• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2016


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Desperate to stop the mysterious thief from disappearing with the Element of Magic, Twilight made a split-second decision to use an all-purpose redirection spell she had been developing on the mirror said thief was diving towards. Untested spells, overpowered alicorn magic, and multiple ancient magical artifacts do not mesh well. Now trapped in an unfamiliar world with the Mirror shattering behind them, Twilight and Sunset, along with Spike, must overcome their differences and work together if they ever wish to return to Equestria. It shouldn’t be too hard. After all, the place they landed in is literally called Dreamland. It’s not like anything could go wrong here, right?


Heavily inspired by Lucar’s A Sweetie Dreamland, but with a different take on how MLP characters would react to the absurdity that is the Kirby multiverse, focusing less on the adventures and more on the characters themselves.

Alternate Universe tag is due to the inclusion of some personal headcanons regarding how magic works and slightly editing Sunset's backstory to be more internally consistent with the rest of the show. Death, violence, and gore tags are for levels consistent with the Kirby series, and the human tag is because Adeline exists.

Chapters (37)

The Lostbelts. Failed timeline of greater history of man, the history of winners born of the correct choices that lead to the right path of the present state of human history. These lostbelts are the results of human failing to follow the right path due to the wrong choices in life and were deemed unworthy or exsistance to the world they came from. Such is their nature of failure that they are even cut off from the greater multiverse as a result of this. But what if they were given a second chance at life, but on a different planet? Where they could be given the life that were stolen from them and thrive in a land no unlike their own? This is the tale written by the failures of the lostbelts kings and their subjects. Though the world of the proper human history may not hear their story, the world of the Friendship and Magic will hear their story. For this is the tale of the Lostbelt Kingdoms.

[Commissioned Story] This story was a commission request by https://www.fimfiction.net/user/422779/isthar. I hope you enjoy it. I know I am XD

[Crossover: MLP x FGO Cosmos in the Lostbelt]

Chapters (22)

It was just supposed to be a small job. Nothing the music mare couldn't handle. But no, she should have expected Ponyville's resident egghead wouldn't let it be as simple as testing a potion or two. Now Lyra is forced to fight for her life in a world overrun by killer machines. Will she be able to survive the end of EQ21XX? How long will she have to stay away from her precious friends? Maybe only the new L-Buster on her hoof knows for sure...

The Official story of the Game MegaMare-X by BottledStarlight

Cover art by Chickenwhite

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to One on One Philosophy with Discord

Warning: The following you're about to read contains philosophy in plain English and is currently unedited. If you do not like one or both of these, you know where the exit button is.

Years after Starlight Glimmer becomes the new Headmare of the School of Friendship and Twilight ruling over Equestria, Discord is still teaching useful philosophy classes. Although he is known for his unusual teaching methods, there have been rumors that he may have to take a liking to Professor Fluttershy. However, that rumor was never confirmed in any way.

That was, until one Summer when Discord put up the offer for a surprising class in the felid of Philosophy. The subject was about love. Even with Discord promoting the class, one question is raised: why?

Lesson Plan:

Lesson 1 - What is Romanticism ✅
Lesson 2 - On Being Single ✅
Lesson 3 - On Dating ✅
Lesson 4 - Challenges of Marriage ✅
Lesson 5 - Why Do Some Have Affairs ✅
Lesson 6 - When to Leave ✅
Lesson 7 - How to Fall in Love... Again✅
Lesson 8 - How to Get Married ✅

List of Students and Status:

Fluttershy - Single
Sandbar - Dating
Gallus - Single
Ocellus - Dating
Smolder - Dating
Yona - Dating
Silverstream - Single
Cadence - Married
Shining Armor - Married
Starlight - Dating
Trixie - Dating
Braeburn - Married
Applejack - Married
Rainbow Dash - Married
Big Mac - Married
Sugar Belle - Married
Ms. Harshwhinny - Single
Spoiled Rich - Married (Divorced?)
Filthy Rich - Married (Divorced?)
Fleur de Lis - Dating
Fancy Pants - Dating
Troubleshoes - Married
Soarin - Single
Lyra - Married
Sweetie Drops - Married
Mr. Cake - Married
Mrs. Cake - Married
Miss. Cheerliee - Single
Twilight - Single
Rarity - Single

Chapters (15)

After years of being the runt of the litter (despite having no siblings), Spike finally comes into his own and starts to grow up and mature. The result is a unique bit of magic all his own, or so the theory goes: He awakens one morning to find words hanging overhead that call him [The Gamer], along with powers that let him 'live life as though it were a game'.

How he decides to handle all of this, and where things go from there? That would be a spoiler, and you all know how we feel about spoilers around here...

Frequently asked questions will be answered from time to time, and those answers linked here for the curious:
The First FAQ

Chapters (135)

This story is a sequel to Dear Princess Sunbutt

When Anon takes the liberty to inject his particular brand of humor into Twilight's friendship lessons, Celestia feels the need to respond, more often than not.

A somewhat unofficial sisterfic to 2Merr's Dear Princess Sunbutt

There may not be a response to every letter, and letters 1-11 were taken from my comments in said sister-story.

Please support 2Merr's story too if you like this one. This is written with encouragement of the original author.

(Note: Picture used without permission from Derpibooru. Upon request it will be promptly removed.)

EDIT: Apparently someone's done a reading of this and its sisterfic over on Youtube! Why does nopony tell me these things.

Chapters (154)

Anon takes over Spike’s job of transcribing Twilight’s friendship reports. He does exactly what you’d expect.

Companion fic containing Celestia’s replies up to Letter 120 - To: Anon, From HRH Sunbutt written by Snow

Chapters (190)

Twilight Sparkle has somehow, for a particular value of "somehow" that means "she got Fluttershy to guilt him into it," saddled Discord with writing friendship reports to Celestia, under the impression that it will make him a better friend. She might or might not be right, but nobody said Discord had to learn the same lesson everypony else did....

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to 1000 Years

1000 years later after the events of 1000 Years, Null will be thrown into the deep end, seeing if he will sink or swim. How will he cope with his newfound freedom? Will it be what he hoped for? And most importantly, what will crack first? the eggshells he treads on, or he himself?

WOOOO. featured already from the first chapter with a couple hours! 5/9/19

Chapters (30)

950 years after Nightmare Moon was banished from Equestria, an incident occurred in the smokey mountains involving a cult obsessed with a being known as 'the fire starter'.

Said incident was where a dragon going by the name of Spike first appeared in Equestria, setting in motion several series of events regarding the supernatural forces that hid in the shadows of this world.

this is his story.

Chapters (2)