• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2016


Someone new who decided to throw their hat into the ring.

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Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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One fine morning, Spike woke up early and ran some errands. Then he found Discord putting up a seller's stand, apparently ready to open his own business. One which offers a one-day transformation into anything the user wants. And he apparently had the patience to set up his shop LEGALLY. Twilight and the others brace themselves for the inevitable...

(Content of future chapters controlled by user votes!) (Now with Tropes!)

Now with a 'dramatic' reading: Prologue

Current poll: The transformation is chosen already (Tatzlpony!) You pick who becomes the Tatzlpony! (Voting ends 6/25 at 5PM EST)
Previous poll: The Cutie Mark Crusaders (63 votes out of 390) and Age Manipulation (83 votes out of 392) won
Previous poll: Sunset Shimmer (transformation error won with 83 votes out of 325)
Previous poll: Princess Celestia (85 votes out of 397) and Seapony/Siren (104 votes out of 421) won
Previous poll: Trixie (86 votes out of 357) and Alicorn (90 votes out of 338) won
Previous poll: Fancy Pants and Fleur Dis Lee (genderswap won with 199 votes out of 381)
Previous poll: Princess Luna (zebra won with 85 votes out of 368)
Previous poll: Rainbow Dash (griffon won with 274 votes out of 596!!!)
Previous poll: Rarity (diamond dog won with 184 votes out of 444!!!)
Previous poll: Starlight Glimmer (changeling royal (Chrysalis-type) won with 74 votes out of 257)
Previous poll: Pinkie Pie (alicorn won with 80 votes out 282)
Previous poll: Spike (unicorn won with 60 votes out of 225)
Previous poll: Applejack (minotaur won with 56 votes out of 254)
Previous poll: Fluttershy (draconequus won with 75 votes out of 181)

(Voting closes after a week from the posting of the current chapter)

Chapters (15)

The locally-famous DJ-PON3 just needs to snuggle after her stressful shows. Your OC is happy to oblige her, but such actions often lead to unforeseen consequences; consequences which bring your OC to places of power he'd never imagined.
This is a very fluffy story; mostly cuddling, just with some extra intrigue to add to plot details!

Chapters (16)

I should have known something was up when I found an old Halloween costume in my closet from when I was six. I really should have known something was wrong when the costume actually fit.


Good thing Mewtwo is still one of my favorite Pokemon, because I am one, and this is most definitely not my world.

A Tale of the Displaced

April 8: Sorry all. Accidentally hit the Publish button on latest chapter before I was ready. Carry on.

April 9: Okay, the chapter Friendship Report is up for real now.

There are and will be crossover chapters with other Displaced authors and characters. Those chapters are meant to be fun, but I understand that some people do not like such crossovers. That is fine. The main story stands on its own: you can skip the crossover chapters without having to worry about missing anything important. Though I hope you will at least give those chapters a chance.

But please, do not comment solely to say how you dislike Displaced crossover chapters. It is not conducive, and it just spams the comments section with negativity. By all means, criticize my work, tell me what isn't working or what you think I could be done better, but please don't insult me by deriding my choices for my story. Any such comments made from here on out may be judged as spam and deleted.

Chapters (14)

Derpy came to return the jar for the fireworks to Doctor Hooves. Unfortunately, her clock caught on to Doc's secret breakthrough and she travels to the past with the background six.

The butterfly effect kicks in and leads to enough loops to get a time traveler's mind throbbing in pain.

(There's just a hint of Derpy x Whooves. Hence the tag.)
(In the future, bonus chapters through all episodes may be attempted)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sunset's Adventure in Skyrim

Life on Veldin, a planet in a remote corner of the Solana Galaxy, is becoming somewhat boring for Ratchet. Fortunately he's got two younger sisters that bring some excitement to his life, despite all three of them being different species. One of his sisters is a unicorn named Starlight Glimmer, while the other is a Cazar named Sunset Shimmer.

All Ratchet knows is that the three of them all arrived at the Veldin Orphanage together. One thing they can all agree on, however, is that they need to leave their home behind so that they can truly find their place in the galaxy.
(Does not require having read the previous story to know whats going on)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series)

Edit: Timeline
Ratchet and Clank: Complete
Going Commando: Complete
Up Your Arsenal: Complete
Deadlocked: Complete
Size Matters: Complete
Tools of Destruction: Complete
Crack in Time: Complete

Chapters (130)

A take on Humans Acting Villainously: Celestia has won, the barrier and conversion bureaus have wiped away everything humanity had and was.
But uneasy rests the tyrant's crown.
The Newfoals remember legends of things that go bump in the night, and they have decided that now even Celestia must know and fear them too. That there are beings to give even Luna nightmares.
Celestia is merely a Princess, and he is the King.

Yeah! Featured 8/7/14, 8/11/14, 8/12/14, 8/14/14 and 8/21/16. Thank you all.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Days Long Past

Can be read independently of that, however.

Six Years have passed for Twilight and her friends since the death of their home world as well as Spike's disappearance. Six years have passed since Master Luna took them under her wings in order to teach them how to use the one weapon that may help them save Spike: The Keyblade. Now, after those long years of training, these friends are ready to see new worlds, fight new enemies, and save old friends. Limits will be tested, and bonds will be broken.

Will their friendship be enough to bring Spike out of the Darkness?

Kingdom Hearts based MLP story, no Sora, and no need to have played the games. Characters are human, but those who were pegasi in the show still have magic wings, just as those who were earth and unicorns still have unnatural strength and magic, respectively.

Now with a Web Comic! Hosted on Tumblr DeviantArt Taptastic, and my user page!

Chapters (68)

This story is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements

Can be read independently of that story, however.

Spike is an orphan who's hated and ostracized for being different. Fed up with the people of his home, Spike decides to leave in order to find a place where he's accepted. However, the day before he's set to leave, Spike comes across a certain lonely girl who will change his destiny forever.

Travel back 10 years from the start of Rise of the Elements and experience the very beginning of Spike's adventures with Twilight and the others. Discover the truth of Spike's origins as he struggles to understand what having a family really means.

Chapters (7)