Desperate to stop the mysterious thief from disappearing with the Element of Magic, Twilight made a split-second decision to use an all-purpose redirection spell she had been developing on the mirror said thief was diving towards. Untested spells, overpowered alicorn magic, and multiple ancient magical artifacts do not mesh well. Now trapped in an unfamiliar world with the Mirror shattering behind them, Twilight and Sunset, along with Spike, must overcome their differences and work together if they ever wish to return to Equestria. It shouldn’t be too hard. After all, the place they landed in is literally called Dreamland. It’s not like anything could go wrong here, right?
Heavily inspired by Lucar’s A Sweetie Dreamland, but with a different take on how MLP characters would react to the absurdity that is the Kirby multiverse, focusing less on the adventures and more on the characters themselves.
Alternate Universe tag is due to the inclusion of some personal headcanons regarding how magic works and slightly editing Sunset's backstory to be more internally consistent with the rest of the show. Death, violence, and gore tags are for levels consistent with the Kirby series, and the human tag is because Adeline exists.