Dragonfire, a confident mercenary mare, takes her wasteland life as it comes. Little does she know that she is more special than she had realised—so much so that somepony lurking in the shadows has been waiting for her for a long time.
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8952837 You have fallen into Cherry's adorable trap. She has your soul now too.
As the old saying goes, time to get back on the horse again! Does not seem like the gang get much rest this time around, and I hope that they have packed nice swimsuits for Dragonfire to oogle at!
I can never work out the critique on this story. Some people say it is fine and great grammar wise and others say it's great story wise but needs better gramma. Everyone agrees it's a good story and even the big Fo:E fics are full of so many errors like this. Maybe you should try and edit it if there's so many errors others can't pick out. I for one am a big follower of this story. But only see the odd few typos and off comma. I also agree with everyone who says gramma gets a lot better the later the chapters go on. Chapter 8 is where it gets much better I've heard from others but over all the story is too well written for most to forgo it on gramma alone.
I am I now the only one who wants to see a big griffin pony swim suite party next chapter now? Dragon would love it, wonder if she's into griffins too?
8963156 There's always a big, tough, griffin!