• Member Since 11th Jan, 2017


From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the support.

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He Crashed into her life and offered her to see the stars up close. but a tour through time and space with the Doctor often has more to it than one would expect.
(this is the ponyverse Doctor. as such things aren't going to match with he TV show and some things will. this volume is based on the 11th Doctor's run)

Chapters (1)

Button Mash is living a good life. He is now a famous YouTuber, over millions of fan, and makes good money. Can life get any better for him? Maybe somepony came back in his life to make that happen.


I would like to thank Supermare for allowing me to use this awesome fan art for the cover. I saw this and I thought, "THIS IS A MUST!" lol. Please show Supermare support as she is very talented and I absolutely love her artwork.

Also, I would like to thank MysStallion for their support on becoming my proofreader. I do appreciate the help and hope to continue working together on future fimfics.

Chapters (8)

After the Smarty Pants incident, Twilight revisited one subject of books that she never did master: Self-help books. This time, its working! And with new things open to her, Twilight decides to liven up her life a bit.

And what better way to hit the track galloping than by pranking Pinkie Pie?

Her changes will bring both amusement and concern from her loved ones, wondering if they should be worried something is wrong or just happy she's enjoying herself. Because, either way, they got to admit its funny that Pinkie Pie thinks Twilight is reading her mind.

Slightly OOC Twilight, but that's the entire premise.

Timing is Season Three, Post-Sombra but Pre-Alicorn

Chapters (2)

Now that Earth and Equestria have made contact, lots of ponies dream of visiting Earth, and while tourist visas are hard to come by, a few lucky students each year can participate in a foreign-exchange program.

Silver Glow is one of those lucky ponies.

She thought she was prepared for Earth, but can you ever be fully prepared for a truly foreign exchange?

Link to the dramaturge

Chapters (379)

Starlight has been always thankful to Twilight for helping her out of her dark path she went down. But she felt like she needed to repay her so she decides to take her out to a friendly dinner. But what she doesn't take into her plan is that Twilight secretly loves her. And when they go on out to dinner Starlight begins to feel the same.

This is my second romance story with a different ship. Don't expect a sequel to this though. (Mainly because the one i did for my first romance story wasn't well received.)

Chapters (3)