Dragonfire, a confident mercenary mare, takes her wasteland life as it comes. Little does she know that she is more special than she had realised—so much so that somepony lurking in the shadows has been waiting for her for a long time.
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I like to ask two questions of any FoE side story authors i come across
first, does this take place before or after the day of sunshine and rainbows (the end of the original story)
and what other stories, other then the original are cannon to it if any.
9718590 This takes place before, before the start of the original story even. As for as far as canon is concerned, the original story, obviously, and parts of Project Horizons.
as long as theres no mention of any eaters of souls im good. (well unless you throw in a cross over with soul calibur or LOK soul reaver while your at it then were fine)
*gets to reading*
and now im imagining twilight sparkel as a wraith hunting the souls of the wicked....lovely.
Eh, saw the changeling coming from a mile away...just not that it was Vertigo...nice one...though I will say I thought something was off with him/her...ugh, whichever...
9740787 I can't say as this was actauly just written normally.
Wow, freaking amazing and bravo so far. I'm so excited for more!
You vertigo, that explains a lot... But not enough at the same time, yet.
9933466 Ooo, nice. Is someone doing a series?
9922913 9923200 All edits in and accounted for, sorry it took so long again. Thanks!
So with that revelation in the end of the chapter can one only imagine how much Vertigo likes their travelling partners since they didn't nom on the motherly love to the "foal" that Dragonfire is carrying, or the ohhh so secret love she is feeling towards Cherry. I do not know where Vertigo went to hunt for their love, but one would have thought that it could easily be found near Pear and his harem of loved up druggies.
"Yet were other ponies might scream at the sensation," I am pretty sure it should be "where"
"It felt good to have the cool night air on my bear coat and to be free of my barding while not stuck in a clinic or some pony else's sex office." A bear is the animal, you meant "bare".
"I'll even try to get you so of those sugar bombs you like so much" Some
"and cameras that would have been visible as no more than a black sprawl b from the distance I usually observed these towers at." Delete
"then back moved towards the tower again." Seems like these two words have been switched around.