• Member Since 24th Jan, 2015

Crescent Glaive

I'm a strange and nice guy with a big heart :) I love to read and play video games. I live in Finland and do stuff for no apparent reason cause i am weird like that.... Brohoof! :D

Drama's and Sad 147 stories
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ShadowLegacy13 did a read of this story on youtube that you can find here

Spotify alternate link.

Twilight has had a long reign. She has watched ponies develop technologies that those of the past considered mere mythology. She has watched them scour the world and discover continents that were hidden from view or simply lost beneath the waves. Many creatures and tribes of ponies have come and gone, and the sea of stars is where they went last.

The alicorn accompanied them and acted as a figurehead and council before retreating back to Equestria. Now she is crumbling apart in the final years of her life as her magic consumes her body and the ponies are on the verge of dying out. As she watches the sky, engulfed by a black hole crowned in light, Twilight is approached by a still young mare, unfortunately born in an age where she will be all that's left of her people in just a few years.

She asks Twilight a question not about herself or her future, but about the alicorn herself: How does a god die?

Apparently it's on EqD too.

Hover over the image to find the source.

Chapters (1)

When the weight of time - both past and future - comes to bear, Twilight writes one, final letter. Seeking closure, she may just find something more.

Pre-Read and edited by Rimmer.
Cover art edited by ModMCdl. Because for some reason they both still put up with me.

Chapters (1)

The Griffonian Empire was on its deathbed.

For years, it has battled with itself and its own institutions for survival. Already, revolutions and acts of secession have tormented it, tearing it apart limb by limb until only its most integral parts remained, paying lip service to the emperor - the Herzland.

But all these discussions, all threats, are suddenly silenced when news from the Imperial Palace are made public. News which the Empire, with all its shortcomings, may never be able to recover from.

This short story takes place in the Equestria at War alternate universe. Knowledge is advised to immediately understand the scenery and characters, but not ultimately required.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis failed to embody the princess of love and control a good part of Equestria, and during her revenge monologue, she finds a little pony with a cruel story that even the queen could not believe.

The sequel of the story can be read here A Spark of Hope, written by Prismfire , I know you will love it as much as this one.

Featured 15-12-2022 :yay:

Original image by Auroriia, I just change the foal

Chapters (30)

Chrysalis's illegitimate son is banished from the hive and forced to find his way alone. Can he overcome his own nature or will he succumb to it?

Inspired by Dnotive's song Loveless Lovechild:


Chapters (3)

Lucid Storm imagines a world beyond death, where no pony will ever need to truly say goodbye to the ones they love. When all the magic and medicine of Equestria failed one young Sweetie Belle, he proposed a radical new technique--total brain recording, taken minutes before her death.

Years have passed since that day, years spent scrounging the funding for a body and experimenting with many failed machine intelligence models before tinkerer ponies all around equestria finally came together in the perfect synthesis.

After all this time, Sweetie Belle will finally have her second chance.

Written for Lucid on my Patreon. Edited by Two Bit and Sparktail, who also sponsored it. Cover by Magfen.

Chapters (19)

To rise against the tyrant. To taste victory. To become what you hated. He had experienced that loop and, given this chance, he would do it right this time. He would turn his suffering people on a better path from its tyrant, Queen Chrysalis.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Absense of Chaos

Empress Twilight Sparkle abdicates.

19/02/2022 Featured! I'm so happy!

Now with an audiobook from this awesome guy!

Chapters (1)

On one quiet evening Empress Twilight Sparkle calls upon her last friend, the avatar of Chaos himself.

He provides insight best left forgotten.

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders are a team. Even now that they're adults, their friendship has never wavered.

So when something arises to threaten that friendship, Sweetie Belle will do everything in her power to protect it. No matter what.

Written as a Christmas gift for Wish, who has been trying to force me to write Sweetie Belle for years.

Chapters (1)