Lyra's Discovery

by Thunder Brony

An interesting theory

The next day they traveled to Canterlot and met with Celestia and asked her if they could use the prototype dirigible.

Celestia said “of course, when will you be needing it?”

Lyra said “in a few days we need to gather a few things first but while we are here were wondering if you could you tell us more about the about the bipeds.”

Celestia smiled warmly “I heard they’re young used to ride on the backs of ponies and sometimes the pegasi would take them for rides.” She looked at both Lyra and Bon-Bon and said with a slight grin “where do you think the saddle comes from? As well as some other fashions, they were descended from shared technologies.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon looked at each other and then at Celestia then Bon-Bon asked “you mean we owe our fashion and technologies to them?”

Celestia shook her head and smiled warmly “no I’m saying it was shared and some lingering bits of them and their technology were passed down over the centuries. Have you seen Octavia Melody playing her instrument? Where do you think something like that comes from? As you know ponies were designed to stand that way.”

Bon-Bon looked at Lyra and said with a slight smirk “or sit.”

Lyra just shrugged then said “uhh living mythology?”

The three chuckled when a guard came in “excuse me your highness but I’m here to remind you about your meeting with the delegates from the Bugbear territories will be arriving to discuss treaty negotiations.”

Celestia stood up and sighed “alas my little ponies duty calls after the bugbear attack we have been working on a treaty to prevent such a thing from happening again. Do not hesitate to contact me when you’re ready to depart the best way would be by magic scroll.”

On the train ride back to Ponyville Bon-Bon lay on Lyra’s lap as Lyra smiled and gently stroked Bon-Bon’s mane and cheeks.

Looking down at her marefiend Lyra asked “enjoying yourself?”

Bon-Bon smiled contently and nodded she smiled and said in a joking tone “maybe I could get Dr. Hooves to build us a time machine so moments like this can last forever.”

Lyra smiled leaned down and kissed Bon-Bon gently on the lips “that would be nice.”

Bon-Bon asked “I wonder who else we can bring along on our expedition besides Twilight.”

Lyra thought for a moment “I don’t know if we should I’m worried about the monsters.”

Bon-Bon said “maybe Twilight has an invisibility spell.”

Lyra said “until we are sure of what we are dealing with I think we should keep the party members as small as possible.”

Bon-Bon nodded in understanding “makes sense.”

As the train pulled into the Ponyville train station the couple disembarked.

After leaving the train station they stopped by the Golden Oaks library and told Twilight what Celestia told them. Then asked if she would like to join them on their expedition not to surprisingly she said yes.

A few days later Lyra and Bon-Bon went to the Golden Oaks library and met with Twilight and she sent a message to Celestia informing her of their arrival. Then traveled to Canterlot and met with Celestia when they arrived she showed them the dirigible. It was a light red oblong balloon 6 ropes connected to a smaller oblong basket made of tightly interwoven wicker strips. In the rear of the basket were 2 propellers on the floor towards the rear embedded into the weaving were 2 small white sockets one on right side the other on the left. Both were 15 cm long and had an indigo gem in them. In the center of the basket was a large wheel and a seat on either side of the seat was a pedal on the right side and one on the left.

Celestia said “the gemstones provide magical energy to the propellers in the rear press the pedal on the right to move forward the pedal the one on the left to reverse, to stop release the pedal. To steer turn the wheel to move the propellers here I will show you”. She stepped into the basket sat on the seat and moved the wheel and the propellers moved to the left then to the right. She moved the wheel forwards and back the propellers moved up and down. She continued “push the wheel forward to descend and pull it back to ascend.”

Twilight asked “how will we know when or if the gems need recharging?”

Celestia said “when they turn from the deep indigo you see now to lighter shades when it turns white the gem are depleted. She smiled but don’t worry if you don’t use them they will recharge themselves in about 2.5 hours if it’s an emergency you can infuse them with a burst of magic.”

The 3 climbed into the basket and Lyra asked “who wants to be the pilot?”

Twilight said “I’m just along for the ride besides you two know where you’re going.”

Bon-Bon smiled “I’ll pilot it” getting on the seat she pushed the pedal on the left down slowly and the propellers began to rotate and the dirigible began to move forward.

Celestia spread her wings and flew out of the basket and hovered next to it.

Lyra asked “can you come with us considering you’ve been there before?”

Celestia said “I wish I could but royal duties calls” then with a wave she said “good luck” as she flew towards Canterlot castle.

As the dirigible floated away from Canterlot Lyra and Twilight looked over the side the view was great they could see the railway tracks leading to the city and Cloudsdayle in the distance.

As they floated along Twilight said “look there’s Ponyville” then in a joking tone said “I think I see my house from here.”

They looked over at the town it looked amazing from their vantage point small colorful dots could be seen moving around the town.

They soon passed over Rambling Rock Ridge Twilight was looking at the strange shape how it was higher on one side than the other then she noticed something.

Getting Lyra’s attention she said “look there’s a cave inside the ridge.”

Lyra said “we should make a note to come explore it later”

Twilight nodded and levitated a scroll and quill out of her saddlebags and made a note of the anomaly.

The dirigible soon passed over a strange set of ruins Twilight asked “Lyra what’s that?”

Lyra looked over at the ruins it was a circle of stones the base had 3 circular stones stacked on top of each other. The bottom was the largest the center was smaller and the top was the smallest forming a step effect. On the outer perimeter were 12 small pyramid shaped base stones with flat tops. On top of them were cylindrical stones pillars the top of the pillars were inverted pyramids similar to the base stones. On top of the stones were flat rectangular stones the mysterious stones wrapped around the perimeter of the structure. Lyra shook her head “I don’t know I doubt any pony has seen it.” Pointing to the structure she said “the entire area obscured by the forest and the ridge” she took a picture of the structure.

Twilight nodded then said “I’ll add this to the list of places to explore.”

Lyra smiled and nodded “I’m willing to bet there are enough unexplored places to last several lifetimes.”

As Bon-Bon steered the dirigible they came over Dodge City it looked amazing from their point of view they soon passed over the city not long after that they were over the badlands.

Lyra smiled and pointed to one of the caves on the west side and said “that’s where we found the skull, clay pot and scroll.”

As they passed over the east side of the Badlands a gust of wind blew them over the hayseed swamp


Bon-Bon shoved the wheel forward hard causing Twilight and Lyra to fall forward slightly as the dirigible moved below the mountain peaks. The winds began to die down and Bon-Bon gained control of the dirigible. After regaining control she turned the dirigible around when a glint shinning off the rocks caught their attention.

Lyra said “Bon-Bon move us as close as you can to the cliff.”

Bon-Bon moved the dirigible as close as she could to the cliff there they saw the source of the glisten the rock on the side of the mountain the rock was smooth and glassy. It covered the entire side of the mountain from base to peak.

Twilight asked “did you see this when you entered the Badlands?”

Lyra replied “no” turning to Bon-Bon she said “let’s see how far this glass goes.”

Bon-Bon moved the dirigible north and the glass went on until they reached an 87ᴼ curve in the rock the rock face on the curved side was unaffected. They turned around and went the other direction Lyra looked around and could see the Horseshoe Sea in the distance.

Twilight spoke breaking Lyra out of her thoughts “these rocks look like glass, wait I’ve heard of this, these rocks have been vitrified or heated to the point of melting.”

Lyra nodded and took a photo of the rock then turned to Twilight and asked “do you think you can take a sample?”

Twilight nodded and the dirigible came to a stop as as her horn glowed as she directed a beam of magical energy at the rock slowly moving the beam in square shape. She slowly pulled a 7.6 cm cube shaped sample from the rock “holding it in front of Lyra and asked “will this do?”

Lyra nodded “it’s perfect.”

She rotated it and noticed the glassy texture was only on the outside the rest of the rock was normal she placed it in a bag. She then levitated a quill and wrote on the bag where it came from then placed it in her saddlebags.”

Asa they moved along the mountain they saw the entire side of the mountain was covered in this glassy glaze then where the rock angled off 90ᴼ to the west the glassy effect stopped.

Soon the swampy marshlands gave way to dense forests as Lyra and Twilight looked over the edge and could see patches of clearings just then a creature entered a clearing. It was large it had beige skin a vertical torso attached to a horizontal midsection and 4 legs on each side. Attached to its torso were large 2 arms that ended with large pincers. The creature stopped and looked around then it looked up it had a pear shaped head 6 deep blue almost indigo eyes. It opened its mouth revealing 4 large fangs then let out a screech. The sound made the 3 ponies blood run cold it sounded like combination of a hiss and a screech crossed with the royal Canterlot voice. Thinking quickly Lyra took of a picture of the creature before it disappeared.

Bon-Bon said “w-was that a Saracnoid?”

Lyra said “I believe it was.”

Twilight asked “a Saracnoid? I thought those were only a myth.”

Bon-Bon said with a slightly cynical overtone “like the humans?”

Twilight chuckled “good point.”

The dirigible traveled over the trees and soon something came into view it was made of stone and pointed Twilight asked “what is that?”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon turned their heads and saw the point sticking out of the trees they came to it and could see it was the top of a pyramid.

Lyra said “look everypony it’s the pyramid of power” as she took a picture.

As Bon-Bon lowered the dirigible into the canopy Twilights horn glowed and enveloped the dirigible she smiled “a light bending spell just in case any creatures decide to come by.

As the dirigible landed in front of the pyramid Lyra took another picture the outside was made of large bricks the entrance was made of 3 rectangular stones 2 on the sides and one on top. Most of the entrance was blocked by a giant stone that had fallen down. Twilight and Lyra used their magic to move it away from the entrance once it was cleared Lyra took another picture.

Bon-Bon looked at the stone and noticed writing on it she said “hey everypony theres writing on this stone.”

The writing was a strange set of large glyphs below them was a set of smaller glyphs Twilight said “this is Equarian” her horn glowed as she read the inscriptions “welcome to the pyramid of power” she paused “where harmony freely flows to all who have the spark.”

Twilight looked inside and saw it was dark said “it looks like nopony has been here in ages.”

Suddenly a noise caught their attention turning around they saw something unbelievable a huge beast it looked like a timber wolf only larger. It was grey with black stripes but the most striking feature was its red glowing eyes. The beast sniffed in their direction as if it could smell them Lyra motioned for them to move into the pyramid to elude the beast. They moved inside slowly as the monster sniffed where they were. It sniffed the invisible dirigible Twilight raised it out of the creature’s reach it sniffed the air then turned and walked away.

As the beast disappeared Bon-Bon asked “w-what was that?”

Twilight said “it looked like a Calamitous Manu” seeing the confused looks on Lyra and Bon-Bon’s faces she elaborated “it means dreadful beast. I saw a few artistic renderings in a book about legendary/mythological creatures.”

Lyra said “wow Sarbon wasn’t joking about the monsters here.”

As they entered the pyramid it was dark Lyra and Twilight lite their horns as they entered the corridor it was square but it was very large Lyra stopped sat on her haunches and looked around.

Twilight said “is everything alright?”

Lyra nodded and said “Bon-Bon does the size of this corridor look familiar?”

Bon-Bon looked around “yes it does” she reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a tape measure.

Lyra took the tape measure in a golden arura and held the end to the top and the base on the bottom on the floor she said “2.5 meters high” she placed the end on one side of the wall and the other side “121 cm wide.”

Bon-Bon said “exactly the same as the cave.”

Twilight said “I don’t get it”

Lyra said “this corridor is the same size as the cave in the Badlands it had tool marks in it consider this, humans stood about 1.5 or 2 meters tall and were 110.5 cm wide. So 121 cm would be considered a comfortable walking space for 2 of them standing next to each other.”

Twilight looked around and said “you’re saying this was built by them?”

Lyra shrugged “I don’t know all I’m saying is the cave we found the skull in has the same measurements.”

They traveled along the corridor and soon it gave way to a larger room the Twilight noticed a illumination gems on the wall. She illuminated it as the gem glowed softly as other gems came into view that lost their magic long ago.

Twilight’s horn glowed and a wave of magic pulsed out from her position and the dormant gems began to glow softly at first then began to grow in intensity. She smiled and said “I’ll bet these gems haven’t been activated in thousands of moons they just needed an infusion of magic.”

As the room lite up it bore the signs of age and neglect but overall it seemed to be in good condition aside there were spider webs all over the place. The room was very large the walls were smooth along the wall were archways some were tall others looked pony size. In the center of the room were two stone rings they stood 45 cm high inside the rings was a curved polished crystal. There was writing on the base of the rings written in the strange glyphs as the slab outside.

Twilight said “it’s Equarian the same as the slab outside” her horn glowed as she looked at the texts she looked at one and said “sun” then at the other “moon.”

Before they could ask any questions a flapping was heard.

Bon-Bon said “d-did anypony hear that?”

Lyra said “hear what?”

Bon-Bon said “I thought I heard someth-.” A flap was heard again.

Twilight looked up her eyes grew wide in surprise and said softly “I think you heard them” pointing a hoof up towards the ceiling.

Lyra and Bon-Bon looked up and their jaws dropped in amazement hanging from the ceiling were several Thestral looking creatures.

Lyra said “sweet Celestia those are Korpoterites!”

Twilight said “back out slowly we don’t want to make any loud noises.”

As they exited the pyramid Twilight canceled the light bending spell and lowered th dirigible and they climbed into the basket and rose into the air. They noticed it was early evening suddenly dozens of the bat like creatures flew out of the pyramid.

They decided it would be best to return to Ponyville and then to Canterlot in the morning.

Lyra said “we want to avoid those mountain wind gusts as much as we can.”

Bon-Bon said “we could travel through the badlands keeping below the mountain levels.”

Lyra nodded “good idea let’s do that” turning to Twilight she said “light permitting I can show you where we found the paintings.”

Twilight nodded eagerly as they approached the balancing rock Lyra said pointing to a cave “that’s where we found the paintings” she giggled “and Bon-Bon saw a ghost.”

Twilight said looking at Bon-Bon “you know there are no such things as ghost’s right?”

Bon-Bon just shrugged “I started to sing giggle at the ghosties and they ran away.”

Both Lyra and Twilight laughed Bon-Bon smiled widely the started laughing too.

By the time they returned to Ponyville it was nighttime they landed and moored the dirigible.

Lyra said “tomorrow we have to return this to Canterlot thank you for joining us on this expedition.”

Twilight smiled and said “it was fun I had a good time if you ever need me again just ask.”

Lyra said “we will” and they went to their homes.

When they arrived home Lyra developed the photos she took at the same time Twilight wrote a letter detailing what they found and considered sending it to Celestia. But Spike was asleep and possibly Celestia was as well she decided to wait utill morning.

The next morning Twilight sent the letter Lyra and Bon-Bon returned the dirigible to Canterlot and had an audience with Celestia. Anton and Sarbon were there as Celestia read Twilights report detailing what they found Lyra showed the photos she took.

They all looked at the photos none of them said anything at first Sarbon was the first one to speak “this is amazing the pyramid of power is real.”

Lyra said “currently it’s a home for Korpoterites is there any way to persuade them to seek shelter elsewhere?”

Anton said “yes they are Thestrals and are susceptible to ultra-high frequencies.”

Celestia said “that gives me an idea excuse me” she walked over to a desk and levitated over a scroll and quill she wrote something on it and sent off it in a puff of golden smoke. “I sent a message to Twilight asking her to enchant some gemstones with an ultrasonic spell.”

After they finished with Celestia they returned to Ponyville and met with Pinkie.

Lyra asked “Pinkie is your sister Maude home? We found some interesting geological features.”

Pinkie nodded “yuppers she’s at the family rock farm oh-oh what did you find?”

Lyra smiled “I’ll show both of you.”

Pinkie took them to her rock farm and said “have a seat I’ll go get Maude”

They sat down at a table as Pinkie went outside to get Maude moments later she came inside.

Maude came in looking around and said “Pinkie says you have some geological samples you want to show me?”

Lyra nodded as she levitated the pictures and rock sample from her saddlebags placing them on the table.

Maude looked at the pictures and the sample then at Lyra and asked “where did you find this rock?”

Bon-Bon said “I think it was north east outer rim of the Badlands near the Hayseed Swamp” looking at Lyra she said “right?”

Lyra nodded “yes.”

Maude said “this rock has been vitrified.”

Bon-Bon asked “what could cause that?”

Maude said “these rocks were exposed to intense heat somewhere between 600 - 1300ᴼ Celsius.

Lyra asked “what rock type are the Badlands”

Maude said “the Badlands are made of granite and it melts between 1215-1260ᴼ Celsius.”

Bon-Bon asked “what could generate heat that intense?”

Maude said “the only that that could cause vitrification on this scale would be an asteroid impact.”

Lyra asked “do you have a map of Equestria?”

Maude nodded and a moment later returned with a map and unfurled it.

Lyra pointed to the Badlands and said “the vitrified rocks were here” moving her hoof from the base to the north west she noticed something then said “look at this.” Pointing to the Horseshoe Sea and placing a hoof to her chin “I wonder.”

Bon-Bon asked “what?”

Lyra said pointing to the map “the vitrified rock is along this side of the mountain I noticed this while we were traveling along the mountain side. This may sound strange but based on the journal and the vitrified cliffs I suspect the Horseshoe Sea was created by an asteroid impact. This would explain the vitrified rock and also I believe the resulting fallout drove the humans into extinction.

Maude asked “journal?”

Lyra told her about a journal they found and it mentioning a giant fireball that stole the sun.

Maude said “that makes sense if you find anything else let me know.”

Lyra smiled and said “we will.”

They thanked Maude for the information and left the rock farm and returned to Ponyville once they arrived home Lyra sat on the sofa. Bon-Bon laid her head on Lyra’s lap as Lyra gently ran her hoof up and down Bon-Bon’s chest and stomach.

Bon-Bon closed her eyes and smiled as Lyra moved her other hoof over Bon-Bon’s mane and behind one of her ears Bon-Bon moaned softly “m-m-m that feels so nice” she reared up and kissed Lyra gently Lyra smiled softly.

The next day they traveled to Canterlot University and met with Anton and told them about her theory.

Bon-Bon smiled as Anton’s jaw dropped he just sat at his desk with a look of both amazement and wonder after regaining his composure he said “that is a lot to take in.”

Lyra said “I know how it has to sound but I’ve been right so far haven’t I?”

Anton nodded “I can persuade the University to fun an expedition and I know some scan and dive teams in Baltimare. If what you say is true there may be remains in the Horseshoe Sea. I will contact you when the teams are ready and I want you two to be there when and if they find anything” they nodded and returned home once more.

Several days later Lyra was at home while Bon-Bon was out getting groceries Lyra was going through her mail when she spotted a letter from Canterlot University. She opened it and read Dear Lyra, the university is only willing to give funding for a single days expedition. Also I have procured scan and diving teams meet me at Charger Bay in Baltamare in one week Sincerely, Anton.

One week later they went to the Ponyville train station and boarded a train bound for Baltimare as it traveled into Canterlot Mountain the light in the cabins faded. The cabin lights illuminated the interior with a dim glow.

Bon-Bon turned Lyra and raised her hooves over her head and waved them in an exaggerated manner and said in a spooky voice “ooooo I’m the spirit of the dark cave. I haunt all who pass through.”

Lyra said giggling “oh no a cave ghost what ever shall I do?”

They both giggled as Bon-Bon said “I have you in my power.”

Lyra said in a dramatic tone “oh no whatever shall I do.”

Bon-Bon said as she fell on her marefriend and said as they lay on top of each other looking into each other’s eyes.

Lyra smiled and said “I hear the only thing that can repel a cave ghost is the kiss of light.”

Bon-Bon said in a dramatic tone “oh no not the kiss of light.”

Lyra leaned up and began to kiss Bon-Bon they kissed for several seconds then parted Lyra said “the kiss of light shines bright does the ghost give up?”

Bon-Bon said “hmm the ghost still needs to learn a lesson.”

Lyra smiled and kissed her again as the train exited the cave Bon-Bon said “the ghost gives up for now” then with a slight giggle said “but will return.”

Lyra said with a slight chuckle “in that case I’ll stock up on kisses of light.”

Bon-Bon smiled warmly as they lay on top of each other stroking each other’s manes.

When the train pulled into Baltimare it was early evening as the 2 exited the train and entered the station Anton stood there with a smile.

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon said in unison “hi Anton.”

Anton smiled “hi ladies glad you could make it.”

Lyra smiled “we would not miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime.”

Anton smiled “follow me we have accommodations for you at the Horseshoe Inn get some rest I will be stopping by tomorrow morning after breakfast we begin the expedition.”

The next day Lyra and Bon-Bon were lying in bed wrapped in each other’s embrace when a knock came on the door. They stirred as Lyra rolled out of bed and went to the door her horn glowed as she opened it still slightly groggy she saw Anton standing in the morning light.

Lyra yawned and said “morning Anton.”

Anton said “morning Lyra wake Bon-Bon up and join me for breakfast and I’ll go over the details of the expedition.”

Lyra nodded and said “ok give me a moment” as she closed the door.

Anton sat down and waited as Lyra and Bon-Bon got ready.

As short time later the door opened and Anton stood up and asked “ready?”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon nodded in unison.

Anton said “ok follow me.”

They entered the lobby then passed through a foyer and entered a dining room it was an elaborate setting. There were several woodened tables and chairs made from some the finest wood. The tables were covered with embroidered cloth featuring designs such as birds, flowers and butterflies there were several chandeliers bating the room in a soft warm glow. Each one had several arms that held a photo-energetic gem. A few ponies sat at various tables talking amongst themselves they sat down at a table. Along the far wall was a table with a coffee pot, cups, cream and sugar the cream and sugar was in a pumping dispenser. The trio went over to the wall and each got a cup of coffee and sat back down at the table.

Soon a unicorn server came up to the table “greetings my name is Helbar and I will be your server this morning. Today’s early bird special is egg quiche and hash browns and hay bacon with your choice of orange or grapefruit juice and a donut.

Anton said “I’ll have the special with orange juice and a jelly donut.”

Bon-Bon said I’ll have the special with grapefruit juice and a glazed donut with extra sprinkles.”

Lyra said I’ll have the special as well with orange juice and chocolate donut.”

Helbar said “so that’s 3 specials with two orange juices, one grapefruit and three donuts one jelly one chocolate and one glazed with extra sprinkles correct?”

The three nodded in unison Helbar smiled “very good I will return soon with your meals.”

As Helbar went to the kitchen to place orders Anton smiled “ok the ship will be ready to depart in a little over an hour so I will give you the summery.” He paused for a moment then continued “we have a total of 6 ponies 2 unicorns, 2 pegesi and 2 Earth ponies. The earth ponies steer and navigate the ship. The unicorns work together using a scanning and projection spell it’s a single spell that is shared by the casters. When it’s cast the two spells merge together into one as the boat moves along one scans the bottom as the other projects images in a 3-D format. This makes any anomalies or items of interest easy to identify once an anomaly is identified the pegasi suit up and dive to the location.”

Bon-Bon said “I’m curious why only pegasi divers?”

Anton replied “any pony can be a diver but pegasi are best suited in water because their wings can act like flippers they wear a wetsuit over their bodies and a similar covering for their wings this gives them more thrust in the water.”

At the same time Helbar came over carrying their meals in a teal aura placing them in front of each pony their meal drink and sides. “Two orange juices and one grapefruit one jelly donut, one glazed donut with extra sprinkles and chocolate donut enjoy. If you need anything else let me know”

After breakfast they went to Charger Bay Anton pointed to a boat moored by the dock with several ponies on board “there is out expedition boat” as they approached the boat. Anton said “greetings every pony allow me to introduce Lyra and Bon-Bon the ponies who helped make this expedition possible.”

The others nodded they all said hello and they all shook hooves as Anton introduced the crew pointing to the 2 unicorns one mare one stallion. The stallion had a tan coat with a lite blonde mane and tail and a picture of the ground with waves bouncing off it Anton said “this is Sonar.” Turning to the mare Anton continued “this is Holojection” she had a grey coat and a platinum mane and tail her cutie mark was a rod with a ball on top and waves emanating from it.

He then turned to the 2 Earth ponies one mare and the other a stallion the stallion had a brown coat and a teal mane and tail. His cutie mark was a ships steering wheel “this is Skipper.”

Skipper nodded his head slightly and said “call me Skip.”

He pointed to the mare she had a reddish coat and a lite blue mane and tail her cutie mark was an unfurled map with lines on it “this is Cartie.”

Then he pointed to the pegasi both stallions and said pointing to the one with a lite blue coat and red mane and tail his cutie mark was 2 swim flippers. “This is Aquatica” then pointed to the other a stallion of similar build but with lime green coat and a darker shade of green mane and tail and a scuba tank cutie mark “this is Diver.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon waved.

Skip said “I will be piloting the ship and Cartie will be navigating we will be traveling south along the inner rim unless you know of another location.”

Lyra shook her head “no” then looked at the map and the shape of the sea and considered whether or not to disclose her theory. Then decided to test every ponies reaction slightly nervously she said “everypony take a look at this”

The group gathered around the map as Lyra explained as she pointed to the river on one side and the edge of the sea the 2 edges of the sea “look at this see how it looks like a river delta.”

Diver said “I don’t get it.”

Lyra said “I’m not sure I do either, but I want to confirm something Skip can you move the ship to the edge of the peninsula closest to this location?”

Skip said “yes but what does this have to do with anything?”

Lyra said “look at the map and the shape of the sea this may sound weird but it’s possible this sea is the site of a giant meteor crater. Pointing to the map she continued “notice how the north and south peninsulas curve inwards. See how the openings look like the edges of an ancient river delta.”

Cartie asked “that’s a bold claim but what evidence do you have to back this up?”

Lyra said “on the mountains near the Badlands on the Hayseed swamp side the rocks have been vitrified.”

Skip said “vitri- what?”

Lyra said “the rocks were exposed to intense heat between 600 - 1300ᴼ Celsius and turned to glass and that’s what we hope to find evidence here.”

Skip nodded and set course for the mouth of the sea once the ship reached its destination Skip said “were here.”

Cartie said “ok Sonar begin scanning.”

Sonar and halo went to the stern of the ship and Sonar’s horn glowed as waves of magic pulsed out from his horn and into the water as Holo’s horn glowed and projected the images. As Sonar’s magic scanned the sea floor Skip moved the ship forward slowly as images came into view.

As they passed over the mouth of the sea an image appeared the bottom showed remnants of sediment it spread outwards from the peninsula. Cartie said “that looks looked like the remains of an ancient river delta.” Turning to the pegasi she “Diver, Aquatica suit up and prepare to investigate this anomaly.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon watched as the 2 ponies put on wetsuits diving goggles and an underwater saddlebag then a single air tank on their backs and strapped them in place. They placed rubber sleeves over their wings and respirators in their muzzles. They climbed onto the edge of a diving platform looked at each other and nodded as they went over the edge into the water. Once underwater they used their covered wings to swim. They moved downwards towards the bottom as it came into view. They moved forward could see the land formed a sloped wall forming a slope 30 meters high covered by 45 meters was water. The area was mostly mud covered but there was lite mud that extended out past the land. Then Aquatica noticed something getting his comrades attention he pointed to the object Diver nodded and they approached it. As it came into view it looked like a rock it was unusual looking and it was embedded in the slope. They swam over Diver took the rock in his hooves and placed it in his saddlebags. After they returned to the surface as they used their wings to tread water moving close to the boat.

Halo levitated the diving ponies out of the water and onto the boat.

Once on board they removed their diving equipment Diver said “we found something interesting it’s in my saddlebags.”

Halo levitated the saddlebags with the rock inside on the table as they gathered around the table Halo removed it from the saddlebag and everypony looked at the rock it was 20 cm in diameter and jet black in color.

Lyra picked the rock up in her hooves and lifted it 15 cm off the table she noticed it was very heavy she asked “does anypony know what kind of rock this is its very heavy?”

They all just shook their heads she let go of the stone and it made a loud thud on the table she asked “does anypony have a scale?”

Skip returned with a scale Lyra levitated the rock placing it on the scale she said “weight 4.5 kg” turning to Diver asked “you found this near the shelf?”

Diver nodded “yes I saw it in the mud it was lodged in the side of the shelf about” turning to Aquatica continued “about a meter above the bottom?”

Aquatica nodded “yeah there was also something glistening all along the cliff face they looked like tiny diamonds only they were round.”

Lyra asked “did you bring any up with you?”

Aquiatica replied “no I did not think it was important.”

Skip said “we can use the ships anchor to dredge up some mud and collect whatever they are.”

Lyra nodded “ok do that I’m curious to see what these are.”

Anton said “as am I.”

Skip moved the ship to as close to the coastline as he could get and dropped the anchor into the mud then slowly raised it once it was above the water.

Lyra said “I will need a sieve, bowel, spoon and some water.”

Cartie went with Aquatica to the galley and got a flower sieve, bowel and a large wooden spoon.

Sonar levitated the bowel into the sea and scooped up some water and placed it on the table.

Lyra levitated the sieve into the bowel then levitated the spoon over to the anchor and scooped some mud and placed it onto the sieve. She rotated the sieve in the water several times. The water turned brown as the finer silts filtered through the sieve. After several seconds of swirling she then placed a dark cloth on the table and emptied the sieve. Several small items fell onto the cloth in addition to shells of long dead mollusks there were particles that glistened in the sun.

Diver said “those look just like what we saw the seabed is covered with them.”

Anton said “I will take those back to Canterlot for analysis.”

Anton said “if the southern peninsula is the same we may be on to something” turning to Skip he said “set course for the southern peninsula Sonar, Halo scan the area.”

Skip set course Sonar and Halo scanned the bottom when they arrived and scanned the area and saw the same slanted slope.

Anton said “these shores appear to slant like a giant bowel” turning to Skip he said “place the ship between the shores Sonar, halo scan the bottom.”

The ship moved between the peninsulas as Sonar and Halo scanned the bottom they could see the bottom was flat.

Anton asked “wow Lyra your theory is beginning to take shape if it’s true you’re going to be famous.”

Lyra smiled.

Anton said looking at the rock on the table “does any pony know a geologist?”

Lyra said “I do.”

Anton asked “who?”

Lyra said “Maude Pie of the Equestrian geological society.”

Anton said “I’ve heard of her she’s the professor of the Manehattan university geological division right?”

Lyra nodded.

Anton said “very well I will entrust this rock to you as well as some of those smaller diamond stones we found.”

Cartie said “Skip set course 25 km to the west of this point Sonar begin scanning the area.”

The ship moved forward away from the Draconic Ocean as Sonar and Halo scanned the bottom Sonar said “there is something about the ground here.”

Anton asked “what do you mean?”

Sonar said “I’m not sure.”

Holo projected the image the sea floor looked like ripples in a pond.”

Sonar said “there are a rich deposits of iron down there.”

Anton asked “like iron ore veins?”

Sonar said “no” as Holo projected the image there were small stones strewn all about the seabed.”

A scan of other parts of the bottom reveled similar results as the days expedition drew to a close and the sun began to move towards the west and would be setting soon. The ship returned to port and they disembarked.

The next day after checking out of the hotel Lyra and Bon-Bon went to the Baltamare river delta it was a short walk from the motel Lyra wanted to look around the area.

Bon-Bon asked “what are you looking for here?”

Lyra said “crystalline rocks similar to what we found outside the Badlands.”

Bon-Bon nodded then noticed something gleaming in the light she said “Lyra I found something.”

Lyra asked “what is it?”

Bon-Bon said “I think it’s a diamond.”

Lyra went over and saw the object half buried in the mud it was semi clear and looked like a diamond she levitated it out of the mud and washed it off in the river. She looked at it more closely “I don’t think this is a diamond or at least it’s not like any diamond I’ve ever seen

Bon-Bon asked “what do you mean?”

Lyra said holding it up “it’s too opaque.” she looked closer “I think this is quartz.”

Bon-Bon lowered her head “aww bummer.”

Lyra said “aww cheer up I didn’t say it wasn’t but if it is” she smiled “just think what it could look like as a necklace.”

Bon-Bon smiled “that would be nice.”

Lyra kissed her on the head “don’t give up hope we will find one someday and you can wear it to the gala and put those Canterlot snobs to shame.”

Bon-Bon smiled softly.

They took a train back to Ponyville and met Pinkie.

Lyra said “hi Pinkie is Maude home? I have some rocks we need to identify.

Pinkie nodded and they went with her to the rock farm.

They went into the farmhouse and saw Maude sitting at a table her back was to them reading a book.

Pinkie held up a hoof to her lips then snuck up behind her sister and shouted “MAUDE GUESTS!”

Maude jumped several centimeters off her seat and dropped her book she spun around in surprise and stared at Pinkie.

Pinkie just fell on the floor laughing.

Maude rolled her eyes and said “Pinkie you know I hate when you do that.”

Pinkie composed herself a little still laughing said “ooh but its so much fun.”

Maude just stared at her “you said we have guests.”

Pinkie still giggling nodded and pointed to Lyra and Bon-Bon.

Maude looked over to the doorway and said “oh hello again how can I help you?”

Lyra said “we have some strange rocks we hope you can help us to identify them.”

They sat down and Lyra’s horn glowed as she levitated the strange stones and the cloth out of her saddlebags on the table. Maude looked at the jet black stone closely sniffed it picked it up with her hooves and dropped it on the table. It hit the table with a loud thud she raised an eyebrow then looked at the other one and tapped it with a hoof.

Turning to Lyra she asked “where did you find these?”

Lyra said “the black stone was at the bottom of the Horseshoe Sea the crystal looking one was in the Baltimare river delta and we found these on the sea bottom.” She opened the cloth showing the small crystals.

Maude said “I’ll be right back” and left the room for a moment she returned with a horseshoe magnet she placed it on the table next to the stone. She then pushed the magnet towards the rock when it got close it stuck to the rock.

Bon-Bon asked “what does this mean?”

Maude said “this stone is pure iron and the crystal is shocked quartz” pausing for a moment she continued “this explains the vitrified rock.” Pointing to the small crystals on the cloth “those are nano diamonds” all three are caused by asteroid impacts.”

Bon-Bon perked up “diamonds?”

Maude said “yes but they’re too small to be of any value.”

Bon-Bon moaned in disappointment.

Lyra put a hoof on Bon-Bon’s shoulder and rubbed it gently looking at Maude said “this confirms my theory.”

Maude arched an eyebrow “theory?”

Lyra said “have you seen the article in the papers about the amazing discovery?”

Maude nodded.

Lyra smiled “it’s part of a theory I have 8-10,000 years ago Equestria was inhabited by a race of bipedal creatures that lived alongside ponies. So far we discovered scrolls written in an ancient language and artifices dated to that time period and older as well as cave paintings.

Maude asked “what happened to the bipeds?”

Lyra said I’m not sure I think they went extinct I’m currently looking for evidence of that but so far I can say based on what I discovered so far is this. Those rocks on the table are from the Horseshoe Sea. I believe based on the evidence so far is that the sea is the site of an asteroid impact she did not mention Ianantica or the lost alicorn race at least not yet.

Maude said “and you think this impact wiped them out?”

Lyra nodded “possibly based on a scroll I found in a cave it mentioned something about a fireball that stole the sun.”

Maude nodded “this rock is shocked quartz and this rock iron is pure iron and those are nano diamonds this seems like pretty strong evidence of an asteroid impact.”

Bon-Bon asked “how can a asteroid steal the sun?”

Maude said “it can’t but a large impact could throw up a large amount of dust into the atmosphere it would block out the sun for a period of time the bigger the impact the larger the dust cloud without enough sunlight the food chain collapses and life forms go extinct. In order to block out the sun long enough to do that it would-.” She paused for a moment “wait an asteroid that big would have to be the size of Mount Everhoof.”

Bon-Bon asked “how big is that?”

Maude said “about 11 km.”

Lyra nodded in understanding “it all makes sense now the Horseshoe Sea is 21 km” turning to Maude she asked “do you have an abacas?”

Maude nodded and left the room moments later she returned carrying abacas.

Lyra smiled and took a pencil in her magic and began writing some numbers on the paper and moved some beads on the abacas and said “this is a rough estimate. But an 11 km rock slammed into the ground in where the Horseshoe Sea is now would create a 15-26 km crater. The Baltimare River began to fill the crater over time it became a sea this also explains the shocked quarts, Nano diamonds, vitrified rock and the iron rock we have here.”

Maude said “if what you say is true then there should be a dark band in the rock strata dating to that time period.”

Bob-Bon asked “where?”

Maude replied “everywhere.”

Lyra said “come with us we could use you expertise.”

Maude said “I would like to but I can’t, next week I have to give a lecture on sedimentary stratification and erosion at Vanhoover University.”

They thanked Maude for her incite and were preparing to leave when Bon-Bon had an idea she went to Pinkie and asked “after this expedition is over I’m opening a candy store. Do you know of any ponies who would like a job?”

Pinkie thought for a moment and said “yes I know a few ponies when will the expedition be over?

Bon-Bon said “I hope it will be soon were on to something big and are very close but in the meantime have the applicants contact me.”

As they left the rock farm they returned to Ponyville and went home after entering Lyra said “it’s good to be home if only for a little while.”

Bon-Bon nodded and lay down on the sofa and smiled.

Lyra said “I’m going to get a soda you want one?” Bon-bon nodded. Lyra went into the kitchen and moments later came out holding 2 sodas in a golden aura she removed the caps and passed one over to Bon-Bon sat down next to her and they drank their sodas.