Dragonfire, a confident mercenary mare, takes her wasteland life as it comes. Little does she know that she is more special than she had realised—so much so that somepony lurking in the shadows has been waiting for her for a long time.
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Holy emperor....
Huh I was pretty sure that the mere touch of magic was enough to start one of the orbs. Mostly because I can remember a story mentioning raiders using the tactic of throwing orbs at unicorns and have them catch them in their magic, and then passing out while they saw the show. Now I can't remember if it was in the main story or a side story it was mentioned thou, so don't know if it is canon or not.
With all of the troubles that Dragonfire are going trough, all of the bumps and bruises should she wish herself lucky that she is preggers. A lot of studies shows that the mother can get stemcells to repair organ damage and what not, so yay for that!
"chased halfway across the desert and on top of it had some malicious little robot did goddesses know what within my insides to the point I could hardly move without puking." Do
"I was going to roast his flank so hard the moment we got out of here! " Thoughts are present tense
" I was going to rip that helmet off and blast the smug face I knew was under there to Tartarus!’ " Past tense
"Bright flashing of alarms either side rung to life and from within the grinding of tracks carried out two more sentry bots" Needs a do over
"because I and my miracle Pipbuck are kind of busy at the moment!"" me
"All the while begging the goddesses that none of the bright beams streaking across my hide didn't instantly turn me to ash." would turn me into ash instantly
"The robot caught in the lightning gave on last metal groan before it blasted apart in a flare of orange light and a molten wave of silver metal." One
"The dull walls in here were a stark contrast to the in the clinical lab." Most likely missing a ones here
"I shot again and again until the black metal yielded and earth pony fell to the floor with a hole in his head." Missing a the
"Neither option struck me as desirable as I raised the rifle I'd looted at and fired into one of the flying felines, " delete
"were the small groups of Transcendent and Brazen slavers were forced to dispatch or sneak around. " Missing a we
" was this buck just trying to kill me or make me follow every one of his ridiculous moves without question?" Present tense
"I didn't even dear look directly at Cherry as she jolted to the side," Dare
"When the pale blue mare finally hoped in herself I assumed everypony was inside." jumped
". Mister Green only seemed to have the misfortune of being wet not even acknowledging the hole in his wing as a cruel smile parted his beak," Seems to be missing a comma here
"but what did I have left to lose right now?" delete
9674247 9697710 Edits added, thank you. As for the orb thing, yeah I've read multiple version of it for multiple stories, they all kinda blur together I've read so many versions. I think it's the amount of magic used, given that it's hard for unicorns that can't profuse much magic to accesses them. Most of my knowledge just blurs between the OG Fo:E and PH though.