Being real isn't something you have. It's something given, by being loved. The idea wasn't an alien one to the changeling, but it making something real? Perhaps it was a way for him to recover his freedom.
Done for a Patron.
Light brony, love to read a different stories, in particular about lessons which are presented by life. I live in Russia, learn English.
Being real isn't something you have. It's something given, by being loved. The idea wasn't an alien one to the changeling, but it making something real? Perhaps it was a way for him to recover his freedom.
Done for a Patron.
"My name is Sunset Shimmer, and there are two Twilight Sparkles who are both madly in love with me.
Please help."
"I've missed you around here, Twilight."
Twilight and Sunset have been together for so long, it's become hard to picture their lives without each other. Of course, the problem with a picture is its always in the moment.
Pre-read/edited with the help of the dazzling Stagehands, the ever wonderful Lunaria, and the kind Eileen.
This is my entry for the (Un)happy yuri contest! Falling under the doomed yuri category, yay! Pet the koi!
It's Luna's first morning in Canterlot, and she's having trouble getting sleep. Maybe her sister has something to help...?
This was inspired by a picture by C4tspajamas, available here.
Now with a Spanish version, Problemas para dormir, by SPANIARD KIWI!
And a Russian translation, Проблемы со сном (Problemy so snom), by CuTiE_PoNY-JacKie,
Twilight Sparkle struggles to find a meaningful gift for Princess Celestia.
There comes a time when the light must go out; but how do you know if you've burned brightly enough?
Hearts and Hooves Day is Upon us, and four eager mares decide to plan out their days by preparing gifts the day before!
This fic was made as a joke, I don't think anyone thinks this would actually happen, 'prolly cause it wouldn't lol. So don't get too up in your arms about the content please!
Pipp doesn't want to return to her old life, and, after everything that's happened, she doesn't think it's possible anymore. What does the future hold?
Audiobook version by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan: