(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XII - Passion, Fashion*

Act XII - Passion, Fashion*

It was early morning. Luna’s innate magic awakened her as the time to put the moon to bed drew near. Looking around her, she saw that David was still asleep next to her.

Luna snuck out of the bed, then teleported to her quarters to lower the moon. She walked onto her balcony and, seeing her sister, greeted her warmly.

“Good morrow to you, sister.”

“Good morning, Luna.”

The two royal sisters paused for a moment, smiling at each other before turning to the horizon. Their magic surging, they performed their duty, ending the night and starting the new day.

“Luna, will you be joining me for breakfast?”

“I am sorry, Tia. I believe I will go and rest a bit more.”

“Oh, that is too bad. Perhaps Sir David will be available.”

“Unfortunately, I believe he is also quite tired. Please leave him be this morning.”

“Oh, okay. As you say, Lulu.”

Luna paused again, noting how her sister gazed across the countryside. “I am certain he will be around for lunch, as shortly before he will be meeting with Twilight and Rarity.” Celestia nodded absentmindedly. “I too will see you later, but now, I retire. Good day to you, sister,” she said, then walked back into her quarters.

Celestia turned to watch her sister leave. “Sleep well, Luna.”


Now back in her quarters, Luna quickly teleported back to David’s room.

Crawling back into bed with David, she prepared to go to sleep. As she sidled up to him, she noticed a protrusion in his boxer briefs.

‘Oh. How odd.’

Curious, Luna nuzzled the bulge.

“Mmm,” David mumbled.

David’s intense aroma tickled Luna’s senses and excited her. In return, she prodded his stiffened manhood through the cloth with her nose, teasing and coaxing David to even higher states of arousal, eventually causing David to moan in his sleep.

Encouraged by his reaction, Luna moved to gain even more intimacy. Reaching forward with her hoof, she attempted to grasp the waistband of David’s boxers, only to fail miserably. However, she was undaunted and soon noticed a slit in the fabric running along the front.

‘Maybe access can be gained there.’

Carefully exploring the fly with her lips and teeth, she pulled it aside slightly and was overcome by David’s manly musk.


David’s rod struggled against the fabric, tempting her to pull harder on the flap of cloth until she finally freed David’s erect manhood.

‘Oh my!’ Luna looked on in wonder.

Feeling the cold air on his sensitive skin, David’s member shrunk slightly. This retreat was not tolerated by the princess and, hoping to rally it back to full strength, she once again nuzzled it tenderly with her cheek.

Her goal was realized, and it quickly resumed towering in front of the rapt pony. Luna smiled coyly and soon lost all desire for restraint while staring at David’s exposed length.

Pushing closer, she nuzzled the rod forcefully and rubbed her lips against his firm glans. The response was immediate: David twitched, then stirred and tried to roll over. Luna, however, was quicker and held him fast using her magic.

With his body fighting against being restrained, David finally awakened.

Still holding him down with her magic, Luna crawled up between his legs to cement her position.

David raised his head slightly, only to see Luna smiling at him with her hoof on his penis. “Uh, Luna, what are you doing?”

Luna smiled devilishly. “I am taking advantage of you while you sleep.”

David took a moment. “Why?”

“Do I need a reason?” she questioned back, pushing his tip into the soft flesh under her hoof.

“Are you going to stop?” David asked with a puzzled look.

Luna pouted. “Must I?”

“I suppose not.”

Luna retrieved her mischievous hoof. “I will do as you please. I aim to please you. Let me please you,” she said, kissing the sensitive tip lightly.

David said nothing but propped himself up with his arms to catch Luna's gaze while she continued to play with his member.

With it held tightly between her forelegs, Luna gently pushed it from side to side with her muzzle, stroking it lovingly with her fur as she savored the heat that emanated from both herself and his rod. Smiling, she dipped her head and let her lower lip trail up from the base to the tip, leaving a small trail of cooling saliva as she went.

David hissed at the pleasurable sensation and shuffled his elbows, his back and neck becoming tired from the awkward position.

Luna frowned at his obvious discomfort and propped him up using her magic. “Relax,” she instructed.

Seeing the insistence in her eyes, David lay back against the gentle pressure now holding him up and resigned to his treatment.

Luna once again locked her gaze with his, then tossed her mane as she cocked her head sideways.

Parting her lips slightly, she let his member slide between them, then gently massaged the length of his shaft as she explored it. Finally reaching the peak, she flicked her tongue out, giving intense pleasure to her man and finally tasting him for the first time.

Surprisingly, she did not hate it, and instead gave the head a long, wet kiss which elicited a low moan from David.

His vocalization had rewarded her, and so Luna began to play. Using her supple lips, she pulled lightly at his foreskin, then let it slip from her grasp as she teased him. Now acquainted with his flavor, she peppered the underside of his rod with small licks, relishing in the taste.

The small licks gave way to longer ones, and so it progressed until Luna had wrapped the girth of his shaft in her long tongue.

David succumbed to the sensation and was soon unable to meet his partner's now lusty gaze. Studying her lover, Luna recognized his plight; he was lost in the throes of passion. Soon, she too found it difficult to hold back.

Having already drank of his heady scent, she wanted to ravage him or have him ravage her—either was fine. But a moment of clarity came—this was her time to please him, and so she fought back against her base desires.

With new resolve, Luna stopped, giving David a small respite so that they might reestablish their link of silent communication.

They now peered into each other’s eyes; no words said or movements made. The only thing they communicated was the reaffirmation of love.

Luna, though happy, also looked for instruction in how her lover wanted to proceed. However, she gained no direction; his eyes only supplied reassurance, so she decided to venture on her own.

Luna sat up and moved a bit forward. Keeping her gaze locked with David, she bent her head down, positioned herself directly above his still throbbing penis, and kissed the tip.

Then, with lips pursed, she slowly and painstakingly drove the rod into her waiting maw.

David’s head was thrown back in surprise at the overwhelming explosion of pleasure. In this situation, he had expected a tender, warm, and wet embrace somewhat sloppily giving him pleasure. What he received though was a tight, damp love canal, commanded by a scorching-hot tongue that enveloped his every inch and prevented any movement at all. This he did not expect, and it threw him, shocked him to his very soul.

Now having David’s length penetrated halfway in, Luna grinned at her lover’s reaction, her smile tensing her lips and jaw against his hot flesh. She then began to piston slowly, taking in only as much as would fit in her mouth, all while studying her captive.

In those moments, David suffered through intense pleasure as Luna was relentless. She moved agonizingly slow, and using her tongue, mouth, and lips, she provided an extreme amount of pressure and suction as she serviced her man.

David’s mind was a mess, and he struggled to describe how it felt. ‘Is it too tight? Maybe not; it just seems to conform exactly to my shape. Is it going to kill me? Perhaps, but it feels so good— as if this is the right way for anyone to experience it.’ Becoming increasingly unable to answer his own questions, he let go and tried to enjoy what was coming.

Unaware of his mental struggle, Luna continued to suck, lick, and ravage David’s tool with her mouth. Secretly, she somewhat liked the intense reactions coming from her mate, but overall, she was only interested in pleasing him.

After some time, Luna slowly pulled her head back and David’s penis finally popped free from its prison. However, Luna did not move, and her mouth did not change shape either. She simply sat looming above him with her lips still forced into an open pucker as saliva dripped from her jaw.

Unmoving and silent, she waited. Then, David’s member twitched in the air with a pang of residual pleasure. Like a predator, Luna thrust forward again, taking the length back into her mouth and resumed her torture.

Once again overcome with the sensation, David’s body twisted as he panted restlessly in his propped-up position. He gritted his teeth and shut his eyes as he bared the incredible strain. Feeling himself bottom out in his lover’s mouth his eyes shot open, and he sat up straight. David reached out and cupped Luna’s face with one hand, feeling her strong muscles still working him over. She looked up at him, and David repeated the same one-word request she had given him before, “Please.”

Sensing the moment was right, Luna relaxed her jaw and gave freedom where there was none previously. This caused David to relax, and he and his hand fell back to the bedside.

Luna had released her vice grip, but not her hold. She switched modes and opened the inside of her mouth to him like a cavern to be explored, instead of a tight tunnel to fight through.

She now filled the emptiness with copious amounts of her saliva and thrashed her tongue wildly around his penis, teasing, licking, and tasting it. It rewarded her actions with a small spurt of pre-cum that burst into her mouth as an unexpected bomb of flavor.

Surprised, Luna withdrew a bit to suckle and coax more of this mysterious treat out of her man, and David’s body did not disappoint. Her movements caused him to buck gently with her rhythm, each time his penis releasing a bit more from its sensitive tip.

Gobbling up her reward, she could sense that he was close. He only needed a good shove to reach the goal.

She opened her jaws slightly more than before, then with steeled resolve, she pushed forward and swallowed, finally able to completely engulf David’s impressive length.

Her throat spasmed at the intruder, and she fought back her urge to gag. Luna was determined to make it through this and please David as she thought he deserved.

David was brought back to life with the overwhelming sensation of Luna’s new actions. He felt her muzzle press down on him as it rubbed into the fabric of his boxers, twisting around as she attempted to please every morsel of flesh she could reach. Her tongue went rogue, licking somewhat uncontrolled at his base and leaving saliva wherever it traveled. He could feel her throat convulsing around his tip, and it brought him close to orgasm.

Luna, however, needed air. She pulled back, causing the rim of his glans to catch lightly in her throat and then pop back into her mouth. Now having access to her lungs again, she took in a few breaths as she continued to bob on David’s member.

Luna took one more deep breath, then thrust forward again. She continued to deepthroat him, this time increasing her pace and the length of her strokes.

For David, the pressure and stimulation his head popping in and out of the back of her throat was too much. He yelled and pressed his hips upward to meet his lover as his climax washed over him.

Luna felt him swell in her mouth and throat as the first ropes of his cum flew down toward her stomach. She somewhat frowned, as though she could smell some of his emission, she could not truly taste it. With a quick move, she withdrew his penis from her depths and proceeded to suck and lavish the head within her mouth as he spasmed. The choice rewarded her with generous amounts of David’s semen which filled her to the brim, forcing her to swallow.

This was something new that she would enjoy.

The salty, musky delicacy was gobbled up by the princess, and it just kept coming. She drank it readily, feasting on his nectar.

Soon, though, David was spent, and his ejaculations slowed, then stopped altogether.

Luna’s mouth was full. She swished around the gelatinous substance in her mouth, playing with it and his tool. She could not smell or taste anything else but the remnants of his sex, and that seemed like a prize to her for a job well done. Having finally accomplished her goal, she reluctantly swallowed the rest of the fluid and released David’s softening manhood. After making sure she had consumed everything in her mouth, she went to the now limp appendage and licked it carefully, lovingly cleaning it of all evidence of their act.

Finally lifting her head, she spoke, “Are you pleased, my David?”

Still panting and resting in her magical hold, David tried to reply, “Uhh… You have no idea.”

“I am glad. I have not… performed before,” Luna admitted with a slight blush on her cheeks.

“Oh Luna, I hope you didn’t force yourself to do this.” David smiled at her. “I am happy, though, it was great. Perhaps it was a little too intense at first. I’d save that only for special occasions.” He winked.

“Noted. But you were not hurt or displeased though?”

“Absolutely not! It was as if you knew my exact limits and used them against me. Intense, but also extremely pleasurable.”

Luna beamed a bright smile. “Good.”

Luna tugged gently at the cloth of his underwear, carefully burying David’s depleted manhood. She then lay down again, resting her head against his groin, her heat keeping him warm. Still using her magic, she slowly lowered David’s back to the bed, allowing him to rest unassisted.

Spent and happy, the couple lay like that, and both quickly drifted back to sleep.


Luna woke up and looked at the clock. It was a little after nine.

‘I wonder when Rarity will arrive from Ponyville. It must be soon.’

Looking at her mate, Luna shook David awake.

“MMMMorning, Luna,” he said, looking into her beautiful blue eyes. “Is there something wrong?”

“Good morning again, dear. No, nothing. Just… when did Twilight tell you Rarity would arrive?”

David looked over at the clock. “She said sometime around ten.”

Luna nodded sleepily. “That does make sense; trains arrive every two hours. If she is not here already, she will probably come with the ten o’clock train. You should probably arise. I would hate for you to be late.”

Luna started to get up, but instead, David pulled her close. He leaned in for a kiss, only for her to turn and give him her cheek.

She cleared her throat. “I do now know if it offends you, but I should rinse before we kiss.”

David thought to himself, ‘I don’t know. I mean, the thought does put me off a bit, but I don’t want anything to come between us.’

Having made up his mind, he turned her muzzle with his hand to face him and gave her a kiss. “Okay, it’s true. It may not be my favorite thing, but you are. I’d do anything to kiss you.”

Luna’s heart melted at his sincere and thoughtful feelings. “Thank you, David. I am so lucky. I… I love you.”

“I think I love you too, Luna.”

The two lovers embraced, and Luna nuzzled affectionately under his chin and neck. They stayed still, enjoying the moment and the warmth they shared until they both realized how time had passed.

It was now nine-twenty, and David needed to get cleaned up.

Breaking apart, David rose from the bed and took stock of his available clothing.

“Well crud, my boxers are a mess, but I don’t have anything else to wear. I guess I’ll have to wear them anyway.”

Luna laughed. “That, I am afraid, would be unwise. The musk of your undergarments is much too strong. Any mare would be easily overpowered by it. You cannot wear them.”

“Well, I can’t just not wear anything underneath my clothes. It would be extremely uncomfortable.”

“You could meet them without clothes. We ponies wear nothing, and it is not as if Twilight has not seen you bare before, what harm is meeting one more mare as nature intended?”

“Didn’t you say to be careful around Rarity?”

“Oh, I did. I must have forgotten. You have a robe, do you not?”


“And there is that other robe-like garment, the kimono, correct?”

“I do, but that is for more formal arrangements. And the robe would be way too informal.”

“It seems you are stuck. The robe, kimono, or nothing at all.”

David grunted. “I guess I’ll figure it out, then.”

David moved back over to the bed, kissed Luna, then walked into the bathroom to take a shower. A short time later, he returned, wearing nothing but a towel.

“What, no show for me?” Luna asked, raising her head from a pillow.

“You haven’t seen enough?”

“I was not always looking.”

“Oh come on. You’ll see enough later,” David replied, smiling.

He walked to the closet, and with a plan in his mind, he took out the robe and put it on. He then reached for the kimono.

David wrapped the kimono around his body, and even with the robe underneath, it fit him pretty well. He pulled the obi down from the hanger and wrapped it around his waist, tying it a little off-center.

“That looks so handsome on you, my dear. It seems the Neighponese style suits you.”

“Thanks. I was hoping to keep it as a surprise for a formal event, but I think it’s more important to meet Rarity fully clothed. I hope she approves; it was a gift from her, after all.”

“It may have been given to you, but from the style, I believe it was a gift to both of us.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have seen a particular pattern in her creations for you. Looking at this, I have a suspicion that Twilight has informed her of my attraction to you. Every garment you wear bears either my colors or my night sky within it.”

“Oh, now that you mention it, it does seem that way.”

“If this is appeasement, then I accept. But you still must not be caught unawares around her. She can be quite tricky.”

“Ok. I’ll be careful.”

“Good. For now, I must retire to my chambers for a while. Enjoy your day. I hope to see you later.”

David walked to Luna and hugged her around her neck.

“Thank you, and you will.”

They kissed, then Luna rose and nuzzled David before hopping off the bed. Donning her regalia, she turned back to look at him one more time, then teleported out of the room.


David took a look at the clock. It was now nine-fifty.

He decided to pass the last bit of time by doing a bit of writing. Princess Celestia still had his reports of the episodes that he remembered, so he spent a bit more time updating his journal.

Journal of David Marshall
Friday, Day Six in Equestria, Morning
Current mood: Happy

Since my last entry, I was able to meet Princess Twilight in person. She’s pretty interesting and sometimes just as unpredictable as the show made her out to be. All of that aside, I think we could become good friends, so I hope to see more of her later. I do wonder, though, if my acceptance of her is purely due to the influence of the show.

While she was here, she also re-examined me for changes to the magical connection. It’s a good thing she did too because the magical connection to Luna has become even stronger. Even more surprisingly, there is now a new, permanent connection to Princess Celestia, which she is taking rather well, even though we’re not exactly sure what it means. I can’t help but think back to what Princess Cadance mentioned at that first dinner after my house arrest was lifted; she proposed that the connections require “some mutual emotional component.” I’m not sure about that, but as long as Princess Twilight and the others are still trying their best to track the changes, I’m sure we’ll be safe.

Now, about Luna.

It may have developed quickly, but our relationship has entered a pretty serious stage, as of late. Physicality aside, we have both verbally professed our love to each other; something that came so naturally it actually took me by surprise now that I’ve finally thought about it. Also, even though we are probably letting our hormones drive us more than we should be, we are also both trying to show some restraint in that respect, which is promising. I’ve been in far too many relationships where an emphasis on the physical has led to disaster.

As I’m still very restricted in my movement, so I’m concerned about the viability of our future “dates.” Currently, we have only been able to spend time together either at meals or in my room talking and snuggling. The latter sessions have led us to exploring our physical relationship, then eventually we fall asleep together—not that those things aren’t nice. I don’t think Princess Celestia knows about any of that, but as close as those sisters are, she will probably hear about it sooner or later. I mean, the whole house-arrest thing came up because Luna spilled the beans to Princess Celestia after my first night here! So yeah, privacy is not guaranteed.

Oh, that brings me to another point. Luna thinks Rarity might know about our relationship, citing how Rarity has made me several outfits, most of them using Luna’s style and colors. It could also just be a coincidence, but I don’t know yet. I’m going to meet with Rarity for the first time in a bit, as she is currently on her way here, hopefully, to deliver a special clothing order I made yesterday thanks to Twilight. Well, I’ll see.

Twilight is also going to try to organize an outing for me, as I’m going a little crazy being confined to the royal wing. I wonder what we will—

Knock, knock, knock.

David put his journal away and got up from the vanity where he was writing. He walked to the door and opened it wide, revealing Twilight and a recognizable white, unicorn mare.

“Hi, David!” Twilight greeted.

“Hello, Twilight, come in,” David said, backing away from the door to let them in.

Twilight entered, and the white unicorn followed, pulling a bag behind her in a magical field.

“Ooh, oooh, I just love it!” the white unicorn exclaimed, looking at David. “Oh, forgive my manners, you just look so stunning! My name is Rarity, and you must be Sir David.”

“Hello. Yes, my name is David Marshall, but please, call me David.

“Oooh, hahaha,” Rarity tittered, “I will, David.” She smirked. “I am so pleased you are able to wear my couture. It looks simply fabulous! I was not sure it would fit you, as I only had a few measurements from Twilight. That, and my imagination of a giant creature that walked on two legs with no mane or tail.”

David smiled politely. “I think you did quite well, Miss Rarity.”

“Oh, let’s not be too formal. Any friend of Twilight’s is bound to be a friend of mine. Just call me Rarity.”


“So, would it be too bold of me to ask if I can measure you a bit more accurately?”

“I don’t see why not.”

“Wonderful. Twilight, could we go somewhere with a bit more room so I can work?”

“Well, Princess Celestia is busy at court, so perhaps we can use her solarium. It has plenty of room and light, so you should be able to work there.”

“That sounds marvelous, darling. Let’s go immediately! I mean, would that be okay with you, David?”

“Sure. Sounds good, please lead the way.”


A few short moments later found the three outside the door to Princess Celestia’s solarium. Twilight opened the door and motioned for Rarity and David to enter.

Upon entering the room, they could see a complete panorama of the outside, as the walls of the solarium seemed to be made entirely out of glass.

The room was an engineering marvel. The walls of glass were smooth, and having no joints, the room’s shape was perfectly circular. The glass walls were vertical at the bottom, like large windows, but then curved gracefully up as they went higher to eventually came to a point at the top. It was as if a teardrop of molten glass was blown into the shape of the room by a giant.

David was awestruck at the wonderful view, but as he looked around, seeing ponies go about their business, he retreated back to the doorway to hide. “Twilight, I’m not sure if it’s such a good idea for me to be here. What if I’m seen?”

“Oh, about that. You don’t have to worry at all because this is specially enchanted glass.” She tapped on it casually with her hoof. “Nopony can see in. From the outside, it actually looks like any other stone room. I suppose the princess didn’t want to be stared at all the time when she was trying to relax.”

His tensions relieved, David re-entered the room.

“Oh, that’s good. A little unnerving, but good.”

Twilight busied herself clearing the giant pile of pillows from the center of the room, making space for Rarity and David.

Now having a place to stand, Rarity ushered David to the center while Twilight sat down on the pillows and looked at the scenery outside.

“Now, if you would stand here with your arms straight out from your sides, I will take your measurements.”

David nodded and stood patiently in a T-pose as Rarity fetched her measuring tape from her bag.

Taking her time, Rarity poked and prodded around David with the tape in her magical hold, mumbling as she worked.

“Hmm. Hmmm. Oh. Excuse me, David?”


“Are you familiar with how a kimono is traditionally worn?”

“For the most part, yes, but I had to improvise for today.”


David nodded. “Yes. Normally I wouldn’t wear anything more than my underwear beneath a kimono, but I am kind of lacking them at the moment.”

“Oh. Well, that is partially why I am here, after all, I did get your request. What are you wearing underneath right now?”

“A bathrobe.”

“Oh, that simply will not do, there are too many layers to get an accurate measurement! If you would kindly remove the kimono, I will be able to finish your measurements.”

“Is that, uh, necessary?” David asked with trepidation.

“Oh yes. You are wearing a robe underneath, though, so it should be fine, correct?”

Twilight broke her gaze with the outdoors to look at David with a questioning glance.

“I guess so,” David replied.

David loosened the obi holding his kimono and Rarity took it in her magical grasp to hold it for him. He then removed the long piece of clothing and allowed Rarity to fold it neatly and place it on a pillow nearby.

“Please resume the pose,” she said.

David stood stiffly, waiting for Rarity to do her thing. Once again she traced his form with the tape, making small utterances as she went along. After a while, she stopped and went over to her bag, pulling out a small notebook.

“You can relax for a moment.

“Oh my, this won’t do at all,” she spoke up again, now holding the notebook in front of her. “Would you please take off your robe?”

“Excuse me?” David said.

“Do not worry, I will be very professional, I just cannot measure you in these conditions. Have you ever been measured before?”

“Well, no. But I’ve seen it done.”

“And when you saw it, were they wearing a heavy garment covering their body?”

“No, I suppose not.”

“Then you understand. Please remove the robe. As it is, the values are not coming close to the original ones I received from Twilight, and that could throw off all the patterns I make from here on out.”

“Now Rarity,” Twilight stood and interjected, “I don’t think this is very appropriate.”

“Oh, Twilight, you are absolutely correct. It would not be proper for you to be here,” Rarity said as she pressed Twilight towards the door, opening it with her magic. “Only the tailor should be present. You can wait in the hall until I’m done.”

Twilight tried to make a retort but failed miserably as Rarity calmly pushed her into the hall and then closed the door in Twilight’s face.

Now alone, Rarity approached David with the measuring tape in her magical glow, wearing a small grin. Seeing this, David shrunk away like a prey animal being stalked on the savanna.

“Twilight!?” he called out.

“Oh, you’re no fun,” Rarity joked.

A small burst of magenta later and Twilight reappeared in the solarium.


“Oh come now, dear, I really was just going to measure him,” Rarity pleaded dramatically.

“Rarity, do you really need to measure him na… naked?!”

“Oh, of course not. I suppose he could wear one of the pair of undergarments I made for him; that would be sufficient. But he would need to remove the robe.”

“Then hurry up and give him a pair!” Twilight huffed.

“Of course,” Rarity said as she levitated a small, wrapped package from her bag to David. “Here you go, David, I hope they fit well. Please let me know if they need to be adjusted.”

“Thanks, Rarity.”

David stood there for a moment, staring back and forth between the package in his hands and the mares in the room.

He roughly cleared his throat. “A little privacy please?”

“Oh, of course. Twilight, let’s give him a moment, shall we?”

Rarity left through the door into the hall, and Twilight followed behind her, closing the door softly.

David sighed in relief. ‘Finally.’

Now alone, he opened the wrapped package and retrieved the boxers.


David untied his robe and let it fall to the floor, and almost immediately a knock came from the hall. “Are you ready yet?” Rarity asked.

“No. Just a moment!” David answered over the muffled voice of Twilight chiding Rarity for her intrusion.

David pulled up the boxers; they were nice and seem to fit perfectly. He did a few stretches to check if they would fit when seated and in other postures. Happy, he pulled up the robe and put it back on.

“Okay,” he called out.

The two mares came back in, somewhat surprised to see David still in his robe.

“Did they not fit?” Rarity asked?

“Oh, no. They fit quite nicely.”

“Now, now. I still need the robe off to finish,” Rarity prodded.

Reluctantly, David loosened the robe and opened it, showing his new white and blue diamond-patterned boxers.


Twilight stood staring at Rarity with a gruff look on her face. “Really, Rarity?! I know you are doing this for free, but I don’t think it’s right to basically put your name all over his underwear,” she huffed.

“Come now, Twilight. Nopony will see them. What do you think, David?”

“Well, as nice as they are, and I’m very grateful, I don’t think I feel comfortable wearing these.”

“A pity. Twilight, I thought you said he would like things in black, blue and white?”

“I did. But this…” She gestured at the man’s crotch. “This is going a bit far.”

“I don’t completely understand, but I am happy to oblige. I suppose it is our good fortune that I made only one of the seven in this particular style. The others are much more plain and nondescript.”

“Thank you for understanding, Rarity.” David smiled.

“Okay, now back to the business at hand. It will take just a few minutes to properly measure you, is that still okay?”

“Yes, go ahead,” David said, slipping the robe off his body.

The two mares couldn’t help but take a moment to stare at his mostly-exposed figure, as it was different from what they were accustomed to. A few seconds later, Rarity finally broke her gaze, only to turn to meet Twilight’s. After a moment of silent communication, they separated, Twilight turning back to the view of the outside while Rarity continued her work.

“So, “ Rarity started as she carefully sized up David, “Twilight mentioned something about planning an event of sorts for you…?”

David glanced down at the pure white mare. “Yes. As I’m currently top-secret, I’ve been cooped up in this wing of the castle since I’ve gotten here and haven’t gotten any exercise. It’s starting to get to me a bit.”

“Oh. From what Twilight has told us, it has been almost a week since you arrived, yes?”

“That’s right. I left my world on a Saturday night and today is Friday, right?”

“That’s right, David,” Twilight spoke up, joining the conversation.

“Well, darling, what would you like to do in this excursion?”

“I don’t know really. I can’t go see the sights or meet anyone yet. Maybe we can just go have a picnic outdoors. Twilight, do you think it would be possible to go somewhere in nature, like a nice field or forest or something? I haven’t been outside of a city in years, but I used to like it quite a bit.”

“I suppose we could. There are quite a few areas that are far enough away from civilization that you wouldn’t be noticed.”

“Ooh, darling, I think a picnic would be lovely, would you mind if I joined as well?

“You would be most welcome, Rarity. You too, Twilight.”

“Oh, thank you,” Rarity gushed.

“Thanks, David. I’d love to go. Now, who else should we invite?” Twilight asked.

David stared at the ceiling. “I really want Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to be able to come. They’ve done so much for me, and I’d like to spend some time with them. But they’re always very busy; I’m not sure if it’s possible or even proper to ask. I almost think it would be selfish of me. That, and with Princess Luna’s somewhat nocturnal schedule—”

“David, I’m sure they would love to come. You do know that princesses don’t hold court over the weekends, right?” Twilight interrupted.

He shook his head. “No, I didn’t.”

“Well, it’s not actually the weekend, just Sunday and Monday. They are dedicated to the Sun and Moon after all. And since the royals are off, I think we should schedule this for one of those days.”

“Oh, okay. So Princess Celestia and Princess Luna would be more likely to come on Sunday or Monday. Can you come one of those days, Rarity?”

“Oh yes, though Sunday would be better for me. I do have to tend shop on Monday, after all. I hope that doesn’t inconvenience anypony.”

“Okay, let’s plan for Sunday then,” David said.

“Great. Now did you want anyone else to come?”

“Well, it feels like I’m overstepping a bit, but do you think it would be okay to invite Princess Cadance as well? Shining Armor is welcome too, of course. I mean, she did help me out, and we’ve only gotten to talk for a short while, but it would be nice to have more time to get to know her, and I could meet Shining as well.”

“I’ll send her a letter and see if she’ll be able to come. But keep in mind that she has her own kingdom to run, so she may not be able to visit.”

“I can understand that.”

Rarity perked up, filled with enthusiasm. “Ooh, I have another simply smashing idea! We should invite the girls over as well! They have already been informed about you, but they’ve been left out of all the fun. What do you think, David, Twilight?”

“Hmm,” David mumbled, thinking to himself.

Twilight interrupted again. “I don’t know about that, Rarity. They know about David, but there isn’t really a good reason for them to meet him, not like you have from making clothes for him and all.”

Rarity scowled. “There doesn’t have to be a good reason, Twilight. Perhaps it would be nice for David to meet some new faces!”

“Actually, that would be nice. But they aren’t exactly new to me,” David said, giving Twilight a shocked expression.

“Pardon?” Rarity inquired.

“Oh, sorry. Princess Celestia has told me about the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. You are one yourself, right?” He recovered.

“Well, yes. We do embody characteristics from them.”

“And you’re all heroes! And from what Twilight said last night, you have all agreed to keep my existence a secret, correct?”

“Of course! Twilight told us how you were stranded, separated from your world and are the only one of your kind here. We’d gladly do whatever we can to help, and I’d be honored to be your friend. I’m sure the others would do the same.”

“Let’s do it, then. Twilight, would it be okay to invite them?” David asked.

“Sure. I guess we can invite them.”

“What about my little Spikey-wikey?” Rarity asked.

“I’ll invite the girls, but we’ve kept David’s secret from Spike, so I don’t think he can come. He’s just much too young to be keeping state secrets yet. I’m also a bit concerned now about the picnic, we’ve got an awful lot of ponies for a simple outing.”

“That’s because this isn’t a simple outing anymore, it’s a soiree! And you-know-who has been chomping at the bit to throw a welcome party,” Rarity said.

“I’m sure she has,” Twilight replied. “Then it’s settled. Let’s see, with Cadance and Shining and the girls, that makes eleven total.”

“Wow. Twilight, do you know of a place we can go?” David asked.

“I think so, there’s a small forest with a clearing and a pond that should be perfect for our picnic. Since we’ll have all the princesses there, we’ll also need a mixed platoon of guards to patrol the perimeter and keep the area secure. I also have a new spell I’ve developed that will camouflage the vicinity and prevent anypony from seeing into the clearing. That should afford us some privacy.”

“Wow. Okay.”

“I think we can do a lot there. We’ll have the picnic, which seems to be a full-sized party now, but we can also play some games or take a swim, and I’m sure the girls would like to talk with you.”

“That all sounds great.”

Rarity cleared her throat politely. “All of that activity outside requires a bit of appropriate fashion. Don’t you agree, David?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I for one know of every article of clothing you possess, and none seem quite right for a bit of play outdoors. Would you like me to create some appropriate attire for you?”

“I guess you’re right. You have given me very nice outfits, but they aren’t really appropriate for the outdoors. But I’d hate to trouble you for anything more, you’ve already done so much for me.”

“Oh, it is no trouble! I am not simply suggesting it, I am offering to make you something.”

“Did you have anything in mind?”

“Well, in your world, do they wear short pants?”

“Yes, though I usually prefer to wear semi-casual shorts.”

Rarity nodded. “That could work. Any preference on the material or design?”

“Actually, the material you used for the first pair of pants you made me would be great; a nice, light cotton. If you can, I’d prefer them in plain black, light gray or tan.”

“I’ll surprise you, then! How about a nice short-sleeved shirt to match?”

“Okay. Let’s keep it casual, though, simple.”

“Of course, it’ll look quite handsome, I assure you. I can bring it by early on the day of the event.”

“Thanks, Rarity.”

“Think nothing of it. Twilight, dear, when can we invite the others?”

“Well, first we need to make sure the princesses can come. They are David’s primary guests, after all. I’m sure I can get Princess Celestia’s answer at the court’s lunch recess, but Princess Luna’s answer might take a while if she’s asleep.”

“I think we can get her answer before long. She’s been up a lot more lately,” David added.

“Great! I think Cadance’s reply will come pretty quickly as well. So, now we’ve got a plan. I’ll send the girls’ invitations after we get the Princess’ okay, and I’ll let you both know if it falls through for some reason.”

“Oh, I’m sure it will be alright,” Rarity encouraged.

David nodded. “I hope so. I don’t want to get any more stir-crazy sitting here in the castle all day.”

“And now…” Rarity put away her tools, “I’ve finally finished your measurements. I can now create anything you could possibly dream about to wear!” Rarity announced triumphantly.

“Really, anything?” David asked.

“Of course! Would you like me to impress you?”

“Oh no. That wasn’t a challenge,” David replied.

“Oh, alright. There is quite a bit more I can do with you than I can with anypony else. Although I can’t freely design for you until after your official announcement.”

David nodded in reply.

“Rarity, David, it’s time to get ready for lunch. What do you say we take a break now and meet up at the royal dining hall at twelve-thirty? I’ll go see if Princess Luna is awake in the meantime, and at lunch, we can get Princess Celestia’s word on the outing as well,” Twilight said.

“An excellent idea, Twilight. I’m going to go make some fabric orders, then I’ll meet you both at lunch,” Rarity said.

David reached out to stop her. “Oh! Rarity, did you have the rest of the underwear here? I’d like to take them with me.”

“Oh, silly me. I completely forgot. Here you go, David,” Rarity replied, levitating a stack of cloth from her bag. “But let’s get you re-dressed first.”

David put on his robe and then Rarity helped him re-wrap himself in the kimono, tying the obi a bit too tight.

“There we go. And here is your order,” she said, levitating the stacked clothes into his hands.

“Thanks, Rarity. I think we should get going then. I still have to get changed.”

“Okay,” Twilight replied and opened the door.

The trio left the solarium and proceeded back to the main halls, where they stopped and said their goodbyes before separating. Twilight went with Rarity to see her through to the main wing of the castle while David proceeded down the hall to his own room.
