//------------------------------// // CHAPTER TWENTY ONE:The Horror Of A Relapse // Story: The Bizarre Case Of Minty And Malty // by Speedy //------------------------------// Standing in her doorway was Whistle and it only took a quick glance before Sparkleworks saw something was wrong. Whistle just stood there, staring, her body shook ever so slightly. When she made a motion to move Whistle galloped and threw herself into Sparkleworks’ lap where she cried heavily. Sparkleworks was at a lost for words but her motherly instincts had kicked in as she held Whistle, she rubbed the back of her friend’s head and offered comforting words. But Whistle cried on and it was evident something must had happened other than an bad dream, sounding calm Sparkleworks spoke “What happened? and immediately she regretted it as her friend’s crying intensified. She wasn’t sure how she did it, but finally after what felt like an eternally Whistle had ceased, at least enough to speak properly. Tears streaming down her face she blew her nose on the bed covers and Sparkleworks held back what she wanted to say. “I-I snuck out..” Whistle sobbed and had cringed as if she was expecting a slap or something else. Sparkleworks sighed in disappointment, she was so proud earlier. She casted a glance over to her clock and saw it was just barely passed midnight, she pondered how long Whistle was out but thought it’d be best not to bring it up. Instead, as she started to rub her friend’s back and stroke her mane she simply asked why she was crying. Sparkleworks almost wished she hadn’t asked as Whistle had whimpered “I saw Malty..” Sparkleworks felt her heart sank, was Whistle just attacked? The very thought enraged her to the point she would had stormed out and tracked Malty down, if it wasn’t for Whistle crying in her lap. “S-S-She...she changed..” Whistle mumbled, Sparkleworks ceased her comforting strokes as she stared blankly at Whistle who started to sob even more. “Whistle,” spoke Sparkleworks who sounded ever so firm. “tell me what happened. Now, please?” Whistle didn’t reply at first but she gave a slight nod, her head never left Sparklework’s lap as she explained what had happened and she occasionally paused to sob. “I was flying high in the sky...the dark sky lighting my way, barely anypony was out but the ones I saw were all being escorted by guards. Then I saw her, but it was too dark to be sure so I lowered myself down. She ran and I gave chase, catching her in an dead end---oh Celestia she looked a-awful..!” Whistle’s sobbing had increased to the point her words were barely audible, Sparkleworks resumed the stroking of her mane and it seemed to had calmed her down. “Her eyes---her teeth!” cried Whistle. “She looks half dragon now!” “W-What..?” gasped Sparkleworks. “Her eyes---they look like a snake, her teeth---sharp like a shark!” Whistle explained in between her whines. Sparkleworks didn’t express any words, the pictured she was given reminded her of Nightmare Moon who she had only seen in photos from her foal hood. Why would Malty, or anypony for that matter, suddenly look like a pony she didn’t even believe existed despite the talk of Princess Luna returning which she thought were just rumors until the last Summer Sun Celebration. “Are you sure?” Sparkleworks asked as she found it hard to believe. “Was it maybe just the lighting?” “N-No!” Whistle shouted in a loud whimper. “Ugh why don’t you believe me!” “I do believe you!” Sparkleworks hoped she hadn’t just lied as she met Whistle’s eyes, they were so filled with grief that it broke her heart. “It’s just---how can a mare change appearance like that?” All at once Whistle had ceased and for just a moment Sparkleworks feared she had just died, she felt greatly relieved when Whistle had rubbed her nose. Whistle didn’t speak anymore in fear of bringing Minty up and doing her more harm than good, she just laid there silently and occasionally blowing her nose into the covers. Sparkleworks wanted to press the subject but she just couldn’t get the words out, but maybe it was for the best. Whistle clearly had an dramatic experience and she thought it’d be good to get it all out now rather than later, she again couldn’t bring herself to say it. *** Whistle woke up bright and early the next day, despite the previous night’s events she felt refreshed. Yawning she took a look at the clock and saw it was ten in the morning, she noticed the Daring Do theme and an quick look about the room revealed she was in her own room. She found that odd as she didn’t even remember coming back in here, but perhaps Sparkleworks had carried her? “Where is Sparkleworks?” Whistle asked after seeing she wasn’t in her room, a quick search of the apartment later and it was clear she was home alone. “Sparkleworks! I’m going to see Minty, if you’re hiding well---you win alright?” Before she left though Whistle had trotted to the kitchen for something to drink, her throat felt a little sore and her mouth was dry like a desert. She took some orange juice and drunk right from the carton, when she had closed the refrigerator door she noticed an piece of paper stamped to it’s front. She ripped it down and read it aloud, “Gone to see Star Catcher, please stay home today. I’ll be back with dinner later”. Both carton and letter fell to the floor as Whistle’s heart raced, surely she couldn’t had, could she? “Oh I shouldn’t had told her!” Whistle shouted as she banged her head against the fridge. “Now she’s going to tell Star Catcher!” Whistle was about to scream when she suddenly thought of Minty, the very next instant she had bolted to the nearest window and lifted it so fast it had shattered, then she leapt out into the sky and took flight. She heard commotion from down below almost immediately, she had no need to look to tell riots had broken out. She heard crashes, screams, and the sound of stunning spells. One pony she heard had shouted “We need to be prepared for when the dragons attack!” She then heard a guard shout in reply “There won’t be another feud if we all remain calm--HEY drop that it isn’t to be handled by---” There was a bright flash below and Whistle clamped her lips shut, she reluctantly flew on. She had reached Minty’s building in the matter of minutes, luckily the riots had not yet reached here. She flew down and busted through the front door for what might had well been the fifth time this month, she shouted atop her lungs “MINTY! Where are you we need to talk!” but no answer came. Whistle feared the worse but once she began searching she found Minty quite easily, she was back in the same closet Whistle had stuffed Malty in two months ago. Whistle banged on the door and immediately Minty had spoken back, her was voice very shaken and worn. “Get away Whistle! It’s dangerous to be around me anymore!” “I’m not leaving you, I didn’t before and I won’t now!” Whistle had shouted back. She heard an sob and she tried opening the door. “Huh-how did you lock this from inside!?” “By locking and then closing it, dummy” There was an thud and Whistle knew Minty had just face planted the door. “..ugh I’m sorry Whistle but---she’s too strong now...” she heard Minty speak. Whistle could hear the stress and strain in Minty’s voice, something wasn’t right and she could pretty much guess what it was. “I told Sparkleworks I ran into Malty last night,” started Whistle. “and she went to see Star---” “You saw her!?” gasped Minty. “Oh please tell me she didn’t hurt you!” “No, she didn’t. But Minty, listen---” Whistle cursed in frustration as Minty kept interrupting her. “Go away, in case they show. I don’t want you involved anymore than you already are” Minty had said. Whistle attempted to force the door open but felt something as equally strong holding it from the other side. “M-Minty!” she shouted, trying to yank the door open with all her might. Let-go! Since when were you this strong!” “Side effect, I suppose..” replied Minty. “I’m not sure, but that isn’t the point! You need to go no---” “I destroyed all your blue and green peppermints,” interrupted Whistle. “I burnt them all after searching this entire building from head to toe!” Whistle banged her head against the door in frustration. “I’m sure I found them all..how could this be happening?” There was an eerie pause that, when Minty had spoken up, felt like shattered glass. “Look on the table, you should see my camera..” she told Whistle. Whistle turned around and spotted the camera on the large table where Minty’s chemical sets once stood, she stared back at the door for just a moment then trotted over and grabbed it. Immediately she saw what resembled teeth marks and dried drool, Whistle gave an very loud “Ew!” in disgust as she opened the small flap which held the playback screen. Luckily it was undamaged and the video preview showed Minty setting up the camera in her room, the timestamp told Whistle this was between the hours six and eight PM. Whistle fast forwarded when Minty had laid down and stopped when something had happened, she rewinded a few frames back, hit play again, and watched. The video showed Minty suddenly wide awake, screaming the same silence that Whistle had wished she’d never see again. Minty was changing, but it was so much more morbid than Whistle had remembered it and she was certain her nightmares would be haunted by what she was seeing. Minty held her mouth, obviously in pain, and although it was dark Whistle could clearly see her teeth were sharpening. Minty’s eyes had shot wide opened, the red veins were visible and for a moment Whistle was scared they were going to pop right out of her skull. As Minty’s eyes turned yellow Whistle was certain they had an red shine to them, then they began to form slits. Whistle wanted to throw up but she couldn’t and was so relieved when the transformation had finally stopped. Malty now sat on the bed, breathing heavily. She stumbled to the floor with a loud thud, a faint curse had made Whistle gasp. “Malty is such a potty mou---” Whistle trailed off as Malty came back into view as she used the bed covers for support. Malty breathed, perhaps collecting her bearings, then she spotted the camera and for an fraction of a second Whistle had forgotten it was an recording. Malty grinned, her now shark-like teeth reflected a light that Whistle thought was probably the red light on the camera, but it was unnerving all the same. Malty started to speak, the same cold sensation from last night went down Whistle’s spine once more. “Hello Minty” Whistle noted Malty’s voice sounded even more gruffly than it had last night. “Seems like we finally get to chat face to face, huh?” Malty giggled at herself, then went onto an explanation that Whistle had already heard. “You ripped up the recipe for the orange sauce, and Whistle had burnt every single blue and green peppermint, or so she thought! I don’t know how or why, but you managed to eat one. Two months I’ve been dead, for a lack of a better word. I felt weak, either due to me being gone for two months or because you eat one piece, I don’t know or even care. But what I did care about, was staying alive. But how? I had no peppermints and knew my time was short..hehehe, you overlooked one very important detail, Minty”. Malty had picked up one of the four pillows and began twisting and punching it until she finally ripped it apart, Whistle grabbed her mouth at what she said next. “I remember the ingredients, and you two mares forgot to get rid of the salts! HA! The most important and hard to get ingredient, and you just forgot them!” Malty laughed maniacally. “Well the other problem, which was exactly brewing the sauce, was quite easy to solve. Cooking pots, yeah I know, who would’ve guessed?” Laughing Malty had dropped the tore pillow for the camera and got full closeups of her new features. “Heh, what ya think? Mints? I look just terrific, do I not?” she asked the camera. I have you to thank, ya know“ Whistle wanted to gag as Malty licked her teeth before making an growl similar to a hungry predator. “Too much candy can ruin your teeth, remember when mommy said that? Oh right, you never reconnected! But oh was she always concerned about you...” likely unable to grind them Malty just bared her teeth instead. The anger was evident when she suddenly bit at the camera. Gnawing, twisting, and then spitting into the lenses before she slammed it quite hard against the wall. “That mare never cared about me...only you! But guess what? I KILLED HER! AND I’LL KILL ALL YOUR FRIENDS TOO!” Malty bellowed and Whistle could hear the strain in her voice, was she hyperventilating? “If it wasn’t for Thistle Whistle, that was..” “Wha-what do I have to do with this?” Whistle asked in an shocked induce reaction. Whistle heard Malty giggling, “Hehehe, well---”  there was the sound of a window opening and the ruff wind could be heard. “---I’ll be seeing ya, sis, don’t worry! You won’t remember a thing, sleep well~”. There was the sound of the window being closed and Whistle knew she was gone, Whistle didn’t bother watching the rest as she could already guess what it held. Malty was her friend, just an normal pony, how could she had turn into such an monster? All of the times that they had hung out together, all those lessons and the two times she had met Whistle’s friends, Whistle felt sick to her stomach. Whistle had jumped as a crash suddenly emitted from the closet, it was followed by the words “I-It’s happening---again---Whi--slte...” Whistle rushed back over to the door and right as she gripped the doorknob, she released it. She couldn’t let Malty get loose, she knew there was nothing she could do other than wait for the candy to get out of her system like she did the last time. Just then Whistle had an realization that confused her and she looked at the closet door with a sense of worry. “Minty..? Whistle spoke, knocking on the door. “You don’t have the candy with you? Minty---” The doors from behind had busted opened and Whistle only had a few moments to turn around before an guard had froze her in place by an spell. Now immobilized Whistle could only watch as an entire guard unit, which coexisted of at most five ponies and one griffon and dragon, moved out and searched the room. “Unfreeze her Colts, she isn’t who we’re here for” Star Catcher’s voice sounded so professional that Whistle had gulped as she knew this was bad news. Whistle felt the sensation of weights being lifted off of her body as the guard flicked his head, she in a fit of rage shouted “Why are you here!?” but stopped in the midst of her sentence for Lily had trotted into the room. Lily wore armor similar to Star Catcher’s only it was white and Whistle could see her own shocked reflection on the chestpiece. “Lily...you’re one of them!” Whistle shouted. “Thistle Whistle,” Lily started. “please understand---” “You were spying on us all this time?” Whistle interrupted heatedly. “No!” Lily gasped in her defence. “Well, y-yes but I really did come here for an job, at first, honest I---” In anger Whistle had thrown the camera at Lily while cursing, Lily caught the camera and Whistle kept cursing insults at her for betraying their trust. “I didn’t betray anypony’s trust!” Lily had shouted back, tears were almost visible in her ears. “I was only told to wat---” “Enough!” bellowed Star Catcher suddenly. “We are not here for friends to argue, we’re here for Minty. Whistle, I’m certain you are too?” “W-Why are you looking for Minty?” Whistle asked, she tried to seem unguilty but her fur had already started to sweat. “We have it on good authority that Malty is not her sister” spoke Star Catcher. Whistle sighed in relief only to gasp as Star Catcher added “An eyewitness to the dragon attack had seen Malty’s Cutie Mark, and it matches Minty’s identically”. Whistle would bite her own hooves if it wouldn’t look suspicious, but clearly Star Catcher knew something was up. “Whistle,” she spoke, trotting closer and right then Whistle just wanted to die as she had spotted Sparkleworks behind Star Catcher. “If you don’t tell us, you’ll be charged as an--yes I know Sparkleworks, but this is serious!” Whistle had never seen Star Catcher so angry before, she had only seen her this stern with Sparkleworks one other time and it was an memory she rather forget. “If Minty is behind these murders and attacks then I can’t let emotional standings get in the way.” Star Catcher had said, Whistle swore this whole scene had deja vu written all over it. “You know that, but please understand this time it is important that we---” There was another loud bang from inside the closet, Star Catcher’s eyes went back and forth between it and an extremely guilty looking Whistle. Star Catcher instructed a guard to open the closest but Whistle had jumped in the way. “No! Don’t open it, it’s not safe right now!” Whistle shouted as she kept knocking back the guard who kept trying to remove her. Star Catcher’s patience was growing thin, she turned to Sparkleworks and demanded her to remove Whistle. Normally she would just order somepony to forcefully move another who wouldn’t listen, but knowing her quite well to the point she felt like a mother Star Catcher had hoped Sparkleworks would get the job done while avoiding a fight. Sparkleworks nodded and asked Whistle to move, but she wouldn’t. “Whistle, please, I know you doubt Minty has anything to do with---these murders---I trust her too, but what are the chances these two share the same exact Cutie Mark?” she asked and felt so terrible that she wouldn’t be surprised if Whistle said she hated her. “You don’t understand what’s wrong!” Whistle shouted back, her body outstretched across the closet door. “Then tell us!” Sparkleworks begged. “For Pearl’s sake, tell us what is wro---” Suddenly Lily had gasped in horror, she handed Star Catcher the camera and she too gasped. “You! Levitate her out of the way! Now!” she ordered and the guard obeyed. Feeling a rush of wind Whistle was lifted off of the ground, the guard she had fought against now gripped the doorknob. “No! Don’t open it!” she shouted. But she was too late, the closet was opened. The single light bulb it had was off, the guard flicked the light switch but it remained off. There was a moan which had drew his attention to an limp pony engulfed in shadows, the others were in shock with a few grasping their mouths. They spoke but Whistle heard none of them, she just stared into the closet and felt an bad omen in the pit of her stomach. Suddenly the limp pony jumped and latched onto the guard, there was screaming and Whistle fell flat on her head with a loud thud. “Whistle!” came Sparkleworks’ voice. Whistle’s vision was blurry, the first thing that came back into focus was an orange blur with the face and features of Sparkleworks slowly forming inside it. She looked around the room and noticed she had an headache from the ringing in her ears. Most of the guards had left but she noticed a purple blur that was likely Lily, she was attending to another guard who was screaming in pain and she saw some type of fluid dripping from the side of his face. Over from her left a large blur was trotting towards her, Sparkleworks stood up and said “She’s hurt, ugh that’s why Minty hates being levitated!” “I know you’re mad, but that wasn’t our fault” spoke Star Catcher who tried to sound sincere, despite her headache killing her Whistle could still hear the professional tone. “Whistle, you got explaining to do”. Star Catcher held something to Whistle’s face but her vision was still too blurry to make out what it was, her ears however had heard the camera’s recording just fine. She whistled nervously and pretended to pass out. Sparkleworks however didn’t find it funny as she said “Oh Whistle no..not the fake blackout gag..” *** It was nearing eight o’clock when all of Minty’s friends had arrived at Star Catcher’s office, she was looking over the first copy of an new Fillydelphia Express print. “When guard forces arrived at Minty’s estate this morning, following a lead that further connected her to the ‘Red Apron’, she had attacked them and ran from the scene...” she read aloud. Star Catcher looked up and saw her friends’ reactions which were what she had expected them to be, shocked and denial. One of them, whose fur was an very bright and shiny blue, had said “But Minty isn’t the killer! I knew the darling since foal hood, it’s just isn’t in her character!” Another pony, who for some reason was carrying a balloon, had said “She likely ran because she was scared, and that attack could had been the usual fake detail that the presses makes up all the time”. “I assure you that the attack did happen, if you don’t believe me you can visit Coles in the hospital” spoke Star Catcher. As she crossed her hooves she watched for any signs of suspicious behavior from her friends. The ponies whispered to each other and seemed like they were discussing the situation, Star Catcher glanced over and saw Whistle and Tropical Dream, who looked to be the most guilty of the lot. Lily, who was standing by Star Catcher’s left, looked equally as guilty. Star Catcher spoke to the two mares, saying “You got to explain to them everything that you have told me”. Whistle stared at Tropical Dream who returned the same uneasy look, Whistle opened her mouth to speak but right then Lily interrupted, saying “They been through enough as it is. Besides, we can worry about that after we find Minty”. “They have a right to know,” snapped Star Catcher who kept her eyes on Whistle. “I know it’s terrible but the truth is better than lying”. “But this?” returned Lily. “They’ll never be able to---” “It isn’t Minty’s fault” Whistle’s voice got the full attention of the room. “She tried to stop it, she really did...” Everypony stared and Whistle felt so out of place that she might had been better off in Dragon Town, Star Catcher was the first to reply. “Minty isn’t in her right mind” she spoke. Slowly Whistle turned to look at her, she begged Star Catcher  not to say it. “she’s---not herself, if we don’t find her fast then Shining Armor and Flash Sentry will.” she spoke. Star Catcher stood up from her seat as she added “Yes, they arrived yesterday and I had a very heated discussion with them an hour ago. So---” she paused to look about her friends. “---we got to find her, I can’t because of my duties but all of you can as you should get an idea where she usually goes”. “Darling,” spoke the bright blue mare who took a step forward. “what exactly did she do---” “For starters,” interrupted Star Catcher a bit heatedly. “she took a chunk of my guard’s cheek clean off---yeah, her state of mind isn’t stable right now”. Everypony else had gasped and Whistle could see, amongst all the whispering, that they were more scared than worried. She couldn’t blame them, she was probably the most scared of them all yet she knew more than they did. She was forced to tell Star Catcher everything not long ago, Sparkleworks’ face was forever burnt into her mind. Star Catcher said a few more words before everypony was sent out with one goal in mind, find Minty before any of the guards do. It wasn’t an easy task, however, as Fillydelphia was an large city and almost every inch was covered with guards. The ponies decided to split up and cover more ground with Whistle, Sparkleworks, and Tropical Dream staying together. Sparkleworks had said “How does she expect us to find her first?” Tropical Dream simply answered “Well, we know Minty won’t be anywhere near guards right now. So we have to think---what’s the least guarded area right now?” “You’re already thinking wrong” spoke Whistle who was galloping just a few inches ahead of them. “She’s probably still Malty right now, we have to think about her and where she would go”. Since Malty had went as far as Dragon Town Whistle knew finding her would be twice as hard, she had the idea to check Malty’s place which was located near Dragon Town but there was one problem. “Her place was probably checked when the news pony mentioned her,” Whistle was sure Sparkleworks had got to be a mind reader, there was just no way they were thinking of the same place as Whistle never even told her where it was. “so we can’t risk going there” The search had lasted up till eleven o’clock before they had regrouped with the others, they  were all discussing where they had just recently searched. “We have to check them again“ Whistle was given many stares as she said this, but she went on. “Just because she wasn’t there before, doesn’t mean she won’t be later. She’s on the run!” Everypony stared among themselves. Some complained about how big of a needle in a haystack this was and that the odds that Minty was already found were higher than their odds of finding her. Others said they couldn’t even hold their eyes open. One of them had said “But why would she be there now?” and got such a irritated and uncharacteristic stare from Whistle that she had gulped. “She wouldn’t stay in just one spot!” barked Whistle. None of her friends, even Sparkleworks, had ever seen her like this before. “If we can’t find her tonight then we research everywhere again tomorrow, and the next day after that until we find her!” she yelled, angrily at her friends’ for wanting to stop the search. The mare with bright blue fur, after seeing an twitch or two, had trotted up and placed a hoof onto her shoulder as she asked “Whistle, darling, what if the guards already found her?” “Remember Lily?” Whistle asked as she spun around and nearly knocked her comforting friend over. ”Minty had searched for her through midnight, we all did!” Whistle turned to each of her friends before adding “Remember how we all felt when we couldn’t find her?” There were no replies, only sad faces that told Whistle that they do remember. She hadn’t meant to be so rude but she was just worried and fired up with emotion. Minty was her best friend and the thought of her being out there and hunted was something that she just couldn’t cope with, if Whistle could she would buck Malty for causing all of this. A voice finally broke the silence and Whistle was surprised, upon turning around, to see Lily. She wondered how Lily had find them so fast and why she was here at all, suddenly her stomach had twisted into knots. Surely their time wasn’t up already?  “I remember too,” Lily had spoken. “I still feel guilt for making you all worry like that”. “Lily..” Whistle whispered. She couldn’t think of any words that she could have possibly said, she was too jumbled but there was one thing that she did knew for certain, she was glad to see her. “We hadn’t found Minty either, Star Catcher asked me to tell you---” Lily paused, everypony wondered what she was going to say and hoped it wasn’t more bad news. “---she doesn’t care how long it takes. She managed to further delay the Fillydelphia Express til tomorrow afternoon.” she told them. Staring at them with a stare that could burn through ice Lily said, in a voice that sounded like she was talking to a guard unit, “So we got til then to find our friend!” Nopony replied with anything other than stares, and for just a moment Lily feared that her words had fallen on deaf ears. Then suddenly, as if somepony had skipped ahead in an movie, everypony rallied like they were Royal Guards. “I’ll recheck the bowling ring,” spoke their bright blue friend. “the darling always had a thing for bowling”. “And I’ll check the party store!” spoke their friend who was still carrying her balloon. Everypony stared at her as if she had something profound, staring back at them she asked “What? My twin of an niece likes parties and told me Minty used to hang there quite often”. “Right---I’ll check the library, it should be deserted but what could a better hideout right now?” spoke another friend. Rubbing her ears she reached into her saddlebag and took out a new pair of glasses, everypony stared at her as she put on them on. “What?” she asked, glaring back at them before mumbling “Ugh I hate these things...” “OK everypony, head out and find Minty!” Lily shouted like she was in charge of her very own unit. Everypony had set off to search once more, besides Whistle and Sparkleworks who had remained behind with Lily. “Whistle” started Lily. “What?” asked Whistle. “Thank you, for what you said” Lily smiled. “What I say?” Whistle asked as she didn’t find anything special in what she had said, until she actually remembered what it was. “Oh, don’t mention it---” “Minty never gave up searching for me,” Lily interrupted, she looked genuinely sad as she went on to add “she was a true friend and my thanks were spying on her..no wonder she bucked me in the chest earlier..” Lily paused and rubbed her chest plating which held a deep dent. “If I have to freeze the entire town I would, if only we had an air balloon huh?” she giggled. “We could still fly,” spoke Whistle, outstretching her wings. “and with you we could cover more---” “Whistle,” interrupted Sparkleworks who had pulled Whistle back down when she had attempted to hover. “I think you should go home”. Whistle blinked. “What!? Why?” “Because it’s late, and you know how you are when you get sleepy” answered Sparkleworks. Whistle’s mouth clamped shut and she held up her hoof which had started to shake uncontrollably, Sparkleworks went to add something but Whistle had busted out in an overly loud volume “No! I am not resting until I know she’s safe! Celestia, I know you wanna be my mom but I’m not a kid anymore!” Sparkleworks was taken aback by this outburst and Whistle suddenly heard what she had just said. Seeing Sparkleworks’ face, which looked like she had just been hit, made Whistle hate herself. “I’m sorry..” spoke Whistle as her head fell to her chest. ”I’m just so worried..” Whistle was about to cry when Sparkleworks had raised her head back up, “I know you’re not a kid, heck you have grown up a lot over the last few months.” Sparkleworks gave an failed attempt an smile before kissing her friend’s forehead. “As for me wanting to be your mother...” Whistle sniffed a little as Sparkleworks held her in an embrace. “I would never want to replace Pearl, but wouldn’t lie in saying I hope my own foal would be just like you” Sparkleworks spoke, holding her friend tightly before raising Whistle’s head again. “Even the orange juice addiction” she joked, succeeding in an smile as she patted Whistle’s head. Whistle laughed, Sparkleworks turned to Lily who had an sisterly smile across her face. “Any idea where to look?” she asked. Over the next three hours the search yielded no better results than before, by now they had searched the entire city twice over, well at least the parts that they could search without guards breathing down their necks. Most were giving up hope and suggested that Minty had skipped town, Whistle hated to admit it but she was beginning to lose hope as well. But suddenly, as if something was answering her wish Lily had flew overhead, she shouted down below “I found her!” and took off with the group giving chase. Lily lead them into an alleyway, the very same one Whistle had lost the silhouetted pony in days ago. There laying motionless among turned over garbage was Minty, Whistle had immediately galloped past the others and went to her side. Whistle gasped at the dried blood around Minty’s lips and the bruises she had, she looked like she had just lost a street fight. Whistle tried waking her up but she was unresponsive, she asked somepony to get help but before anypony could even make it five feet Lily had shot an magical flare into the air that had illuminated the sky in red. “What are you doing!?” yelled Whistle who was clutching Minty close as Lily trotted over to them. “Don’t worry” Lily spoke fastly. “I outrank most if not every guard. As long I carry her, they won’t abject”. Whistle was very reluctant but nodded in agreement, she helped Minty onto Lily’s back and not a moment sooner had the scene been overrun by guards. Whistle became very nervous as she watched guard after guard arrive, as Lily had said none of them questioned or even talked back to her. Lily told everypony to give her some room, she trotted a bit and stood very still. Breathing in deep and slow breaths she lifted her head and her horn lit up, Whistle watched amazed as Lily’s magical aura engulfed her whole body. Then she flew upward and they all followed, where to Whistle could only guess.