okay. I’m ready for this, it’s just a shower with my ‘marefriend.’ We’ve been pretty intimate so far, but this is the first real naked-on-naked experience. She said no ‘play,’ so no sex. I just gotta keep it down. Breathe, David, breathe.’

Luna, now alone, sat nervously on the tile.

‘He makes me wait. No… he is undressing. Oh, Luna, keep thy wits. You already told him this would only be a simple shower, why are you so excited?! What if he senses your arousal, or worse— if he teases it to even higher peaks? No. You are a princess. You will not let this escalate. You must bridle your desires!’

Luna composed herself and faced the shower controls. She turned them on and let the warm water cascade over her, drenching her from head to tail.

David, not quite as collected, leaned up against the wall as he struggled to remove a leg of his pants. For something he did every day, this one time it gave him considerable difficulty.

Finally, wearing only his boxers, David was ready… Oops, not ready. Neither ponies nor people shower in their underwear. Hearing Luna start the shower, he reached down and dropped his drawers to the floor.

Taking in a final big breath, David calmly rounded the edge of the wall. Almost immediately, though, he felt his manhood begin to stiffen at the sight before him.

Luna sat on her haunches, letting the water flow over her head as she ran her forehooves through her now wet, starry mane. The color of her mane darkened as the water soaked in and it no longer flowed magically, but hung limp, framing her face in dark blue waves of hair. Noticing David enter, she raised her head to face him, only to see his now raging erection.

“Uh, I didn’t… I’m sorry, I can’t control it,” David stammered.

She smiled. “It is… a kind compliment, do not worry. I must fight the feeling as well as your frame is even more magnificent and virile than I previously remembered.”

David walked over to her and the spray of water, allowing the shower to wet him down and soothe his body’s aches. He stood there for a moment, his eyes closed, concentrating on the feeling of the warmth across his body.

“So good,” he said.


His body having relaxed a bit, David stuck out his hand toward the mare, his eyes still tightly shut. She looked at it, a bit perplexed.

“Shampoo?” he asked.

Luna smiled and levitated a bottle to his outstretched hand.


He leaned out of the spray a bit and lathered up his head, then scrubbed it vigorously just the way he liked.

Luna watched him as she levitated the mane and tail shampoo back to herself. Working the lather into her mane, she studied his back, something she had not had the opportunity to see much of before.

‘His shoulders are large and muscular from this vantage point, a fact well hidden when viewed from the front. It also seems he is truly hairless, his back even more so than his chest, which has little.’ Luna continued her study down David’s back. ‘I am impressed. His spine is flanked with even greater muscles, running all the way down to his waist. And then, there are his hindquarters. So round, actually much rounder than my own, but no doubt taught and strong.’ She thoughtlessly reached out to feel them, only to retract her encroaching hoof.

‘Not now,’ she reminded herself, but she continued to analyze his features.

‘His backside gives way to his long, sturdy legs. Before David, I had never seen legs like these. They hold him high, high above my reach; he towers above all ponies. I suppose their main purpose is for balance, for standing and walking upright. Yes, that much is sure; they are built with no leverage with which to thrust down into the ground as we ponies do. Though they are not made for that purpose, there is surely strength in them— I would be most pleased to personally test them in the future.’

David had rinsed his hair and face and turned to see Luna sitting quite still with her soapy mane, staring off to the side.

“Luna,” he said.

She did not move.


Coming back to reality, she looked up at the man. “Oh. Yes, David?”

“Do you have a cloth I can use to wash my face? Something soft, perhaps?”

“Certainly. One moment,” she responded. Luna rinsed the top of her head and mane under the waterfall from the many fixtures. Having washed out the soap, she now powered her horn, levitating over two small, navy cloths and a bottle from beyond the shower. “Use this soap for your face, it is very mildly scented.”

Luna then took one cloth and wetted it, squeezed a bit of facial soap onto it, then handed the other cloth and the bottle to David.

“Thanks,” he said.

The two mirrored each other as they washed their faces. One with hooves, the other with hands. Careful precision being used by both, they cleaned themselves in a practiced fashion.

The mare started with her muzzle and cheeks, then worked around her neck and up to her ears. The man started at his brow, then to his cheeks and eyelids, then around and in his own ears. She went from ears back around to the front of her face, tended her own eyelids softly, and finally, up to her horn; first around the base, then rubbing up and down the length. The man only had a bit left to do around his neck; then he dunked his face back under the falling water to rinse clean. She, however, chose to break their sync, as she rinsed her cloth and then used the residual water to remove the cleanser from her face and horn. After, she collected a small bit of water in her magic and splashed it on her face for good measure.

The two being able to see again without the threatening sting of soap turned to look at each other.

Luna knew what came next, so she levitated over two brushes and the body soap.

“I wonder if he would mind,” she said softly to herself.

“Would I mind what?”

“Oh! Uhm, if you would be so kind, would you… scrub my back?” she asked with a bright blush on her face.”

“Of course I would, Luna. I’d be happy to.”

Luna would find this out much later, but David had been looking forward to this kind of bonding for years and years.

Luna stood up in the bath and walked over to David, becoming a bit uncomfortably close to his waist. She levitated the soap and a brush to him quietly, then turned to the side, giving him access.

David looked over the wet mare before him and reached out his hand. He ran it down the back of her neck, over her withers, between her wings and down her back to her croup.

Luna had trouble stifling her moan as he gently massaged her coat with his fingers.

David was enjoying himself, but without soap, Luna wasn’t getting much cleaner. He tried to push aside his own thoughts of exploring and instead looked to the bottle.

Opening it, he took a quick sniff. It was a blend of flowery scents, one he could recognize easily now as Luna’s favorite. He took the brush and wet it, then poured a bit of the liquid soap onto its bristles.

Though his first touch was soft, it took Luna’s breath away. It was the same brush she always used, but feeling it stroke through her fur when not in her control sent shivers up and down her spine. As she twitched, her coat quite literally rippled along her body, causing David some concern, and as a result, he pulled the brush away from her.

“Are you okay, Luna?”

“Do not worry, it is just a bit odd feeling a brush I am not controlling. It will pass.”

This was true, but it did not help David feel any better. He looked down at the brush, thinking to himself. He then looked up at the mare’s back and had an idea.

David took the bottle again, and this time poured a thin line of the soap down her back, all the way to her dock.

“Oooh oooh,” she whimpered, now feeling the cold liquid seep through her coat.

That sensation did not last long, as David had now decided to put his digits to the test. He grabbed her with both hands and pulled her body next to his. She was surprised at his actions, but feeling the warmth from his touch, she soon relaxed.

Now having her braced against him for leverage, David went to work with his hands. He dug his fingers into her fur and scrubbed gently. He did so with love and care as he stroked her body, soaping her to the best of his ability.

Luna was beside herself with happiness and pleasure. She knew David’s hands felt good, but as they tended to her, cleaning her, massaging her, she did not know if she could give it up. He would reach spots she loved and arched her back for more, he also found tender, ticklish spots and she writhed, giggling in agony.

David moved about her frame with precision, trying to keep his mind on the task and not on his lover’s flesh pressed into his waist. Every time he hit a ticklish spot, her wings would flutter and unknowingly stroke his sensitive length, eliciting a reaction out of him. Luckily, he soon had covered all of her back and shifted lower—thankfully away from those pesky wings—and began to rub the soap into her hindquarters, starting at her croup.

This pleased Luna, and she let him know with a low, throaty moan and her tail beginning to flag. Not wanting to start anything, David picked up the pace. He worked over one hip, thigh and buttock, then raced over the croup again to finish the other. Finally taking his hand away and stepping back, he viewed his work.

‘Oops, I suppose I should wash under those wings of hers.’

David re-approached his marefriend and bent down slightly.

“Luna, can you please lift this wing so I can wash your barrel?” he asked.

She did not answer but raised her wings anyway.

David worked quickly as he knew this area was sensitive. He rubbed her ribs under her wing with the flat of his hand, getting it good and soapy. He then stood up and bent over her to reach the other side. He could barely reach from this position, but he made do. Luna, though, was not making it any easier as she pressed her back into his stomach as he leaned over.

Finally done, he stood up and looked her over.

“Did I miss anything? Any itchy spots?”

Luna turned her head to look at him with a smile on her face and her eyes partially glassy. “No,” she answered. “Though if we do this again, I will have you wash all of me. I think I will also ban bath brushes from my quarters, it seems they are no longer adequate.”

David chuckled. “I’m glad you liked it. Want to wash my back now?”

“I can?” she asked as she rinsed herself under the shower.

“Certainly. It’s not easy for me to wash my back, and having my lover do it would make me very happy.”

“It would be my honor,” Luna said. “Would you prefer magic or hooves?”

“Either is fine; surprise me!” David said. “But no brush please, my skin is too sensitive for that, you’ll have to use the cloth.”

He then turned around and sat down on the floor in front of her to give her better access.

Luna stared at the canvas before her, deciding how best to paint it. She wanted David to enjoy her assistance as much as she had, but she didn’t know how to do it. Something told her that she wanted to use her hooves, that it would have a more personal feel, but she also knew the physical logistics of reaching his lower back with hooves would prove difficult at best.

Luna recognized the time passing and chose action over inaction. She gathered the cloth in her magic, applied the soap to it then took it in her forehooves. Then she leaned back and balanced herself on her haunches as she tried her best to work the cloth over his broad shoulders and back.

Unfortunately, even this task seemed more difficult than she assumed. It was hard to grasp the cloth with both hooves and move it smoothly across his back, and harder still to avoid pressing her whole weight into him. It was a bit disheartening, and she felt the need to do better.

Luna dropped the cloth to the floor and pulled back her hooves. She contemplated using her magic but was convinced that it may be too impersonal.

Her head held low, she spoke to her mate.

“David…” she said quietly.


“I… I do not know if I can do this very well. I am sorry.”

David turned on the floor to face her. “Hey, don’t worry. It’s okay.”

“No. I want to do this, I want you to feel good. Let me try one more time.”

“Of course, Luna. I’m not going anywhere.”

Luna stood up and walked around in front of him, then closed the distance with David and took him in a deep kiss. She kept up her passionate embrace as she sat down as close as possible to him. Scooting even closer, she tried to invade his very airspace with her presence.

Now as near as she could possibly be without sitting in his lap, she stretched out her beautiful wings and wrapped them around David, trying to pull him to her. With David now cocooned, she used her magic to spread the soap across both her plumage and his back.

David moaned at her feathery touch. Luna stroked him lovingly, with as much care she could, pouring out her affection for him. With her wings, she could reach every inch of him, and she strived to do so. She didn’t care about what it would end up doing to her feathers and how long she would have to preen them to get them back into condition, she was helping David, and that made her smile.

Luna was happy, so happy she teared up and sobbed just a bit at the overwhelming emotion. Being face-to-face, David immediately noticed her tears and leaned forward to kiss them away and held her tightly within his arms. She brightened at his caring gesture and sought his lips for her own embrace. There the two sat together, wet and soapy, entwined in wings and arms. Overall, it wasn’t the perfect solution; maybe that would never be achieved, but for now, the two were content.

Finally, they broke apart. David looked into his lover’s eyes and whispered sweet words of love and thanks for her wonderful service. They both still had quite a bit of washing left to do, though, which they agreed should just be done and finished, without any fuss.

David and Luna stood and proceeded to finish washing themselves quietly. Occasionally they would bump into each other as they bent here and there, working the suds over their bodies. Each time they glanced at each other with a smile and then went about their business.

Making short work of the rest, they rinsed off and left the main shower area. Luna offered David a towel, and they both worked to dry themselves to the best of their ability. Looking over to Luna, David finally noticed the mess of feathers that used to be her beautifully groomed wings.

“Oh, Luna, your wings… That didn’t happen because of me did it?”

“Worry not. It was well worth it and causes little discomfort. I will simply have to do a thorough preening before I leave.”

“Do we have time?”

“No, I believe I will be a little late. You should go ahead and keep appearances with my sister. It would not be good for us both to be late.”

“I will need your help then…” David stammered.

“Hmm? What can I do?” Luna asked.

“Well, I can’t exactly walk back to my room like this, can I?”

Luna smirked devilishly. “Oh, you could. It would be quite the sight, I am sure. But I will spare you that experience for now and can simply teleport you back to your quarters. Would that be acceptable?”

“Yes. Thank you, just let me grab my shoes.”

David walked out of the bathroom and grabbed his shoes from next to the bed.

“Do not worry about your soiled garments. I will have them laundered and delivered to your room.”

“That won’t cause problems for you, will it?”

“Why would that be an issue of concern?” Luna asked, looking puzzled.

“My clothes here, in your room…”

“Oh. It may be a little presumptuous, yes. I will teleport them to your room as well.”

“That’s fine.”

Luna walked over to David and tilted her head up for a kiss, which David reciprocated.

“I will see you in the dining room soon. Please close your eyes.”

David closed his eyes and felt her magic grow. He thought for a second about that.

‘Wait, was I always able to feel her magic? I wish I had paid more attention.’

The moment was over with a bright flash, and he opened his eyes to see he was back in his room again. Seeing that he only had a few minutes before lunch would start, he quickly prepared for the day and hurried out the door.


David thought to himself as he walked quickly down the hall to his destination.

‘I hope Luna’s wings aren’t too bad off and that she can join us for lunch soon. I also want to make a note to experiment with magic and see what else I can sense. Maybe I should get Luna to send a letter to Twilight asking about it as well.’

Lost in thought, he made better time than he expected and found himself before the great doors of the royal dining room.

He pushed the doors open, something that was now second-nature to him, and entered the room. Princess Celestia was already seated and sipping from a teacup. The table was bare, as she had waited for any others to arrive before starting the meal.

“Good afternoon, Princess,” David called out as the walked closer to her.

“Good afternoon, Sir David. Is my sister with you?”

“No. She did let me know that she would be be a little late. Sorry,” he said.

“You do not have to apologise for her tardiness, Sir David. It is not your fault.”

‘Oh, but it partly is, not that I can tell you that.’

David did not respond with words, only with a short, polite bow before taking his seat.

“Since Lulu is running late, I believe we should start. Is that acceptable?”

“Yes. Thank you, I’m starving,” David said, rubbing his tummy.

“I understand the feeling. Sometimes I get so mired in paperwork that I forget to take a break for meals or even ask for a snack. I am afraid my bad habit has rubbed off on my dear student, Twilight, as well. Though, if anypony ever said they have heard my tummy rumbling, I will say it is a lie,” Celestia said with a smile.

She then took the silver bell as usual and started the meal. The processional proceeded like clockwork until Cherry came to the table herself.

“Good afternoon, Princess, David. I see Princess Luna is not here. I was expecting her to show for lunch, as her guards said she was awake and preparing. Is she still coming?” Cherry asked Celestia.

Celestia then turned to David, as if she wished him to answer. Following her lead, Cherry turned to face David as well.

“Princess Luna has notified me that she has been detained and will join the meal as soon as possible,” David offered.

“Thank you, David. I will withhold her meal until she arrives to keep it warm. Is there anything else you require at this moment?” Cherry asked him.

David looked to the meal, then to Princess Celestia, who was sipping her tea. She nodded that everything was fine in response.

“No. Thank you, Cherry. Everything looks wonderful,” he said with a smile.

“It was my pleasure, David, Princess. Let me know when Princess Luna arrives. Until then, please, enjoy your meal.”

Cherry then walked back through the prep room door, and it closed quietly behind her.

“Excellent, Sir David. Even though you and Miss Topping have become friends, you presented yourself in a dignified manner, and more importantly, you conveyed Luna’s message and status appropriately as well. I am thoroughly impressed.”

“Thank you, Princess Celestia. I think your good example has rubbed off on me.”

“Perhaps not my good example, I see you too are already skipping meals,” she said, chuckling a bit, even getting David to laugh with her.

David then looked at the meal before them. It was quite spartan compared to most of the meals he had seen in the castle, but in its simplicity, he could smell a heavenly aroma. Lunch was simply comprised of hot soup, salad, and breadsticks. The last two being very similar to the ones he enjoyed last night with Cherry.

He eyed the soup. It seemed to be a potato-kale cream soup accented with spices and butter, and it smelled wonderful. Drawing a little closer, he found a familiar scent in his soup bowl that made his heart swell.

‘Garlic! Oh, now she’s just messing with me.’

“Princess, this all looks great… what kind of soup is this?” he asked, remembering Cherry’s words about the Princess and garlic.

“It is a cream-based potato and kale. Very nutritious and tasty. Is there something wrong with it?”

“Oh, no. It’s quite wonderful. Just the way I like it,” David answered as he dug in.

Sure enough, his soup was spiked… with what David considered love. At least it tasted that way to him.

‘I’m going to be in so much trouble,’ David thought while he plowed through his giant-sized bowl of soup.

While the rest of the meal turned out to be ‘love’-free, he enjoyed it all the same. As he was reaching for his second plate of salad, the doors of the royal apartments opened up, and Luna strode in.

“Good afternoon, Tia, my David. I apologise for my lateness. It took quite a while for me to get ready,” Luna said as she walked over to nuzzle her sister.

“Good afternoon, Lulu. I am glad you could join us. Are you attempting to adjust your schedule for the weekend’s events?”

“Indeed, big sister. Today, I will enjoy the day with David, then hold a short court tonight as usual.”

“A short court?” David asked.

“Yes. As we do not perform any official duties on Sunday and Monday, we traditionally have a shorter appointment schedule on Saturday, in preparation,” Celestia answered.


Luna walked over and took her seat. As she did so, Celestia rang her silver bell, calling for Luna’s meal.

Cherry popped out of the kitchen and brought Luna a giant bowl of steaming soup. Placing it in front of her, she bowed politely.

“Good afternoon, Princess Luna. Is there anything more I can get you?” Cherry asked.

Luna stared at David’s bowl, then back to her own. “How is my David having his meal?”

Cherry raised her head slightly to quickly glance at David, then back to lock eyes with the princess. Not being able to endure her gaze, she looked downward again.

“He is having it extra hearty, my princess. I think he may require seconds,” Cherry replied.

“Well then… I would like mine to be as-his today, and please bring him another serving as well,” Luna instructed.

“As you wish, Your Highness,” Cherry replied, bowing again. She then picked up the bowl she had just delivered and took it back to the kitchen.

“Lulu, what was that about?” Celestia asked quietly.

“Oh, nothing. I only wish to experience more things the way David does. Today we are spending time together as a date.”

“Is that so? I think that is a wonderful idea. If I am being a nuisance, I can retire to my solarium and give you two some privacy—”

“No,” Luna interrupted. “That will not be necessary. Let us all finish our meals. I know the court’s recess is almost finished, there is no reason for you to leave now.”

“As you wish,” Celestia replied. “What did Cherry mean by ‘extra hearty,’ if I may ask?”

“I believe Miss Topping has added a special ingredient to David’s soup if my nose can be trusted. You will have to ask her,” Luna answered.

Just then, Cherry opened the door, balancing two bowls of the garlic-infused soup. She placed one in front of Luna and the other at David’s position.

“Excuse me, Cherry…” Celestia started.

“Yes, Princess Celestia? Is there something I can get you?”

“Is it true that David is having a different meal than I enjoyed?” Celestia asked.

“Well… yes. I added a little something to his soup that I thought he would like.”

“Oh. How kind of you. May we try some as well?” Celestia asked, causing all eyes to turn to her.

“Um, Princess… I don’t think you will like it; otherwise, I would have offered it to you. I meant no disrespect.”

“Well, I too want to know what our guest finds so appetising. Is there anything wrong with that?” Celestia questioned the party.

David cleared his throat. “Princess, she has flavored my soup with garlic as she found out that it is one of my favorite ingredients.”

“Garlic. Oh, well… I could, maybe— Cherry, could you bring me a taster of his soup?” Celestia requested hesitantly.

“Oh, Cherry, you don’t have to do that. She can have a bit of the new bowl you brought me,” David said as he held the bowl out to Celestia.

“Yeeesss. That is correct, do not waste time on me. I will simply try his… directly.”

“Well then, sister, try it! He has offered it to you, has he not?” Luna added, smiling.

“Yes. Let me dip a piece of bread. That is all I require.”

Celestia took a breadstick in her magic and broke it. Then, levitating the portion over the bowl of the proffered soup, she tentatively dipped the end into the soup’s broth and retrieved it quickly, letting the excess drip off.

Celestia brought the morsel over to herself using a saucer to prevent any spills and gently inhaled the aroma. Though not as strong as she was fearing, it still made her muzzle wrinkle at the scent, and she fought her natural reflexes.

“Oh my, it is… powerful,” she said.

“Sister, what about the taste?” Luna cajoled.

Celestia opened her mouth slowly and took a small nibble of the bread. It must have been completely soaked because it dribbled a bit from her lips.

Celestia’s face was frozen. On it was a plastic smile as she tried to process the bite she had just taken. Recovering from the lapse, she finally swallowed and placed the remainder on her plate.

“It was quite good, Cherry. I believe it is not my preferred variation, but I can see its charms,” Celestia said politely.

“Thank you, Princess,” Cherry said with a bow. Was there anything else I can get you?”

“Perhaps some lemonade would be nice, Cherry,” David said.

“Yes. Right away,” Cherry replied, then turned to the kitchen to fetch the drinks.

Luna had started in on her soup, a very warm smile upon her face.

“David, you must be quite strong for your palate to handle this flavor! It is quite the experience,” Luna said between bites. “I would not normally engage in such a battle at the table, but I think I am prepared to win this one.”

“I understand it is not to everybody’s taste, and that is okay with me. Many cuisines in the human world use a lot of garlic. It has quite a home in my meals as a result,” David said.

Cherry returned with the requested lemonade and poured Princess Celestia a cup, which she downed quite eagerly.

“Thank you, Cherry. It is delightful.”

“Thank David, I believe he knew that this would pair well with the meal. He has quite a hidden talent in the culinary arts,” Cherry added.

“Yes. Thank you, Sir David,” Celestia said.

“You’re welcome, Princess.”

“And unfortunately, it is time for me to resume court. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your meal,” Celestia said as she hopped down from her chair. Luna and David both arose to see her off.

As she walked over to Luna, something caught her eye.

“Oh Luna, what happened to your wings?” she asked.

“Nothing sister, I simply did not have time to complete my preening before attending lunch. I did so hope they would not look too improper,” Luna said as Celestia drew closer.

“No, forgive me. It is not that bad, but they certainly are not as perfect as I am used to seeing from you. I hope they are not a source of discomfort.”

Luna shook her head. “Worry not. I will take some time after the meal to fix them,” Luna said as she nuzzled her sister’s cheek.

“I am glad you are okay. Perhaps later we can spend some time together, all of us,” Celestia said.

“We will see. Now off to court! Do not leave our little ponies waiting,” Luna said with a smirk.

“Until later,” Celestia called as she walked to the doors and left the room.

“Now…” Luna sat back down.

Luna scanned the room and spotted the chestnut mare making her exit to the kitchens.

“Halt!” Luna commanded.

Surprisingly, Cherry froze in her tracks with a hoof already raised to open the door.

“Come forward, dear Cherry. We will have words with thee,” Luna said in a serious tone, even slipping back into her archaic tongue.

Cherry dropped her hoof and hung her head low. She then turned around and raised her head slightly. Looking back at the alicorn and her human friend standing next to her, she said, “Yes, my princess,” before walking slowly over to the monarch.

Reaching her destination, Cherry performed a low bow to show her fealty.

“Arise, young Cherry,” Luna commanded.

“Yes, my princess,” she said again as she rose to meet Luna’s gaze. What she saw there was difficult to read. Luna did not wear an obvious mask of anger, nor was there a fire smoldering in her eyes, and her mouth bore no frown. Cherry was lost.

“We have heard of many things, Miss Topping…” Luna started.

“I can expl—”

“SILENCE!” Luna shouted at the ceiling, making the poor mare whimper and shiver in fright—and unknowingly—startling David as well.

“We are not looking for an explanation,” Luna said, recomposing herself. “We have been given a suitable recall of the events, no more needs to be said. In it, my David claimed responsibility and even came to your defense, and both have been absolved of any wrongdoing, and as such, will receive no official punishment. You are welcome,” Luna said as she hovered over the terrified pony from her chair.

“You… are too kind. Thank you, my princess,” Cherry said before bowing again.

“Good. Now that I have sufficiently scared you straight let us forget the unpleasantries. I still like you, Cherry, and I have no issue with you and David being friends. I also am well aware that your feelings may continue to grow for him, of which I will continue to be accepting of. I also give you my most humble thanks for taking care of him last night. He boasted quite heavily of how much he did enjoy the time. And though he acted inappropriately, he is sufficiently remorseful for both the effects it might have on you and how it might affect our relationship. That being said, we have sustained no damage. Are you unharmed as well? Please be honest.”

“Yes, I am fine,” Cherry answered. “I am very grateful that you are so kind, Princess Luna. Others would not have done the same.”

“I am glad. That all being said, let us put it in the past and move forward. My David tells me you have agreed to let him bake today, is that correct?”

“Yes, Princess. If you would still allow it.”

“Of course! Did I not just say that all was in the past? But I would like to make a request.”


“David and I are spending the day together on a date. Would it be too presumptuous for me to accompany him while he bakes in your care?”

“Oh, ohhh. Of course not, Princess! This is your kitchen as well, you are most welcome,” Cherry said, her smile finally returning.

“Excellent. Forgive this old mare for being so nosy. You should know that my curiosity was piqued when David told me he would be making our treats!”

“Mine too! Honestly, I can’t wait to see what he can do. Those hands of his are amazing!”

“You, my dear, have no idea… or do you? Ha ha ha hah!”

David looked on in awe. For a moment there, it looked as if Cherry would die from fright, and now the two of them were joking like best friends.

‘I guess I can count myself extra lucky again. My closest mare-friend and my marefriend are having fun. Nope, this couldn’t end badly.’

Cherry and even David joined in the laughter, all sharing a joke between friends that was perhaps a little too risque for the company involved. They let it die out shortly with smiles all around.

“David, come here. I am sorry to have left you out during our little mare-talk. Are you okay with this arrangement?” Luna asked.

“Yes, Princess Luna—”

“No, no. You can call me ‘Luna’ in Cherry’s company. I believe that is appropriate,” she corrected him.

“Sure, Luna. I’m okay if with things if you are. How about you, Cherry?” he asked.

“I’m fine. When did you two want to stop by?”

“I believe I will take a short break in my quarters with my man, then we should be ready. Would that be acceptable?”

“Say in, half an hour or so?” Cherry asked.

“Yes, that sounds appropriate,” Luna replied. “What do you think David?”

“Sounds good to me, but did you get enough lunch, Luna? We stopped half-way through,” David asked.

“I am sufficiently fed. While sister struggled with her nemesis, I was enjoying my meal and the show.”

David chuckled to himself, then nodded. “Okay. Cherry, please give us an hour, and we’ll meet back here. Oh, and if you could save any of that soup and some breadsticks, I’d definitely eat it later!”

“I can do that for you, David. I’ll see you both in an hour. If that’s all, please excuse me, Princess, David, I’ve got a mess to clean and a kitchen to prepare!”

Cherry bowed to Luna, then turned and scampered quickly off into the kitchen.

“David, let us retire to my quarters. I will show you how to preen a mare. The next time my feathers are ruffled, it can be you who fixes them,” Luna said with a warm gaze, looking up at her mate.

“Yes. Let’s go.”

The two left the dining room and walked back to Luna’s chambers for a short bit of time together before facing the next adventure in their date.
