Dragonfire, a confident mercenary mare, takes her wasteland life as it comes. Little does she know that she is more special than she had realised—so much so that somepony lurking in the shadows has been waiting for her for a long time.
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Holy throne...
8812708 How would she be turning into a dragoness?
A little dash of killing joke would properly do it to be honest...
8814425 I guess, but woundn't that be instant?
8817160 Maybe it's one of those things that will be explained later? There were some random places for the statuetts in the orginal story afterall.
8817160 There may be more things going on like a lot of stuff in this story.
Plus, there were seven sets, not six. Luna had one too.
I am honestly not that much a fan of big world destroying conspiracies, giant organizations with more power than anything the big groups in the original could dream of, and the whole star alien thingy... But damn you are making me curious about what there are gonna happen next. Just know one thing, with how extreme a lot of the stuff in this story is versus the original am I slowly seeing this story as being inspired from the original instead of being sat in the same universe as the original. I know that it dosn't mean much, but it is maybe something to think about in the future. Bigger does not always mean better.