• Member Since 14th Apr, 2014


Quiet, watching, probably needs input.

Makes you Think 18 stories
Found 17 stories in 35ms

Total Words: 90,798
Estimated Reading: 6 hours



  • Featured 24253 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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“I ain’t just a farmer anymore and you ain’t just a fashion designer anymore. Now we’ve got new titles.” She placed a hoof on her chest. “Element of Honesty...” -- she moved her hoof to Rarity -- “and Element of Generosity. Saviors of Equestria and whatnot.”

When Applejack was a filly, she'd been told a hundred times by her parents that she was special. This... this isn't what she expected.

Chapters (1)

Mayor Mare has a bathroom on the other side of Town hall she likes to visit for the privacy. However, one day she finds a door that previously didn't exist in the hall leading to. It is locked, and so she makes efforts to find out where it leads and how to open it.
Unfortunately for her, it goes places that aren't anywhere near Ponyville, and are dangerous to her home. As mayor, she has a duty to make sure that it remains closed, and the visitors from the other side can't get through.

Chapters (1)

It's autumn in Ponyville, and Nightmare Night is approaching, when Sweetie Belle stumbles on a mystery.

Cats are adorable, and playful, and aloof, and they know more than ponies realize. Once they were revered as gods.

But have you ever tried to get a straight answer from a cat?

Cover art by iisaw.
Featured in the Everfree Northwest spotlight.
Reviewed by Estee.

"I loved this. It’s atmospheric from beginning to end... a delightful piece, capably written and smooth in its delivery" --PaulAsaran.

Chapters (1)

Why wouldn't she? It's delicious.
She hopes Twilight thinks so too and takes her to an old dive of hers where they share some drinks, have some laughs and bond. Beer just has a way of bringing people together like that.
Thing is, after a few of them, they can also make one become more contemplative about life and Sunset finds herself reflecting on the events of hers.
A lot of missteps, missed opportunities and shit that could have just gone better. But all things considered, she's pretty damn happy with where she's ended up.

Chapters (1)

Equestria was not always the land of peace and plenty that it is today. Once, long ago, the land was filled with dangerous beasts and terrible monsters. But you’d be hard pressed to realize this from the history books, for records from those times are few and far between. In fact Equestria’s historical records are littered with gaps and spaces. Entire eras and civilizations lost to history, known of by only a few ponies.

Daring Do is one of those few.

She has learned that lies in those historical gaps; dead empires, extinct species, and monsters of immense power. More than that, she has learned that not all of those ancient monsters are dead and buried.

Some persist even to this day.

And some hide in plain sight.

Tenth Place in the July 2016 Write-Off Event: End of an Era.

Chapters (1)

From the stone age to the modern world, Celestia guides her little ponies into the future. And she needs to keep playing. Just one more turn.

Always one more turn.

Done as a speed-writing exercise in about three hours. Totally unedited. Enjoy!

Chapters (2)

Suddenly finding herself in hell, Twilight is presented with one fact: for the rest of eternity, she's stuck in a library holding every book possible. She's expected to organize them and is allowed to read them.

What makes this hell, again?

Now has two Spanish translations, one by SPANIARD KIWI and another by Pugg-Senpai.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara always knew that someday she'd be invited to dine with the Princess at the Royal Palace. She didn't think it would happen like this.

But she's going to sit there and be polite and smile and not be bothered by all the ways this is all wrong. Because that's what good fillies do, and Diamond Tiara is a good filly now.


Cover art by iisaw.
Preread by SIGAWESOME.

Featured on Equestria Daily.
Featured on the Royal Canterlot Library.


Chapters (3)

"Unicorns are wonderful!"
"Unicorns are fantastic!"
"Unicorns are marvelous!"
"Unicorns are glamorous!"
"Unicorns are enchanting!"
"Unicorns are terrific!"

They also like to twist words. What would happen if you asked what they really are, without the wordplay?

Unicorns provoke wonder. They create fantasies. They cause marvels. They project glamour. They weave enchantment. But most importantly, they spawn terror.

For you see, nopony said that unicorns were good.

Massively A.U.

Chapters (1)

'You'd all still be living your miserable lives thinking you're "better" than everypony else if it weren't for my magical abilities! I brought you friendship! I brought you equality! I created harmony!'
'But we aren't equal. I can't fly, or cast magic!'
All it took was one idea, half formed from a pony, to bring the entire mob around. Realising their error, they looked to the wings on their back, the horn on their head. Cutie Marks were one thing, yes, but if it required a unicorn to cast it, where an Earth Pony or Pegasus could not, how could they be considered equals?
That was how it started.

Chapters (1)