(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Part 3 - Complications 1: Act XIII - To Bite Off More Than One Can Chew

Part 3 - Complications 1 (Acts 13-18)

Act XIII - To Bite Off More Than One Can Chew

Having returned to his room from his meeting with Twilight and Rarity, David quickly changed into a new pair of non-Rarity themed boxers and a more casual outfit to prepare for lunch. After dressing, he took a few moments to finish the journal entry he had started earlier.

Twilight is also going to try to organize an outing for me, as I’m going a little crazy being confined to the royal wing. I wonder what we will Okay, now, both Twilight and Rarity are helping me plan.


So, I just finished meeting with Rarity. She’s, well… Rarity.

She was definitely interested in me, though I’ve got to say, I’m not exactly sure why. I was especially surprised when one pair of boxers I ordered came with the special feature of her cutie mark plastered all over them. Props to her, though, she did take it pretty well when both Twilight and I said they were not appropriate.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely grateful to Rarity that she has made me all these clothes. So much so that I felt somewhat guilty about not wanting to accept her “special” boxers. Maybe I can make it up to her later.

The good news is that she doesn’t seem to know about my relationship with Luna, or at least she didn’t give any hints that she knows. When we confronted her about the Rarity-themed boxers, she just replied that Twilight told her I like black, white, and blue. I suppose that explains the clothes so far, but I’m going to try to be careful anyway.

So, we did plan an outing and it sounds like it’s going to be awesome. We still need to know if Princess Celestia and Luna will be able to come before we send out the invitations, though, but I’m confident it will be okay.

We’re headed to a forested area where we can have a picnic and some fun. I’ve also apparently invited almost every pony I can name. That includes all the princesses, the element bearers, and Shining Armor. Twilight and Rarity seem to think we’ll have a good time, so I’ll leave the planning to them.

I suppose that’s it for now.

Putting his journal away, David looked at the odd pair of undergarments he had been given.

‘I’m not exactly sure what to do with these special boxers Rarity made, but I can’t wear them. I suppose I’ll get rid of them somehow.’


“David, it’s Twilight, are you busy?”

David dropped the boxers on the bed and walked over and opened the door.

“Hey, Twilight, what’s up?”

“Oh, I just saw Rarity off, and I figured I’d stop by and see if you were able to talk to Luna,” she asked.

“No, not yet.”

Twilight smiled. “Would you like to go with me and see if she’s awake?”

“Sure. Oh, also, do you know of a way I can dispose of these boxers discreetly?” David asked, motioning to the diamond-clad boxers on the bed.

“Oh, I can easily make those disappear. I’ll take care of it.”


Twilight’s horn lit up as she picked up the boxers in her magic. She looked at them, her brow furrowed in thought, tongue sticking out a bit as she did. She then relaxed as an idea formulated in her mind. With a small burst of lavender light, the boxers disappeared completely.

“There we go! No problem.”

“Great. Thanks, Twilight. Let’s go see Luna.”


Twilight and David headed down the halls towards the Night Princess’s chambers. As they approached the room, the hallways grew noticeably darker and cooler as well. Soon, they were almost at the imposing ebony doors.

“Who goes there?” a voice called from the darkness.

“Twilight Sparkle and Sir David, a friend of Princess Luna’s,” Twilight said.

A form emerged from the shadows—it was a Lunar guard. The tall, charcoal-colored bat-pony stood in front of them wearing dark metal armor; surprisingly, he wore a bright smile.

“Oh, hello, Princess Twilight. What brings you to the chambers of the Night?”

“We’re here to see Princess Luna. Is she awake?”

“No, I’m afraid our mistress is still slumbering. Did you have a message?”

“Yes, though I really should give it to her in person. One moment.” Twilight turned to David. “What do you want to do now, David?”

“Let’s go in; just tell him it’s important. She won’t mind if we wake her up,” he said softly.

“Are you sure? I hate waking up Princess Celestia.”

“It’ll be fine.”

Twilight turned back to the guard and put on her best smile.

“I think it would be best if we wake her and give her the message.”

“If you’re sure, Princess,” the guard said.

“I am.”

“Please give me a moment, I will wake her for you,” the guard said.

“No, wait.” Twilight stopped him. “I should do that. She’ll be much more lenient if another princess were to wake her.”

“As you wish,” the guard replied.

Twilight walked toward the large doors with David following. As he approached, the guard eyed David carefully.

“Oh, don’t worry about Sir David, he is a special guest of the princesses,” Twilight said.

“As you say, Your Highness,” the guard huffed.

Twilight pushed open the door slightly and entered Luna’s bedchambers with David close behind. After they had passed the threshold, Twilight shut the doors with her magic and silenced them with a spell.

The room was large, and as it was dimly lit, it was hard to see their surroundings. David paused a moment, trying to let his eyes adjust to the darkness.

Slowly the room’s features came into view to the man. He looked up to find the source of light to be a swirling mural of stars on the ceiling. Directly in front of him was a large canopy bed, taking up most of the room in the middle. It was decorated with dark swaths of cloth, partially obscuring the figure of a sleeping pony under the covers.

Twilight started to walk over to Luna’s bed, but David stopped her.

Drawing close, he whispered, “Please, let me.”

Twilight gave him a questioning look, but then smiled and nodded.

Quietly, David approached Luna’s bedside and looked over her sleeping form. She lay there facing the edge, lying on her side as she breathed slowly, her barrel rising and falling under the satiny covers.

David bent down and stroked her mane, teased her ears and finally leaned and kissed her tenderly on the forehead. He then moved in again and took his lover in a much deeper, more passionate kiss, depriving her of breath.

Twilight stood by silently, a bright blush appearing on her muzzle as she closely watched the man’s intimate actions.

Luna stirred and reciprocated the affection.

In a flash of light blue magic David was hoisted skyward then thrown on the bed. A moment later with a rustle of sheets, he disappeared from view as he was covered by the fabric; it seemed as if the bed had eaten him whole.

From the outside, hooves and legs could be seen flying about, entwining around the man as he was pulled into an embrace before being obscured from view as both pony and man were wrapped in bed sheets.

“Ahem,” Twilight roughly cleared her throat, her warm blush reaching a bright crimson.

David struggled for breath, but finally catching one, he spoke. “Dear, Twilight and I are here. Sorry for waking you.”

The bed fell silent and still. “Oh. My apologies, Twilight. Though it is no imposition if you are here. What has brought you two?” Luna asked, slowly emerging from the cocoon to face her fellow princess. Finally uncovered, she smiled at Twilight, then kissed David curtly as she held him tightly in her forelegs.

“We have a plan for the outing,” Twilight interjected.

“Oh, yes. David’s first excursion into Equestria. Please, do tell,” Luna said.

“Well, I’d like to know if you can come on Sunday,” David said.

“Hmm. I am free and would very much like that. What is planned?” Luna asked.

David turned his head and smiled at Luna, still wrapped in her legs. “Twilight has found a forest with a clearing near a pond. We’re planning a picnic party, some activities, and maybe a swim. I’m inviting both you and Princess Celestia, Twilight and the other element bearers, and even Princess Cadance and Shining Armor.”

Luna smiled and nuzzled the crook of David’s neck. “That sounds most enjoyable. I cannot wait to attend.”

The two lovers then took a little back-and-forth, completely ignoring the other princess in the room.

“Uh, Luna?”

“Yes, my David?”

“I’m sorry, but can I get up now?”

Luna did not budge. “You came to me, remember?

“Yes, and as much as I’d love to stay, we are expected at lunch. Do you want to come?” he asked.

“Hmm. No, I believe I will go back to sleep for a bit. That is unless you wish to join me here. For that, I would stay awake.”

“Sorry, I shouldn’t.”

“Hmm. I will release you then, this time.” Luna tittered.

“Sorry,” David said, slowly extricating himself from the bed.

“Pay it no mind. Were you disappointed when I woke you this morning?” Luna asked.

“Uh, Luna…” David whispered, motioning to Twilight.

“Oh, do not feel shy around Twilight. She is my friend,” Luna said.

“You know I didn’t mind this morning,” David whispered.

Luna smiled and nodded. “Good. Now go. Enjoy your day. Feel free to wake me anytime you desire. I will be sure to let the guards know you have my explicit permission.”

“As you wish,” David replied. He then bent over and kissed Luna goodbye.


Twilight and David left Luna’s room and bid the guard goodbye.

As they walked the halls toward the dining room, the silence was palpable. David struggled with the awkward feeling until he could bear it no more.

“Sorry about all that. It wasn’t very polite to you,” he said.

Twilight continued to face front as she walked. “No, it’s okay. I’ve never seen Luna so happy before. I suppose your relationship is going well?”

“Yes, though sometimes I worry we’re moving too fast.”

“How so?”

“Oh, I shouldn’t gossip. It’s a bad habit.”

Twilight stopped and looked at the floor. “Look, I’m no expert on relationships, but if you ever need a friend to talk to, I don’t mind. You know I’ll keep it private.”

“Thanks, Twilight. That means a lot to me.”

Twilight looked up at David and smiled. “You’re welcome. So, is there anything you’d like to discuss now?”

“Not at the moment.”

“Oh, okay.”

The two continued toward the dining hall, chatting a bit as they went. Finally reaching their destination, David opened the door and allowed Twilight to enter the dining room ahead of him.

“Good afternoon, my faithfu— I mean, Twilight,” Princess Celestia said.

“Hello, Celestia. You know, it’s supposed to be me that makes that mistake,” Twilight joked.

“Old habits are difficult to break,” Celestia said.

David entered and noticed not only Princess Celestia but also Rarity seated at the table.

“Afternoon, Princess, Rarity,” David called out.

“Oh, hello, David,” Rarity greeted.

“Good afternoon, Sir David,” Celestia added before turning again to the young princess. “Twilight, I assume that Luna will not be joining us? If so, please feel free to take her seat at the table.”

“Okay. Yes, she said so herself,” Twilight said, making her way to the large chair.

“Sir David, please come sit over here near me,” Celestia directed.


Everyone having taken their position at the table, David looked over and noticed that lunch had already been delivered.

“Oh, I’m sorry we were late, Princess.”

“Do not let it concern you, Sir David. The court recess is short, and I am often late, so the table is sometimes set before even I arrive. Please, feel free to eat.”

At that, the party began their meal. David took a helping of pasta salad and a side of fruit, Twilight and Rarity munched on daisy finger sandwiches, and Celestia, who apparently couldn’t decide, had a bit of everything.

“So, Prin— ahem, Celestia…” Twilight smiled. “Rarity, David and I have formulated a plan for his ‘outing’ and would like to know what you think… also if you would be willing to come,” Twilight said tentatively.

“Please, do tell,” Celestia said.

“Okay,” Twilight started her report. “David said that he would like to spend some time outdoors. To accomplish this, I knew that no matter the activity or location, security would need to be tight, so I’ve selected an uninhabited forest area with a central clearing and a pond that is outside of normal travel routes. This area is easily reachable by either group teleportations or Pegasus flight, but not readily accessible by hoof.

“I see,” Celestia said.

“The forested area can be secured by a mix of ground and air guards. I calculated it will take a platoon to fully encircle the area. To aid in security, I plan to use one of my new camouflage spells, cast over the clearing to prevent anypony from being seen from the air. The spell is an enchantment, though, so it will need to be dispelled after we leave.”

“Hmm,” Celestia mumbled around a bite of sandwich.

Twilight paused, waiting for the monarch to speak up, but only received a polite nod to continue.

“We have yet to completely formulate the checklist of activities but have suggested a picnic, a swim in the pond, and perhaps some games. Hopefully, I will have a better idea this evening. The schedule is tentatively set for this Sunday. I believe we should arrive at 11 AM and prepare for the picnic lunch. After lunch, we should wait the required half-hour before choosing to take a swim or participating in other vigorous activities. This should also allow us a proper time to chat. After all the activities have concluded, we should wrap-up the event no later than 5 PM to allow for travel before dusk. The weather is scheduled to be clear, sunny and warm.”

“That is very thorough, Twilight, is there more?”

“Yes, sorry. For the guest list, David requested the primary invitees be yourself and Luna. Luna has already committed, as we spoke with her just before. The secondary invitees include Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, Rarity, myself and the other element bearers. I have elected not to inform Spike, as I do not wish to burden him with state secrets as of yet. The total invitees is ten ponies and one man. That completes my report.

“Princess— I mean, Celestia, does this plan meet your approval?” Twilight asked with a cautious look in her eye.

“It is quite well-planned, Twilight. Though I doubt a full platoon of guards will be needed. When you have a moment, please draft what you have presented, including the location, and give it to me. I will review it and decide if the guard complement is necessary.”

“I have it right here!” Twilight beamed as she passed a few papers over to Celestia.

“Always prepared, I see. Thank you. And, David, I fully intend to come. Thank you for inviting me. I think it is wonderful that you will have the opportunity to meet some new ponies as well. I know they will be excited to meet you too.”

“Thank you, Princess, it means a lot to me.”

Turning back to Twilight, Celestia continued, “I suppose you should send the invitations as soon as possible. With only a day’s notice, it may be difficult for some to plan.”

“Actually, I’ve kinda already informally notified them, and the only party I haven’t heard from yet is Cadance and Shining. Everypony else has already said they are free… but I didn’t send the full invitations yet, just asked if they would be available. I’ll be sure the full itinerary is sent out after lunch,” Twilight added.

“And what about you, Rarity?” Celestia asked, “You’ve been especially quiet. How do you feel about this outing?”

“Oh, forgive me, Princess, I would never consider interrupting one of Twilight’s reports,” Rarity said with a smirk on her face. “I, myself, feel that we are destined to have a most wonderful affair with David. He’s even agreed to let me design an ensemble for the event. Nothing too fancy, mind you, but most of his current outfits are simply not suited for fun in the outdoors. I plan to have it ready for him on the morning of, so I will return to Canterlot then and hope to proceed with David to the event. Would that be acceptable, Princess?”

Celestia nodded. “I believe it will be. I am glad you are looking forward to it.”

“Absolutely! Though I have only spoken with David for a short while, he is quite the character, and I’d love to spend a bit more time with him.” Rarity looked to the man and batted her eyelashes.

“I imagine there will be quite a few ponies that will feel the same at the picnic. You will have to share your time with your friends after all,” Celestia replied.

“Oh, of course. I know they will all be equally delighted to meet him. Though I do wonder how dear Fluttershy will take to him. She can be somewhat unpredictable with things out of the ordinary.”

“She’ll be fine, Rarity. Well, eventually she’ll be fine,” Twilight said.

“Do you think Fluttershy would have a problem meeting me?” David asked.

“Maybe… you see, Fluttershy really likes new animals, in which you might spark that bit of curiosity in her, but it is equally possible that she would just be shocked by your appearance and run away,” Twilight answered.

“Oh. She’s the yellow pegasus, right? The element of… kindness?” David said, feigning ignorance.

“That’s correct,” Twilight said.

“Okay. I’ll try to be cautious and as unimposing as possible when I meet her,” David said.

“Just be yourself, Sir David. There should be no reason for you to act any differently around anypony. I can attest to that,” Celestia said.


“Well, I see the meal is finished, but I could use a little treat. Anypony else?” Celestia asked.

After a few nods had been seen around the table, Celestia rang her little silver bell requesting the last course. Cherry popped open the door and walked briskly out carrying a tray of fruit-laden tarts for the table.

Approaching the table, she caught the gaze of David and gave him a little wink, at which David nodded curtly in reply. Even though it was a subtle communication, it was one only lost by the young princess, the other two mares at the table being fully aware of what had transpired.

“Can I get you anything else, Princess?” Cherry asked Celestia.

“No, this will do. Thank you,” Celestia answered.

Though she answered for the table, it seemed Rarity did have a question on her mind, though she let it be until Cherry returned to her post in the kitchen.

Now with Cherry out of sight, Rarity decided it was time to venture forward.

“David, I see you have an admirer here in the castle staff. Are these tarts a gift for you or are we normally blessed with such sweet treats?” Rarity questioned.

Celestia raised her head. “These are crafted by my personal chef, Cherry Topping, who also serves as head chef to the royal kitchen,” Celestia answered. “And while I have not had these particular tarts before, I can assure you they are not specifically made for Sir David.”

Rarity grinned slyly. “Oh, but you are aware that your personal chef has a somewhat personal connection to David as well, am I correct?”

“Oh come on,” David chimed in. “Cherry has been very nice to me and is one of the few friends I’ve made here outside of yourself and the princesses,” he quipped at Rarity.

“Are you saying you don’t know she likes you?” Rarity questioned.

“We are friends. Any discussions about who likes who are between us,” David said, attempting to end the discussion, which earned a smug nod from Twilight.

“I can respect that. Princess, is that agreeable to you as well?” Rarity asked.

“Of course. Sir David is welcome to make as many friends as he can here. As his friend, I would not want him to feel otherwise,” Celestia answered politely.

“I too want to be a good friend,” Rarity said, dreamily staring at David.

“And you are,” David said as he turned to Rarity. “I also look forward to getting to know each other better as time allows.”

“Oooh. Oh my, yes. As time allows,” Rarity said with a giggle. “I just can’t wait until you are formally announced to all of Equestria. It must be difficult being cooped up here in the castle,” Rarity said.

“That’s what we’re having the outing for,” Twilight interjected. “But you never know when we might figure out how to safely send David back home. He may never be publically announced if that were to happen soon.”

“Is that right?” Rarity asked. “Are you close to finding a way back for David?”

“Well, no, unfortunately, I’m not. I have a lot of studying left to do, and some of it will involve research into David’s biological makeup. I’m hoping that since David doesn’t have any intrinsic magical signature that his biology might provide a clue on how to open a portal to his world,” Twilight said.

“So, it might take some time then. I’m sorry David, I didn’t mean to bring up such a potentially unfavorable topic,” Rarity said.

“It’s okay, Rarity. I’m actually quite enjoying my time here, and everyone’s been so nice that I’ve not thought much about home lately. I really appreciate that,” David said with a weak smile.

“Sir David, rest assured that Twilight, Luna and I will continue to work toward finding a way back for you. Until then, please be of good cheer. I hope that the events we have planned for you to enjoy on Sunday will continue to brighten your time with us,” Celestia said, then placed her hoof over his hand reassuringly.

Now, what may have been a kind gesture to most was actually a little surprising to David. So far, Princess Celestia had been the most reserved and standoffish in her interactions with him. He could easily count only two instances in which he had physical contact with the monarch. This had the unfortunate side effect of him reflexively drawing back a bit when she touched him, not out of displeasure, but only from unfamiliarity. Though he had not meant it to be hurtful or disrespectful, Celestia’s own smile darkened a bit in reaction. David saw this, but to most, they would never know the difference, and the rest of the table was just as oblivious.

“Thank you, Princess Celestia. I am very thankful to you for your words and the care that everypony has given me,” David finally responded.

“You are most welcome, Sir David,” Celestia said as she withdrew her hoof. “I believe it is time for me to go back to court, though, so I must bid you all farewell. Oh, and, Sir David, Luna and I have an important event to attend tonight so we will not be present for dinner. Please feel free to call upon Cherry, as I will let her know you are here.”

“I’m afraid Rarity and I will be going back to Ponyville as well,” Twilight added.

“That’s okay. I’ll just get a bite delivered to my room,” David said, smiling.

“You may use the dining room, Sir David. You are a royal guest after all,” Celestia said.

“Okay. Thank you, Princess.”

“Now I must be off. The nobility waits for nopony.” Celestia rose from her chair and gave a curt bow before heading off to the main wing.

The party rose from their seats to give a polite farewell to Celestia, then Twilight turned to David.

“I think we should be off too. I’ve got a bunch of work to double-check back home, and I’m sure Rarity needs to get back to her shop.”

“Indeed I do. There are always more orders and I’ve got to start working on David’s new outfit as well. Ta-ta, David!”

“Goodbye, Rarity. It was a pleasure meeting you.”

“For me as well.”

“And thanks for pulling this all together, Twilight,” David said.

“Oh, it was nothing, David. We’ll see you on Sunday.”

Thanks and goodbyes shared, the two mares headed out to the main part of the castle, leaving David heading for his room.


David spent the last few hours of the afternoon writing. He worked mostly on a primer for the English language in hopes that it would aid in the translation of his reports as well as a possible tool to bridge the two similar, but frustratingly different languages he was presented with.

While he was writing his English guide, he realized that there must be a similar book for young ponies to learn their own language. How it had not occurred to him before, he wasn’t sure, but he stopped his work to ask a guard for a foal’s book on learning Equis before he forgot, then resumed his own writing.

He had just finished the obligatory ‘C is for Cat’ and ‘D is for Dog’ when an unexpected knock came at his door.

“Just a moment,” he called out, putting his writing tools down.

Opening the door, he was presented with both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and showed them inside.

“Good evening, my David,” Luna said as she walked up to the man and looked up at him for a kiss.

David kissed her politely. “Good evening, Luna, Princess. I did not expect to see either of you tonight after I was told that you had an engagement for this evening.

“Yes, I am sorry about that. I did not know of the arrangement when we last met, but I am here now to tell you face-to-face,” Luna said.

“That’s okay, Luna.”

“I hope we weren’t interrupting your work,” Celestia said.

“Oh, no. I was just trying to come up with a way for us to better translate from English to Equis.”

“I would very much like to see what you have come up with, but I’m afraid it will have to wait, as we are expected to leave soon. Luna simply insisted on seeing you herself,” Celestia said.

“I’m glad she did,” David said with a bright smile.

“David,” Luna started. “I am afraid our engagement will most likely run long, and then I will be holding court later than usual, as the hours have been pushed back as a result. I do not know if I will be able to see you afterward,” she said, staring lovingly into David’s eyes.

The mutual display of affection seemed to catch Celestia off guard as she turned away with a slight blush on her cheeks.

“That’s okay, Luna. Please go, and don’t worry about me, I’ll see you tomorrow,” David then bent down and gave her a small kiss goodbye.

“One more thing, Sir David,” Celestia said. “I have received our formal invitations to the outing tomorrow. Here is yours,” Celestia levitated a small paper envelope sealed with a wax seal over to David.

“Thank you, Princess.”

“You are welcome. Have a pleasant evening.”

The two princesses then bowed politely and left just as quickly as they came.

‘Hmm, I hope we didn’t offend Princess Celestia. She didn’t talk much and then turned away. I suppose Luna and I were being a bit overly passionate for company, though.’

David then returned to his work for a while, waiting for the book he requested and the dinner hour to come.


The time for dinner came quickly, as David passed the time lost in his work. Now, hunger made itself known and the emptiness in his stomach reminded him of the empty dining hall he was to face.

‘I hate eating alone and I’ve done it for so long at home. I’m really spoiled here, you know. Well, food it just part of living. Guess I’ll just go. Ya never know, maybe I’ll get to feel what it’s like to be royalty.’

David pulled himself up out of his thoughts and prepared for dinner. He then shuffled out of his room and turned down the hall toward the dining room. He reached his destination rather quickly, considering how that inwardly, he was not that interested in going.

Reaching the large doors, David stood in wonder at how casually he had entered the grand room before. Each time he had another purpose… an invitation, a meeting, a meal with friends.

He shook the melancholy from his mind and pushed the doors open. Inside he found exactly what he expected, the immaculate royal dining room, completely empty of life except for a few floral decorations here and there. At both sides of the table were the large chairs of the princesses—he didn’t feel it was right to sit in them, so he opted for the bench, as usual.

There before him sat the tiny silver bell. Celestia has said the staff was prepared for his arrival, so he thought it would be rude to not show up. He reached for the bell and took it in his hand. Lifting it slightly, he tilted it to the side, and like magic, the kitchen door popped open as usual.

Actually, it wasn’t as usual. He had picked up the bell, but he hadn’t made a sound. That, and the door was open but there was no parade, no food, no Cherry.

Intrigued, he set the bell down and stood up. Intent on solving the mystery before him, he walked to the open door.

“Hello?” David called out. “Is anyone here?”

Looking inside, it was as he remembered; there was no food, no dishes out of place and no staff.

Oops, that was wrong. There against the far wall, David could see a light brown mare with a fiery-red mane.

“Took you long enough.”

“Cherry? Where is everyone else?”

“Oh, I gave the rest of the staff the night off. Without the princesses here I’m all you need. So, shall we get going?”

“Huh? What do you mean ‘get going?’ ”

“To dinner, silly man. Aren’t you hungry?”

“I am, but I’m not sure this is such a good idea.”

“Your princess would think otherwise. She told me to take care of you,” Cherry replied.


“Exactly. I’m not sure what you were thinking there, but I’ll remind you now that you’re taken, and both of us know it. So as much fun as we have together, that’s as far as it gets.” She smirked.

David laughed. “You sure cut straight to the quick. Luna and I are happy and I’m not going to endanger it. Besides, she let me have it after our last meeting. Ribbed me good.”

“She what?”

“She mercilessly made fun of me.”

“Oh. That does sound like the princess. Come on, follow me.”

Cherry opened a door at the far side of the prep room and walked through. David then closed the door to the dining room and followed the chef.

The next room had a large wooden table lined with benches and was lit by candles. It obviously was a waiting room for the staff, but at this time it seemed it was also a dining room for David and Cherry.

On the table was several dishes. They were mostly plain but were filled with some of David’s favorite foods—a curiosity—as he had never discussed any of his favorites with anypony in Equestria. There was a bowl of baked ravioli with a huge amount of garlic in the tomato sauce, just like he liked it. Another bowl held a huge Istallion-style salad garnished with black olives and pepperoncini with a cruet of olive oil and vinegar dressing next to it. There was even a hearty minestrone soup with an obscene pile of garlic butter breadsticks. As he sat there, one thought went through his head, ‘it feels like family.’

“Well, come sit down,” Cherry somewhat commanded as she sat herself down on the bench and bellied up to the table.

David complied, choosing to sit across from the mare.

“This all looks amazing, Cherry.”

“Thanks. It’s some of my favorites, I hope you enjoy them. Can you eat everything?”

David looked over the dishes. “I sure hope so.”

“Well, dig in. I’ve made everything here so let me know what you think. If you like it, I can make it again for you,” Cherry said as she served herself some salad.

The theme of the dinner was undoubtedly garlic and lots of it. David was honestly stupefied, as even though it was one of his favorite ingredients, thinking back, he couldn’t remember a meal he was served at the castle that had any garlic in it at all.  

“Okay, I’m stumped,” David said with a curious look on his face.

“What about?”

“The garlic.”

“Oh, that. I love it, but most ponies can’t stand the stuff, especially Princess Celestia.”

“Really? It’s one of my favorite ingredients.”

“Oh good. I could tell that your diet was a lot broader than ours, so I took a chance.”

“Well, you have made me a super-happy man, that’s for sure.”

She smiled. “So he says without taking a bite,” Cherry chided him.

“Oh, it’s not a race, you know. If it were, you would’ve already lost.”

With that, David stole the cruet from Cherry before she could reach it and began to shake it vigorously.

“Allow me,” he said, then passed the mixed dressing back to her.

“Thanks. So, can you tell me more of how Princess Luna teased you about our first meeting?”

“Well, I guess. She was pretty vicious. I told her about how I learned I was a flirt and had decided to change… you know what she told me?”

“Nope, what did she say?” Cherry asked.

David grinned. “She said she liked that I make mares squirm a bit.”

“Hahahaha. Oh, Princess, never change. I think she was quite honest there,” Cherry replied.

“Oh, I figured that out as well. She also said she had no problems with how you originally felt about me, but that she wouldn’t let you have me.”

“Figures. You try to be honest and sometimes it gets paraded out in front of you. I may like you but I’m not going to let anything happen between us. I’m sure I’d be in trouble if that happened.” Cherry more a slight frown.

“Yeah, we both would be.”

“I’m not worried, though. We’re just friends, right?” she asked.

“That’s right. But that may not be enough for Princess Celestia,” David replied.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, like at lunch today. That little wink really affected her and my new friend Rarity picked up on it and teased us all.”

“Crap. I wasn’t thinking. That kind of stuff could get me fired.”

“Oh, I don’t think it’ll come to that, but Rarity tried to persuade Princess Celestia that you were into me.”

Cherry slammed the table. “You didn’t admit it, right?!”

David shook his head. “No way. I told Rarity that we were just friends and that’s our business.”

Trouble,” Cherry muttered.


“You did admit it.”

“How is that admitting it?”

“You can’t tell another mare it’s not her business. If she’s into you, which she might be if she’s prying so much, you’ve got to make it perfectly clear that nothing is going on.”

“Oh. Yeah, I was getting the feeling that she’s interested, though I can’t say why; she just showed up that way. Today was the first time we’ve met.”

Cherry rubbed her chin. “Hmm. She was eyeing you a bit when I delivered dessert, but try not to read too much into it.”

“Hahaha, I won’t. Luna has already warned me about her and won’t budge on it. I’m sure she’ll keep the peace at the outing.  Oh, the outing… I’m sorry, Cherry.”

“What about?”

“Well, Twilight has planned a special outing for me and… I, I didn’t invite you.”

Cherry looked surprised but soon relaxed. “Oh, David, that’s nothing to apologise for. I couldn’t have gone anyway.”

“But it is. You’re my friend and I should’ve invited you. Why couldn’t you come?” he asked.

“Well, it’s for the same reason that Princess Celestia reacted to that wink, and why Princess Luna is so comfortable with you being around me.”

“I’m afraid I don’t follow.”

“They both know that I like you a bit. It wouldn’t have been good for me to go, that’s all. We can have fun here, but going with you right now would be a no-no. It might turn out badly for Miss Rarity as well if she’s not careful. So don’t worry about me.”

“I’ll try, but it still bothers me.”

Cherry smiled. “You’re nice; thanks. Also, I think I know of something that can help smooth things over between you and Princess Celestia.”

“Wait, what’s wrong between Princess and me?”

“You said so yourself! After that wink and the commotion it caused, it can’t hurt to be careful.”

“Alright, what do you have in mind?”

“You said you like to bake, right?”

“Yeah, I do,” David replied.

“Well, I imagine a pretty sweet-toothed princess wouldn’t mind if you showed up with some baked goods to your outing.”

“Ahh, I get your drift.”

“So, do you have a specialty?”

“I’ve got a few go-to picks; one of my favorites is a heavy lemon-lime pound cake in a bundt pan.”

“Well, that definitely sounds sweet, but it might be a little too heavy for a group event. Anything else?”

“My grandmother’s angel food cake is pretty good, versatile as well.”

“Ahh, that sounds like a winner. Light and fluffy, super sweet but also fat-free.”

“Yeah, I like to cube it and pair it with toppings and various icings like some chocolate ganache and fruit or just some whipped cream and strawberries. Or you could always go with my grandmother’s preference and slather it with buttercream frosting.”

“Sounds like a good choice. It will go well with the picnic.”

“I didn’t say anything about a picnic.”

“Oh, oops! You do realize I’m the head chef, right? If food is involved, I’m bound to hear about it.”

“Okay, you got me there. So you already heard about the outing then.”

“Yup, this is my domain. That is if I can fight off Miss Pie. Since this is a semi-royal event, I’m supposed to call the shots, but apparently, she is handling the preparations and doesn’t want to let the royal chef corps manage the food. I think I’ll let her make some of the snacks, but the main cuisine and desserts are going to have to pass through my kitchen. That includes yours as well, so you better put your hoof down.”

“Pretty serious about food aren’t ya?” David smirked.

“You know it! So, are you going to do some baking?”

“I’m in. When do we have some time?”

“I think tomorrow after lunch would be best. I should have everything you need, but give me a list of ingredients just in case.”

“Okay, should I do one cake or two?” David asked.

Cherry just looked at him with a smirk.

“Okay, two then?”


“So I’ll need at least two dozen eggs, four cups of sugar, a few cups of weak-cake flour, some cream of tartar, vanilla extract and pinch of salt. Also, do you have a scale? This recipe works better by weight.”

“So you are serious about baking then.”


“I’ve got everything you’ll need except the vanilla extract. Would vanilla sugar do instead?”

“Yeah, that’ll work nicely.”

“So… I assume we’re going to have a bunch of egg yolks after this?”

“Yeah. I suppose I could make something with them.”

“You didn’t hear it from me, but a certain Princess of the Night likes chocolate pudding.”

“Oh, nice. I could make a mess of chocolate pudding for her as well. How about dark chocolate?”

“Sounds great. She’ll love it. I’ll have the rest of the ingredients ready for you.”

“Thanks, Cherry, this really means a lot to me.”

“Sure, silly. Glad to be of help.”


The two finished their meal together in peace after making their plans. Only after every scrap of food was consumed did someone dare to speak again.

“Ohhh, Cherry.”

“Yes, David?”

“That was so good. It was the perfect bit of comfort food for me, thanks a ton.”

“You’re welcome. You know we haven’t had dessert yet, right?”

“I’m not sure if I can eat anymore.”

“So I suppose my tiramisu is going to waste then.”

“I’ve changed my mind.”

Cherry chuckled lightly. “Smart man. Give me a second to go get it.”

With that, Cherry slowly rose from her place at the table and walked back into the prep room. There was a lot of noise as she fussed around in there for plates and silverware, then the loud crash of broken plates.

David rushed from his seat to see what had happened. Arriving at the scene, he saw Cherry sprawled out on her side with broken dishes all around her. The mare lay there rubbing her head with a hoof while the prized tiramisu had been dropped and now was precariously perched on her flank.

“Cherry, are you okay?”

“Yeah, just slipped a bit. I guess we didn’t clean up properly. It happens sometimes, don’t worry.”

“I’m glad you’re okay, but your dessert…”

“What? Where is it?”

David just pointed to her exposed sides, now covered with mascarpone. The cool sensation must have registered with Cherry as well, as she shivered and then looked over to her dessert, now plastered onto her body.

“Ohh, I was really looking forward to that too,” Cherry whined.

She started to stir, but David quickly walked over and held her down at the shoulder.

“Wait, you could still be hurt or slip again. Let me help,” he said.

Cherry’s coat bristled a bit at the contact. She wasn’t afraid, but her body reacted with the new sensation as adrenaline coursed through her.

“That’s okay David, I can get up,” she said.

David did not hear her. He stared at the sweet on her sides as her back leg twitched, trying to gain purchase on the ground to stand. Slowly, he reached down with his free hand, Cherry raising her head to watch, and he traced a line around the confection with his fingers, collecting bits of cake and sweetened cheese as he went.

Cherry couldn’t help but mewl at his touch in an all too sensitive area. A shudder rippled through her body and caused her to shake her head and mane.

“David, stop that!”

He pulled away and drew his messy fingers to his face, glancing sideways at the confused pony on the floor before plunging them into his mouth and licking them clean.

“I’m sorry Cherry, it just looked so good.”

“You’re going to get us both in trouble. Big trouble!”

“Sorry,” he said dejectedly.

“Don’t ‘sorry’ me, just pick up the rest and put it on a plate!”

David looked back at the mess on her sides, and then to Cherry’s face. She lay there, staring, half-pouting, half-glaring at David with a blush almost as bright as her hair.

He released his hold of her shoulder and reached down with both hands. There, he unceremoniously scooped up the dessert off of her side and stood up with it cupped in his palms.

Now free, Cherry clambered to her hooves in an instant. She looked up at the giant carrying her dessert, no plate in sight.

“Sorry Cherry, could you get a plate for me please?” David asked.

Cherry didn’t say a word. She looked around the counters momentarily for a dish, then turned back to the man. Then she did the unthinkable. Opening her jaws wide, she gobbled down half of the rescued tiramisu in one bite. Unfortunately for David, his hand was also in there somewhere and she gobbled that too.

She took her half and David’s hand into her mouth and closed her eyes. The taste was exquisite, everything she could’ve wanted from her favorite dessert. Cherry moaned slightly in appreciation of the sweet filling her mouth as her tongue worked over David’s digits, cleaning all remnants of the sweet concoction from his hand.

As abruptly as it started, it stopped again. Cherry pulled back quickly, her mouth still full of the sugary goodness and looked bashfully up at David. He stood there, mouth slightly agape at the pony, shocked into silence. Cherry finished her meal and swallowed loudly before clearing her throat.

“Ahem. You started it,” Cherry said.

David had no words.

“Thanks for saving dessert. You can have the rest,” she said to him.

“What did you do that for!?” David yelled, his face showing confusion and shock.

“What did I do?!! What about what YOU did!?” Cherry yelled back while standing her ground.

“I… What I… I’m… soo stupid!” David yelled.

“Yes. YES. YOU. ARE,” she huffed. “But… I don’t mind,” Cherry said, finally having lost the anger that had consumed her earlier.

“What?” David asked, still in shock.

Cherry sighed. “I don’t mind that you’re trouble or stupid. You don’t mean to be, I guess it’s just who you are. And that makes Princess Luna very lucky.

“David, I’m going to do my best to be your friend. I want you to know that. But…”


“But I may be terrible at it. I may end up causing you trouble. I might even fall for you. But I’ve decided I want to try to be your friend. Is that okay?”

David looked at her, dumbfounded. He stared at the floor, still covered in shards of broken dishes and then back at his hands, still holding on to the dessert. He tried to clear his mind for a moment; he tried to think. He pulled his hand up to his mouth and took a giant bite of the leftover dessert then let the remnants fall to the ground as he savored his one and only bite.

Cherry stood there watching the man chew, then swallow, all while keeping his eyes closed and head raised to the ceiling. Finally, he let his head fall and opened his eyes.

“Thanks, Cherry, it was really good tiramisu. It sure would’ve been a waste not to eat it.”

Now it was Cherry’s turn to look confused.

“I may be a crappy friend who gets us both in trouble, but I’ll do my best to be your friend… if you’ll have me,” David said. “No need to waste it because we caused a mess. Will you forgive me?”

“Sure. But you’re going to have to help clean this place up!” she said as a smile grew on her lips.

“And you’re going to need a bath!” David said, laughing a bit to himself.

“I will take care of that myself,” Cherry said sternly.

“I wasn’t offering, honest!”

The two laughed a bit together as they cleaned up the mess in the prep room. No glances were made, no lingering looks, just a bit of fun and laughter.

Finally washing their hands and hooves of the mess, Cherry turned again to David.

“I am going to have to tell Princess Luna about this and beg for her leniency, so you had better tell her before I do,” Cherry said with all sincerity.

“Okay. I’ll be sure to tell her tomorrow morning. Do you think she’ll be mad?”

“I… don’t know. She might or might not. I know I’d be pretty upset if it were me.”

David sighed. “Crap.”

“You’ll take it like a champ.” Cherry nudged him with a hoof.

“Do you think we’ll still be able to bake tomorrow?”

“Maybe. I’ll plan on it, but if you don’t show or I get sacked, that’s life.”

“Oh come on, you’re Princess Celestia’s private chef. It’s much more likely that I’ll be imprisoned rather than you being fired.”

“Perhaps you are correct,” Cherry said with a smile. “Thanks for cleaning up but you’d better be off now. I’ll take care of the rest.”

“Thanks, Cherry. You’re a good friend,” David said.

“We’ll see about that. Goodnight, David.”

“Night, Cherry.”
