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Naturally, most would think that having a destiny of good luck would be something wonderful. Who wouldn't love winning every competition? Who wouldn't love never having to worry about finding a job? Who wouldn't love to have everything handed to them without having to work at it?

One pony would beg to differ with this sentiment. Lucky Clover is a colt that has lived such a life, a life that has become more of a curse than a blessing. What once seemed to be great has turned into a nightmare, for being lucky all of the time does not necessarily mean life will be a simple trot in the park. On the contrary, it can present challenges that most would never face.

[A/N] I think I might have seen a story like this before, centered on a pony with perpetual luck, but I've decided to roll with this idea and give a story (with some background) to one of the most under-represented background ponies in this fandom.

With that said, I hope you enjoy. :)

Edited by: Twi-Guy

Story Slightly Inspired by: Every Thorn Has its Rose

Chapters (1)

If it can go wrong, it's happened to Tristan Shay.

After his mother dies due to illness, the friendless, twenty-two year-old college dropout is forced to live on his own in an old house he's renting just outside of the city. One day, he receives a scroll in the mail from someone who calls their self "Princess Celestia", saying something about seven guests who will be taking a month long field trip to "his" world. This has to be the weirdest prank mail he's ever gotten...

Very first story ever. No sad rating due to only a few paragraphs of sad stuff that comes later in the story and the Teen rating is for light sexual content and possible flirting/shipping. Constructive criticism is always welcome :)

Chapters (19)

Silver Quill's childhood crush was a simple, fleeting thing, although one that he didn't really understand. But when he finally meets the pony that interested him so many years ago, his normally calm and organized mind is thrown for a loop. Now he has to get his feelings under control and not make a complete fool of himself while trying his hardest to get rid of this cursed writers block that got him here in the first place. Easier said than done.

First fic, constructive critisicm welcome.

Chapters (22)

Twilight had been warned dark magic was dangerous. She thought she could handle it. Unfortunately dabbling in dark magic has left Twilight with a deadly disease that there does not seem to be a cure for. Will she succumb to the darkness, or will friendship and love be enough to make the remainder of her time happy?

Chapters (16)

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have always been best friends, doing everything together. After a sleepover with friends though, a simple dare leaves the two in a complicated situation with mixed feelings emerging and bizarre misunderstandings ensuing.

Co-written by Souldin and Rated Ponystar

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash isn't bitter about the whole Mare-Do-Well incident. Or at least that's what she tells herself. Either way, she's not going to miss this chance for some harmless revenge pranks, and so she constructs a plan to prank all of her best friends, starting with Twilight Sparkle. All Dash needs is a quill and some paper.

Thanks to the amazing DShou for the cover image.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Geoverse Part One: To Friend Is Human

After being shot and ending up in Equestria, Geo soon discovered that although having friends was great, falling in love with Twilight Sparkle was even better. However, fate conspired against him, and he ended up back in his own world. He thought that it was all a dream - until he received something in the mail which made him see otherwise.

With a renewed sense of determination, as well as the help of his best friend and a rather eccentric scientist, Geo begins planning his return to Equestria to be with the mare he loves again.


Part Two of the Geoverse.

Cover art by Skullman846.

Click Here to read Crimson Star's story, set after the events portayed in this one.

The character of Doctor Sorou is owned by my co-author, Crimson Star, and is used with permission.

Chapters (12)

Back home from "The Sandbox", one soldier tries to rebuild and restart his life. Though broken and depressed from battle, he is unsure about his place in life. Still living inside the bottle, he discovers MLP:FiM, which gives him hope and motivation to carry on. But his trip to the Central Library one day is what seals the fate of this soldier's future.

A small salute to those who have put themselves on the line and those who are going to.

I love the feedback and i'll try to respond to everything

Chapters (30)

During a traumatic event, an outsider finds himself flung violently into Equestria. His physical form is warped into that of the inhabitants but will his mentality follow? And even more importantly, will anypony truly accept him for who he is? Take a journey alongside this inexperienced youth as he finds himself in a strange new world with very different customs and tries his hardest to find a place for himself where he didn't before. A pity he can't even remember his name...

Okay, the basics. It's first person almost entirely. Very, very long chapters. I try to wrap them up around twelve to thirteen pages but a few slipped over that, especially towards the end. I'll release them slightly stagnated, as I'll be making final revisions as I go. Character tags are NOT final. I'll add more main characters as they show up in each chapter. Expect an update one or two times a week, probably. I adore reviews and structured, constructive criticism. Even if you just want to say you like it, that's fine too. :) I write stories to entertain peoples, so any evidence I get that it's working will encourage me. I hope you enjoy the story!

Chapters (17)

[Second person narrative]
[You + Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy]

You're a fast-flying, teenage pegasus colt with dreams of glory! Having just transferred to a new boarding school in Cloudsdale, you're looking forward to meeting new friends, joining the wingball team, and finally hanging out with fellow pegasi. This year's going to be so awesome!

Except you're the only pegasus around without a cutie mark. And everyone already seems to think you're a total loser, before they've even met you. And your only friend can hardly stand up for herself, much less you. And you're convinced a certain rainbow-maned mare is out to ruin your life. Yep, awesome.

This is the story of your high school days at Wingbury Academy.

Chapters (14)