Dragonfire, a confident mercenary mare, takes her wasteland life as it comes. Little does she know that she is more special than she had realised—so much so that somepony lurking in the shadows has been waiting for her for a long time.
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Holy throne....
8317605 Cliff hangers for everyone!
well this is wrong, wouldn't want to die that way.
8379925 Yep, they're the best!
Hey Xeno, is it alright if you can mention one of my characters from my one Fo:E story in this. I'm trying to make it so that my story ties in with as many stories as possible whether it be in the past, present or future.
Welp too bad that the screen was ruined and the info not able to be found
Welp... should have seen it coming with a name like this... Again I do not know too much about the stars in PH... But by the love of god do I hope that you have something original on your hands and ain't tainted by that mess... Would be such a shame with how I have come to like the story and all that if I had to take it out behind the barn and treat it as a pony with a broken leg... Did I say that I dislike PH with a vengeance?
So that floating glowy thing and the descriptions on the scary silver thing do I oddly enough get a Halo vibe from all of this for some reason. Never played the games, just seen lets plays... but there are something about that orb and how it talks, and the description of the big battlesuit that makes me think Halo... OHH MY GOOD! Are we going to get Flood? Are ghouls in reality Flood creatures!?! Were the Zebras right about their fear of space!
Blargh... I hate that I know what this means before it is revealed to Dragon... she is gonna flip her lip when she figures it out.
Nitpicks: Welp... I am sorry to say it, but I am beginning to feel that there is such an amount of nitpicks showing up that it would be better to send them to you as a message on the site instead of clogging up your comment feed for readers that want to scroll trough them to find older comments. So expect a message spam from now on