This story is a sequel to The Royal Ponyville Orchestra
Note: No knowledge of Royal Ponyville Orchestra is required to enjoy this story.
Hey, I'm Sweetie Belle, and this year at school is pretty much going to be the best ever. I mean, it has to be, since if it isn't, my friends will all leave me as soon as they get their cutie marks. Also, I have to deal with Diamond Tiara being in one of my classes, and she's pretty much as terrible as always. Plus, the teacher for that class is a big mean jerk. Oh! And apparently I'm not good at acting, making the list of things I am good at exactly zero. But besides the fact that my friends are probably going to leave me, my acting class hates me, and I'm not really good at anything, everything's great. It has to be. After all, this is the best year ever.
Now rated Teen for saucy kissing scenes.
Featured on EQD January 4, 2015
Special thanks to editors:
Alien Bronco
Muzzle_luvr and
Fully approved by Twilight's Library