Behind the Curtain

by starbright154

The Master Plan

"Flim and Flam," I said through gritted teeth.
These two again? I thought. After what had happened back in Ponyville. Their sly tricks were stunning, I must admit, but their lying and manipulation to my friends and family was just unacceptable.
"I know you and your family have had problems with Flim and Flam in the past, but any friendship problem is worth fixing, right?
"I suppose that's true," I said, lowering my head," For anypony but those two!"
Fluttershy sighed, but I just couldn't allow my self to help them.
"I will search this hotel top to bottom if I have to so I can find another friendship problem."
I galloped away quickly before she could see a pink blush appear on my orange fur. She could never know the truth of why I didn't want to help the twins.
Just because I can't tell Fluttershy, I guess I could explain my predicament to you while walking throughout the hotel.
I like Flim.
I know what you're thinking,"How in the wide, wide world of Equestria could Applejack like Flim?!"
Well, it's complicated. You see, when they came with the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, I was impressed by it, but after realizing their plan, I completely denied them partnering with us. When me and family got into a circle to discuss what we thought of the plan, Flim and Flam joined us with Flim holding up my right hoof.
I couldn't help but notice how warm is hoof was in mine and how it seemed to be the perfect fit to my own.
Although they were complete and total jerks, I just couldn't resist not feeling upset when they left. Ever since then, I just hoped they would come back.
When the twins came back once again to sell that tonic, I was ecstatic, but I kept it to myself, not wanting anyone else to know my feelings for a conman.
At one point when I was arguing with them, Flim had put is hoof around me, and I began to think if he liked me, too. Of course, that wasn't possible, considering I had ran them out of town.
After making my around the hotel, I found out that the acrobatic and animal act were both fighting a lot and that they would be better off working somewhere else. I already had my suspicions on who it could be.
I found Fluttershy near one of the casino games and told her what I had found. She told me it was a total bust for her because the twins wouldn't talk to each other.
"I think it's Gladmane himself," I suggested,"It seems that with the two acts here, it does more good for him than if the acts were somewhere else."
"Well, how are we supposed to prove to everyone that Gladmane is treating friendship likes its nothing?"
"I don't know but maybe we can get him to admit it himself but how?"
"Maybe we could get a trickster to trick a him...or a pair of tricksters," Fluttershy said, with emphasis on "a pair" while pointing at the twins who were arguing.
"Fine," I said, giving in,"I guess getting Flim and Flam to be friends again might be why we're here. Maybe."
To be honest, I was overjoyed at a chance to work with Flim.
We walked over towards the twins, who were now standing at the podiums assigned to them.
After explaining to Flim and Flam what we thought was going on at the hotel, they agreed to help.
Once we got ready to perform our act for Gladmane, I waited behind the curtains for Flim, Flam, and Fluttershy to finish the first part of the plan.
The plan was to get Gladmane frustrated with the fact that some competition, Impossibly Rich, was trying to run him out of business. Fluttershy was Impossibly Rich and Flam was with her to help her out. Flim's job was to get Gladmane to the game floor where Impossibly Rich was going to be seen.
After a few minutes of waiting, Flim sneaked back through the curtains, careful not to let anyone, especially Gladmane, see him. Now that it was just Flim and me, I began to feel my butterflies in my stomach.
"So Applejack," Flim said, causing me to jump from it being so quiet,"How is the farm?"
"It's doing great. The whole family's doing their part, and Applebloom finally got her cutie mark."
Why was I telling him this information? I don't know, but it was a lot better than sitting in complete silence.
"That's good to hear," Flim said, coming closer to me,"To be honest,"He laughed to himself," I'm sorry for what me and my brother did to your family. Trying to take your farm and then giving Granny Smith that fake tonic, I realized after we left Ponyville for good that what we did was awful. I understand if it will take a while for you to trust me and my brother, but I'm willing to do whatever the cost may be to become better pony to you and your family."
Flim hung is head and had his ears pinned back. It was obvious he was telling the truth, so I reached out my hoof and placed it on his shoulder. He looked up as I began talking.
"To be honest," I said, both of us giving a grin at our inside joke,"I enjoyed your guys antics. Although you guys did some rotten things, I'm able to forgive you of your past actions. Although, I do expect you and your brother to apologize to the rest of my family, as well."
"Thank you, Applejack. I truly am grateful at another chance to be a friend to you."
Flim pulled me in for hug, and I returned the gesture. It felt so good to have his hoofs wrapped around me. I nuzzled slightly against his chest to show I'm more than willing to become a friend to him, as well.
We stayed like this until we heard Fluttershy and Flam returning. I felt a blush begin to appear on my cheeks, and I glanced up at Flim who had a small blush beginning to appear on his cheeks, too. I don't know how Fluttershy and Flam didn't notice our blushing on our light-colored fur as they walked in.
Fluttershy walked in first, with Flam right behind her.
"Are you guys sure this is a good idea?" Fluttershy asked.
"Why of course it is," Flam chimed in,"With us brothers working together-"
"-No one can outsmart us," Flim said, finishing his brother's sentence.
"I can believe that," I said.
"Mr. Gladmane wants to see me in his office for a few minutes, so you guys just stay here. Part two of the plan will begin shortly."
Flam left the curtains and walked his way to the office.