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Applejack didn't expect her crush on Rarity to actually be mutual. Then again, she also didn't expect Rarity to condemn her soul to Pony Hell.

Rarijack with a tiny side dish of Flutterdash.

Written for the BARCAST WRITING CONTEST #2: Make Rarity Not Garbage. Because nothing says "not garbage" like "I just ensured your eternal suffering, darling."

This fic finally has cover art, thanks to the always-amazing Earthsong!

Chapters (1)

1666, London. The Great Plague has returned. Thousands lie dead or dying when, by chance or negligence a baker loses control of his fire. Can something magical and filled with light be born of such darkness and destruction? What comes of the intersection between worlds?

Chapters (5)

It's a Rick and Morty AU Adventure! Twilight is Rick and Spike is Morty. Read it with the voices; you know you want to.

An idea that spawned under mild inebriation and built strength the longer I thought about it. Not strictly a crossover I think as the characters from MLP are taking on traits from other shows rather than literally meeting up, but seems a worthwhile tag.

Cover art cropped from Rick and Morty + MLP by MXCoriginal, showing this idea is far from original.

Chapters (1)

Queen Coronal Flare ruled Equestria with an iron hoof for many years. Knowing that her reign would be eternal. That is..until a dark figure shows up, threating her rule.

Chapters (1)

Not everything in the world is about Vinyl and Octavia: Other stuff happens in CHS while these two have their adventures.
Follow Discord, Celestia, Micro Chips, Sunset Shimmer, Trixie, the Mane Five and others during their journey at Canterlot High.


A collection of small one-shots centered on several protagonists of my other fiction, "Silent Love".
Very erratic publication periods.

Cover made from various artists's works: Uotapo, Art-2u, Karzahnii, ZantyARZ and my good friend Killjoy.

Chapters (1)

The world as we know it was on the brink of war fifteen years ago. Tensions were high, government officials had been assassinated, and Equestria, Griffonia, and essentially the rest of the entire Earth was teetering on the edge of global conflict. At the last second, however, an armistice was set forth, and peace showed up just in time. This consequently led to the now troublesome presence of the new wartime inventions, ranging from the deadly machine guns, to—as countless as they were—the battle-ready tanks.

The research and time spent working on such vehicles would be a waste ending up simply scrapped... so the leaders of the world all thought up one thing. A sport, you could call it, waged every year across the globe, with no boundaries, no real rules, and lots and lots of explosions.

Duck Bill never liked being born into a family of Tank Warudo warriors, and, honestly, she didn't really like the idea of Tank Warudo in the first place, but if her entrance into this year's competition meant a long overdue victory for the Ponyville Horsepowers, she could handle a crew of boneheads for awhile.

Thanks to my good pal Phoenix of Aurelius for being a consultant on all things tank! Thanks buddy! Panzer vor!

Those cute little tanks in the cover art are also shamefully lifted from the Tanks Encyclopedia! Please go and show them some love. They work really hard, and have unknowingly helped me immensely!

Chapters (14)

In the days before Equestria was even a dream and mares are second-class citizens, a pony with a solar cutie mark, Sunny Daze, decides to help her brother become a mage. She doesn't realize that she and the sun have an appointment with destiny.

Sequel novelette: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/430769/to-keep-light-in-eternal-darkness

Accepted for an Equestria Daily Story post on September 24, 2017.
Shelved in the Royal Canterlot Library on August 12, 2019.

The Teen rating is for 10th century AD gender issues faced by a mare that are no longer experienced by the characters in modern (show canon) MLP.

Thanks to DoContra for pre-reading, plenty of suggestions, and copy-editing assistance. Thanks to Equestria Daily submission editors for a lot of stuff I fixed after they pointed out I missed it!

Chapters (18)

Waking up the morning after you get in a relationship is not always easy. Especially when the pony you passed the night with is one of the rulers of your country. Rarity and Celestia still have a lot to discuss with their newfound lovers. And Rarity has yet to see how the royal family act in private.

This story is a continuation of Carapace's story, Radiance. You really should read it before reading this chapter.

Preread by Carapace.
Proofread by Kean, I can't thank him enough for that.

Artwork by Silfoe for her Tumblr blog, The Other Royal Sketchbook, and used with her permission!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Equestria girls Hell rider

It's said that the West was built on legends. Tall tales that help us
make sense of things too great......or too terrifying to believe. This is the legend of the Ghost Rider.
Story goes that every generation has one. Some damned soul,
cursed to ride the earth. The thing about legends is...sometimes they're true.things greater than ourselves. Forces that shape our lives. Events that defy explanation. Individuals whose lives soar to the heavens.....or fall to the earth. This is how legends are born

Chapters (20)