(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act XI - Luna Meddles

Act XI - Luna Meddles

David stared at the options laid out on the bed. The outfit he enjoyed last night had been laundered and delivered to him by Luna’s staff. Next to it, a few choices were arranged from Rarity’s new gift package.

The first was a blue, bengal-striped broadcloth dress shirt, accented with charcoal-colored gems for buttons and paired with blue denim pants, which were close to classic jeans. The second gift outfit was a black sateen short-sleeved shirt, speckled white with an irregular, starry-night-sky motif. It was matched with a pair of brown corduroy pants. The last outfit was a casual blue and white gingham shirt and a solid-gray t-shirt with black, casual pants. Along with the outfits came a few extra pairs of socks in both white and black.

‘Hmm. What to choose, what to choose. I said I wanted to wear the outfit from last night, and it is nice … but now I’ve got more choices, and it would be proper to show off my new gifts.’

Thinking for only a moment more, David picked out the black shirt and corduroy pants.

‘This is pretty cool. Not too flashy, not too casual. I assume tonight isn’t a formal dinner, as usual.’

Looking at the clock, he only had half an hour before dinner. He quickly dressed, then checked his outfit and hair in the mirror. Believing he was fit for presentation, he left for the dining hall.


David walked down the halls, politely nodding to guards as he caught their glances in passing.

‘So, at dinner, we’re going to discuss the changes Twilight and I saw. I hope it doesn’t dampen the mood too much, or rather, I hope Princess Celestia doesn’t feel the need to take immediate action…’

Lost in thought, he soon left the apartment wing long behind and then stood at the unattended doors of the royal dining room. Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the doors and walked in.

The dining room was empty, and by the ornate clock on the wall, David was a good ten minutes early.

He sighed. ‘Guess there’s nothing to do but wait.’

David wasn’t waiting long when he heard the familiar clip-clop of metal shoes on tile behind him. He turned to see who was approaching, only to tackled to the ground by a royal-blue blur.


“I have gotten thee!” Luna cheered, wrapping her forehooves around the now stunned David.

“Hahaha, so you have. Good evening, Luna.”

“Good evening to you, my David,” she said, pressing forward for a kiss.

David glanced around, then leaned in and kissed her lightly. “As much as I enjoy this, we probably shouldn’t do it here. Don’t you think so?”

“Oh, I suppose you are correct, though thankfully, nopony is present to witness,” Luna said as she slowly removed herself from David’s body.

Unknown to them, somepony was around; they were caught in the act. Across the room, the giant alabaster doors leading to the main castle halls were slightly parted as a certain elder princess watched their actions carefully.

Celestia hadn’t been there long. She had heard Luna’s hooves just as David did when she was approaching from the hall. Hearing a thud, Celestia opted to peer into the room unannounced instead of confronting the situation head-on. Now, after seeing her younger sister and her lover mingle on the floor, she closed the doors and turned away, walking back towards the main castle halls to bide her time.

“Come, David, sit with me while we wait for the others,” Luna said, climbing onto her royal perch. “I see you have yet another set of clothes; I assume from your meeting with Twilight?”

“Yes,” David said, sliding into his spot on the bench seat. “Another gift from Rarity. Apparently, she was ‘inspired by my form.’”

“As I would only expect!” Luna huffed. “Well, tempt you as she might, Rarity cannot have you.”

“Hahaha, she hasn’t even met me!”

“And yet, she already has her keen eyes trained on your body. No, I will not take chances with that one. We have met, and when she sets her heart to something, she becomes very insistent in achieving her desires.”

“Sounds a bit familiar to me.”

“I will take that as the compliment it is,” Luna said, smiling.

“Was there anything else poignant discussed that you would like to share?” Luna asked.

“Yes, but I think it would be best to leave it to Twilight.”

“Oh, I see. She does so enjoy making her reports. Perhaps we should wait until they arrive so as not to spoil the conversation.”

As if on cue, the large doors to the main halls opened and both Celestia and Twilight came into the dining room. David rose from his seat politely as they entered and Luna leapt down from her chair to greet them.

“Oh, sister, I am so happy that you are not cross with me for my disagreeable demeanor this morning. Again, I am sorry for acting so foalish.”

“Oh, Lulu, it is okay. As I said earlier, neither Sir David nor I was upset, just concerned. I could sense how worried and stressed you were that you could not find Sir David in his room. If I had only a moment’s forethought, I could have left a note to prevent your fears.”

“I am blessed that you are the more composed of us. Thank you, sister.

“And let me not forget my beloved friend Twilight! Thank you so much for tending to David. I hope you had time to have a lengthy discussion?” Luna said as she gently embraced Twilight.

“Yes Luna, we did. And I’m glad to see you too.”

Celestia then turned to David, who had slowly walked up to the group. “Good evening, Sir David. I hope the day treated you well.”

“Hi, David!” Twilight interjected, waving a hoof.

“Yes, Princess, it turned out quite good,” he said while sheepishly waving back at Twilight.

“Shall we all sit and prepare for dinner then?” Celestia asked the group.

“Of course!” Twilight beamed at her former mentor’s suggestion.

Celestia and Luna reclaimed their spots on their cushy chairs and David and Twilight sat on the bench, each next to Luna and Celestia respectively.

After they were seated, Celestia smiled and spoke, “Are there any objections to starting dinner at this time?”

Heads shook unanimously in the vote and shortly the small bell was rung, signifying the start of dinner.

As usual, the door to the kitchen prep-room popped open and a small parade burst forth. The table was quickly filled with goodies. A giant salad with red wine vinaigrette, hearty vegetable soup, long baguettes, sauteed vegetables over pasta with olive oil and herbs, and a small plate of crispy hay fries for a particular purple princess.

Cherry followed up the rear of the entourage and bowed to the princesses before speaking up.

“Good evening, princesses, Sir David. I hope all is prepared to your liking.”

“It is wonderful, Cherry,” Celestia replied.

“Thank you, Princess,” she said, then turned to David. “Will the meal be sufficient for you, Sir David?”

“Thank you, Cherry. Yes, it looks great.”

Cherry smiled brightly at David. “I’m glad you think so. I took some care in preparing the salad, it has some wildflowers that even you should be able to enjoy. Please let me know what you think.”

“I’ll do that. Thank you,” he replied

Luna watched the exchange with a small smirk on her lips. She then looked over to her sister, who looked a bit lost.

“Well then, if you will excuse me… Please ring if I am needed,” Cherry said, backing away from the table with a polite bow, then turned to return to the kitchen.

After the door had closed, Celestia faced the group. “Pardon me, but did I miss something?”

“Oh, sister, please do not tell me you were not informed that your head chef has accepted David’s proposal?”

“WHAT?!” Celestia shrieked causing David to perform a small spit-take of his soup.

“Wait, wait. I didn’t propose to Cherry. Not at all,” David said, attempting to diffuse the situation as Celestia stared daggers at him.

“Oh, perhaps not intentionally … But after your little interaction, what she confided in me was an honest and true interest in you,” Luna said, attempting to hold back a snicker.

“Now, now. Let’s not start pranking tonight,” Twilight interjected. “I think we should just have a nice dinner together.”

“Thank you, Twilight,” David said. “I agree, let’s leave pranks out—”

“Oh, Twilight, of course you would side with David. I hear he is somewhat like your brother Shining in some physical characteristics,” Luna said, waggling her brows.

“I. Buh… Luna, I was hoping you’d be on my side! I need help against Cadance!” Twilight whined.

Amongst the three bickering princesses, David was lost. He looked at Luna, cackling and reveling in her mischief, at Twilight, pleading for Luna to spare her, and then to Celestia, still looking somewhat lost and confused.

Not knowing what to do, David politely wiped his mouth, then stood up at the table. With his height now towering above all ponies present, their minds snapped to attention and they turned to gaze up at him.

“Forgive me, princesses. While I do enjoy fooling around with you all, I believe it has gotten a bit out of hand this evening. What do you say we call a truce for now so we can chat more productively?” David said in a calm, soothing voice, his arms outstretched as if he were giving a hug to the whole table.

Celestia was the first to come out of her stupor. With a small shake of her head, her normally warm expression returned.

“You are quite right, Sir David. Please forgive us,” Celestia said, bowing her head slightly.

“I’m sorry too,” Twilight said quietly.

“My David is correct. I should not tease my loved ones so mercilessly. Twilight, Celestia, please forgive me.”

“Of course, Lulu.”

“I forgive you, Luna,” Twilight said.

“And I would be very happy to join you in your quest, Twilight. We shall see if Cadance is up to snuff when we see her next!” Luna said, beaming.

“Okay,” David said, returning to his seat. “Please forgive me for being so forward. It was not my place to do so.”

It was now Celestia’s turn to talk. “Sir David, I think you are mistaken in that. I see you have earned the friendship of all that are gathered here, and as such, it is well within your place to speak up. Thank you.”

“I, uhh…” David stammered, somewhat embarrassed.

“Let us all enjoy our marvelous meals,” Celestia said. “Oh, and Twilight, you said you have a report to make?”

“Yes, Celestia. When I met with David earlier, I was able to examine him again to see if there was any change in the magical anomalies we detected.”

“And what were your findings?” Celestia asked.

“Well, I’d like to first present that I have developed a new detection spell that allows anypony to see the connections to David without a magical trance.”

“Twilight, I believe I heard you say ‘connections,’ is that accurate?” Luna interrupted.

“Um, yes! Yes, I did. The second finding was that David now has a second connection that is giving him magic.”

“Where does this second connection lead to?” Celestia inquired, setting down her soup spoon.

“I believe it is yours,” Twilight stated.

“Oh,” Celestia said plainly.

“You are not surprised by this, sister?” Luna asked.

“Not particularly. Please remember what I said at dinner yesterday. I did experience some of my magic drawn away from my wards and to Sir David. That alone indicated that this might happen.”

“If I may, I’d like to confirm my suspicions by using the spell I mentioned before. Would that be okay?”

“I do not see a reason not to,” Celestia said calmly, taking a baguette from the bread basket.


With that, Twilight powered up her horn and aimed it at David. She released the spell, and small purple sparkles rained down around him. Much to everyone’s surprise, a bright glow appeared on David’s chest with two tendrils of magic flowing from it. One was dark blue as it hovered over the table and ended at Luna’s chest. The other was a bright gold and similarly flowed around the dishes, only to disappear into Celestia’s body as well.

“I suppose that confirms it,” Celestia said.

“What do you think?” Twilight asked. “His magical potential has increased a bit, but it only seems to be relative to the strength and number of connections.”

“I do not see any danger here,” Celestia answered as she took a small bite of her buttered bread. “While I did not exactly expect to form a connection with Sir David, I do not find it to be objectionable. After we talked and I accepted him as a friend, I knew this might be a possible result. Lulu, do you object to this development?”

Luna shook her head. “Absolutely not. If it is as previously surmised, that David’s existence is attempting to reach balance with the magical nature of everything in our world, I believe it is necessary for these connections to exist.

“Also, I have noted that my connection seems to have changed and is now strengthened. Do you concur, Twilight?”

“Yes. Before, it was similar to Celestia’s, lacking definition and color. Now your connection is broad and vibrant. I would say it is an improvement.”

“Sister, I do not sense any depletion of my magical capacities from my connection. Do you sense any from your experience?”

Celestia paused, as if searching her soul. “No. I do not believe so.”

“Well then, let this particular discussion be finished!” Luna cheered.

“Actually, we need to check one more thing…” Twilight said.

“Oh no,” David mumbled quietly.

“I think we should check Cherry as well.”

“Oh, that is a good idea,” Luna chimed in.

“What? I thought that was a prank!” Celestia looked a bit shocked.

“Oh, it was,” Twilight added, “but since David has had contact with her and she admitted to having at least some attraction to him, we should rather be safe than sorry.”

“Very well,” Celestia said with a stern look on her face. “Will you need to re-cast the spell?”

“No, the effects should last a few more minutes.”

“Hmm. Sir David, would you please call Cherry out for us?” Celestia requested, levitating the small silver bell over to his place.

“What? Why me? That doesn’t seem very proper.”

“Humor me,” Celestia retorted.

David tried to swallow the lump in his throat as his took the small bell in his hands. He looked around to the princesses before him, their eyes shifting from him to the kitchen door and back expectantly. Finally, he gave it a small ring.

As usual, the door popped open like magic and Cherry strolled out.

“What can I get for you, your high—” she stopped, seeing David holding the bell and the royal mares staring at her. “—for you, Sir David?”

“Sorry, Cherry, would you mind coming a bit closer, I’d hate to be rude,” David said.

Cherry walked over to the table slowly, all the eyes following her every move. “Yes?”

“Ahh, thank you. These baguettes are wonderful and fresh, but would you happen to have any sourdough? Especially if it is a bit stale, I think it would compliment the soup even better.”

“Oh, is that all?” she said as she finally reached the table. “I think I do have some, I can go get it if you’d like.”

“That sounds good. Thanks!” David replied.

“Uhm, may I ask an odd question?” Cherry said with a bit of insecurity in her voice.

“Of course. What is it?”

“Is the light show around you … normal?”

“Oh this,” he said, gesturing to the two ribbons floating in the air, “we were just playing with some spells, it will go away soon.”

“Okay. How about, your highnesses, would you like anything more?” Cherry asked.

“No. Thank you, Cherry,” Celestia said, finally sitting back in her chair, looking at ease again. “If you have enough, please bring some sourdough for us all to try a bit.”

“Of course, Princess!” Cherry said with a smile, then turned back to the kitchen. After opening the door, she looked back at the party, which had resumed talking. She scanned the group and quickly locked gazes with David. Smiling, she nodded once, then returned to her duties.

“I think that clears up any doubt that our dear Cherry does not have a connection to my David,” Luna said.

“Not yet,” Twilight added. “Celestia didn’t have one at first either.”

“Yes. We will have to keep a close watch on Cherry. A magical connection from a non-alicorn may have different consequences,” Celestia added.

“Twilight, other than the addition of my connection and the strengthening of Luna’s, was there any other change of note to Sir David’s condition?” Celestia asked.

“Um, nope! I think that covers it.”

“Then did you find out anything from your analysis in the field?”

“I’m sorry Celestia, I didn’t find anything. There simply doesn’t seem to be any residual energy of any kind where David first appeared, and since David does not have a magical signature of his own, it makes it even more difficult for me to track.”

“That is unfortunate. Please do not give up hope, Sir David, we will all continue to look for answers.”

“Thank you, Princess.”

The meal continued on for a few silent moments, only to be briefly interrupted by Cherry delivering a loaf of sourdough as requested. After politely bowing she turned and left.

“That reminds me, David, you performed a brilliant and practical misdirection with Cherry earlier, did you not?” Luna asked.

“Actually, I noticed that as well,” Celestia added.

“Well, I didn’t see any need to add to Cherry’s troubles if there was no connection. That, and this soup really is complimented by the sourdough.”

“It was quite the show of skill and good character. Both would be extremely relevant in matters of state,” Celestia said.

“Thank you for the compliment, Princess.”

“It is not only a compliment but somewhat of a necessity. You are, for all purposes, both an ambassador of your people and a recognized suitor to a crowned princess. The manner in which you comport yourself is very important. While your existence in both stations is not public yet, when the time arises, you will be put to the test on both accounts.”

David nodded politely. “Yes. I will remember that. I want to be able to able to honor the royal family and be a respectable representative of the human race. I hope all of you will help me so I can accomplish that.”

“David, you are my David, and I know you will be fine. Even my great sister has approved of you, and she has quite the discerning eye. Learn from us. Ask of our help. Follow us as you need, and practice when you can. I know you will do us all proud.”

Looking around the table, each princess nodded in agreement.


The meal continued with jovial banter, each member adding to the enjoyment of the evening. After the entrees had been cleared, the staff graced the table with an assortment of sweets and herbal teas to compliment. As the party continued to chat, the moment was interrupted by a puff of green smoke which manifested itself into a small scroll at Twilight’s seat.

“Twilight, a scroll at this hour? I hope everything is alright,” Celestia said.

Unfurling the scroll, Twilight read a bit to herself.

“Oh, it’s nothing like that. Celestia, would it be okay for me to stay around for another day? It looks as if Rarity will be coming by early tomorrow morning. Also, I’d like to hear your opinion of letting her meet David.”

“Oh, we’d love to have you around for any amount of time, please remember this is your home as well. As far as Rarity is concerned, I believe I speak for everyone in saying that we trust her and the other element bearers in their ability to keep this situation confidential. I suppose the approval should really come from Sir David himself.”

“I certainly don’t mind if Rarity would like to meet with me. She has already provided me with such great gifts, and I would like the opportunity to thank her myself.”

Celestia smiled. “Well, I suppose the matter is settled. Remind Rarity, and any of the others, that this situation is still secret and should be kept in the strictest confidence.”

Twilight nodded. “Of course. Rarity already understands the situation and is currently designing out of the castle in Ponyville to prevent any possible leaks of information. However, to keep that situation as secure as possible, I have already read in the other elements, and they have Pinkie Promised to keep things between themselves.”

“I suppose that will have to do for now. I know your friends will do what they can to protect this very important state secret and Miss Pie will make sure they stay in line.”

Luna shuddered at her sister’s statement. “Oh, sister, sometimes I still shiver at the premise of our security hinging on Pinkie Pie’s diligence. I know she is entirely capable, but her methods can be quite … unorthodox.”

“I understand the feeling, Lulu, but you know she will do a great job as usual.”


“If the matter is resolved, I believe we should all retire for the night as it is almost time for the Lunar court to begin.”

“Yes, I agree,” Luna added.

The party of alicorns rose from their seats to gather and wish each other a peaceful night. Luna broke away from the group and approached the doors to the main castle halls with David.

“I believe we had a good night tonight, dear. You must have truly made a favorable impression upon Twilight as well. But, for now, I must cut our conversation short, as court will not wait. May I come to you as the night grows long?”

“I would like that. Feel free to enter as you wish, I will be there.”

“Thank you, love.”

With that, David bent down and kissed Luna briefly, cupping her face at the jawline.

They then separated, with only smiles between them.

Unknowingly, the remaining two members from dinner were looking on from the sidelines, eyes fixed on the display that was presented. Twilight stood rapt, a small blush on her cheeks. Likewise, Celestia found herself spellbound with the two, but with a rather emotionless expression instead. As they saw the two part from their embrace, they quickly recomposed themselves and sheepishly turned away.

Having said her goodbyes, Luna turned and left through the main doors toward the throne room, and David walked back to rejoin the group as they proceeded through the doors to the royal halls. The three entered into a small chat as they approached their respective rooms.

“Well, Sir David, I hope you will forgive me, but I must retire for the evening. It has been quite the day after all,” Celestia said, wearing her trademark smile.

“I can agree with that as well. I am extremely tired. Also not getting much exercise is slowing me down quite a bit.”

“Oh, that is something I did not take into consideration. Perhaps we can orchestrate some sort of outing for you soon, though it would require some very special preparations and protections. Twilight, would you make a small effort into devising such an excursion? Perhaps you could brainstorm with David a bit and find out what activities would be appropriate.”

“I can do that! David, do you think we could talk tomorrow, perhaps with Rarity as well?”

“That sounds fine. Do you have an idea of when she will arrive?”

“Probably around ten in the morning.”

“Okay. Please come get me when she is here,” he said as they approached the intersection leading to David’s quarters. “Good night, Princess Celestia, Twilight.”

“Goodnight, Sir David.”

“‘Night, David!”

With that, David turned down the hall, while the rest of the group separated to retire to their own rooms for a good night’s rest.


David woke up unexpectedly. His eyes opened wide, he quickly scanned the room to find the cause of his interrupted slumber. To his surprise and much joy, rather than see, he felt a warm body pressed up against his back.

“Did I wake you?” Luna asked.

“Yes, but don’t worry. I don’t think I mind if it’s you.”

“I am sorry, I tried to be quiet, but it seems I shook the bed when I snuck in.”

“That’s okay,” David said, rolling over to face his marefriend. “Did court just end?”

“Yes, moments ago. I could not wait to come see you, even though your sleep was so peaceful. Forgive this selfish mare who knows just how much rest you are lacking.”

“Now, Luna, I told you not to worry, so there is nothing to forgive you for, but if you want to improve my mood, come up here and kiss me, silly.”

A beautiful smile snuck up on Luna and took control. Giddy, she pawed at the sheets on the bed with her hooves as she scooted up toward the headboard.

David looked down at her in wonder, she was positively glowing. A youthful exuberance beamed from her smile and her excited actions.

She crept as close as she possibly could to David without their lips touching and stared deep into his eyes. Luna’s eyes danced around his face, looking at him in bits and pieces as her racing heartbeat exaggerated their movements. She was panting rapidly, her hot breath tickling David’s nose, begging to be stopped by his own lips.

David looked on, entranced by her energy, her charm, and the love in her eyes. Her expression kept changing, sometimes playful, beckoning to him, sometimes is was curious, wondering when he would indulge her. The restlessness of her mind showed in every fiber of her body— the shifting of her hindquarters, the ruffling of her feathers, the way she reflexively pulled at the bed with her forehooves, attempting to gain ground where there was none left to gain. Still waiting for her partner, she cocked her head slightly as if asking a question. David took this as his moment to pounce.

David had been secretly waiting, tensing his muscles across his body, preparing for his time to spring into action. He thrust his body forward to meet his mare, gently tackling her and rolling her onto her back.

Now poised above her, he straddled her body with his arms and legs preventing any possible escape and stared again into her eyes.

Now it was his breath she felt on her muzzle, her own was held in surprise and anticipation. As his body settled in on her chest, she moaned slightly, being forced to let out the breath she kept.

David pushed forward and closed the gap between their lips. He kissed her with strength and love, denying her both movement and a moment to breathe. Luna felt the need for air, but instead, she pushed into the kiss herself. They chose not to break apart, their energy being shared between them. Both fought a valiant battle as their bodies started to demand separation.

Neither wishing to give up, they closed their lips to each other and simply pressed together as they fought back the urge to take the first breath in a playful challenge.

David was the first to break. He gasped, finally able to answer his body’s orders. Hearing his defeat, Luna too gave in and gulped in air to refuel herself.

“Oh, David,” Luna said panting, “you are wild like the Everfree. How I do enjoy your willingness to meet my expectations.”

Still catching his breath, David simply leaned over Luna and licked her nose, causing her to scrunch up her muzzle at the odd sensation.

“I’m just glad you are so playful, Luna. Obviously, there is a bit of youth inside me, it will always be willing to play with you—if you are wanting.”

“And indeed I will. My love for you continues to blossom as we explore each other. Now hold me, my David. Let me rest upon your chest as we lay together.”

David acquiesced to his lover’s request. Reaching below her, he scooped up her body in an embrace and rolled onto his back, pulling her gently on top of him.

Their positions now reversed, she lay on top, sprawled out against his flesh. Resting her head against his chest, she listened as his heartbeat began to slow to normal.

“David…” Luna said in a somber tone.


“I want you to hear me out on something… please.”

David’s heart began to pound, and his brow furrowed with concern. “Of course, what is it?” he said as he stared at the ceiling. Gently, he started gently stroking Luna's head and mane, more to reassure himself than for her pleasure.

“Ohh, that feels nice. Keep doing that."

“Mmm,” David mumbled.

“You know I like you very much, yes?”

“And I you,” he replied.

“Well, I am afraid that our relationship is affecting my dear sister.”


“Fear not, but I want you to watch yourself around Tia. I think she is becoming somewhat jealous.”

“Really? Does she disapprove of us?”

“No. That is not it.”

“What is it then?”

“Do you recall how well she took Twilight’s news at dinner?”

“Yes. She accepted the changes without issue and didn’t say anything more about it.”

“Quite, but that was not what I felt from her. She was… hiding.”

“Hiding something?”

“No, not exactly something. She, herself, was hiding. Avoiding is perhaps a better word.”

“And you think that is because of jealousy?”

“Perhaps. We know each other quite well, and it is difficult for us to mislead the other, though we practice at it almost daily.”

“Oh, is that why you tease and prank each other?

“It is, exactly. We are somewhat alike, and even our differences are well known between us. We use these games to both test and strengthen our bonds and gain some distance.”

“So what do you think is causing the jealousy?”

Luna paused. “I believe she may come to like you more than she realizes.”

“Wait, what!? She isn’t jealous of me taking you away, but jealous of you!? Why?”

“As I said, as different as we are, we are somewhat similar is certain aspects. We see those before us with keen eyes and desire some of the same qualities in them. Being alone for so long, with only each other to keep company—now that I have found someone to spend time with, I do not doubt that she feels the vacuum I have placed her in.

“But there are tons of other ponies around every day…”

“True, and some have been seen as attractive to both myself and my sister, but none have the combination of qualities you possess. Your kind personality, willingness to help, bravery to look every ruling princess in the eyes and tell them what you think. You do not seem to understand yet how much you have opened yourself up to us, laid yourself bare. You make us want to do the same. That is something I know both of us want. I wanted you, was bold, and took a chance. I believe Tia to be more reserved and will battle with herself over such a decision, but she may do the same.”

“I am not sure how to react to that.”

“In time you will. But may I be a little selfish in asking a request?”

“Of course Luna, what is it?”

“You do not have to honor it, it is just something I want you to consider.”

David nodded.

“If Tia were to make an overture, a move on you, please accept it.”

“I was not expecting that.”

“No, I suppose not. But I do mean it. That is, I am not giving you away, and my sister would not think of coming between us. So what I am truly saying is, that if my sister desires you as well, I would like us to share.”

“What?” David intoned drolly.

“Does this surprise you?”

“To say the least.”

“May I ask why?”

“I, uh, I’m monogamous?”

“Oh. In Equestria, most couples are as well. You will note, though, that I did not share you with Cherry. But it was not too long ago that herding was much more common.

“You mean multiple, uh, together?”

“Yes. Herding usually consists of a matriarchal, polygynous family unit. Though there are more available stallions now, reproduction was somewhat difficult in the past.”

“I see.”

“So yes, I believe if Celestia approaches you, we could have a loving family of the three of us. That is, unless it would bother you that we two are sisters. I suppose that would make us sororal polygynists.”

“I’m going to need time to absorb all this.”

“Oh. Well, do not think too long. Hearts wait for nopony,” Luna chimed merrily.

Finally having said her piece, Luna stretched her neck up to meet David and kissed him on the cheek. She then rolled off the top of his barrel and snuggled up close against his chest, resting peacefully as she listened to the rhythms of David’s body. The two lay there together, David lost in thought and Luna wandering the dreamscape. Exhaustion taking hold of them both, they drifted off to sleep.
