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(Inspired by this video from Scribbler and this Deviantart comic from Epulson)

Spike sets off on a solo camping trip as a vacation given to him by Twilight Sparkle for being such a hard worker, when he sees an unexpected face.

Maud Pie, Pinkie’s more serious and stony-faced (pun intended) sister, shows up at his house bearing gifts for him for the trip.

Spike knows Maud well enough that she’s trying to be nice, but why? Why is she? She hardly even knows him.

Or does she...?

Chapters (3)

or how twilight found out about her assistant's secret relationship

spike has very strange tastes in mares....specifically ones with bug wings and holes in their legs.

(A/N, sex tag for implied bug on dragon sex and innuendo.)

Chapters (1)

Even the slightest changes in the past can have a significant effect on future events, case in point:
what if Spike was never raised by Twilight Sparkle? What if he was raised as a bonafide apple on Sweet Apple Acres, brother to Big Mac, Applebloom, and of course Applejack? What if his arrival as a hatchling had inadvertently prevented the deaths of Bright mac and Pear Butter?

Inspired by my dragon brother by kuairu and spike pie by silver butcher

cover by nixworld

Chapters (5)

Ever since she was a filly, the timber wolf's howl had always haunted her nightmares. She could always feel their snapping teeth and foul breath as she ran endlessly through her dreams. But no matter how hard she tried, Applejack was always taken down by the timber wolves at the end.
So why did she save Spike? What filled her with courage to face her biggest fear? Or does an even larger fear engulf her over time and make her realize what she truly fears?
(NOTE: This is NOT a part of my 4-part series!!!)

Chapters (12)