Dragonfire, a confident mercenary mare, takes her wasteland life as it comes. Little does she know that she is more special than she had realised—so much so that somepony lurking in the shadows has been waiting for her for a long time.
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8447721I suppose that would be okay at somepoint, yeah.
Merciful emperor....
8448572 Indeed!
Today I learned that "discomfiture" and "shied" is a word, and it have nothing to do with Discord using fries as a shield sadly.
I have never wanted to jump into a story, grab a character by the neck and yell at them while shaking them back and forth! How can she not get that this whole facility is not about making the future, but breeding it! Her stomach hurts because they stuffed some fucked up mutant pony thingy up in her! Morning sickness does not just randomly happen Dragon!!1! The other mares are dead because the chestbursters ate them from the inside out! Soilent green is pony embryos! EMBRYOS!
In other news, have you ever read that it is possible to fertilize an egg with DNA from itself, heck some amphibians are even able to do it naturally on their own when there are no males in the area, the only thing is because of the XX chromosome will the offspring always be female as well. Biology, the more you know!
"I really wished...." Ohh ellipse with four dots... my arch nemesis... we meet again! But this time am I more than prepared to end you!
So finally, yes it took me 2 days to chew through this chapter, am I done and oh boy what a ride it was. I had really expected that the mare in the tube would turn out to be the robotic looking mare on the cover, the one with the yellow hair and the arc reactor in her chest, but I guess that she will be introduced at a later point.