• Member Since 25th Oct, 2016


"Consequences… Give a person a situation with no consequences and you’ll see the real them… Every time."

Funny 350 stories
  • Funny 350 stories
    Created by Huk
    - October, 2016
Found 290 stories in 102ms

Total Words: 758,361
Estimated Reading: 2 days



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  • Reviewed 116 stories Stories that have been reviewed

When all else fails-- When all other options to defeat your foe has been exhausted, and friendship can't save you...

Try violence 👊

Chapters (1)

Flurry Heart has been captured by a dragon, but when her valiant knight tries to rescue her, he encounters a surprising revelation and an important wake-up call.

For Bicyclette's A Thousand Words contest.

Chapters (1)

Cadence gives Flurry some magic lessons. This may doom Equestria.

Written for the Cadance is a terrible mom contest.

This is barely a story. I was bored.

Chapters (1)

Autumn Blaze drags Applejack along as she tries desperately to pick out the perfect gift for Rarity’s upcoming birthday. However, finding the right gift is easier said than done.

An entry into A Thousand Words Contest III in the Comedy Category.

Chapters (1)

Trixie and Fluttershy are forced to put together a school assembly on safe sex. The finished product is anything but safe.

Written for A Thousand Words Contest III, where it won a Silver Medal in the Comedy category.

Dedicated to Dr. Ruth Westheimer.

Chapters (1)

When a group of new ponies arrives in town, Pinkie wants to throw them one of her famous 'Welcome to Ponyville' parties. But for some strange reason, they don't seem to be interested in partying. Pinkie decides to find out why.

Written for the A Thousand Words Contest III, in the comedy category.

Chapters (1)

You've heard all sorts of horror stories about ponies being gripped by the malicious intents of cursed artifacts from other planes. Starlight isn't just some schlub, though: she's been studying magic her whole life! So of course she knows the proper precautions to take when she finds a scary-looking artifact in Twilight's mail pile.

Oh, and Trixie is here too.

bronze medal in thousand words iii (comedy)
reviews: louderyay

Chapters (1)

Hey hey it's Sandbar!

Looks like I'm not near my phone right now, probably sleeping or getting up to, uh, other things...

But hey, leave a message and I'll try to get back to you... eventually.

Written for the Thousand Words Contest III! This one is for the for Experimental.

Chapters (8)

Twilight has lived in the Ponyville town library and has ran it without pay for months. When she saw a job posting for the position, she applied. The results were not as expected.

* * *

Chapters (1)