Dragonfire, a confident mercenary mare, takes her wasteland life as it comes. Little does she know that she is more special than she had realised—so much so that somepony lurking in the shadows has been waiting for her for a long time.
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8092285 I don't really have much to compare them to, yet if I was going to make a comparison to the show I'd say that Dragonfire's voice would kind of be similar to Rainbow Dash's, but a little lighter, perhaps somewhere between that and Rarity's voice. Star Strike would sound more like Big Mac, only more talkative, obviously. Cherry I'd say is like a slightly more bold version of Fluttershy, and would speak with less of a whisper.
That's at least how I imagine those three main characters, although I can think about more if you want to know.
Is that a Stable Pony I see in the title art? Ooh...
So now we have two new characters, but now a new mystery opens up... who were the ponies in the photo, and who is Lucky? Guess we'll just find out soon enough....
8106224 It may be, or it may not.
You are followed. Thank you for the story.
8107170 No problem, and thanks you for the interest.
8107583 Still, glad you're enjoying the story. I can assure you there will be a lot of questions that need answering to come.
8152352 Thanks, I'm glad you think so and enjoyed it!
So I do know about the words that I wrote earlier... And I must shamefully admit that I was wrong. I was too quick to judge the book on the cover, and remembering some of the comments were I not the only one. Reading this is like reading a reverse PH, starting out not knowing if it will go downhill as one expect, or if you will be surprised and it will suddenly shine and live up to its potential, and boy do your story shine by now!
There are a few sentences there run a bit long, and a few descriptors there are a bit too flowery for my taste, but beside that is this a real joy to read and I can't wait to see where this is going!
Huh, so this chapter, which was very nice overall btw, introduces Gina. Adorable little griff, and tough as nails I see.
So far I really liked the story, but the grammar makes it almost unbearable to continue reading. I love the emotion and backstory, which is what's kept me continuing reading it, but I've been stuck on this chapter for days and haven't been able to get past it because of the countless errors. I really do love how attached your writing is to the emotions of the characters, but I'd suggest either find a better editor who actually knows what they're doing, or quadruple check your own work yourself.... I want to continue reading this story but I'm not sure yet if I will, since I still haven't been able to finish this chapter because I can't enjoy stories with bad grammar.... even if the characters and backstories are intriguing. I hope you continue writing and don't give up, because you have a very creative mind which I enjoy and you'll only get better with practice.