Dragonfire, a confident mercenary mare, takes her wasteland life as it comes. Little does she know that she is more special than she had realised—so much so that somepony lurking in the shadows has been waiting for her for a long time.
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Oh sweet, new chapter!
9294699 Hope you enjoy it.
*Reads through chapter*
*Sees that Dragonfire's pregnant*
*Does a massive spittake in response*
Wait, WHAT?! Holy emperor, that baby bomb!
9295438 Whoa, spoilers there! Just kidding I read it already.
9295438 I see you did not see that coming.
Nope, took me completely by surprise, lol.
9295611 Well, glad you like it all so far.
I saw it coming all the way back with the mares in the Oy/Gn lab. What I want to know is Dragonfire's dump stat Perception? Or is she kinda crazy? She seems to miss some things and goes on some pretty wild tangents. I look over somethings as her not being formally educated, but she kinda ignores some pretty direct things people tell her.
9299622 Well kinda, she has never been formally educated in the traditional sense. She grew up in a wasteland so most of this was just survival and basic functions. Plus, yeah as for crazy? She does not have the most stable mind no matter how much she tries to pretend she does, the world has done a real number on her mental state in the time she's been in it.
Well took Dragonfire long enough to realise that she is preggers, even if she haven't figured out that the time table is all wrong. She will hopefully realise that the rad absorbing baby is special when it grows big before time, a horse is pregnant for 11 months after all.
So when can we expect Dragonfire to think up babynames? We all know that pony names are magical and that the name have something to do with the ability of the pony, so can't wait to see what the little foal will be called.
"Wait, something was off. Was it just me or did I look a little pudgier than usual?" Thoughts should be in present tense
"I'd bee stuck on a mattress" Just a single e
"but a true huntress never tested her pray's skill" Just test, or try.
". I out looked to see a familiar zebra stallion approaching." Clunky sentence here