(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act X - Twilight Sparkle, Ph.D.

Act X - Twilight Sparkle, Ph.D.

Luna’s eyes opened slowly. She was happy, warm and content. She felt the arm of her lover around her, gently holding her in his embrace as they spooned on the bed. It wasn’t as she remembered falling asleep yet it was an improvement. Luna found herself clutching David’s arm in her forehooves and was curled into a tight ball, her back pressed against his chest. She looked over at the clock and noted the time; it was almost five in the afternoon, only an hour before Twilight would meet with David.

‘Drat. David must arise and prepare for Twilight’s arrival. I suppose I should awaken him.’

Luna stretched slightly and pressed her head under David’s chin, nuzzling him. “David…”

There was no response from the sleeping man.

She looked down at his arm in her clutches and nuzzled his palm, kissing it lightly.

“Mmmph,” David mumbled.

“David,” Luna said in a hushed voice, tempting him back to consciousness.

David did not move.

Luna turned back to David’s hand and nudged it more forcefully. Smiling, she brought her muzzle to his fingertips and licked them gently, hoping the sensation would stir him to life.

Still nothing.

Boldness empowering her, she took a finger into her mouth and lovingly suckled on the digit. Rolling her tongue around it, she found an unexpected flavor. It should not have surprised her, but she discovered not only the taste of her man but also that of her own essence.

It didn't disgust her, but rather brought warm memories of earlier to the forefront of her mind. She continued to administer her loving caresses as she explored David’s hand, her surroundings long forgotten.

“Hello there, Luna,” David said, stilling the mare in her ministrations.

Luna tightened her lips around David’s fingers, and while sucking lightly, she slowly extracted them from her mouth, expertly removing the excess moisture from them as they left her grasp.

“Good afternoon, my David. Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, and you?”

“Like I have not in years. It was only a small rest, but it was magical.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” David said.

Luna gently rolled to face David. “It is unfortunate, but I believe our time together now must be cut short. You must arise and prepare for your meeting with Twilight.”

“I will, but first, come here.”

Luna shuffled towards David’s face, her lips already puckered, waiting for his kiss. They met and enjoyed what would hopefully be the first of many kisses after waking together. Parting, they smiled, basking in each other’s love.

David then leaned down, and grasping her right hoof, brought it to his lips and kissed it at the coronet band with as much care as he could.

“Oh, I see someone has not learned their lesson!” Luna teased.

David looked confused. “What do you mean?”

“Oh my, I fear I am only one of many mares that will feel your loving touch. What am I to do?” Luna said, dramatically bringing her hoof to her forehead.

“You’ve heard, then.”

“Yes, completely. It was such a juicy morsel. I did not think I would get to revel in it again so soon.

“But how?”

“Oh, well when I awoke this afternoon, I was already no longer sore about our earlier confrontation, but I was terribly hungry. I went to the kitchen for a bite, what I found there was more of a meal than I could have hoped.”


“Yes, she is such pretty young mare, is she not?”


“Please, do not shy away from me. I know you are extremely loyal, she even said so herself.”

“Oh crap. Am I in trouble?”

“Hardly. Cherry is one of the most trusted and loyal ponies in the castle. When I went for nourishment, she fed me, then immediately told me of how you two ‘washed up’ together. Though you seemed to provide a bit of ‘trouble’ for her, I do not have any qualms about her lingering affection for you.”

“Trouble,” David mumbled. “I’m sorry Luna, I’ve figured out that I can be a bit of a flirt. I didn’t mean to do that, it’s just part of who I was used to being.”

“Hahaha, that is quite alright. I like watching you make them squirm a bit. It shows that I have chosen well. Good stock, good humor, good lover. I am lucky to be yours.”

“And I yours as well. Are you sure you are not upset or even a little jealous?”

“Oh, quite sure. If anything, it was my encounter with Cherry that made me so painfully repentant of my earlier actions. Simply put, I do not see them here in your bed, and you will not find others in mine,” Luna said, nuzzling David lovingly.

“That’s more than I expected, but I will try to keep myself a bit more restrained.”

“That is all well and good, but do not become boring. I like you for who you are.” Luna placed a small kiss on his neck.


“Well, it is about time you get ready, how about you go take a shower?”

“Yes. I’ll do that. You don’t…” David grinned at her.

“I would like that, but you would never make it to see Twilight,” Luna said with a straight face. “And I do not want to make her wait. It does not do good for her.”

“Okay. So, will I see you later?”

“If time allows.”

“Could I ask for a favor?”

“Of course.”

“Would it be possible to have my clothes from last night laundered? I would like to wear them tonight, but they are dirty from sleeping in them.”

“I will send one of my housekeeping staff to take them as well as your linens. They know to be… discrete.”

“Ah. Thank you.”

“Think nothing of it. I will also arrange for them to come by daily to clean and wash your effects. Would that be acceptable?”

“Yes. That sounds great.”

“Well then, I will see you at dinner tonight with Twilight and my sister. Be sure to be on your best behavior.”

“Oh, is there something I should know of?”

“No, only that I want Cherry to feel comfortable, as I am not sure how my sister would take to her personal chef being successfully wooed by my lover.”

“Oh boy.”

“Indeed. It will, no doubt, be a wonderful night!” Luna laughed a bit to herself.

Luna stood from the bed and hopped off gently. She looked back at David, then flicked her tail to the side for a moment to give him a little show, causing him to blush.

“Good,” she said. “You know what I am, who I am and do not shy away. I feel we will learn much more about each other.” She winked.

Luna then silently donned her regalia, turned and bowed slightly to David, then blinked out of existence.

“Whew.” ‘She really knows how to get my motor running. I’m surprised at how normal this all seems. I suppose if you have an equal footing of intelligence, emotions, and morals, there isn’t much difference between humans and talking magical ponies. I wonder if the same can be said for the other races in and around Equestria. Better not dwell on it too much, though. I don’t need to overanalyze falling in love, I guess it just happens… despite our differences.’

Lost in thought, David made his way to the shower and prepared for his meeting with the youngest princess, Twilight Sparkle.


David finished penning another journal entry just as he heard a particular click as the clock on his dresser snapped softly, indicating the hour at hand.

Knock, knock, knock.

“Come in,” David called, setting his papers aside and waiting patiently on his bed.

The door swung open, revealing two royal guard ponies. They walked in, then flanked the door. The lead guard looked quite gruff; the other was very young. After taking their posts, the gruff guard took in a deep breath.

“Announcing Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship!” he bellowed.

Walking through the doorway was none other than Twilight Sparkle, the most recognizable figure in Equestria as far as David was concerned.

Twilight entered the room and looked at the gruff guard. “Thank you, but I keep telling you that isn’t necessary.” Turning to David, she bowed slightly. “Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle. It’s very nice to finally meet you, Sir David of Earth.”

“It’s my pleasure, Princess Twilight,” David greeted in return.

“Oh, please, Twilight is fine.”

“Okay, please call me David as well.”

“Sure! Well, now that introductions are out of the way, would you mind if we go somewhere a bit more comfortable to talk?”

“Sounds good. Do you have a place in mind?”

“There is a nice study in the Royal Observatory, would that be okay?”

“Sure. Please lead the way.”

David rose from the bed, standing to his full height. Now towering over Twilight, the young princess backed away slightly, staring up at the human as he loomed above her. The guards sensed her discomfort and took a tentative step forward.

Finally, Twilight caught up to the moment, and also stepped forward to David. She spread her wings, forcing the guards back.

“Sorry, I was a little surprised at your height. I’ve only seen you lying down before,” she said.

“That’s alright, I’m sure it’s not easy craning your neck up to see me as well, let’s go find a place to sit so we can talk,” David attempted to reassure the young mare.

Twilight smiled and walked back to the door. David followed her, dipping his head slightly as he left his room. The guards looked at each other questioningly, then followed the two out, closing David’s door behind them.


As the group walked the corridor down to the main hall, the young guard caught up to Twilight and David and began to chat. “So, Sir David—”

“David is fine,” he corrected.

“Sorry, Sir, protocol. I was just going to say that I heard you’ve met the other princesses, but Princess Twilight is somewhat of a celebrity. Did you know that?”


“She sure is! Before I signed up for the guard, she was already well-known as Princess Celestia’s private student, and she even stayed here in the castle while she was taking lessons.”

“Really?” David humored him.

The gruff guard snorted. “Now don’t bother the Princesses’ guest, cadet!”

“Yes, sir,” the young guard responded, his head snapping back to the front.

The group fell silent for the few short moments it took to walk through the halls.

“Well, we’re here!” Twilight called out, approaching a large door.

The gruff guard circled around the group and opened the door for Twilight, standing at attention.

“Thank you,” she said, “but I can take it from here. You are dismissed.”

“But, Princess,” he argued.

“No buts. David is safe with me, and I can take care of myself.”

“Yes, Princess.”

“Thank you,” Twilight replied. “After you.” She motioned to David while holding the door open with her magic.

David stepped inside the lower floor of the observatory. It was a rather open layout, with several corridors made of bookshelves on one side, and a small lounge area on the other. He could see light coming from the far wall, which appeared to be lined with windows.

After closing the main door, Twilight approached him from behind. “Sorry about that, I still don’t feel at ease around guards. They’ve practically been around me forever!” she said with a slightly manic grin.

“That’s okay, Twilight. I don’t think I’d like it if I was followed everywhere either.”

Twilight continued past David and made her way to the lounge area, looking around as she walked.

“When I lived in the castle, I spent a lot of time here. I loved studying astronomy and reading books, and it was available night or day. But what am I rambling on about? Please, come take a seat.”

David walked over to the assortment of chairs and pillows and eyed a large wing-back chair.

“Please, you first,” David offered.

“Well, if you insist. I see what I’ve heard about your chivalrous nature wasn’t exaggerated,” she said as she looked over the arrangements.

Soon Twilight walked up to a long, purple couch and clambered up on top. She carefully lay down and looked over to David. David smiled in response and sat down in the wing-back chair opposite her couch.

“I suppose I have some catching up to do,” Twilight started. “I have heard bits and pieces from Cadance, but I only know of your physical characteristics first-hoof.”

“Oh, yes. I suppose it’s hard to get a read on a person when they are asleep.”

“Hehe, sorry about that.”

“Yes, well, I forgive you. I got your letter and package, by the way. Thank you very much for both.”

“It was nothing. I mean, I thought I should try to do something after experimenting on you like that.”

“It was a nice thought. But since you know so much about me physically, why don’t you tell me what you’ve learned,” David suggested.

“What? I… I mean, yes—I did study you, but you know… I wasn’t really studying you or anything. You are an excellent specimen, and the first human, and… I was just doing research!!” Twilight said, her voice cracking a bit under stress.

“Actually, sorry. Don’t answer that. I’m trying not to be so… flirty, or tease as much.”

“Huh?” Twilight said, somewhat bewildered.

“I’m sorry. Maybe we should talk about something else,” David suggested.

“Hahaha, okay. All okay, don’t worry. Mind if we talk a bit about magic?”

David nodded. “Sounds good.”

“First,” Twilight said, levitating a pad of paper and a quill to her side, “how do you feel? Do you feel any different from before you came here?”

“No, I don’t think so. I mean, I’ve been a bit surprised and sometimes in shock, but considering all that has happened, that’s probably expected.”

“How about physically? Any sickness, or strange sensations?”

“Teleporting is kind of jarring. I find that anytime I’m teleported somewhere, I close my eyes. Actually, I do it anytime anyone else teleports too.”

“Oh, that’s completely normal,” Twilight responded as she jotted down some notes. “So, have you noticed any changes in anypony around you?”

“That’s hard to say. I haven’t really gotten to know many in the castle yet,” David replied.

“Okay, who do you know? Have you met anypony new?”

“Well, I’ve spent the most time with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, but I’ve also met Princess Cadance as well. I’ve probably seen a few guards multiple times, but I don’t know any names yet.”

“Mhmm, good. Is that all?”

“Oh, and this morning I met the head chef, Cherry Topping. She’s very nice and we talked about baking. That’s all I think.”

“Right, okay. Would you be willing to let me scan you for possible changes in the magical anomalies?”

“Of course. Actually, I would appreciate that.”

“Great!” Twilight said, promptly jumping off the couch.

Twilight closed her eyes and concentrated. Her magic swelled up, and a purple aura began to form around her. She then opened her eyes, now completely white with power.

“Hmm,” she started. “Please stand.”

David stood up and held his arms at his side, waiting for Twilight to conclude her exam.

“Oh my,” she said.

“What? Is something wrong?”

“Just a moment, let me try this new spell I’ve created that may let us both see what is going on.”

Twilight powered her horn and concentrated for a moment, then bent her head toward David and released the spell.

“There,” she said, letting her powers subside and returning to normal.

David looked down at a faint light in front of him. From his point of view, he could see a glow in his chest and two tendrils of energy connected to it, gently flowing in the space around him.

“Can you see it?” Twilight asked.

“Yes. There is a glowing spot and two… things connected to me. One is dark blue, the other is a light golden color.”

“Good. I can see them too now, even without having to focus in a trance. This is great!”

“It is?”

“Oh, well it’s good that the spell worked. It will be a lot easier to check up on you now.”

“That’s nice I suppose.”

“Yes, well I didn’t expect for there to be two connections. That part is new.”

“News to me as well,” David quipped.

“You have definitely accumulated more magic now as well, the spot on your chest is a bit brighter than before. We’ll call that your magical pool; it represents your potential.

“Your potential seems to be the same, but the quantity of magic has grown. This may be due to the number of connections made, and possibly the strength of those connections. The amount of magical energy stored has approximately tripled from what it was when I first examined you. Even with the amount increasing so much, you still have a lot less than anypony in Equestria, so I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.

“Would you please come over to the windows for a moment?” Twilight asked.

David followed her to the windows, which showed a view of almost all the castle grounds. Floating in the air, David saw the two ribbons of magic heading in separate directions. Unfortunately, he couldn’t tell where they went exactly, for they faded into the distance.

“Hmm,” Twilight mumbled.


“Well, we knew that Luna had formed a seemingly permanent connection to you, but now there’s another. They are both feeding you magic, each a very small amount. This blue connection is most likely Luna’s. See how the ribbon floats over towards the royal quarters?”

“Yes. Where does the other one go?”

“Uh, it seems… it seems to be pointing to the throne room. I think you’re also receiving magic from Princess Celestia as well, now.”

“Oh,” David said dejectedly.

“Cadance had mentioned to me in a letter that Celestia said she had experienced a magic draw, but Cadance herself did not see a connection at the dinner. But don’t worry, I’m sure Celestia will be okay with this development. Probably.”

“Thanks. Lots of confidence there.”

“Sorry. Also, the state of the original magical conduit has changed. The blue one is now much more stable, and with its stability, the shape and color have changed as well.”

“How so?”

“At first, it was a pale blue and seemed kind of wispy. Now… well, you can see for yourself. It’s much darker and well-defined. It looks like a broad ribbon of lace… kinda pretty if you ask me.”


“The other one, Celestia’s I assume, is still very thin, and seems more like yarn or a frayed cord. It’s possible that the connection is still somewhat new. Can you tell me exactly what interactions you’ve had with anypony in the last day since the council decision was made?”

“I suppose.” David glanced at the floor pensively and started collecting his thoughts.

“Good, thanks. Anything may be important. But let’s sit back down, no need to be uncomfortable.” Twilight smiled.

The went back to the study, the magic connections slowly fading out of sight.

David started, “After I was notified of the council’s decision, Princess Celestia and Luna asked me to dinner. Before I got ready, though, Luna and I, well… talked.”

“Was there any contact?”

“Um, yes, but it’s a bit private.”

“If it is okay with you, please tell me the details. I will be discrete,” Twilight reassured him.

“Okay. After Princess Celestia had left, Luna hugged me, and we talked for a bit. Then we kissed for a while.”

Twilight looked at David, a small blush on her face. She shook it off and turned back to her pad to make a note.

“After that, we separated, and I got ready for dinner.”

“Was that all?” Twilight inquired.

“Well, we didn’t exactly have contact per se, but while we were at dinner, Luna kinda teased me under the table.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t follow.”

“She put her hoof in my lap.”

“Oh… OH!” Twilight gasped. “That probably isn’t relevant.”

“Okay. A bit later, Princess Celestia and Luna got in a small argument—”

“Yes, I heard that much from Cadance. It seems you’ve gained Luna’s trust and permission to court her.”

“Yes. That much is true.”

“I think I have an account of the rest of dinner. Was there anything after?

“Princess Celestia and Luna returned me to my room. Luna had to go to court, and gave me a small kiss goodnight as she left.”

“And Princess Celestia?”

“She stayed around for a moment.”


David sighed. “You know that talk you get when you start dating someone with a protective parent, sibling, or friend?”

“Uh, not personally, no. But I think I understand.”

“Well, Princess Celestia had a talk with me. I was pretty shaken by it but made it through okay. She even acknowledged me as a legitimate suitor of Luna’s.”

“Wow. I’m glad I wasn’t in your shoes.”

“You have no idea.”

“And that’s it?”

“Actually, no. I was starting to get really down, and I kinda begged her to stay and talk with me. That might have been a mistake, though.”


“She humored me. She said she would stay and talk with me until I felt better, which she did and I’m very grateful for it too. We were even able to go over my writing and see if our written languages are similar… which they aren’t, but we made quite a bit of headway and talked for a long time.”

“Why was that bad?”

“Well, my old room was…  ugh. We went to her chambers to talk.”

“Oh. And you felt that was inappropriate?”

“Yes, but she reassured me, and then we had that really long talk, but I messed up. I didn’t notice how much of a bother I was being and she—well, I bored her to sleep.”

Mahaha, heh.” Twilight stopped and cleared her throat. “Sorry. Don’t worry, I’ve done that many times.”

“Yes, well you aren’t a complete stranger in the Princess’s private quarters, alone, with her asleep.”

“What did you do?” Twilight asked curiously.

“What could I do? She wouldn’t wake up when I called to her, so I went to sleep too. As far away as possible.”

“Perhaps that was the best choice.”

“Well, Luna didn’t think so. She found us some hours later when I wasn’t in my room and covered for us. Then, when Princess Celestia woke up, Luna let her have it. It was not pretty, and she wouldn’t listen to either of us. Luckily, she calmed down and apologised earlier this afternoon.”

“Whew. Please tell me that’s all.”

“Not exactly. Princess Celestia and I kept a good rapport, and she invited me to breakfast, which was great. We had a long, interesting discussion about the differences in our two worlds. Nothing too serious, though, mostly just comparative.”

“Again, did you have any contact with Celestia?”

“Well, after breakfast, she called me over to her chair. She apparently was worried that I was feeling lost and alone, and she hugged me with her wing and kinda nuzzled me a bit. It was really comforting, and I appreciated it, but nothing more.”

“Hmm. Is that the first physical contact you’ve had with her?”

“I think so, why?”

“It may be important,” Twilight said, furiously scribbling notes on her pad.“So that’s the last of it, yes?”

“Nope! After Princess Celestia had left for court, I met with the head chef, Cherry Topping. We had a lot of fun and talked a bit about food and baking. She also kinda told me I was flirty, and that she had a bit of a crush on me.”


“Oh, I forgot something about breakfast. When the kitchen staff and Cherry came out to serve us, I was introduced to Cherry by Princess Celestia. I made a little social faux pas, though.”

“Oh please,” Twilight said in a huff.

“She went to shake hooves and instead I kissed her hoof.”

“Oh, horseapp—”

“But we talked it out after breakfast, and everything is fine. Cherry knows I’m with Luna and isn’t interested, just a little flustered is all.”

“Now we have to scan Cherry too,” Twilight said, scribbling more and more notes.


“Well, at least the second connection isn’t Cherry’s.”

“How do you know?”

“She’d be in the kitchens right now, not in the main castle near the throne room. I still stand behind my assumption that your new connection is with Celestia.”

“Oh, ok.”

“So that’s all that’s happened today?”


“Fine. One sec, I need more paper.”

Twilight powered her horn, and another pad appeared out of thin air. “Continue,” she demanded.

“Well, the rest is kind of private.”

“I said I would be discrete, didn’t I?”

“Yes, well… I went back to my room and took a nap. A few hours ago, Luna woke up and then came to apologise, as I said before. We reconciled and then we made out for a while.”

“Oh, well that’s not bad.”

“Yeah, but after that, we got a little heated and fooled around a bit.”

“I guess that’s normal. Is that all?”

“We kinda… it was a bit more sexual than that.”

“Okay, stop right there!” Twilight said, obviously strained by the turn of events. “Just skip the details. Was there, did you…”

“We did not. But she was satisfied.”

“I am not fit for this kind of study,” Twilight said to herself. “Did she have any magical emissions?” Twilight asked, hiding her face with the notepad.

“Yes, but only before…”

“Yes, well I suppose she had to hold back; alicorn magic is extremely powerful,” Twilight added.

“And her scream shook the room. If it wasn’t warded, I thought there would be damage.”

“Again, a little more than I needed to know, but I’ll note it nonetheless.”

“Sorry,” David said sheepishly. “After that, we went to sleep. Then got up, took a shower, and then you came.”


“Yes, well, you wanted to know everything.”

“I did, and I still do. I will take this all into consideration, and will keep it as private as possible. It seems that you’ve spent quite a bit of time with Princess Celestia, but you’re a lot closer to Princess Luna. We should talk to them more about the change in connections soon. You will be coming to dinner, right?”


“Good, let’s tell them then. The sooner, the better. I can also teach them the new spell to keep track of the connections.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Oh, that reminds me. I have another gift for you from my friend,” Twilight said, then closed her eyes while casting a spell.

A moment later, a large box appeared in front of Twilight. She took it in her magic, then offered it to David.

David took the box and opened the lid. “Ah, more clothes from Rarity? You’ll have to thank her for me, her last outfits were great.”

“So you do know everything,” Twilight said.

“No, not at all. But I do have a rather unique insight into some events and peop—I mean ponies’ lives.”

“And you know about me too, right? Celestia told me about your stories. She said you probably know more about some things than I do, and I’ve lived through them!”

“I don’t know. Princess Celestia tells me that what I know is true, but they are just stories to me.”

“Can you tell me about something I’ve experienced? I want to see what kind of insight you have.”

“Okay, let me think for a second.

“I think I have an example. I know it’s not probably your favorite topic, but right before you were confronted by Tirek, I know you went to the middle of the Everfree to try to learn to control the extra magic you had. Did you ever write or tell stories about what happened there?”

“No, I don’t think so, but my friends all know that I went into the Everfree, that isn’t a secret at all.”

David shook his head. “Just wait. I know a bit of what you went through while you were there. I saw how you struggled with, tried, and succeeded to perform one perfect teleportation, that is until—”

“Oh no.”

“Until you teleported all around Equestria. You landed on a tower here in Canterlot, took a trip to Neighagra Falls, rode some buffalo in Appleloosa, and then landed right in the middle of a pair of boulders.”

“But, you couldn’t… I never told anypony about that, not even Celestia.”

“Neither have I, but I saw it. I don’t know how much of it might be true, but it’s what I’ve seen.”

“That. Is. Amazing! What else can you tell me?”

“I could tell you a lot of things, but I dare say that it would be best for me to say nothing at all. Princess Celestia and I agree that the less that I say, the better. I will gladly share with all of the princesses if they ask, but please don’t tell anyone else. Also, let me be clear, I cannot see or know any more than I already do. I only know of things in the past.”

“Okay. Tell me more about how you ‘watched’ these stories. The detail you have is incredible.”

“Well, in my world, a lot of information is shared through moving pictures with sound—”

“Oh, like a film or movie?”

“Yes, almost exactly like that, but we have the technology to transmit these images and sound in real-time across our world for anyone to see, or we can record the same thing quite easily and send it to millions to watch later.”

“I don’t understand, how could you send it to so many at one time?”

“Part of the growth of our culture, our ‘information culture,’ is due to our advanced technology. A big part of that is something called the Internet, an electronic network that can send information at high speeds over very great distances. The information is stored electronically, and can be accessed by almost anyone who has access to the Internet.”

Twilight furrowed her brow.

“Sorry, it’s actually quite hard to explain,” David said.

“That’s okay,” Twilight said, looking a little crestfallen.

“Actually, you sent me a message using a recorded image with some kind of magic, right?”


“Well, imagine sending that message to someone by using Spike’s dragon fire. That’s pretty fast, right?”

“Uh huh.”

“Okay, now what if you were able to send the message, not on the paper, but instead you actually found a way to pass the magic of the recording through Spike’s magical flame. Instead of sending something physical, the recording becomes a bit of information in the magic. That’s what we do, but with electricity.”

“Oh. So when you said you transmit an image as it happens, you just record and send the message at the same time?”

“Basically, yes. There is a small delay, but it is something we put up with.”

“Ugh. Electricity. Why can’t we do everything with magic?” Twilight said, sounding a bit exasperated.

“Well, there’s nothing saying you can’t. I bet you will make great technological strides using magic.”

“I hope so. Oh, but it seems we don’t have much time left to talk now. Are you going to try on one of Rarity’s gifts for tonight’s dinner?”

“Maybe. I’ll have to see what she has sent this time. One of the outfits in the last gift is a little formal, so I haven’t gotten to use it yet.”

“That’s too bad, but I understand what you mean. Sometimes Rarity’s designs are a little too flashy for everyday wear.”

“I bet. Oh, while we’re on the subject, do you suppose I could ask Rarity to make me something specific?”

“Sure! I know she’d love that. She’s probably already trying to think up something else for you. She said my description of you ‘stretched her imagination’ or something.”

“Hah. Well, it’s kind of embarrassing.”

“After everything you’ve told me today?”


“Ohh. I suppose that would be a bit personal. And she’d need your…”

“My measurements, right. Do you… already have them?”

“ME!? No, noooope! Just the rough numbers of your frame, barely enough for Rarity to make proper clothes.”

“Okay, okay. Calm down.”

A bit of pink appeared on her muzzle. “Sorry.”

“No worries, but I will need to get my measurements taken.”

Twilight eyed David somewhat shakily. “I suppose I could do that.”

“No. I can do that myself and give them to you.”

“Ooh, but after I asked her to make the first batch of clothes, Rarity said she wanted to meet you! Maybe we should wait, and she could measure you properly!”

“Meet, fine. Measure, I’m not so sure. I also kind of need them sooner rather than later, if possible.”

“Okay, give me a second.”

Twilight teleported out and then back in just a few seconds, now holding a measuring tape in her magic.

“Here,” she said, handing the tape over to David.

“Now?” David questioned.

“Sure! Then I can send it right away!”

“Is there somewhere I can have a little privacy?”

“Oh, I’m so silly. Go over in that room, I’ll stay here.”

David took the tape and sauntered off to the side room. After a few short minutes, he came back to the study.

“All good?” Twilight asked.


“So what kind do you want? More of the same?”

David gave the young alicorn a stern look.

“Sorry, some of the time you were wearing pants. I swear!” Twilight defended.

“Great. Only sometimes. I think all of the princesses have seen me in a rather compromised position.”

“I’ll say,” Twilight quipped.


“Let’s just say that our first meeting was quite a shock for me. I did learn a few things, though!”

“Oh yes, now I remember. Princess Cadance told me you had a, how did she put it? A ‘new experience in anatomy.’ What did she mean by that, exactly?”

“Oooh, Cadance! Well, I got a bit overzealous and inadvertently exposed you when I pulled back the sheets. But I kept it completely professional. I was there to medically and magically examine you after all.”

“You screamed bloody murder, didn’t you?”

“I was only a little shocked; stallions don’t look that way!”

“Oh, so you’ve seen stallions before?”

“Well, no. Not in the flesh. Okay, not outside of a medical textbook.”

David actually felt a bit bad for Twilight. He wasn’t sure why, but he didn’t like that she was subjected to something like that and that it had left such an impression on her.

“Twilight, look at me, please.”

Twilight looked up at him, a somewhat forlorn look on her face.

“I’m sorry, Twilight. I don’t like that you had to experience such a thing just to help me.”

“It’s okay David. It wasn’t your fault. If I hadn’t put you to sleep, it probably wouldn’t have even happened.”

“Well, let’s just forget about it, okay?”

“Sure,” Twilight said, a little smile showing on her face.

“Well, can I borrow some paper? I need to sketch out the clothing design I need.”

“Here you go,” Twilight said as she levitated both paper and quill to him.

David quickly sketched out a pair of basic boxer shorts. It was the easiest design he could think of at the moment that would require little fitting and could tolerate some less-than-exact measurements. He made some notes here and there, using symbols to indicate the best he could, then he passed the paper and quill back to Twilight.

“Does that make sense?” he asked.

“Yes, I think I’ll just clean it up a bit here and there. You want this part to be stretchy, right?”


“And a flap here with buttons?”

“That’s right.”

“Let me write her a little note, then I can send it off.”

Twilight took out a small piece of paper and wrote something down. She then rolled both the sketch and the letter together and tied it with a small ribbon. A spark of magic later, and it was gone.

“Great,” she said. “I’m not sure when she will be able to do it, but I asked her if it could be a rush-order. She will probably send me a message later. Now we have just enough time to get ready for dinner!”

“That sounds great to me, I kinda skipped lunch.”

“Well then, should I guide you back or can you find the way?”

“I can make it on my own.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later!”

“Thanks, Twilight.”

David stood up and bowed slightly to the alicorn who nodded politely in response. He left through the large door, and Twilight watched him go from her seat. After he was out of earshot, she let out a long sigh.

“Well, that could’ve gone better. At least I didn’t completely freak out,” Twilight said to herself.

“I still need to get back at Cadance, though. Maybe Luna can help me prank her!”
