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On Hearth's Warming Eve, Rarity almost finishes her annual cleanup after a busy holiday season running her boutique. Though, a desperate knock on the door in the early hours quickly put her plans on hold. Standing in the aftermath of a hefty snowfall is none other than Twilight Sparkle, the newest citizen to Ponyville but one that Rarity had quickly become friends with. (As well as being an Element of Harmony with!)

Though the mare looked perturbed, almost edgy and very uneasy, which was not a normal look for Twilight. She was quiet, almost hesitant to even be there asking for help with something. No matter, there was nothing a warm beverage and a bit of one on one chatting couldn't solve! Especially on Hearth's Warming Eve!

Written for Lopunny for Jinglemas 2021!

Hope you enjoy this short, but kind of touching (if not cliché) holiday story between a couple of good friends. May you have a happy, safe, and most importantly, meaningful holiday season! Until next time! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Dragon of the Ruins

Spike didn't have much to say about his life. Not after a thousand years.

Not after centuries of loneliness.

But maybe, just maybe, these new ponies who've stumbled into his life can change that.

Even if only for another century.

A continuation of The Dragon of the Ruins. Prior reading is NOT necessary, though. :twilightsmile:

Minor spoilers for the G5 movie!

Russian translation by Mordaneus!

Chinese translation by forgivenlove!

Chapters (12)

Spike's seen his fair share of the world. It'd truly felt like each passing year had taken with it a little more of Twilight's sanity, until all that was left was a husk of the mare-turned-alicorn.

Twilight, in the end, couldn't comprehend the life of an immortal.

Couldn't fathom the idea of living for thousands of years.

But Spike can.

Because Spike has.

And it's destroying him.

Contains mild spoilers for the state of the world in G5.

Russian translation by Mordaneus!

Chinese translation by forgivenlove!

Read the expanded version of this story!

Chapters (1)

When Sky Heart feels as though her life is over, an old friend comes to town with an interesting offer for her. Princess Luna wants a new assistant, but Sky has no idea what she's really agreeing to.

Chapters (1)

You have befriended Tempest Shadow, a former arch-nemesis of Equestria; you like to spend time with her in the local park, despite her not being a big talker. Maybe she'd join you for your afternoon nap, if you asked nicely?

Based on a basic scenario by Enigmatic Otaku on a brief Blog Post Contest I held a few weeks back, and published with permission.

EDIT: Featured just a few hours after posting, early morning 10/23/18!

Chapters (1)

The Festival of Friendship is in full swing, and Tempest Shadow should be languishing in a prison cell, waiting for her punishment. Instead Twilight asks if she’d like to stay with her for the night.
This whole friendship thing might be more confusing than she thought.

(Now with bonus chapter)

Chapters (2)

Twilight, Spike, and their friends leave the School of Friendship to embark on another adventure. To fill in during their absence, Twilight assigned a substitute teacher to cover for her and teach her History of Friendship class. When the students find out they begin discussing what pranks they should pull or how they can convince what they assume will be a pushover substitute to go easy on the homework.

The pony who walks through the door is not who they were anticipating.

Chapters (1)

Spike longed for years to have a family of his own. With Twilight's help, he applies for adoption.
Can he succeed in the trials of parenthood?
Can his daughter survive the life of royalty?
Can the royal coffers endure the doting of three zealous aunts?

Set seventy years after the end of Season 3.

Featured on Equestria Daily!
Cover art by EZTP also featured on Equestria Daily! [#3]
Additional supplemental art provided by MelonDraws, spokenmind93, EZTP, EifieChan, Ayemel, and Ninny, with more to come in the future.

Edited by the amazing Shahrazad

*Note*: [Sex] tag added for the use of innuendo and mention of the topic in later chapters. No 'on-screen' content included.

This story's update frequency is incredibly sporadic, but I promise, no matter what happens, no matter how long it takes, this story will reach completion. (Update 12/28/22: YES, I PROMISE I'M STILL WORKING ON IT!)


Chapters (65)

Night One

"Why is she standing out there? What does she want?"

Night Two

"There's something off about her...."

Night Three

"That's not Fluttershy..."

Chapters (1)

In the middle of the night, Rarity is awoken by a noise from downstairs.
But it's alright, because all she needs to do is quickly make sure everything's okay. Then she can go back to bed.
Then it'll be over.

Winner of the horror-themed 4th Koren's Kontest for the My Little Story Contest writing group. Originally this was done in an hour and unedited. This version here has received some slight refinement. The prompt was 'Mirror'.

Chapters (1)