(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act IX - A Cherry on Top*

Act IX - A Cherry on Top*

David stood in the dining room alone after his breakfast with Celestia. Finally not entrenched in a difficult conversation, he took notice of some details.

He looked back at the dishes left on the table. Even though they had been used to plate a royal breakfast, there wasn’t anything special about the dishware. It wasn’t special china or fancy flatware; it looked similar to some of the plain settings he had seen at home. And though it had been a big breakfast to him, there didn’t look like that much to clean up. It reminded him of some of the meals he ate as a kid, visiting the homes of friends and family. And anytime he went to visit he always helped clean up.

‘I know she said to leave it to the staff, but it couldn’t hurt to at least bring them to the kitchen.’

His mind made up, he walked back to the table. He paused for a second, assessing the best way to handle the plates.

David stacked the plates in a neat pile and was surprised at how small the stack was. He lifted it, checking its weight. ‘A little heavy,’ he thought, ‘but I can handle it.’

Carefully, he picked up his stack of dishes and flatware and carried them to the kitchen door. There, he balanced them in one hand, took a deep breath, then knocked on the door.

A sudden scrambling of hooves could be heard behind the door. Soon it was quiet again, but the door did not open.

Not sure what to think, David knocked again.


At this point, David was getting a little tired of holding the plates, and having nowhere to put them, he walked back to the table and put them down. It was then that he noticed something…

A small silver bell sat on the table.

A devious smile crept up on David’s face as an idea took root.

Shaking the fatigue from his hands, he took up the bell and carefully held it under his arm. He then picked up the stack of dirty dishes before making his way back to the kitchen door.

As he approached it, he heard the soft whispers of what he assumed was the staff behind the door. He couldn’t make out what they said, but that wasn’t important; he had a secret weapon.

Stopping just shy of the door’s path, he once again balanced the dishes in one hand, then took the bell in his free hand. Standing tall and with a smile on his face, he gave it a little ring.

As if by magic, the door popped open and the head chef, Miss Cherry Topping, walked out.

“Ahh!” she squeaked, then ran back into the kitchen, the door slamming shut behind her. David just stood there, a bit surprised.

Again, from behind the door, he heard more of a commotion. “Clear the room, quickly!” Cherry yelled.

She reopened the door a few moments later, with nopony in sight behind her.

“What are you— I mean, please leave the dishes on the table, and the staff and I will do the cleaning, thank you,” Cherry said somewhat politely after catching her mistake.

David looked down and smiled genially. “Yes, Princess Celestia told me to do as much, but in my culture, it is polite to clean up after yourself.”

“Well, I… uh… Is it also polite to just kiss the hoof of a mare you’ve just met?” Cherry pointed a hoof up at the giant.

“I’d also like to apologise for that as well, but could I please put these down somewhere?”

“Oh! Oh, yes. Wait, I’ll take them, I guess.”

“Ugh. Excuse me!” David said as he marched toward the mare, forcing her to scramble on her hooves and retreat back through the kitchen door.

“Okay, okay. Please just leave them there, next to the sink.”

David walked into the kitchen and headed for the sink. He placed his bundle on the counter and shook his hands to try and regain feeling.

Turning to the startled chef, he smiled at her warmly. “I’m sorry about before, you know. I didn’t know what it implied, and I certainly didn’t mean to offend you. It’s actually an old custom in my world to show respect when introduced to a lady.”

Cherry averted her gaze, a small blush on her cheeks. “Well, I was just a bit surprised. I forgive you.”

“So can I clean the dishes?”

“No, that’s my job.”


“I’m not going to win this, am I?” she asked, finally turning back to face him.

“It would mean a lot to me. I’ve been stuck in my room quite a bit, and I want to do this.”

“Well, in that case … No.”

“What?” David staggered.

“I can’t let you do it all, but you can help me.”


Cherry slowly approached. “Well?”

“Yes, yes. I’d love to help. Thank you, Miss Topping.”

“Let’s get started then. And call me Cherry.”

“Sure, Cherry.”

Cherry walked around the human carefully, giving him a thorough once-over. Squeezing past him, she walked over to the row of sinks along the counter.

David wondered to himself, ‘This may not be a kitchen per se, but I bet it could still feed an army with what it has.’

Looking around, the room was less of a kitchen and more of a prep and clean-up room. Several sinks lined the counter where David and Cherry stood. Above them were cabinets with plates, platters and all other manner of dishware. Inset in the walls were ovens and warming areas, obviously used for final preparations and keeping foods hot. Below the ovens seemed to be compact refrigerators, wine and beverage chillers, and freezers as well.

“Do you know how to work the sink?” Cherry asked, pulling his attention back to her.

“I think so, but where are the tap levers?”

Cherry gestured towards the floor. “Since we have to use our hooves, these pedals control the water for the sink. It’s a bit different from a bathroom, but it works quite nicely,” she said, pressing lightly on a pedal.

Sure enough, hot water came out of the sink, ready to use.

David reached over to the water, only for Cherry to turn it off again. “Watch out, you don’t want to burn your, uh…” she said, looking at his foreign extremities.

“Hands,” David filled in. “Surely you’ve seen similar on griffons or heard of a dragon’s claws, right?”

“Yeah, but those are paws and claws. Your… hands,” she said tentatively, “they look… soft.”

“They are, but they’re strong and dextrous as well.”

“I can see that. Nopony would’ve been able to grab all of those dishes with one hoof, and many wouldn’t be able to lift them all either. I know I couldn’t.”

With that, David bellied up to the counter, noticing that the edge of the countertop was padded along the whole length. ‘Hmm, that’s kind of comfy.’ He then pressed on one of the pedals with his foot, causing hot water to come rushing out. Sensing it was in fact too hot, he quickly pressed another pedal lightly, attempting to adjust the temperature. Thinking it was about right, he placed his hands into the warm stream.

“Wow, you catch on quickly,” Cherry said.

She walked up to the counter, which she could barely see the top of, and reared back on two legs. With David looking on, she balanced herself quickly, took a couple short steps forward and pressed her barrel up against the counter, letting her forehooves drape over the sink. ‘Oh, so that’s why it’s padded!’ David said to himself.

Cherry looked to David and held out her hoof. “You wash, I’ll rinse and then we’ll dry together.”

“Sounds good,” David replied. He quickly split the stack of dishes into plates, saucers, cups and silverware, then began washing them, largest to smallest.

“Good job, now please hand it to me.” Cherry grinned, beckoning for the washed plate with her hoof.

David handed her the dish, and she started her own water. She rinsed the dish carefully, then placed it in a draining rack.

Starting to get a rhythm, David was the first to speak up, “So, Cherry,” he began, “is that the first time you’ve had your hoof kissed?”

A small clatter to his side lets him know he hit his mark.

“Sir David, I don’t really see how that’s any of your business. But yes, it was,” Cherry answered demurely.

“You’re right, it isn’t. But I kind of wanted to get back at you a little for slamming the door in my face.”

“Ha. Ha,” Cherry responded dryly.

“Oh come on, can’t you take a little joke?”

“Of course I can, but you have no idea how much you embarrassed me, and in front of the Princess!” she said, staring at David with a fierce blush on her face and an even fiercer glare in her eyes. “After I came back here, I was super embarrassed. I ran straight to my room and almost didn’t come back.”

“Hey, I was embarrassed too, you know. After you left, the Princess told me all about what I had done and what it meant for you and for a stallion. I was shocked!” David proclaimed dramatically, holding a plate high above his head, dripping soap bubbles all around. “My physiology doesn’t respond the same as a stallion’s though, thank goodness.”

“You are so lucky it doesn’t! The trouble you would’ve been in would far eclipse a little awkward silence. And I get it, we were both embarrassed. Just don’t go messing up my prep room by throwing suds everywhere.”

“Sorry.” David grinned.

“You are trouble. I don’t need any more trouble.”

“Oh don’t say that. My father used to say, ‘the most important thing to do when you go into the Army is to make friends with the MPs and the cook.’ I may not be in the military, but I’d still like to be on the good side of such a talented chef.”

“Trouble…” Cherry mumbled, another blush forming on her cheeks.

Soon they had washed all the dishes and flatware, and all that was left was to dry them and put them away.

Turning off the water on her side, Cherry scooted a little to her left towards the draining rack, and much to her relief, away from David.

David finished washing down the sink and cut off his own water. Looking over to Cherry’s position, he noticed the gap that was left between them.

Cherry grabbed a towel from a rack, laid it over her hooves and then grabbed a wet plate. Noticing David staring, she absentmindedly turned her head to face him and caught his gaze. Breaking the contact, she casually looked downward at the space between them.

David watched her eyes shift downward and read it as a signal.

With that small mistake, far too soon Cherry’s respite was over, as David gleefully sidled right up to her and reached over for another towel from the rack.

“Don’t be too friendly with me,” Cherry said flatly, looking directly forward at the dishes as she worked. “I know you are currently involved with Princess Luna.”

Now was David’s turn to juggle a dish.

“You… You can’t be serious!?” David attempted to refute, a bright blush on his own cheeks.

“Oh come now, I have the tightest lips in the castle. Part of my job is serving our Princesses, and from what I have heard her say, she is all over you.”

“Now Cherry, I don’t think this is right. No matter what you might have heard, you can’t say those kinds of things… even if they are true.”

“Well, well. You are fun to play with, that’s for sure. I can see why Princess Luna has taken to you. Not that being fun is all you have to offer. You’ve made me blush more times today than I think I have in years.”

David shook his head. “Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but Princess Luna is the only one in my heart.”

“Oh, I know. I can tell you’re loyal. And kind, polite, and just a bit mischievous. I’m sure you can make her happy.”

“Thank you, but again, we shouldn’t talk about that.”

“My lips are sealed. So, do you still want to be friends with the chef?” Cherry asked.

David stopped drying for a second. “Of course! You seem like a fun, kind person yourself. Also, you’ve got a KITCHEN.” He gestured widely.

“Just in it for the food, huh? I’m a little disappointed.”

“Would it change your opinion of me if I said I wasn’t in it just for myself?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I was talking a bit to Princess Celestia last night after dinner, and how that awesome carrot cake reminded me of how much I liked to cook, and more specifically, bake back at home. I mentioned to her how it would be nice if I could possibly bake or cook something while I’m here. I don’t really think she heard me, but I remembered it again when we were introduced earlier.”

“You can bake!?”

“Sure! I’ve made lots of different cakes, breads, pies and a lot more.”

“You are full of surprises. Surprises and trouble,” Cherry said with a coy grin.

“So?” David prodded.

“Okay. I won’t turn you down. If I’m careful around you, I think we could be good friends. I’ll even let you in here from time to time. Try not to scare or seduce any of my staff, though. Okay? I have a feeling some of them would be easily tempted by you, especially if you start cooking here.”

“Noted. I didn’t think I’d be in such danger.”

“Oh, it’s no big deal; I’ll watch your back for you too. I mean, if I didn’t know you and the Princess were an item, you might have had to beat me off with a wooden spoon as well!” Cherry said with a wide grin.

“Oh crap.”

“Hahaha. Sorry, it feels good just to be a bit honest about that, even if it … well, especially if it gives you a scare. Just remember though that you are taken. There are other single mares out there, so try not to be so charming all the time, okay?”

“And you think I’m trouble.”

“That’s right, you are. Now let’s get these dishes put up!”

“Sure. What can I do?”

“I’ll hand you the dishes if you place them on the shelves above.”


Cherry started carefully handing the dried dishes to David. His height made the work easy, as the shelves he aimed for were already at eye-level when standing.

They quickly finished off the work, and Cherry could finally drop down to her own four hooves again.

“Thank you, Sir David—”

“Just David is fine between friends,” he replied.

“Sure. Thanks, David.” She smiled.

“Well, Cherry, I’m glad we can be friends. Hopefully, sometime soon we can try whipping things up. I guess I’ll see you later.”

“Yup!” Cherry said with a bright smile. “Bye!”

David just nodded and headed out the door, closing it lightly behind him.

As he walked back to his room, he spent some time thinking about Cherry, going over their awkward introduction and comedic exchange in the prep room. He was glad to have made a new friend in the castle, even if she knew a lot more than he expected or wanted her to.

‘Whew, I’ve got to be careful around here. Cherry’s pretty fun, but she can be kind of intense sometimes as well. She does have a point, though; I am a bit of a natural flirt. I guess I should try to rein it in a bit.’

Finally reaching his room, David felt somewhat exhausted from all the stress from the morning. Not caring to undress, he unceremoniously plopped down on his bed and proceeded to take an unscheduled nap.


Knock, knock.


Knock, knock, knock.


David woke up slowly. Looking over at the clock, he could see it was almost two in the afternoon. He’d been asleep for almost four hours.

“Sir David, would you speak with us?”

“Huh? Luna?”

“Yes, Sir David… It is us—I mean, me.”

“Come in.”

The door to his chambers opened slowly. It was parted only a bit when a dark blue muzzle poked through.

“Are you angry with us, with me?” Luna asked, not even letting her face show through the gap in the doorway.

David sat up on his bed to look at the disembodied muzzle. He knew he wasn’t angry with her, but he was a little concerned.

“Luna, come in.”

The muzzle dropped slightly at his words. Slowly, the door was pushed open as Luna attempted to squeeze through the gap without opening it any wider.

To David, seeing this large, beautiful mare try to act so small was somewhat adorable, perhaps even funny.

Finally, she managed to make her way inside but did not attempt to meet his gaze.

“Close the door, please,” David requested.

Looking back slightly to the door, she gently pushed it closed with her hind hoof, the latch snapping to indicate it had been firmly closed.

“Luna, why won’t you look at me?”

“Because you are sore with me, and rightfully so. I was so mean, rude and judgemental to you and sister this morning. I am sorry. Please forgive me, Sir David.”



“We are alone, you should call me David… and of course I forgive you. I am not mad at you, Luna. I’m just concerned. You seemed so upset, and you wouldn’t listen to either of us.”

“I am very sorry… David, I was a petulant foal. When I could not find you in your room, and the guards did not know where you were, I panicked. I… I do not know what it was, but I feared the worst.”

“And yet you still won’t look at me.”

Luna’s eyes, still locked in a staring match with the floor, widened at his words.

Slowly, she raised her head, but not her gaze. When her head was just about level, she decided to take a glance at her obviously infuriated lover.

Her eyes met his, and her heart melted.

David sat on his bed, arms stretched out beckoning for her to come. She did not know how long he had sat there waiting for her, as she had only known the floor before.

Her emotions swelled, a bittersweet happiness overtaking her and making her eyes water and her mouth smile. She took a great leap and opened her wings, gliding perfectly into his arms.

“Oh, David, I am so sorry.”

“It’s okay, Luna, I forgive you. I’m glad you’re here.”

David wrapped his arms around her barrel and pulled her close. Luna’s body was mashed to his chest, her forehooves wrapped over his shoulders as she nuzzled his head and neck. It wasn’t the most comfortable of positions, but neither cared. They stayed there, holding each other and not moving a bit. Luna desperately tried to choke back her tears from the joy of being forgiven and the sorrow of her mistakes. Finally, the two retreated a bit to look into each other’s eyes.

“Luna, did I upset you by sleeping in Princess Celestia’s room?”

Luna turned her head away.

“Perhaps a bit. I certainly did not expect to find you there when not in your room. Now, more than being upset with you, I am disappointed in myself. I have tried to steel myself against jealousy, and yet, here again, my old fault comes to light.”

“Are you still jealous?”

Luna shook her head. “Hardly. You are here with me, and that is all I can ask. Last night was a mistake for me, but one I dare not repeat.”

“Okay. But please talk to me if it bothers you. I want to be there for you, Luna.”

“Thank you, my David.” Luna snuggled into his chest.

“So, will you forgive me?” David asked.

“For what? Being in my sister’s room? You committed no wrong there. Not to my sister, and not to me.”

“But I did. I did not take your feelings into consideration.”

“Ah, but you must have. You may not have thought of me directly, but you tried to comport yourself appropriately for where you were, did you not?”

“Yes, I was thinking about that.”

“Then in some way, you were acting as I would want and expect from you. I cannot forgive that.”


“But perhaps next time, you will think of me as well,” Luna said, interrupting him. She then raised her head to face him. “We have settled this matter, have we not?”

“Yes, I believe so— mmph” David tried to say but Luna planted her lips firmly on his.

Apparently, words came second at this point.

After an awkward start, their lips passionately explored each other as they reveled in the feelings they shared. Now having repaired their relationship, both sought to make up for lost time as well. Luna’s forelegs tightened around David’s chest, pulling herself closer. Desperate for air, they broke for a moment.

Luna moved forward and took the opportunity to pull David’s face into the crook of her neck, as she was finally in a position to do so.

Being presented with her soft fur and flesh, he nuzzled into her embrace. Luna cooed lightly at his touch, as his rubbing tickled her senses, yet soothed her. It was a wonderful feeling.

Having more room to explore than ever before, David peppered her with small kisses that traveled from her jawline, down her neck and to her shiny peytral. He made sure never to break contact as he ministered to his princess. He ran his hands and fingers around the nape of her neck and through her mane, Luna pulling back her head and thrashing it around wildly as he did so.

Being a bit more forward, David reached for new territory: her wings. Slowly moving down her haunches and across her back, he found the primary joints for the avian limbs. Luna stiffened immediately, causing David to pause. A moment later, she wrapped her neck around his, pulling him closer, and then she relaxed.

Permission granted, he gently encircled the joints with his fingers. Luna’s wings were still tightly bound to her chest but ruffled reflexively at his touch. Slowly, she began to extend her feathery appendages to allow him access.

Not knowing what to do, he retrieved his arms from around her back and instead inserted them from underneath, cupping the short feathers near her coat and gently massaging the tissue underneath.

That seemed to please her, as Luna’s breathing became heavy on David’s neck. Smiling, he turned his head and suckled lightly on her jawbone, earning him a low moan.

Luna’s wings continued to extend, her impressive wingspan now dwarfing David’s reach.

He continued to explore them, though, gently smoothing her feathers, trying his best not to go against their pattern. As he reached some of her primaries, the space between feathers opened up and his fingers slid between them, giving Luna an unexpected jolt of pleasure.

Her wings left his embrace immediately as they stiffened completely out of her own control. Reeling from the pleasurable sensation she turned and bit down into the flesh at his neckline, causing David to gasp.

Coming back to her senses, she pulled away slightly, breath heady and face flushed.

“Did I hurt you?” she asked.

“No, did I you?”

“Not in the least. Should we… Do you want to continue?” Luna asked, looking into his eyes, pleading, yet unflinching.

“I want you to decide. That is, I would prefer if you lead. If we go too far, I’ll try to pull us back,” David said with a reassuring calmness.

Hearing this, Luna made to stand up. Not sure what to make of it, David released her and let her stand, never breaking contact with her eyes.

Luna wore a stern expression. She took a few steps back on the bed and looked around. A moment later, her horn came to life as a spell was cast, and David could see a faint bubble of magic surround the room and then fade. Then, the lock on the door was turned and announced its new position with a loud snap. Luna took a moment to breathe, then lit her horn again and removed her royal trappings and set them on the dresser. Next, she took off her shoes and placed them next to the bed. Finally, after disrobing herself, she turned to meet David’s gaze and stopped.

Time passed slowly between them, somewhat neutral gazes on both of their faces. Then, Luna broke their shared moment by glancing her eyes downward at David’s chest.

Words were not said, as they were not necessary. David leaned forward and deftly took off his shirt. Luna smiled as he accomplished her unspoken task. She then took the garment in her magic, folded it and laid it next to her own on the dresser, all without breaking eye contact.

David sat patiently for his next command. He was not sure what it would be, but he was ready… he hoped.

Then it came again. This time, Luna’s muzzle turned a vibrant purple, then slowly nodded in a gesture to something… lower.

Not completely sure what she wanted, David looked down as well. He studied her movements and looked for a cue. Then she did it again, this time craning her neck down slightly as she gestured with her muzzle.

Pants,” it said to him.

‘Well, this isn’t the first time, and hopefully, isn’t going to be the last,’ he thought.

Nodding to her request, he reached down with his hands and unfastened his khakis. Being on the bed, it was going to be a struggle to get out of them. He gently kicked off his shoes, knocking them unceremoniously onto the floor. He then raised his hips, struggling with the fabric.

As he arched his back, a familiar blue hue enveloped his pants’ waistband. It felt warm and tingly near his body. The magic grasped the pants and started to pull them down slowly, with little aid needed from David other than lifting his butt and legs from the bed as he was stripped.

Finally, having been removed, Luna took the garment and laid it on the dresser, draping it over the side.

Now, almost as naked as she, David once again looked into her eyes, asking what she wanted of him. What he saw was no request or command, but a fire. Her eyes no longer stayed with his but instead traveled quickly over his form. She had a lusty look about her as if she was going to start salivating at any moment. It honestly gave him a little pause.

Luna started a slow retreat to the foot of the bed. Standing there, she continued to look over David.

She then lay down, her forelegs stretched before her, and her hind legs tucked neatly below.

There she was, at the foot of the bed, near the still sock-encased feet of David. She slung her head and neck low to be even with her bodyline, seemingly attempting to reduce her stature. Luna then began to creep forward, moving slightly along David’s right side, still at the foot of the bed, then stopped.

What she did next surprised David a bit, almost making him laugh.

Looking into his eyes for a moment, head still hanging low, she then broke off contact, turned to her right and proceeded to take a sniff of David’s feet.

It must not have been what she was expecting. Luna whipped her head away as her muzzle scrunched up in horror, her face contorting into a frown as she breathed out as much as possible to relieve her assaulted senses. She then fought her own body, her upper lip rising as her flehmen reflex took over.

David couldn’t help but smile. He remembered a bit of what Princess Celestia had told him about hooves and pheromones, but the thoughts quickly passed.

After recovering, she turned back to the man. Not to face him, but to resume her examination. She continued to inch forward, traveling next to his calves, shins, and thighs. She placed her face against his legs, rubbing them lightly with her cheeks, again taking in little sniffs of his scent.

It must not have been as displeasing as she had found lower, for she continued to feel up the man’s limbs for quite some time.

Now, David saw her mind working again. The lustful gaze was still present, but she definitely was pondering some question to herself.

Seemingly finding the answer, she stood up again. Looking at David’s eyes, she smiled brightly, another blush coming to her features.

She moved up closer, then started to cross over his legs. But instead of switching sides, she straddled him and lay her barrel down on top of his legs. Her hind legs rested astride his calves, forelegs splayed and rested next to his hips.

David wore a surprised look on his face, even more so as he also began to blush himself.

Now settled, Luna looked to him and spoke, “Are you okay?”

He nodded. “I am.”

Not breaking her gaze, she slowly lowered her head and muzzle till she could feel David’s overwhelming heat. She smiled, then lowered herself the rest of the way, placing her head on his groin.

David couldn’t hold back his utterance as he closed his eyes and moaned slightly at her touch to his most sensitive area.

Luna had closed her eyes as well. Soaking in his heat and drawing his manly scent into her nostrils, she felt intoxicated. She pressed forward with her muzzle, nudging against his inner thighs, sniffing deeply the masculine musk she found there as her lip curled slightly in response.

Her nuzzling was exploratory and somewhat selfish, and although not expressly intended, it roused David’s flesh. The sensations and hormones coursing through his body lit him on fire like a match.

Luna felt the heat she loved increase in intensity, igniting her own body’s passion. Feeling her tail twitch as the area down by her rump began to warm, she attempted to steel her resolve.

David looked down at his mare gently nuzzling his lap and caught her eye. She looked up at him, embarrassment on her face, but not retreating from her post. Noticing this, David reached down with his hand and gently stroked her face. She closed her eyes and proceeded to nestle back down again, enjoying the attention.

He continued to lovingly touch her, his fingers stroking her fur, caressing her cheeks, combing through her mane. He then ventured a bit further and, pushing back her bangs, gently rubbed against the base of her horn.

This area seemed to be as sensitive as her wings had been, as she went rigid and shuddered a bit at his touch. She didn’t pull away, though, instead pressing her head further into his lap. He continued gently rubbing her horn, making her moan into his privates.

Before, Luna had explored around the area, but never the center, as she was well aware of what lie beneath. Now with her mind muddied by pleasure, she pressed fully into his manhood while purring like a kitten to his ministrations.

David could not help but notice this as well. Her previous touch and careful movements were replaced with her muzzle’s now unrestrained petting. He struggled to keep control over his body as they both became subject to their desires.

Sensing his impending loss of control, he reached down with his hand and cupped her under her chin. She looked up at him, eyes half-lidded, and licked her lips.

Gently, he took command. Lifting Luna under her jaw, she was forced out of his lap and eventually made to stand.

David’s actions surprised Luna; she liked this. It put a thrill into her that he was now in control. David had let her play, but now she would follow his lead, and that drove her wild.‘Never before,’ she thought to herself, ‘and perhaps never again will I let another have my reins. Only him.’

David pulled her forward, guiding her muzzle to his face. There, he kissed her deeply and passionately. His tongue was granted full access by his lover, and she did not fight with it, but instead playfully danced around as it had its way with her.

They broke apart, and she panted deeply, drinking in his natural cologne as she attempted to catch her breath.

David reached up again and caressed her face. Luna’s mind still swam with the residual pleasure lingering on her horn. Wanting that spark again, she leaned her head into his palm, trying to make contact with her sensitive appendage. David instead forced her head upright and looked into her eyes as he cupped her jowls with both hands.

Now gaining her attention, he took one hand, raised it slowly, and cradled the back of her neck to hold her in position. The other hand left her cheeks as well, but this one stroked her mane, teased and rubbed her ears, and then finally, David began to play with her horn again.

Trying her best to stay locked in his gaze, Luna squirmed, blushed, and whimpered as David practiced his horn-play. Her eyes stared into the man, seeing his own gratification at bringing her pleasure. She began to lose focus, her tongue hanging out of her mouth and eyes slowly drifting closed with a somewhat pained expression on her features.

Not exactly trying to be mean, David halted his pleasurable strokes, which caused Luna to droop visibly as her strength faded with the sensation.

Catching her in his arms, he reached behind her forelegs and used his strength to drag her slightly limp frame up toward his chest. Still straddled across him, her stomach slid against his skin, rubbing his partially aroused member in the process.

Now with the gap closed, the whole of her form was within his reach. She smiled at him, licked her lips, then set her head against his shoulder. She took a tentative lick across his collarbone, at which David mewled in response.

Her flat tongue was firm and hot against his flesh. Its action rekindled his own lust, and he struggled against it. Luna did not notice this, but instead began to bathe his neck and shoulder in licks, nibbles, and small kisses.

Not wanting to let her actions go unrewarded, he went back to his own exploration of her figure.

He used his hands to run along the extent of her body, as he never before had ventured so far down her lengths. Mussing and ruffling her fur, she moaned in response. He teased her wings again, then moved a bit lower to stroke across her flanks and reach up to her hindquarters.

Obviously, it had the desired effect.

Luna’s beautiful tail, a mass of night and stars, was held high, flagging at the actions of her lover.

David thought to himself for a moment, still doing his best to be both intimate and keep chivalrous intentions. But in such a war, there are bound to be casualties.

He began to let his hands roam again, this time stroking and outlining her cutie mark with his fingers. Luna shifted her back legs, the actions tickling her arousal. Tilting a bit to one side, she let her centered body slide off to rest all of her weight on one of David’s legs. He did not stop his hands’ movements, though, continuing to stimulate her sensitive sides.

Now perched on only one of his legs, the pressure was directly on Luna’s inner thighs. She started to feel her arousal wetting at the new sensation, and absentmindedly ground into his flesh.

That new warmth on his leg was not ignored by David, though. He noted Luna had stopped licking his neck and now focused her movements much lower. Not wanting to disappoint, he slid under her, giving him that last bit of reach he needed to proceed to the ends of her frame.

Now, David let his hands go north, stroking over her croup and reaching for the dock of her tail. Still flagging high, he grasped her tail firmly at the base and proceeded to stroke it up and down the length.

This put Luna into a frenzy, and she bucked her hips upward into his hand. David tried to keep up, leaving one hand tending to her tail as the other grasped around her rear, attempting to still her movements.

“Ohh, uhhgh, mmmpf,” she vocalized as she sought more of his touch, looking for the animalistic release she so needed.

She craned her neck downward next to his ear, breathing fire. “Please…” she begged.

David hadn’t intended to take it this far but knew how cruel it would be to leave her wanting. Her wetness had traveled down to paint his leg as she roughly pressed her own crotch into his flesh.

Turning his head slightly, he kissed her cheek. She opened an eye to look at him once, then closed it again.

Once again, David took charge. Pulling slightly on her tail, he made Luna shudder in his grasp. With his free hand, he circled around her rump and stroked the rear of her exposed thighs. Swaying side to side, she attempted to guide his hand toward the fire in her loins.

His touch was gentle. It wasn’t exploring, it was tending to her. Though he did not know exactly where he was going, he used his imagination as a guide. His fingers trailed up her rump, soon bumping against her delicate knot. The heat of her exposed flesh not covered by her pelt was intense. He slowly moved down to find her wetness waiting.

A deep groan was given in response.

His dextrous fingers stroked her puckered lips, liquid lubricating them in their passes. He ventured to put more pressure in his touch, and she responded favorably. Finding her opening, he pressed a single digit against it and waited.

David did not have to wait long. Luna’s body was receptive, and she winked against his touch. The convulsive action tightened, then relaxed her entrance to allow him to press into her depths.

Luna’s head snapped back as they were joined together. Stars in her vision turned to reality as her horn sparked with uncontrolled magical bursts. The light show did not distract David, though; he continued to give her pleasure through the disturbance.

Moving his finger slowly in her canal, he ventured to add another. Two fingers now writhed in her depths, massaging and enticing her passion toward building to a peak. Now, Luna shivered uncontrollably at his actions, muscles overwhelmed by the pleasure.

David sensed her end coming and increased the speed and depth of his thrusts. Luna’s mind was lost, and her body was no longer her own. Now was the time.

David let his grasp on her tail go, moving his hand to her rear. Not starting at the top, this time, he traced along the trail of her juices from his leg up her rear to find her trigger. Feeling the pulses of her muscles as he neared it, David carefully approached the end of their journey. Using thumb and index, he gently grasped her exposed, throbbing clitoris and gave it a light squeeze.

A loud scream filled the room and shook the walls. If it were not protected by Luna’s magic, David was sure the entirety of the wing would have heard her emission.

As Luna came, she strangled his fingers within her, though David did not give up the struggle. Her fluids gushed forth from her slit, soaking man, mare, and bed in the process.

David tweaked her clit, encouraging her convulsions to continue. In response, she bucked wildly at the intense sensation and pleasure it gave her.

Finally calming from the rush, Luna lay her head down again next to his and closed her eyes as her body lay limp against his frame. Slowly removing his hands from her nethers, David gently wiped them along the sheets, then cradled her gently heaving body in his arms.

Luna was spent. Her mind still filled with the memory of the pleasure, she quietly cooed.

David turned toward her face, then gently kissed her cheek. Closing his eyes, he rested, pleased that he was able to gratify his mate. The lack of his own release was not a concern to him. Though his manhood softened without release, he was satisfied in his own way. This had been more about serving her and strengthening their bond. As their relationship continued, they would have more opportunities to share their intimacy.

Both of them happy and tired, they cuddled together and fell into a peaceful sleep.
