Dragonfire, a confident mercenary mare, takes her wasteland life as it comes. Little does she know that she is more special than she had realised—so much so that somepony lurking in the shadows has been waiting for her for a long time.
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Damn... I really feel sorry for both Dragon and Cherry... I may not know the feeling of losing my parents or siblings, but I do know the feeling of losing a loved one...
7982048 Yep, it's a pretty harsh world. But they'll be more about what they've lost latter on in the story. Poor girls.
I want to give Cherry Pin a hug.
8009912 Yeah, she does seem very cute and huggable.
Visually, Dragonfire reminds me of my Sparkplug:
They have similar neon stripes and manestyles.
I need to give you a read <3
8019066 Cool, I've never even seen that OC before, but they do look similar, at least in mane color. Sparkplug looks pretty awesome, though.
Thanks for the read too, I hope you enjoy it whenever you get around to taking a proper look.
Again with the +10 to a stat bonus... but beside that very well done chapter, and nice to see that the sexcraze actually have a foundation
8797154 Sexcraze can have a foundation? Where?