Dragonfire, a confident mercenary mare, takes her wasteland life as it comes. Little does she know that she is more special than she had realised—so much so that somepony lurking in the shadows has been waiting for her for a long time.
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Methinks Vertigo is a changeling...
Wow, Vertigo is so awesome!
Kicks of a situation that may just end up getting everypony killed, and he's like...
You might wanna get a spell checker in the future a few words here and there in a couple of chapters have spelling mistakes. Other than that it a great story
Watch out! I am slowly but surely catching up on your chapter releases, and when I do, expect me to want to become a pre-reader so I can squash those nitpicks before they reach out to the readers!
I have only read a few lines of Vertigo action, and I highly approve of this new
bugtoy, I mean boy toy on the team"and the survivor in me was begging that I take it." Either "to" change the "take" to "took"
"I reloaded my last undamaged plasma rifle before cautiously I trotted around the bullet beaten counter and over the dead mare" I am pretty sure that these two words need to switch places
" I was gonna be the best pony I could be!" Thoughts are in present tense, and a line break mistake
"My magic was just about ready to grip my plasma rifle and melted his face off" just melt
"Was I a magnet for strange things or was this another side effect of being somepony's science project?" Thoughts are present tense.
", levitating back another strong healing potion." Just a, he haven't given her any others after all
"and he was about as trustworthy as a Zebra spy.. Delete
"I really was going to kill him! " Thoughts are in present tense.
"why did I always have to be the one to get stuck with such clueless ponies" Thoughts are in present tense
"Fuck, nothing short of a balefire egg was gonna blow these fucking things up! " Thought, present tense, you get the idea, won't bring it up again.
"grabbing the closest thing I could use as an anchor and prayed to goddesses that the whole building didn't come down on top of us." Missing a the in front
"Vertigo asked I looked up to see a what I'd grabbed was his torso." Whole sentence need another round of polishing
"retrieving a vile of peculiar green liquid from a bag in his armor," vial?
"Is that you're mainframe?" your
" instantly darting over to the part of the wall the century bot had emerged from" sentry
"as if one queue there was a metallic twang and the whole thing fell right in front of Twilight" on cue
"Looking down under the desk I was met by a broken ventilation great" grate