• Member Since 31st Dec, 2015


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Favourites 41 stories
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Total Words: 1,010,124
Estimated Reading: 2 days



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The Dazzlings, broken after the Battle of the Bands, have gathered a large deal of hatred and fury in their hearts. Seven mortal teenagers with Equestrian magic stole everything away from them, and one way or another, they would make good on a promise of revenge.

But when their anger attracts the attention of a certain red alien from the Emotional Spectrum, a trio of red power rings soon find their ways onto the Dazzlings' fingers, giving them the perfect chance to use their rage to their full extent...

This is a crossover with the Green Lantern universe. I own no rights to any of the characters in this story. As you well know, Atrocitus, Sinestro, Green Lantern, and their corps belong to DC Comics.

The artwork for this story was created by Jongoli245

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to A Beloved's Curse

On such a wonderful holiday as Hearts and Hooves' Day, only the damned reminisce of memories from a past life.

The Audio Adaptation for this story can be found here!

Cover art provided by StaryKrow

Special thanks goes to Magpiepony for helping with prereading and editing.

Chapters (1)

Professing your feelings is a moment of fragility. The way your crush responds is the difference between pure joy, mild disappointment, or soul crushing pain.

These stories emphasize the latter of those three.

An Archive of Shorts. Happy Valentines Day.

Chapters (10)

When Lyra has a cold, Bon-Bon ventures out into the driving rain to fetch something she really wants. The act causes her to think back on their friendship and the unpredictable turns it has taken over the years.

Lyra/Bon-Bon if you squint. BYO subtext.

Now with a fantastic full-cast fanfic reading by TheLostNarrator!

Cover is giftart by Dusk Spark and can be found here.

Titanium Dragon wrote a review of this fic here.

Chapters (1)

Can a convicted murderer be with a princess? Can a dragon and a pony be accepted together? Should Alicorns avoid the pain of loving someone they will outlive? Is it possible for ponies from different worlds and races to be together in a world of doubt and divisiveness? And more importantly, will they survive the new evil rising long enough to find out? *Multiple ships feat*

Sparity and lots of OC love amongst the Mane 6.

Chapters (39)

2ND PLACE WINNER OF STEADFASTHOOF'S SPARITY CONTEST!!! Special thanks to the extraordinarily talented CaioCoia for the the beautiful cover art!

Spike and Rarity have been together for some time now. He's grown into quite the mature dragon and Rarity finally realized her feelings for the purple drake. He's got a very special picnic/night planned for his lady, involving a very important question to ask...the most important of their lives.

*Heavily inspired by a scene from Tim Burton's (my favorite director!) classic film "Edward Scissorhands". This was made as an entry for Steadfast Hoof's "Sparity" contest for the Sparity Group. Merry Christmas to all!* *One Shot*

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash’s father recounts the night he discovered his daughter’s biggest and most embarrassing secret and how it strengthened their bond.

Story image courtesy of TheDarkestDayDream on deviantART.

(Used with permission)

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie is being tormented by horrific nightmares. Unable to deal with it by herself anymore she seeks out Twilight's help, but will it have been the best decision when she finds herself alone in an abandoned, fog filled Ponyville?

Sequel: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/4676/Too-Shy-for-a-Rainbow

There have been a LOT of high-quality readings of Silent Ponyville, but this one is my personal favorite:

Chapters (12)

Love can be a small tiny gust of wind or the most powerful force in the universe. Twilight and Applejack have been given a golden opportunity to explore these new feelings. A simple mistake will finally open one of their eyes to something amazing. Watch as as the two form a love strong enough that it wont only conquer time, it may even cheat death.

A shout out to my editor General Tullius
This is my entry to a Twijack contest please enjoy
artwork by AwesomeSauce78 here is his Deviantart

Chapters (9)

A web of lies can make for a heavy heart. When the pony you love turns out to have hidden their whole identity, what does that mean for a relationship?

Chapters (1)