• Member Since 17th Apr, 2017


Just a big Applejack fan, who loves Rarijack and Pinkiedash as ships too much! (Is allergic to other Rarity and AJ ships) I also enjoy reading good writing and creating good writing!

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Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie's marriage was going great until Pinkie suddenly decided she wanted babies. How was she supposed to know making them takes more than just friendship?

Thankfully, Twilight has just the spell to help them out! Now Pinkie and Rainbow Dash -- or rather, Rainbow Blitz -- have a whole week to do the deed.

If only things didn't keep getting in their way...

Rated "Pretty Good" by PaulAsaran!

Chapters (8)

My unicorn parents called me a worthless mud pony. They pushed me every day to overcome my lowly status. When I woke up one morning with my cutie mark, I thought they would love me. I couldn’t have been farther from the truth.

It was not destiny or enjoyment that led me to discover the cello and composing. My parents made that decision, deciding before I was born I would continue their family legacy of famous musicians.

They did not realize what that decision would cost them.

Special Thanks and Links:

Cover Art: Dreampaw. The inspiration for the story.
Dramatic reading of Act I-III by Malao567. June 2013
Reading with music by ObabScribbler. June 2014
Song: Hooks and Strings by Reverb Brony. May 2014

Style inspired by H.P. Lovecraft
TypeWriterError: Editor & Rating Board
Gage of Grandiloquence: Editor
The11thWonder: Pre-reader
Nharctic: Pre-reader
Breath of Plagues: My Pinch Editor.
ArgonMatrix: Bad Grammar Exterminator
Daemon of Decay: Advice, also inspired me to write fan fiction. Blame him!

Chapters (3)

Pinkie Pie magically glues herself to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash isn't happy about it.

For Dash, what's really terrible isn't that Pinkie is going to be stuck to her all day long, it's that Pinkie hugged her in public, where everypony could see them! But why does Dash care so much about other ponies seeing her hug her friends?

And why does Pinkie Pie like hugging her so much, anyway?

Chapters (5)

One night stands are never easy. Someone always gets too attached.

To celebrate my return to the fanfic writing scene. I'm more than glad to be back.
Note: all characters presented are fully humanised

Update: I GOT FEATURED. I LOVE ALL OF YOU. Thank all of you so much. This means the world to me. 3/14/18
Check it out here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70_Sf6p4CEk

Chapters (1)

Having completed their very first friendship mission, Applejack and Rarity soon find out that they're stuck in Manehattan for the night.

Perhaps it could be that "friendship" wasn't what the map had in mind at all.

Art by tcn1205

Chapters (1)

Rarity is hosting the annual Societé Fabrique soiree. Everything is going splendid thanks to some help from her friends. It's a bit boring, true. The social strictures of hosting tend to make for a rather dull night, but luckily for Rarity, she has Applejack to keep her company.

Chapters (1)

It's 106 miles to the White Tail County Festival, they've got a truck full of apples, half a charge on their cell phone, it's raining, and they forgot their umbrellas.

Time to hit the road!

Rated Teen for language and mature subject matters.
Special thanks to SolidFire for his editing work.
Cover art by oDaefnYo

Chapters (2)

Rarity just had a perfect date with a perfect colt! But something isn’t right.
She goes to her old childhood journal for inspiration. As she reads she notices a trend.
Hmm, she sure did write about Applejack a lot…

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has been dating Rainbow Dash for three months now and she couldn't be happier. There was only one problem: Why couldn't she tell anyone? When that question is left unanswered, Pinkie is forced to wonder why they are in a relationship at all.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is a brilliant student who's never had the time nor reason to make friends. That all changed at the beginning of the year when she stumbles upon a mysterious super computer and activates it. It's here that she finds three things that'll change her life forever. A super intelligent and life like AI named Fluttershy, a virtual world called Lyoko, and a sentient computer virus named XANA who has desires to take over the human world.

With the help of her fellow classmates Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie, Twilight must engage the evil computer virus, save Fluttershy, and one day shut down the super computer once and for all. But why does something like Lyoko even exist, and who made it?

Now with TV Trope Page!!!

This story is rated Teen for violence, language, suggestive themes, and tense situations.

Chapters (35)