• Member Since 10th May, 2015


This is for the ones who dream/ Foolish as they may seem. [No longer active]

Guitars, Sugar, OCs and Magik 8 stories
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This story is a sequel to Live Life

After the loss of a friend, Sunset Shimmer, her girlfriend Jackie and their friends are trying to get on with their lives in Los Pegasus. Jackie is taking the loss the hardest and after an incident she goes missing, leaving Sunset to worry for her girlfriend's safety and waiting for when their latest enemy will strike.

Nothing will ever be the same....


Part 2 of the Pandora Arc and it's gonna be another doozy folks! When our heroes are at their lowest, will they rise to the occasion or is this new darkness simply too great to overcome?

Read to find out!

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to What I Got

It has been a year since Sunset Shimmer and human Twilight Sparkle have started college, pursuing their respective degrees while also studying the strange new magic in the world. At the tail end of the spring semester, Twilight has discovered a new magical leyline in the Everfree Forest outside of Canterlot city. Once all of their friends know about the two's plans for going to the forest to camp and study, both groups decide to come along to reconnect and catch up.

Despite their intentions to only have fun in the sun and bond, soon a series of events will be set in motion that will change their lives and the world itself forever....

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I know I haven't finished my one shots yet, but I finally watched Legends of Everfree and thought. That was really shitty, it makes me want to write a fanfic to show how much better it could have been. And I will do so by using it for my own arc in the Guitars, OCs, Sugar and Magik Universe!

Hold onto your seats everypony, this is gonna be a hella bumpy ride!

P.S. Oh yeah and you can also call the Pandora arc the Crush 40 arc for those of you that recognize the song titles. XD

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Shut Up And Dance

Alrighty everypony! Grabbed your loved ones, tighten your lederhosen and drink beer until the music starts to sound good! Because it's Pony Polka Power time!!!

Basically, since there is going to be a considerable amount of in universe time between my Anon-A-Miss arc and the second arc, which I am officially naming the Pandora arc (because I'm a smarty), I'm going to make a whole bunch of one shots that basically fill the time in between.

Questions may be answered! Characters getting more depth! The start of more canon!

Tune in to see if your burning questions are answered or just for a laugh gentle readers!

Addendum: There is obviously going to be more than five characters featured in these one shots, I'm just listing the ones that are obviously the most popular/probably have the most inquiries as to their fate. :trollestia:

Added Addendum: Sex tag just to be on the safe side.

Chapters (8)

After a crazy five months have passed that included the Anon-A-Miss incident, moving to Los Pegasus and the drama of reconciling with her friends over Spring Break, life at Los Pegasus High School has been a cake walk for Sunset Shimmer. Yet before she closes out her senior year and prepares for college life, there is the little matter of senior prom coming up next week. Naturally she'd want to ask her girlfriend to be her date, if Jackie didn't seem absolutely repulsed by her own high school experience.

So resolving to go on her own, will Sunset Shimmer's senior prom be fun? Or will it be a bust if she can't stop feeling bummed about going dateless?

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Ehhhh, sort of a one shot sequel to the Anon-A-Miss arc? It definitely follows after What I Got. And while I do have a MESS of one shots that will chronicle certain events that happen between the first arc and second arc in my Guitars, OCs, Sugar and Magick universe, I basically thought of this last minute and wanted it to stand on it's own. Because I listened to Walk the Moon obviously. XD

But yeah, BEFORE YOU HIT THE DISLIKE BUTTON, the OCs are established and there are four stories that came before this setting up a lot of stuff, Tell Me Baby, Ponies Go To Heaven, All Apologies and What I Got, in that order, the entire Anon-A-Miss arc.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to All Apologies

After the epic battle against Chrysalis during the Friendship Games a couple weeks ago, Sunset, Jackie, and the rest are trying to settle down and get ready for Spring Break. But all is not completely well, for despite their victory many haven't quite grasped peace of mind just yet. Can they all come together for Spring Break at the Los Pegasus beaches to put their troubles behind them, have fun, repair friendships and perhaps start new relationships?

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This is officially going to be the last sequel in the Anon-A-Miss arc for my Guitars, Sugar, OCs, and Magik universe. I was torn between ending it in a Red Hot Chili Peppers song Scar Tissue, but considering how this starts and the over all tone this is bound to have, I feel Sublime's What I Got is more appropriate.

Oh yeah and there is kind of sexy times but I'm not getting explicit, just putting the warning up there just in case.

Chapters (12)

The Anon-A-Miss incident is beyond control and despite figuring out the blogger's true identity, no one believes her, her friends have abandoned her, and Sunset Shimmer finds herself alone and at the mercy of the world until a stranger comes to her aid.

Even though she has only known this person for less than a day, Sunset Shimmer finds relief in her kindness and a solution in a bold suggestion. She decides to head west to Los Pegasus with her new acquaintance, finding a different way of life among a group of interesting people. Now that she is in a new place where no one knows her past or treats her with contempt... will she ever want to go back to Canterlot City?

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Hey look, a friend make a TV Tropes entry for this. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TellMeBaby

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So yeah, everyone and their grandma has done an Anon-A-Miss story, based on the Equestria Girls comic book that was, quite honestly, not a very good story. If you couldn't guess I'm inspired by being a So-Cal (Southern California) kid and the RHCP (Red Hot Chili Peppers). Because (to my knowledge) THEY HAVEN'T SHOWN LOS PEGASUS IN THE SHOW (it's clearly Los Angeles and the west coast, show us some love!) AND IT'S ABOUT TIME A VERSION OF IT WAS THOUGHT UP (well, what I think up, others probably have thought it up).

So enjoy Sunset Shimmer on the west coast baby!

Edit: officially calling this universe the Guitars, Sugar, OCs, and Magik universe.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Ponies Go To Heaven

It has been three months since the events of Anon-A-Miss and Sunset running away to Los Pegasus with Jackie Vibrato. Despite the tears and the hardship, Sunset Shimmer has grown close to and given her trust to a new group of friends, joined their band the Pony Breakers, and has really thrived in her short time in Los Pegasus.

Unfortunately it seems she cannot just simply be allowed to forget Canterlot and the ex-friends that had abandoned her during the Anon-A-Miss incident. A stop over in Canterlot on their way to Manehattan shows just how much things have changed at the school since Sunset Shimmer left. And who is that (face it well all know it's human Twilight) snooping around the school's statue where the portal is?!

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The third installment in the Guitars, Sugar, OCs and Magik universe! I'm so happy that the previous two stories have been received in a positive manner and while this may not be the last sequel in the main series, I can say with confidence knowing what I have planned... SHIT IS ABOUT TO GO APE.

Also, cover art done by me as per usual and yes, the other silhouette with Sunset Shimmer is Jackie's. And the theme this time is Nirvana with All Apologies, cover art based on the Unplugged Album.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Tell Me Baby

After the events of Tell Me Baby, Sunset Shimmer has decided to continue staying in Los Pegasus with Jackie and the rest of Jackie's friends. Christmas has past and now it's time for her to join Jackie and her friends as they celebrate a second Christmas together. With a fresh start ahead of her and the whole Anon-A-Miss incident slowly disappearing behind her, things are looking up for Sunset Shimmer!

Although being a unicorn turned human that brought magic to this world and living in a city that's very different from Canterlot, perhaps this is going to be a more bumpy ride than she expected!

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The sequel to Tell Me Baby and I'm jumping right into things! If you couldn't tell yet, the naming theme and the cover art theme is based on a band and a specific song. Last time was Red Hot Chili Peppers with Tell Me Baby, and now it's Cake with Sheep Go To Heaven.

Edit: Also I am officially calling this the Guitars, Sugar, OCs, and Magik universe.

Chapters (9)