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Luna awakens to find herself in a strange, frightening realm filled with churning darkness and eerie silence. With no idea how she'd gotten there, her only mission is to find her way back home. But this place is mysterious, terrifying and even dangerous. Along the way, she finds another pony who somehow found themselves in this strange place: Little Sweetie Belle. Can they survive?

--Cover art by ArtyLovr.
--Russian translation by NovemberDragon.

Chapters (13)

When Pinkie Pie's parents die, she sends out letters to all of her sisters for the funeral. But when none of them RSVP she gets her sisters together to talk things out. When Pinkie Pie moved to Ponyville she didn't leave the rock farm on good hoofs. Maud was the only one who was able to forgive her. Pinkie really wants her sisters to pay their parents there respect, even if it means that she won't be able to.

Chapters (1)

Comet takes his job too seriously. Angel doesn't take anything seriously.

Comet joined to protect kingdom and princess(es). Angel joined for adventure and danger.

Comet isn't interested in mares. Angel can't stop talking about stallions.

Comet is a pegasus. Angel is a bat pony.

Together, this unlikely duo goes through life as Royal Guards from basic training to fully fledged guardsponies. Who knows? Maybe they'll even start to get along.

Cover art by slawomiro.

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to The Royal Ponyville Orchestra

Note: No knowledge of Royal Ponyville Orchestra is required to enjoy this story.

Hey, I'm Sweetie Belle, and this year at school is pretty much going to be the best ever. I mean, it has to be, since if it isn't, my friends will all leave me as soon as they get their cutie marks. Also, I have to deal with Diamond Tiara being in one of my classes, and she's pretty much as terrible as always. Plus, the teacher for that class is a big mean jerk. Oh! And apparently I'm not good at acting, making the list of things I am good at exactly zero. But besides the fact that my friends are probably going to leave me, my acting class hates me, and I'm not really good at anything, everything's great. It has to be. After all, this is the best year ever.

Now rated Teen for saucy kissing scenes.

Featured on EQD January 4, 2015

Special thanks to editors:
Alien Bronco
Muzzle_luvr and

Fully approved by Twilight's Library

Chapters (16)

It's been a thousand years. Princess Luna is returned, and the castle staff must scramble to see that she has servants to attend to her needs, and just as importantly, that they look the part. Of course, it turns out that it's rather difficult to find competent servants on such short notice. A hooffull of servants are chosen based on their appearance and duties, and are assigned to serve the Moon Goddess as personal retainers until more suitable replacements can be found. When coloring, Cutie Mark, and chance coincide, one of the castle's junior stewards is thrust into a role any loyal servant ought to jump at: Lunar Hoofservant. Unfortunately for Nightlight, Princess Luna is far more demanding than her older sister, and being her servant means contending with an unforgiving goddess who demands nothing short of perfection. Furthermore, somepony must be responsible for the inevitable failure. The duty of "Royal Hoofservant" just might be synonymous with "Royal Scapegoat."
Saddled with responsibility far beyond his post and expected to fail, Nightlight has no choice but to quit his post or to become the servant that Luna needs. This is the story of a pony's development from colt to stallion, and from servant to leader.
Thanks much to DirePony for the editing and story direction he's graciously provided me.
Rated 'Teen' for alcohol use, mild innuendo/sexual references, and pony-swears.
Not based on the (excellent) sci-fi novel of the same name by Robert Heinlein.

Chapters (8)

It was a night that will forever be burned into the memories of everypony. One fateful night in Equestria everything changed. The princesses who had ruled over the world with kindness and heart were gone, and a new ruler had taken their place.
Years have passed since that event. Ponies have grown up, aged, and moved on with their lives. Equestria has become a very different place over the span of these years.
Our story begins when a face resurfaces in Equestria. When a weathered, scarred, but familiar face steps into the light.

This is the fanfic based on Astringe's Bad Future series on DeviantART. He did some great designs of the characters, so make sure you give that gallery a peruse before you read the fic.

Also worth mentioning, he's been nice enough to plop any pics he does based on chapters I've written into this separate gallery, so there will be less spoilers for readers just jumping in to the story.

NOTE: The canon of my story picks up at the start of Season 3, where it begins to diverge away from the canon of the show. I've never read the IDW comics nor have I seen Equestria Girls, so the events of my story aren't canon at all with them.

Now has it's own TVTropes page!

Chapters (43)

When Sweetie Belle went with Rarity to Canterlot, she expected to die of boredom, but she find soon attracted by something that she hadn't expected and a desire that she didn't know that she had.

Thanks to my editor, AtomicMuffin.

Chapters (1)

It's hard to imagine it, but ponies do die. Some young, some old. Some strong, some simply foolish. It matters not who they are, but eventually all ponies are destined to dance in the stars.

It's a shame so very little ponies actually know of this.

And the ones that dance alongside the stars aren't the kind to share.


Chapters (3)

Sweetie Belle, a young filly must overcome her fears and face her demons before they slowly start to take control of her life. Lately she's been acting out without any explanation and digging a deeper hole within her overwhelming problems. Can she face the world knowing that they may not all except her as a blankflank?

Chapters (6)

What happens when you grow up faster than your friends? What happens when you feel all alone? What happens to 13 year old Sweetie Belle when she goes on a journey through pain, loss, and misery? Go on the sad, dark journey of Sweetie Belle and her feelings.

Thank you to CogWing for the amazing cover art! Here is a link to his Photobucket account: CogWing's Photobucket account. Again, thanks so much for the amazing cover art, CogWing!

Chapters (7)