• Member Since 17th Apr, 2016

Cyning Horsa

I'll post something on this site. Maybe.

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Queen Chrysalis, against her better judgement, accepted Starlight's offer of redemption after her hive, and her plans, exploded around her. Now, the next day, she wants nothing more than to go on with her miserable life. Her children have other plans.

This takes place in the same universe as my alicorn Starlight story The Tiniest Changes, but can be read on its own perfectly comprehensibly.

I'm marking this as incomplete, because I suspect I will revisit it when I'm in the mood to write Chrysalis, but the first chapter was written, and functions, as a standalone story.

Chapters (1)

"The stars shall aid in her escape," it said.

It never said anything about a space bridge.

Megatron and his elite warriors had expected to teleport from the Oregon desert to Earth's moon. Instead they found themselves in pony bodies, stripped of most of their power, and forced to learn how to live like other organic life forms.

But Megatron has a plan. He will bide his time, learning about this new world and its new potential while his underlings try to find a way back to their home universe. If he can figure out a way to overthrow Celestia and conquer this land of ponies before then, so much the better.

This, of course, requires that his subordinates not act like idiots... and while he can count on Soundwave and Ravage, the same can't be said of Rumble, Frenzy, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Thundercracker or Skywarp.

And especially not Starscream.

A series of slice-of-life stories (with a little adventure) in which some of Ponyville's background ponies are more than... well... you know.

Cover artwork commissioned from Jason Meador. (From left to right: Megatron, Soundwave, Laserbeak, Starscream, Ravage.)

Chapters (16)

Twilight Velvet and Night Light have a night on the town with their family. Although, the small stamp of an 'Elder's Discount' sends Velvet into a spiral. When did they become the old ones? And are they next on the chopping block? Logic says so. And it terrifies Velvet.

Awesome Audio-reading of this story by Skijarmaz! Direct link here!

Chapters (1)

Gallus would much rather be anywhere but at Griffonstone any day of the year, but the winter season is especially avoided. Unfortunately, Twilight decided that as an assignment, he and Silverstream needed to go there, right around the time of Blue Moon Festival. He has no choice but to escort his beaked brethren up there, and to make matters worse she won't stop with her endless amounts of positivity. Sometimes, he wishes very much that she would just shut her trap. What does she know about the holiday his kind celebrates?

Written for anonymous browser for Jinglemas 2022!

Popular 12/26/22 - 12/28/22

Chapters (1)

Something can be a secret even if everybody knows.

Written for WandererD for Jinglemas 2022

Based on the prompt: I'd like a feel-good story featuring Silverstream and Ocellus.

Chapters (1)