ShadowLegacy13 did a read of this story on youtube that you can find here
Twilight has had a long reign. She has watched ponies develop technologies that those of the past considered mere mythology. She has watched them scour the world and discover continents that were hidden from view or simply lost beneath the waves. Many creatures and tribes of ponies have come and gone, and the sea of stars is where they went last.
The alicorn accompanied them and acted as a figurehead and council before retreating back to Equestria. Now she is crumbling apart in the final years of her life as her magic consumes her body and the ponies are on the verge of dying out. As she watches the sky, engulfed by a black hole crowned in light, Twilight is approached by a still young mare, unfortunately born in an age where she will be all that's left of her people in just a few years.
She asks Twilight a question not about herself or her future, but about the alicorn herself: How does a god die?
Apparently it's on EqD too.
Hover over the image to find the source.