• Member Since 25th Jun, 2016

Moonlight Tome

I don't know about you, but I'm mainly here to read. Maybe give some thoughts. I dunno.

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Chrysalis has finally won and captured someone close to the Elements of Harmony! With Gallus, finally her plans can...

Why isn't he cowering?

Why doesn't he look afraid?

Art by Rayne the Skunk who I will hug if ever given the chance.

Written for the Non-Pony Writing Contest!

Chapters (1)

Did you know Fluttershy was made Royal Game Warden of the last remaining Royal Game Preserve in Equestria? Of course, she only has that title because the newly winged Twilight needed something with which to defraud the government, and that "preserve" is, due to centuries of neglect, actually the Everfree Forest, but that's not really important.

Until, of course, the Griffon Ambassador showed up at her door demanding her services as a hunting guide for his lunch.

Then it was a little important.

Chapters (8)

She is as beautiful and graceful as the moon, and just as hard to reach. He is a young artist with much to learn about the world. When he accepts her challenge to create an artistic masterpiece, will he win her heart, or learn a terrible lesson in the nature of beauty and love?

Chapters (2)

9 characters, 1 mountain, 11 hours Until Dawn.

After a mysterious blackout stops Twilight and her friends' party on Blackhoof Mountain, Spike and Starlight are sent out to investigate the cause. In the meantime, ponies are going missing and Applejack has to find the kidnapper before it's too late.

Who is responsible for all these occurrences? Is there a murderer on top of this mountain? And what about those shadows they keep seeing from the corner of their eyes?

An Until Dawn x MLP crossover. Had to change most of the plot, or else things might get too predictable.

Oh and the cover art is from wikipedia. I thought it'd look better.

Chapters (24)

Vinyl and Octavia are on a date, in the middle of something important. They can’t seem to figure out what.

It’s the changling invasion.

Submitted for A Thousand Words Contest III under the Comedy category.

Chapters (1)

It had been hard enough, being one of the first. With the walls dropped, leaving her nation, her herd, traveling to Japan and trying to exist among so many strangers... every day had been a challenge. But she'd tried. Day by day, hoofstep by hoofstep, she'd felt she was finding her place in the human world.

But now there are no humans. No other demis or liminals. Nothing to anchor her. She exists among tiny horses and the scent of their fear, or at least what little of it drifts into her cell.

For nopony can look at a centaur and see anything but a monster.

(Now with author Patreon, SubscribeStar, and Ko-Fi pages -- and the TVTropes page just went live.)

Cover art by Harwick. Please contact him for commission rates & prints.

Trigger warning: character interpretation.

Chapters (100)

It's been two weeks since Princess Luna's Return. Equestria is starting to realize that the Elements are back, with new Bearers. And what does that mean? Well, clearly this isn't the end of their adventures, and taking some personal time for Harmony to grow? That's just ridiculous. It's obvious that what they need is training in how to fight. And Emery Board, the greatest drill sergeant in any nation, is pleased to unretire long enough for offering his services to the restored crowns.

He got one session with the Bearers.

Realistically, one was enough.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon, SubscribeStar, and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

When the day is saved and lessons are learned, a pony tends to get hungry! Why not settle down, and get a bite to eat? Try these tasty recipes to feed yourself and any pony else in your herd. From yummy cakes to savory snacks. This little book is for you.

Chapters (6)

Zecora is coming to market today
So Applejack tells Apple Bloom, stay away!
When the filly tries anyway, she's quite quickly caught
And AJ sends her right back home at a trot.

Though I have the actual plot line derailed,
We'll push right on through with an alternate tale
Of how Applejack learns about stripes, fur, and skin--
And how little they're worth next to what lies within.

So sit yourself down please, and read to the end
About how an earth pony got her zebra friend.
It's not all in rhyme, though; don't give in to gloom
But after this dear God I am not putting two zebra characters in a room together because GOOD LORD SO MUCH RHYMING; WHAT WAS I THINKING AAAAAHHHH! Er, I mean...
But new personal rule: JUST ONE ZEBRA PER ROOM.

A/N: Special thanks to Rated-R PonyStar for providing me with much-needed editing / pre-reading / input.

So yes as you may have guessed this is a rewrite of the season 1 episode Bridle Gossip in which I take the starting point and go wandering off towards the same general destination by an entirely different route.

Art for this is from Alfa995, the guy who runs the Ask Nightmare Moon HQ Tumblr.

I initially got the idea from this picture by the artist Elosande

Chapters (2)

Chrysalis has Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor cornered. This is her moment, to take the Crystal Empire! However, before she does, the two rulers have only one request.

A date with the Queen.

She can't say no to a pony's final request can she? Besides, it's just one date. One date, and that's it.

This is a commission. If you'd like your own commission, feel free to PM me, or support me on patreon.
Updates monthly.

Chapters (12)