Welcome to the new order

by Bronycommander

Chapter 6 Nightmare

Chapter 6: Nightmare

During the night Dinky whimpered quietly while tossing, and turning in the big, soft guest bed. At first, she found herself in the Living room of Johann and Nina. They smiled and danced.

But then, three men came in. One had an eyepatch; the other two had helmets that covered their faces except for their eyes.
“Who are you?” Nina asked.

“I am Friedrich Keller. I was sent by General Strasse to inspect your daughter.” Before Nina could say something, Dinky was taken by Keller.

“Ja, just as the General has suspected. Proceed,” He gave Dinky to one of the commandos, “No need to get emotional, Herr and Frau Bauer. You have served your purpose adequately.” Keller and the Commandos made to leave.

“NEIN! Give us our daughter back!” Nina screamed and leapt forward for Dinky.

She screamed, “Nina! Help me!” she was struggling in the hands of the Commando. But Nina was stopped by the other commando.

“If you resist, you will be killed.” The Commando aimed his sidearm at her.

“Wait!” Johann shouted.

But Nina was fighting with the commando, but he managed to overpower her and aimed at her. Johann tried to grab the gun, but the Commando overpowered him too and executed both.

Dinky watched in horror. “Murderer!”

“Shut up!”

“NO! Let me go, I don’t wanna abused for experiments!”

“Then you let me no other choice.” Keller aimed at Dinky’s head.

“No, wait!”

Suddenly she shot up in the big soft guest bed panting heavily.
First the nightmare about the lab and then this. Even if I appreciate it that they care for me, I think that they are better without me.

She walked to the bedroom to see Nina and Johann sleeping peacefully. “I wanted to thank you for taking care of me but I- I am so sorry.” She let her tears fall and putted the clothes on that Nina made for her, before she left, unware of the Danger on the streets.