• Member Since 5th Jun, 2016


Just another Fan of MLP that want to write fanfic and other stuff

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This story is a sequel to My Little Planeswalker: Twilight's Spark

After several months without hearing anything from Princess Twilight, Sunset Shimmer's once-unshakable faith in her friendship begins to falter. Then when an unknown party destroys the portal between worlds, she soon finds herself awakening her planeswalker spark in a moment of anguish.

Arriving on an idyllic plane where different aspects of the soul are brought forth by day and night, Sunset soon finds the very foundation of her identity fractured. The Sunset that returns to Equestria is not herself, but a monster long thought to have vanished, seeking revenge for everything she had lost.

A Magic: the Gathering crossover. Cover art by GaelleDragons on DeviantArt.

Chapters (9)

Starlight bargain's for Chrysalis' friendship!

In case you didn't already guess, this is a parody of the scene from Marvel's Doctor Strange: "Dormammu, I've come to bargain!"

Lol what. Thanks for the Feature! Featured 12/12/16 - 15/12/16

Chapters (1)

After several years spent amongst the dragons, Spike returns to Canterlot to take an entry exam at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Individuals. His old friend is there to witness it, and she is not too happy with what she sees.

Chapters (5)

Sunset and Twilight stop to consider something serious. Is it really okay for a camp counselor to be hitting on one of the teen campers at an overnight camp?

Chapters (1)

Over a millennium ago, a young Starswirl the Bearded sought to make a name for himself by creating doorways to other worlds. His work saw him receiving the help of Silver Scepter, a renowned artificer that he would grow very close to throughout their time working together. However, following his self-banishment to Limbo, not many were around to know of what happened to his beloved.

Now in the modern day, with his wanderlust sated, Starswirl has returned to Canterlot and his workshop within the catacombs of the city. Here, he uncovers a journal revealing a lifetime of details regarding the first world that they opened a portal to with a note attached reading, "Love, Silver Scepter." Wrought with strife of his negligence, he now asks that Twilight and her friends go on one final adventure to discover what happened to the mare and possibly set foot into the mysterious world of 'Terra' for the last time before it is lost to Equestria forever.

Cover Art is Starswirl the Bearded by škodadav
Takes place between the destruction of Canterlot in The Ending of the End and Twilight's Coronation in The Last Problem.

Chapters (1)